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lisaf Fri, Oct-05-01 14:21

Lisa's Quest
Quest for what you ask?

- smaller bootie :)
- smaller thighs
- more than one "ab"
- strength
- well-shaped arms

...and a few things that exercise won't fix...but make plastic surgery look pretty tempting!

After years of trying to rationalize couch potato-ing, two pregnancies, yo-yo dieting I'm finally sticking to an exercise program.

Normally, I'm up at 5:15 and hit the road by 5:20 to run (hi Nat - I can just see you on your NordicTrak as I jog by!!!)

If I don't get out to run, I'll go to the gym at work and do a 1/2 hour on the Stairclimber. I prefer run days because I can get into work earlier (more productive) or opt to go to the gym and do some weight training (Mon - lower, Tues - upper - repeat Thurs, Fri). I'm off weight training at the moment, however, since I was getting overtired.

Today, unfortunately, I sliced open a 1 inch gash on the top of my foot last night on a bed rail so I'm going to be sidelined for a few days. Ouch :eek:

fiona Sun, Oct-07-01 04:59

Well DOne
Hi Lisa

It is only human to go after goals we can achieve with a little effort and one or two that will stretch us to the limits of belief {a few things that exercise won't fix} LOL

{I'm up at 5:15 and hit the road by 5:20 to run } That was one of my major stretches ... one I have not kept up for more than a couple of days so far!! Well done. That really is great. I should know!!

{I sliced open a 1 inch gash on the top of my foot last night on a bed rail } Ouch Ouch Ouch :bhug: I'd get rid of that rail ... it's too naughty :devil:

Take care.

Natrushka Sun, Oct-07-01 06:31

Lisa, do you manage this early regiment during the winter months as well? Have you found it easier since you've been LCing? I've noticed getting up that early has become a lot easier of late... just wondering if it was something particular to me, or to this WOL.

Hope that foot feels better... taking a few days off can be tough on the old psyche, but the body seems to appreciate it. It's taking everythng I have to not go down and work out today ;) But I do think I need a day off.... or so I am being told (Over and over again lol)


lisaf Tue, Oct-09-01 11:55

I'm back
Thanks for the comments you guys! My foot is much better but I'm going to have a nasty scar! I ran yesterday mid-morning (bad run...lots of walking!) and again this morning (great walking...a new personal best!).

To answer your question Nat - I don't know if I'll be able to continue running through the winter. I just went out and bought some winter running stuff but I don't think I'll be able to run when its really cold and you add that fierce wind-chill. I was nervous this morning (for those not in Ottawa it was 0oC and frost!) but it was fine. I think I have a strict -10 to -15 rule otherwise I'll be miserable. Ice and slush may also be a problem. There's always the trusty stair-climber!

I don't find the mornings that easy but my hubby is up at that time anyway so he just turns on the light when he leaves the room.

Natrushka Tue, Oct-09-01 12:59

Re: I'm back
Originally posted by lisaf
To answer your question Nat - I don't know if I'll be able to continue running through the winter. I just went out and bought some winter running stuff but I don't think I'll be able to run when its really cold and you add that fierce wind-chill. I was nervous this morning (for those not in Ottawa it was 0oC and frost!) but it was fine. I think I have a strict -10 to -15 rule otherwise I'll be miserable. Ice and slush may also be a problem. There's always the trusty stair-climber!

I remember jogging in snow storms and having a ball. I started back in '88 in WinterPeg ;) it was -40 some nights with the wind.. didnt bother me. Running was the only time I was not cold during wintertime. I wish my knees would let me.... I'd be out there with you. Slush isnt fun, but ice isn't anywhere near as much of a problem as it is walking... less contact for shorter period of time with your foot, i guess?

In any event.. I think you might surprize yourself with the winter jogging.. it can be very serene and peaceful. Just you and the falling snowflakes. :)


lisaf Tue, Oct-09-01 13:53

Those winter runs
Its inspiration to be able to put a face to a person whose actually done it (run in the winter). Thanks! I tend to think that you need to be a die-hard marathoner, but you're right...I might surprise myself. I actually really enjoy running in the dark, to the point where when I ran mid-morning yesterday, it wasn't as enjoyable! Its those crisp clear mornings with Orion's Belt right over me that I really like.

By the way Nat - how many Ottawa people are there? Should we try to meet for dinner somewhere, someday, sometime?


Natrushka Tue, Oct-09-01 17:55

Re: Those winter runs
Originally posted by lisaf
By the way Nat - how many Ottawa people are there? Should we try to meet for dinner somewhere, someday, sometime?

My count is around 6 or 7 (including those not quite in Ottawa).. and I think some kind of get together would be grand. We must conspire!


lisaf Wed, Oct-10-01 07:40

Excellent! Maybe somewhere around the beginning of December - not so close to Christmas...

No run this morning, but I plan to hit the gym this afternoon!


lisaf Wed, Oct-10-01 14:17

Made it to the gym
So - 30 min on Stairclimber at level 4 - program 2 - short plateaus). Felt pretty good - I've never lasted that long at Level 4 so the running is improving my endurance.

Next its off home for "Egg Nite," kids to bed, coffee with friends then my wonderful, warm bed!


lisaf Fri, Oct-12-01 06:24

Took the day off yesterday.

5:20 a.m. - 1/2 hour run/walk - mostly run. Did a short route. I'm going to try my first "long" run tomorrow and see how much of the measured 5K I can do running. Now THAT should be a humbling experience!


lisaf Mon, Oct-15-01 06:41

Okay, I lied! I took the weekend off...I should never promise myself I'm going to workout on the weekend!

5:20 - ran 4k on empty stomach - ran/jogged/walked intervals for the last 2k.


lisaf Tue, Oct-16-01 11:41

5:20 - ran 2.5k - did intervals on the way back.

Here's hoping it doesn't rain tomorrow!

lisaf Wed, Oct-17-01 14:03

Well guess what? It rained! I'm a big wimp - I can run in snow, I can run in sun...but don't make me run in very cold shivery rain.


I went to the gym at 7:30 am and did 30 min on Level 3 (strength training/intervals between low and med/high intensity) on the stair climber. Empty stomach.

I find it funny how after a run I'm shaky and need to eat very soon vs. stairclimbing where my legs feel a bit tired but I'm not completely wiped out. Anyone know what this means? Am I working harder running? Is the shakiness calorie burn? Depletion of glycogen stores? Let me know if you have any thoughts on it... :confused:

Tomorrow my plan is to run again in the morning - it should be below freezing which means I can try out some of my nifty new running gear!


lisaf Sun, Oct-21-01 12:46

Hello all -

Friday - ran 3k on an empty stomach - intervals on the way home

Today - 4k run/walk - felt very challenging today. Very shaky later in the day! I did eat after the workout but ended up in bed for an hour. Protein shake helped balance out my blood sugar a little later.


lisaf Mon, Oct-22-01 05:52

5:20 a.m. - 2.5 kilometres on an empty stomach. Only dropped to a walk twice - once to pack up my jacket into the waist pack and then again for a quick rest before the last sprint.

Weigh in on Wednesday - its only been two weeks so I'm not expecting much of a change. 162 would be nice!

Have a great day!


lisaf Wed, Oct-24-01 06:49

Ran 2k at 5:20 a.m. on empty stomach.

Weighed in at 164 - could be TOM or I'm hitting a stall. I'm well overdue for one but I will give it two more weeks and if there is no weight change I will consider some "tweaking" of the diet. If all else fails then back to weight training.


lisaf Thu, Oct-25-01 07:40

I can't believe I woke up at 4:45 and ran that early. Good thing started to rain just as I got home, at the time I would have normally gone out!


Ran 2.5 km on an empty stomach and completed two hill repeats at the end.


Natrushka Thu, Oct-25-01 08:24

Originally posted by lisaf
I find it funny how after a run I'm shaky and need to eat very soon vs. stairclimbing where my legs feel a bit tired but I'm not completely wiped out. Anyone know what this means? Am I working harder running? Is the shakiness calorie burn? Depletion of glycogen stores? Let me know if you have any thoughts on it... :confused:

I have thoughts, but I'm not sure they'll make anything clearer ;)

I used to be the same way when I ran... nothing got my heart beating faster, nothing had me feeling more worked out, and NOTHING made me feel that endorphin high like running. I think it may have something to do with the intensity; going bast aerobic into anaerobic. When you use the stairmaster do you use your arms? There's just something about the rhythm of running that always made the workout much more intense for me.

Told you it wouldnt clear anything up :)


lisaf Fri, Oct-26-01 07:08

Nope - not a lot...but thanks! :D

I agree with you about the intensity of running as an experience though. Nothing seems like as much work. I remember getting on an elliptical trainer when I was in Edmonton in August at the hotel's gym and thinking "that's it?" I guess I got a bit spoiled?

Speaking of running ... ran 2k at 5:30 a.m. - it was very cold!


lisaf Sat, Oct-27-01 18:18

Rest day!
Whew! I love rest day!!! Unlike Nat, I truly have to drag my bum out the door every morning. I usually spend about 2 minutes in serious "devil on one shoulder, angel on the other" debate over whether or not I'm leaving my warm bed for 30 minutes of hell...but somehow I've managed to do it for the last 2 months and can't think of any "rational" reason to stop.

I thought maybe I'd share some of the convincing 5:15 a.m. arguments I've made that have actually gotten me up and out:
- I imagine fat cells being sucked dry faster when I work out
- I didn't work out yesterday. If I let myself call that a rest day, then today isn't one. Get UP!!!
- I imagine the old couch potato me...
- I remember that I actually like the run once I do it. I like it even better when its over and I don't have to do it anymore today.
- I think about the money I've spent on great workout clothes...if I don't run then I don't have an excuse to wear them.
- I think up an alternate running route to my usual routine...sometimes that gets me just interested enough to get up and try it out.
- The fact that my husband will roll his eyes and say something like "So, does this mean you've decided to quit?" - isn't he helpful?

Tomorrow, I'm due for a 30 min run. This is my last Sunday run before embarking on my 8 week plan that will bring up to running for a full hour on the Sunday runs by Christmas. That's my goal for the rest of the year.

All the best...hope everyone is having a great weekend!


numberonewendy Sun, Oct-28-01 06:45

I thought maybe I'd share some of the convincing 5:15 a.m. arguments I've made that have actually gotten me up and out:

Good points. I must keep these in mind..LOL

I am just starting out myself in going to the gym. Only been a couple of times, yet loving it and will probably make it a habit of at least 3x a week. More if I can find the time!

I found myself going through this thread this morning as I'm curious about others and their exercise habits.

Keep up the good work :thup:


Natrushka Sun, Oct-28-01 10:06

Lisa, couldnt reply to your PM as your box was full :) So here's the info:

Flaxseed porridge recipe: (It was in LC kitchen, i think it's past the first page now, I just do a search for flaxseed :))

I think first week in december sounds great for an Ottawa get together. We can start a thread with a poll maybe? If you'd like to go ahead and post jump right in, or i can do it this evening or tomorrow once I'm back to my old schedule. Kinda on the run this weekend ;)


lisaf Sun, Oct-28-01 18:40

Hi Wendy - I find other people's exercise inspiring too. It's not really as least not most days ;)

Nat - I'm off to empty my inbox... I did search for flaxseed but I was probably too impatient...thanks for finding it for me. I'll create the poll! I haven't done one so that should be fun...

11:00 - ran for 30 minutes with my new watch. This means I actually was running for 30 minutes because I paused my timer whenever I took a walk break. I'm not sure why these Sunday runs are so difficult. One possibility is that it is because I run later, though still on an empty stomach so there's less available glycogen. On the other hand, I've gotten so used to running in the dark that maybe its the daylight that's messing me up.


lisaf Mon, Oct-29-01 07:29

New watch forces honesty!
5:20 - ran 16 minutes, cool down for five.

Did my short run today...I didn't realize how short before...according to my watch, its really a 16 min run, and not 20 like I thought.

I think my stall may be breaking. I've been quite strict with myself. No more little bits of fruit with my ricotta, hold off on the mock danishes, avoiding splenda like the plague. We'll see if its paid off by Christmas.


lisaf Tue, Oct-30-01 07:29

5:20 a.m. - empty stomach Ran 27 minutes (including 3 speed sessions and one final sprint) - just over 3 kms. 3 minute cool down. Great run. Not too chilly (even at -1C).


thin2be Tue, Oct-30-01 15:36

Hi Lisa,
Had to check out your journal, since you were nice enough to check out mine!
Way to go with the determination! Especially so early in the a.m.!
I tried to do my workouts in the morning, but was lured by my warm bed instead...
I am soooooo glad someone else is less than fond of the stairmaster. I hate it! I can only manage 5 minutes on that and the eliptical trainer so far. Maybe I just do them wrong. It's fine by me though...I'll stick with the treadmill and the bike for indoor activities, and Florida weather permitting - rollerblading.
Keep up the great work!

lisaf Tue, Oct-30-01 20:12

Must confess that I don't hate the stairclimber - I just prefer to run. For some reason my left foot always goes numb on the stairclimber?!? Treadmill is okay but I do use the stairclimber as my gym alternative to running.

No run tomorrow - got a job interview (wish me luck!!!)...


lisaf Thu, Nov-01-01 06:50

4:55 a.m. (I know - nutty!) 32 min run on empty stomach - ~ 4 kms in fog! Kind of eerie...and it always surprises me how many people are out at that time of day...


Natrushka Thu, Nov-01-01 07:56

*LOL* glad to see I'm not the only dedicated fool getting up at 4:30 towork out on a day I said I wouldnt be :)

Good luck with the interview.


P.S. my foot goes numb on the stairmaster too.

lisaf Thu, Nov-01-01 19:31

I can't say exactly why I was up at 4:30...went to bed a bit early so that may have been a factor. Normally I drag myself out when the alarm goes of at 5:15, somehow dress myself with my eyes closed. Its a wonder I haven't injured myself yet.

I can only hope I'm so alert tomorrow!

My interview was okay - though I hate how the federal government conducts job competitions in this country - there is no subjectivity at all - the interview is entirely scored based on right/wrong answers so someone who doesn't fit the organization but has all the right answers may very well get the position. Not to mention it can take over 6 months just to hire someone. Venting off.

Glad to hear I'm not alone with the foot thing...people think I'm strange when I mention it.


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