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chunkybutt Thu, Apr-29-04 19:29

ChunkyButt's Workout Log
Well its bout time I started one of these!

Joined a gym in Jan. Enjoying that much, and am trying to work on some cardio training. I am up to about 2 miles. Cant get past that. I work out about 4 nights a week. between 30 and 50 min cardio, walking, running, ellpitcal, and sometimes stationary bike.

I have laid off weights, coz i dont know where to begin in the weight section. I do thigh press, extensions... stuff like that... and crunches.

My goal is weight loss.

This week:

50 min cardio
3 miles and a little elptical.
100 crunches

run 3 0.5-.75 mile spurts
crunches, thigh weights

2 dog walks 30 min total

47 min cardio
3.5 miles
walk 5 min
run 1.4 mile ~ 5.3 mph
walk 2 min
run 1 mile ~ 5.2 mph
walk/run rest

Walked dog...20 min
Rollerbladed Chicago lakefront area... about and hour. Super hard the way there (wind was soooooo gusty) Way back.. the wind pushed me home =).
no gym

chunkybutt Fri, Apr-30-04 00:35

ok just got back from the gym... an unventful night

53 min treadmil... was not in the mood to run

2 min walk
run 1 mile ~ 5.5
2 min walk
run .4 mile

Bathroom break

came back tried to run.. didnt happen
walked uphill incline (7-9ish incline out of 15) for about 15 min
walked reg incline for like 2 min
then ran .6 mile to finish

no weights crunches tonight

I have been noting my heart rate...
running between 155-165
walking about 120
And i was so surprised that the uphill walking put me at 149-151

chunkybutt Fri, Apr-30-04 00:35

ohh yeah walked the dog too today

chunkybutt Sat, May-01-04 15:36

fri night - no workout.

chunkybutt Sun, May-02-04 01:04


Sat night:
Worked out with my workout-zealous friend. So I was at the gym pretty long.

25 min treadmil
(5 min walk uphill ~ 12 incline
16 min run ~ 5.2 mph 2 incline
2 min walk
2 min run to finish)

15 min eliptical
10 min hill on bike

leg lifts with big exercise ball..
3 reps of 20 on each leg
60 arm extentsions
40 lower back extension
100 crunches ~ 40 lbs
60 thigh press ~ 50 lbs

power actually went out at gym. would have stayed longer.

good workout, but ate a TON today... so it is pretty null in terms of weigh loss progress.

chunkybutt Mon, May-03-04 00:52


spent 1.5 hour at dog park... light walking


40 min on treadmil:

2 min walk ~ 3.3
13 min run ~ 5.3
5 min walk ~ 3.5
2 min run ~5.4
1 min walk ~ 3.5
17 min run ~ 5.3

pretty good running night for me... i got my energy boost after 1st mile. got to the gym super late... liek midnight... so i just did treadmil and went home.

chunkybutt Tue, May-04-04 13:51

Mon: Went to the boyfriends ... no gym workout.
had about 1 hour of late night physical activity though ;)
if that counts for anythin.

-Takin dog for a walk

- going to gym tonight

chunkybutt Wed, May-05-04 00:30

ok i am a big fat liar. no gym tonight. i sat on my lazy bum ! =P

chunkybutt Wed, May-05-04 10:28

so does dreaming you went to the gym count?

I think I am doing an afternoon workout to catch up.

chunkybutt Sat, May-08-04 17:45

Ohh lonely gym log... perhaps if I had gotten to the gym in the last 3 days I would write in you.

chunkybutt Mon, May-17-04 00:11

went to gym... finally
40 min tradmil
15 run
25 walk

chunkybutt Tue, May-18-04 23:28

walked dog (20 min)
Gym -- treadmil... 30 min run walk
I was beat today after work... no energy.. though I am glad i made it there

chunkybutt Sun, May-23-04 00:11

40 min treadmil
3 miles
ran 2..
1.5 mile spurt ~5.1mph
run .5
walk/run rest

chunkybutt Sun, Jun-13-04 19:25

walked 4 miles the otherday

did 7 ~ the trail (2.45 hours)
trying to get myself to the gym tonight to get back in the cycle of exercising... I have been bad for about 2 weeks.

chunkybutt Mon, Jun-21-04 00:01

Been awhile
ahh finally went to the gym... it felt SOOOO good. went with a friend of mine.

ran 1.5 miles
did exercise ball
kicking bag
leg weights
and crunches

walked 2 miles earilier in the day

chunkybutt Wed, Jul-07-04 14:01

last night
30 min treadmil
10 min upright stair machine.

This afternoon
run 2.6 miles.... 30 min

chunkybutt Tue, Jul-20-04 13:58

havent been keeping track... been to the gym for a couple days of good workouts... went camping... canoeing.... yesterday walked about 5.5 miles at the trail... about 2 hours or so...
going to gym tonight

chunkybutt Thu, Jul-29-04 11:34

been working out a bunch this week.

I worked out the last three afteroons, and did a double gym day yesterday.... trying to focus more on weights this week.

Eating has been horrible!

Built Thu, Jul-29-04 12:27

Hey there -

Whatcha trying to do with your workouts - improve endurance, or drop fat?

chunkybutt Thu, Jul-29-04 14:53

fat loss i guess. I mean I just want to be healthy, but I would love to loose weight.

chunkybutt Thu, Jul-29-04 14:54

just got back from the gym... light workout. Ran 20 min, and did leg weights and crunches. probably go later.

Built Thu, Jul-29-04 15:35

The reason I'm asking is that you do a lot of cardio. Cardio is great for endurance, but weightlifting is better for fat loss. I don't see a lot of weightlifting in your programme.

Also, to maximize fat loss, weightlifting should preceed cardio, not the other way around.

Your workouts look more geared toward endurance training than fat loss.

Have a look at the first page of my gym log to see what I'm doing if you like. And if you go to the first page of my journal, there are some links at the bottom of the first post that you might find helpful.

liftnlady Thu, Jul-29-04 15:44

hey there....some unsolicited advice...cut the cardio to 3 times a week 30 mins, and take weights back up to 3-4 days 30-60 minutes. There is a great thread for beginners on weight training...and I am sure Built will be along and can help with advice on a program..I know she has a thread with a plan ..I will see if I can find it. You will see faster results this way in your body composition.

chunkybutt Thu, Jul-29-04 16:14

i am dumbfounded with all the weight machines! I guess I just find it intimitaditing... but I obviously need to try something new... I have not lost ANY weight with all my running. I have been gaining weight steadily since I moved back from college... most of which is diet related I assume...

I just thought you burned off fat aerobically.

liftnlady Thu, Jul-29-04 16:20

well to a certain degree you are right, but if you add muscle mass you will burn more fat at rest as it is metablically active, whereas fat is not. First give us an idea of you daily diet so we can help there as is very key in the equation. Here is a great link with videos and examples of execises to help you out.

Built Thu, Jul-29-04 16:21

I gained weight when I used to run 10K 3X a week. Nothing got the fat off me like lifting.

If you're lucky, cardio burns a little fat while you're doing it, but then it stops.

Lifting burns very little fat WHILE you're doing it, but it burns it off for the rest of the day while you repair the damage you did to your muscles by lifting.

Plus, the extra little bit of muscle you'll build (we're women - we can't put on very much muscle because we lack sufficient testosterone, unless we take steroids...) will help raise your metabolic rate and make you look harder and leaner, with a better shape.

In three years of lifting, I'm guessing I've dropped about 45 pounds of fat and put on about 15 pounds of muscle. I would be surprised if I put on more than a few more pounds of muscle in the next year or two - it REALLY slows down after the first year, in case you were concerned about the "bulking" thing. It just can't happen to natural female lifters.

I don't do much cardio anymore. It was making me too soft.

Edited to add this link to a sticky about women, muscle gain, carbups etc.

chunkybutt Thu, Jul-29-04 23:18

well i am totally up for suggestions... I am seeing little change in my body after months of cardio...

the true underlying problem is my eating... i am a binge eater... i do fine for a few days then go nutty. It is not that I am anti-low carb... but i am not really doing atkins now. At least while i am back at home... it is very hard to succeed in a food-driven italian household!

The thing is ... i have ate like this for years.... and never really went over like 155 or 160 and now my weight is creeping up on me... when I am exercising everyday.... So that has me puzzled. Perhaps my metabolism has slowed.

But I am thrilled of your guys advice and have been reading your gym log page... I am going to do a weight day tommorow at the gym.... so I can get more aquainted with the machines... I am familiar with the lower bodt machines but the upper body I rarely do...

I like those big exercise balls though. my friend showed me a few exercises on that.

So I should do some cardio after I lift?
How much? what is appropriate?

Thanks for your advice

chunkybutt Fri, Jul-30-04 18:02

ended up going for a short run last night with the dog... had a lot of restless energy.

gym later

Built Fri, Jul-30-04 21:59

Originally Posted by chunkybutt
well i am totally up for suggestions... I am seeing little change in my body after months of cardio...

Yeah, cardio by itself just makes me soft - it doesn't get rid of any fat.

Originally Posted by chunkybutt
the true underlying problem is my eating... i am a binge eater... i do fine for a few days then go nutty. It is not that I am anti-low carb... but i am not really doing atkins now. At least while i am back at home... it is very hard to succeed in a food-driven italian household!

You might do better with something similar to what I'm doing - carb cycling - where you can have a bit of carbs on lifting days, but none on non-lifting days. Might make it easier to stick to. Your progress will be slower than on straight low-carb, but if you can't actually DO straight low-carb the right way, then this might be a viable option.

Originally Posted by chunkybutt
The thing is ... i have ate like this for years.... and never really went over like 155 or 160 and now my weight is creeping up on me... when I am exercising everyday.... So that has me puzzled. Perhaps my metabolism has slowed.

I had the same thing happen to me. I was a skinny kid, but started to have weight problems in my early 20s.

Originally Posted by chunkybutt
But I am thrilled of your guys advice and have been reading your gym log page... I am going to do a weight day tommorow at the gym.... so I can get more aquainted with the machines...

Try to learn how to lift free-weights. Most people really find they get more out of free weights than machines, although the machines are better than not lifting at all.

Originally Posted by chunkybutt
I am familiar with the lower bodt machines but the upper body I rarely do...

Heavy lower body lifting has done more for my bodyfat levels than ANYTHING I have ever tried. My legs are smaller now than they were when I was running 10k 3x a week. And heavy UPPER body machines help balance off your body and build up more fat-burning muscle.

Originally Posted by chunkybutt
I like those big exercise balls though. my friend showed me a few exercises on that.

Might be a good place to start...I don't use them much, but my core is really strong from doing heavy squats and deadlifts. Weightlifting does this for you.

Originally Posted by chunkybutt
So I should do some cardio after I lift?
How much? what is appropriate?

You could - no more than 20 minutes after lifting though, and try not to have your total workout go MUCH longer than an hour to an hour and a half.

If you can lift well for 40 minutes, then do 20 minutes of MODERATE cardio, that would work well for you for now. As you get leaner and stronger, you'll get more of a metabolic boost from lifting more intensely, and you'll be able to ditch the post-lifting cardio. This has been my experience, anyway.

Originally Posted by chunkybutt
Thanks for your advice

You're welcome!

chunkybutt Mon, Aug-02-04 11:44

Thanks for your advice!! You know when looking at you diet I really liked the moderate carb days and no carb... i think it would fit my lifestyle a little more.

So Sat went to the Beach... no gym. I did a lot of walking... Climbed a big dune.... It took me like 15 or 20 min... and I was out of breath.. .so I am counting that as cardio =). Otherwise no other exercise.

Sun night... went to gym for a more weight focused night. I was with a friend.. so I was in a bit of pinch for time. Tonight I hope i will do better.

I did mostly lower body and abs. Started with exercise ball.... did 50 leg lifts on each side...

layed down on back and did 50 leg lifts, by lifting both legs at a time...(I dont know what those are called)

100 crunches.

hip abduction, adduction (inner and outer thigh... which is normally what I do at the gym)
50 lbs out, 70 lbs in
I did about 80 of each.
twisted sit up machine I.... about 60 at 50 lbs.
hamstring machine (60 reps at 60 lbs)
The opposite of hamstring machine (60 reps at 50 lbs)
butt blaster machine... where you kick back your leg while on all hours... I did 40 on each leg at 20 lbs.

And I did a few other machines... and I dont remeber the names of.. .tonight I am going to increase my machine vocabulary.

Then I finished off the night with a 2 mile run (23 min)

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