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BASpider Mon, Apr-08-02 11:05

Challenge Week 7
WOW! Seven weeks of challenging myself to keep to a LC plan. I haven't always done it, but I've been on plan more than off. Welcome to everyone.

rainsimar Mon, Apr-08-02 13:40

check in
Wow, 7 weeks! That's great! How long did it take you to lose 20 pounds?

I feel like I'm going to have to struggle to lose the wieght now. Maybe I need to cut down on the sweets in my reward meal. Today I had a HUGE donut thing. Ah well...I also had a big salad, and yogurt and granola. It's just...I think I could have done without the donut.

We'll see what my weight is tomorrow.


BASpider Mon, Apr-08-02 13:54

The first 20 pounds
Rain, it didn't take anytime at all to lose the first 20 pounds. Maybe 3 months was all. But that was, 1999 - I think. Then ups and downs. This is the first time since then that I've stuck to actually trying to get the weight off. I haven't been faithful to CALP, or Atkins. I thought I was doing ok just today, then realized I ate some milk and flour, the breading on the chicken. So, I've got excema on my eyelid and massive itching!

Dh just got an email that he needs to fly to Fresno for a job interview! I'm so excited!! The job will start in June instead of October. BUT I'd almot bet it starts the first of May - office work first for familiarization. Who wants to come help pack? :D

rainsimar Mon, Apr-08-02 16:39

Today I had breakfast just fine, and then I had my usual reward meal lunch...and then at about 2:30 I was so hungry that I decided to eat some salami. And now, 3:30, I'm eating yogurt and pudding! This is 3 hours after my very filling reward meal! With the big donut! Maybe it's the donut that cause me to do this?

Any comments? Why am I so hungry today? For the first 3 weeks of this plan I had no problems! In fact, I thought - why would I ever go off this diet? It's too easy! Now this week is a struggle (but, hey, it's only Monday)!

Maybe someone would like to make a pact with me to stay on the plan for the rest of the week no matter what!?


BASpider Mon, Apr-08-02 20:44

Some people have found that they have to have their reward meal the last meal of the day. I can't do anything with sugar or flour in it. I can do vegetables for carbs or I don't lose weight. Keep close track of your food and how you react to it, you'll see the patterns.

Libbyfcr Mon, Apr-08-02 22:28

Lets see..... the only times I have been hungry were....

1. When I was actually thirsty. Drink some more water!

2. When I skipped a meal..... or two in a row. Shame on me. I know better. Don't do that.

3. TOM... well..... just try to drink some more water.

I haven't had yogurt, donuts, or granola since the 22nd of January. That is when I restarted CALP. I love all of those things and tell myself I can have them whenever I really want them.... but so far I haven't really craved them. Right now I am limiting fruit quite a bit. I love fruit. Sometimes I have a LITTLE bit in my Reward Meal. I don't miss it actually. hmmmm.... I don't think I miss anything any more.

I am finding that I have to be careful with how much cheese or cottage cheese I eat. It seems to slow my weigh loss down.

Today I tried the DIET V8 Splash. 3g Carbs. It was so sickening sweet that it made me screw up my face. eeewww. and once upon a time I loved that stuff. (There is a great discussion on the V8 Splash somewhere here in the website)

Keep your spirits up and your thoughts on your asparagus!! LOL

Libby :wave:

rainsimar Tue, Apr-09-02 10:13

sweets and flour and TOM
Yes, Spider, I think maybe I will have to give up sugar and white flour...or at least I'll start with the sugar. Maybe I'll try just limiting it to once in a while, not every day. Special occasions!

I'll do that and see what happens.

Also, I think you are right Libby, this is the second half of my TOM cycle, and I haven't really tracked my reactions to that much, but maybe I'm just hungrier during this second half. Or maybe I react differently to the sugar this time of month! I had no problem with it at all during the past two weeks. I'll have to keep track and see.

Thanks for your comments everyone!


rainsimar Tue, Apr-09-02 10:51

carbs in vegetables
Well, I'm confused. Did someone on this list say that the Comp Meals should contain no more that 4 carbs total?

I went to that website, and apparently 1/2 c. of fresh spinach has 6 carbs! Can that be? It is an allowable vegi on the CALP diet, isn't it? Now I need to go back and look at that list. Oh yeah...and 2 eggs - 3 carbs! With Spinach and eggs for breakfast, I've eaten 9 Carbs!


rainsimar Tue, Apr-09-02 11:03

OK, My bad! I was looking at creamed spinach. Still - 3 grams - nearly 4(!) for 1/2 c of raw spinach.


animaldoc Tue, Apr-09-02 11:23

I think....
I think it's that FOODS at your CM can only have 4g/carbs or less, not the total number of carbs. That's how I always interpreted it before, but of course I don't have my book with me.......

Today is not shaping up to be good. TOM is tomorrow (seems like a bunch of us are on the same cycle?) and I was up all night last night with a c-section dog (4/5 pups were alive-yay!). Those combinations make me weak about food. :(

Oh well, I had a veggie sub for lunch (like a salad with bread). Guess I'll have to try and be good for dinner. I keep telling myself that each meal is an opportunity to get back on track....

-animaldoc :wave:

Libbyfcr Tue, Apr-09-02 14:50

Craving Reducing Meals
CALP page 117.....

"At all meals and snacks, other than at your Reward Meal, eat Craving-Reducing foods only . You will find a complete list on pages 120-21. In General, Craving- Reducing foods include high-fiber vegetables and protein-rich foods. Craving-Reducing Meals and Snacks should be well balanced and should include both high-fiber and protein-rich choices. The amount you eat is not critical as long as you include both protein and high-fiber vegetables at any Craving-Reducing Meal or Snack."

CALP page 120.....
This page shows the Craving-Reducing Foods List. At the bottom of the page the Heller's do make note of acceptable "vegetarian meat alternatives that contain 4grams of carbs or less per average serving".

For me cottage cheese is one of those borderline foods. It is even highlighted in the Craving-Reducing Foods List as one to be careful of. Usually the cottage cheese I buy has 5 grams of carbs per serving..... so I have to watch when I eat that one.

Doc..... what kind of c-cection pups? I am so lucky that in my breed we do not usually have that problem.... whew!

have a great day!!
Libby :wave:

Gracia_30 Tue, Apr-09-02 16:43

Check in
OK I'm doing well.

BR: 1 coffee (was too busy to go get my strawberries)

L: Home made cabbage soup

D: Cabbage roll, mashed potatoes and a treat tonight... Ice cream cone.

Yesterdays meals (I think I forgot to put them in)

Br: 7-8 strawberries
L: Home made cabbage soup
D: Home made poutine, 1 piece of bread with chicken salad on top and 2 pices of greek bread with tatziki.

I think my cabbage soup is helping me "GO" if y'all know what I mean. It feels so great to be regular.

Anyhoo, doing great, clothes getting looser by the day and I'm UNDER 180 BABY!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO :D :Party: :cheer: :clap: :dazzle:

arnie Tue, Apr-09-02 19:44

Hey everybody!! Glad to see everyone still doing great. I glad to report that I finally broke 155. The scale reads 154. I haven't been exercising like I usually do, so that's probably why the weight is coming off so slowly.

I plan to hop back on the exercise bandwagon on Thursday. I'll be back to give you a report.

BASpider Tue, Apr-09-02 22:09

Check in
So, tom is due for us all. Mine is due any minute, but I suggested to dh that perhaps I should postpone it for our flight to Fresno. Why does it happen this way?

Libbyfcr Wed, Apr-10-02 09:25

Good Morning
It is so beautiful this morning...... an overcast 72 degrees.....and my garden is looking good.

I am still sitting at 159. Oh well, good things come to those who wait.

Ya'll are doing such a good job. :clap: What's in the Cabbage soup? Is it a good low carb thang? Last night I made onion burgers. They were so good and SO very easy......and low carb.
One can of Campbells French Onion Soup mix.....and follow the directions on back. LOL.

Must run....
have a great day!
Libby :wave:

animaldoc Wed, Apr-10-02 10:07

Libby.....the puppies were English Pointers. They were cute, but that's not a breed that typically needs c-sections either! We see lots of c-sections in accidental matings, and small smushed face breeds. What kind of dogs do you have? (I have an ADORABLE Jack Russell - spayed though!)

Weighed myself today and changed my stats....didn't gain as much as I thought on my break....

Blue cheese dip and celery
Roasted red pepper and salami and cheese
Chicken enchiladas for dinner?

Beautiful here today (for once!)....
-animaldoc :wave:

BASpider Wed, Apr-10-02 10:18

A beautiful day in the neigborhood.
The gardening supplies are sitting on the patio, waiting to be used or moved or given away.

Someone pointed me to another website about getting rid of negative emotions with acupuncture meridian tapping. I downloaded the manual (free) and have read it. The process just might work, the jury is still out. I've noticed that when I get way too excited, I eat to calm down, or to numb out a little. I suppose it's better than whiskey. Yep, chocolate is WAY better than whiskey! I'll post the url here for anyone that wants to try it.

Libbyfcr Wed, Apr-10-02 10:53

If we get started on dogs we will have to create our own forum. LOL!

I live with Borzoi and a Flat Coated Retriever. We are show people and tend to spend many of our weekends in Motel 6's at dog shows. This past weekend my Flat Coat picked up her first points at our own local shows with her breeder in attendance. It was so much fun.

Next week I am babysitting a litter of 10 Rhodesian Ridgeback puppies that will be 7 weeks old. I will have them for 10 days. Silly me. :D

:wave: Libby

Firmdiva Wed, Apr-10-02 14:26

Another newbie here
I started CALP on Monday thanks to my friend emailing me. I bought the book on Sunday and I am still reading. So the first week or so will be a learning experience with trial and error!

Well I needed some critique/input on today's food from DCAD/CALP folks

Carbolite Chocolate bar 1 oz
Coffee with Half and Half Creamer and splenda
Kellogg`s Rice Krispy bar (remember I said that carb thang?)
Bernardi`s Meatba... 3 Piece
Bacon 5 slices
Chicken; Wing, Me... 3 Wing
EAS Carb Control energy bar 60 gm
Tossed Green Salad 1.50 Cup
Broccoli, Steamed 1 Cup

Weight Watchers Smoothie mix
Skim Milk 1 cup
Chicken; Breast,
Tossed Green Salad 2 Cup
Green beans
Celery 3 Stalk
Calories 1927

Calories from Fat 981
Total Fat 109 g 168 %

Saturated Fat 44 g 220 %

Cholesterol 270 mg 89 %

Sodium 2335 mg 135 %

Total Carbohydrate 93 g 49 %

Dietary Fiber 21 g 96 %

Protein 126 g

Vitamin A 494% Vitamin C 487%
Calcium 141% Iron 116%


Firmdiva Wed, Apr-10-02 14:40

Oh yes, weights for the week
Sunday 245
Monday 244 (start of CALP)
Tuesday 243.5
Wednesday 244

MarshaS Wed, Apr-10-02 15:28

I'm new also at low-carbing.

You might need to check out a 'hidden carb' counter and get the true carb count on the 'bars' you are eating.

I believe this one is located at this site:

Some of the ingredients act like carbs in our bodies, and they need to be counted as carbs. Put the nutritional info into this counter and it will give you the TRUE carb count.

Also, I believe on the CALP diet, you are to limit your carbs at the non-reward meals. I hope some of the CALPers will reply to your post. Like I said, I am new and I am currently on Atkins. I am hoping to start CALP soon.

Check out the link above and let me know what it says about the bars.

God Bless!


BASpider Wed, Apr-10-02 16:23

Sorry Jill, the bars will hold you back, as will the smoothy mix. When I very very first started, I kept protein and veggies to eat on hand. I'd eat a boiled egg and a piece of lettuce, or some olives, a bit of meat and a vegetable. Not much more than a bite, but I ate several times a day and dropped a bunch the first week. Then found the book and found out I wasn't supposed to eat more often than every 2 hours. I didn't use any instant foods and dropped about 20 pounds. SO, I guess I better take my own advice and go boil some eggs and wash some veggies!

Firmdiva Wed, Apr-10-02 17:17

Ok what's an option for someone who HATES eggs (with the exception of one of mom's deviled eggs)?

(Still reading the CALP book...)
I appreciate the input

BASpider Wed, Apr-10-02 18:26

There ARE NO options, YOU MUST EAT EGGS!!

Gee, wouldn't that suck? I'm sure you know of things that are protein that aren't eggs or soy.

Gracia_30 Thu, Apr-11-02 04:13

check in...
Hi all...

Yesterdays meals:

Br: 10 strawberries, 1 coffee

L: Cabbage soup

D: 2 bacon/tomato sandwiches with LC bread & mayo. about 7 mini baked tacos with salsa.

Not as much water as I want. Got busy at work again and I forget to drink. Gotta find a solution (other than putting a reminder in my calendar to drink water every 1/2 hour!!! which I thought of doing)

arnie Thu, Apr-11-02 09:49

Still holding steady at 154. Welcome to the new people since I haven't been around.

For those of us who don't care for eggs, I found it helpful to eat deviled eggs, make tuna with extra eggs, lots of ham w/ a little egg and lots of extra sharp cheddar (LC). Other than that eat meat or cheese. It's what I do.

Good Luck!!

arnie Thu, Apr-11-02 09:52

I also found a Soy Protein shake w. about 2-3 carbs after running it through the carb counter. It's at the Vitamin World stores. 90% protein is the name of it. I like it b/c it's very plain, but I add cocoa powder,ice, splenda, and cream for a pretty good drink.

animaldoc Thu, Apr-11-02 13:00

Checking in....
Up at 3AM (no emergencies last night, just LOUD neighbors :mad: Can't wait to get a HOUSE this summer!!!), and really busy so I was very bad today....

Applesauce for breakfast.....
Chicken enchiladas for lunch....
Dinner will try to be better (we're grilling)....

-animaldoc :(

Libbyfcr Thu, Apr-11-02 13:18

Good Morning Good Morning!!
I think the tooth fairy....oh wait..... um........ the whoosh fairy? That's it....... the Whoosh Fairy sat under my bed alllll night last night and I was two pounds lighter when I woke up. See, if you gritch and moan enough the Whoosh Fairy comes to shut you up!!! HA!

Hello Marsha, Hello Firmdiva. Welcome to the room!
I have stayed away from prepackaged bars/drinks/diet thangys from the very beginning so I cannot give advice.

My best suggestion, if you haven't already, is to start a journal. Best thing I ever did, and I get a kick out of going back and looking the things I wrote. Track everything that interests you.

ALSO, read, read, read, and not just CALP. I love my local library!

This way of life is still a learning experience for many of us. Even months down the road I am still learning how I react to things. We are all so different. Give yourself LOTS of time to figure things out. Be willing to make mistakes.

Eggs: hmmm. I don't know what to tell ya. I love eggs and I grow my own which is wonderful. I remember when I first started CALP thinking that a low carb breakfast was going to be hard to do, but once I discovered that I could eat non-typical foods for breakfast I was on my way! Yesterday I had grilled salmon (buy from the butcher and make him wrap them individually so you can stick them in the freezer) and fresh steamed green beans. Lovely.

I see I wrote a novel again,
Libby :wave:

rainsimar Thu, Apr-11-02 14:18

whoosh fairy
I also woke up this morning with a 2 pound loss! The whoosh fairy must have gotten around last night! I lost the pound I had gained during my messups last week and then another pound bringing me down to 185! I love this diet!


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