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LC_Dave Wed, Feb-06-02 18:28

Fallen off the wagon!
I've stopped induction for today :(

Some of the resons I have identified:
1. Moved house - kitchen is messy
2. Stayed up too late - tired didn't make breakfast
3. skipped meals - because of 2 & 4
4. Ran out of grocerry money

I'll get back on the wagon tommorrow!

Gotta get my life in order!


Atriana Wed, Feb-06-02 19:13

Falling off the wagon isn't too bad, as long as you get right back on again. You can do it!

DWRolfe Wed, Feb-06-02 19:39

Wagon vibes...
LCDave...sending you "Get Back on the LC Wagon" vibes....


ldypgmr Wed, Feb-06-02 22:02

Hey Dave....

I better see that you have caught up with the wagon tomorrow and have climbed on board, or .....Or .....OR I'll climb right thru the internet and ... and... and..... do something.

You can do it friend.


ldypgmr Fri, Feb-08-02 15:10

Dave....where are you?
Has anyone seen or heard from LC_Dave since the above post? I kept looking for him to come back on line yesterday, with no luck.

So Where in the world is LC Dave????

LC_Dave Fri, Feb-08-02 23:28

I'm here
Yeah I'm still here,
I'm not Low carbing at the moment.
I promise to come back to Low Carbing on Thursday when a whole bunch of money comes in.
It's difficult to handle the stress of this WOL, & lack of money.

I'll keep in touch!



ldypgmr Sat, Feb-09-02 07:14

Keep in touch...I understand the money thing. Hope you're lcing soon.


TheGoddess Sat, Feb-09-02 21:30

Hi Dave I can sure relate to the financial issues and Low-carb, I live on a very limited income and usually running out of money is the root of falling off the wagon for me as well, I just move forward as soon as I can and climb back on...


ldypgmr Sun, Feb-10-02 07:45

Hi LC_Dave and all

I find the mineral supplements and all are the most expensive. I stock up on meat when it is on sale. I never pay full price for meat.

I now buy my beef from a friend who raises his own cattle...without hormones. I don't get a discount, and it runs about $1.50 a pound and includes steaks, roast etc. He has started raising pigs, so I am already pestering him to sell me some pork <g>.

Hope to hear from you soon Dave.


Julie88 Sun, Feb-10-02 12:13

I buy fresh meats on the weekends, and cook most of it up, :) crockpot, oven, BBQ grill, all going at the same time...then season,
package it up into portions and freeze. :thup:
no more excuses when I'm in a hurry :confused: I always have cooked protien to go! :p toppers for salads, entrees, etc! :wave:

ldypgmr Sun, Feb-10-02 14:30

Hi Julie

I also cook my lunches on Sunday. Then I only need to pull something from the frig as I head out to work.

Last week I made a crustless quiche, divided it in to 5 and ate part of it each morning for breakfast.


cimart Sun, Feb-10-02 15:10

Hi LC_Dave,

Don't be discouraged. We all fall off the wagon. That's what the rest of us are here for, to give you a hand back up! :D

I do understand the money thing. When I started this woe, i thought my grocery bill was higher than I'm used to. But, I figure I'm not spending all that money on the junk that put me in this perdicament to begin with. So, so far It's working out ok.

You just hang in there, and remember we're here waiting for you :)

cimart ;)

ldypgmr Sun, Feb-10-02 18:48

Hi CiMart and LC and all...

I have always wondered why "natural" food is more expensive than "unnatural" food. Don't they start from something, ADD ingrediants to make it junk food?????


LC_Dave Thu, Feb-14-02 04:27


Started Low Carbing again today - one successful day of LC!

Had Pork Chops for lunch :)

I was not feeling well all week - and I'm positive because my body was rejecting sugar!

I'm determined to stay on this!

I think Breakfast and all meals are most important because the protein and fat we eat, slowly produces keytones, that slowly bring our blood sugar up.

If I skip a meal, the next meal is not enough for my blood sugar to come up!

Cost of natural food is definately more - because junk food is filled with flour & sugar- which is cheeeeap!

LC_Dave :wave:

K-Louise Thu, Feb-14-02 04:52

Hi LC Dave
Glad to see you back.

Regarding the cost....

You know, I thought this WOE was expensive too, but then I sat and did some calculations.

I look for meats on special, and buy bulk packs, and split them up in the freezer. I don't buy ANYTHING I know I'm not going to eat (I was forever throwing out fruit and veggies before). I spend around $120 Australian dollars a week on all my groceries. This includes breakfast, snacks and dinners. I used to spend $50 per week buying coffee, toast, doughnut, etc for breakfast, and another $50 per week on lunches, and probably $20 a week on snacks - movie snacks, chocolates, etc. Then I woudl have $100 grocery bill on top of that.

I figure I'm about $100 a week better off.

Glad to see you back on board.


ldypgmr Thu, Feb-14-02 06:56

Welcome back

Welcome back...

I agree with Kim. Pick up your meat in value packs and on sale. You'd be surprised at how much money you will save.

Here is a hint for you...

Grocery stores generally rotate what is on sale.
For example, the stores here in Wichita will do about the following rotation

Week 1 - Chicken sale
Week 2 - Beef sale
Week 3 - Pork sale
Week 4 - Fishy stuff sale

So each week I stock up on the meat of the week <g> After a while you can almost predict what the stores will have on sale.

Good luck, chat with you later...


Julie88 Thu, Feb-14-02 09:15

Hi Dee,
I agree, I always buy the sale meats for the week, here on wed. we get the weeks sales, this week its round steak, and bs chicken breasts so you know what Im buying!

texas-newf Thu, Feb-14-02 21:31

Guilty as charged !!
Well, I've been pretty silent around the board the last two weeks. It's because I stalled and felt ok the first week but then when I still didn't lose I fell back into my old ways... While shopping at the grocery store I heard some old friends calling to me.... I said "hello Carrot Cake" and "hello chocolate bars" and what the heck... "Howdy potato chips"
Then I gained 4 lbs.... :mad:

Struggling and angry... I decided not to give up... after all I told myself that I lost 31 lbs in 6 weeks so I can't give up on this way of life... I feel too good !!

So it was abck to the grind and started eating right again and now I've lost the 4lbs I gained as well as another 3 lbs !!! :D

It is depressing when you stall,,, especially when you are used to losing 3-4 lbs a week !!

Just thought I'd share my story... so dont be like me and give up !! I just have to learn not be be a slave to the scale... I measured myself tonight and realized that I had lost 2 inches off my waist and 3 inches off my midsection, and 2 inches off my chest !! So I guess my body was somehow going through some kind of wierd transition ? Can anyone elaborate on this ?

Thanks and take care,

ldypgmr Thu, Feb-14-02 22:28

I understand. I lost 1.5 pounds last week and I'll take it. However I am up this week and I haven't gone off plan or increased exercise so I am getting frustrated.

I am hoping that by increasing the calories I will get out of starvation mode and start loosing again.



LC_Dave Sun, Feb-17-02 21:42

Hey there guys and gals!
Hi everyone,

last week I was low carb all day thursday and friday, until friday night - when it was thought we could go to sizzlers. I planned on staying low carb - but of course....

I fell off the wagon :(

and as such i remained off low carb all weekend :(

Today is Monday and I have remained low carb since breakfast, but all this is worrying me.

It seems to be a bit of a struggle to get anywhere - I feel in someway that I am lacking in motivation. I'm not sure.....


ldypgmr Mon, Feb-18-02 07:10

Carb Demon
Hi Dave

It's the carb demon. The demon can undermine you and we must be on our guard at all times.

I am guessing that when you first went LC, it was easy. No problem. However, you knew you needed to resist the carbs. Now your guard is down and you are letting the demon win. You can do this pal...just don't listen to the demon.

Remember the energy you had, the way you didn't crave the carbs and put the demon to rest? The first 3 days are the hardest, you've done it once, you can do it again.



Dizz Wed, Mar-06-02 05:19

Perhaps your lack of desire to stay on the Plan is medical. Have you had a checkup lately? At our weight depression can sometimes be an issue that needs to be addressed before we can really adhere to the plan, even though we are having success it is called self sabotage/depression. Just a thought. :roll:

LC_Dave Wed, Mar-06-02 07:07

Hey Dizz,

Interesting thought

I'm actually back on track now - going okay with it all :)

I feel it's like a two-handed sword. Obesity causes the depression, but depression sabotages your health plans :(

I'll just keep on battling!


OKwoer Wed, Mar-06-02 15:54

Just a couple of ideas from my limited knowledge.

1. I noticed you don't indicate a current weight. I know that I was unable to weigh myself for a long time because there was no set of bathroom scales that would record my weight. Most have a maximum around 330 lbs. I actually ended up purchasing a commercial scale that weighs up to 500 lbs and it looks like a digital readout bathroom scale. Anyway, I find that the scale can be a big motivator. Before I found the commercial scale I went to a local hospital and used this scale they had for weighing laundry. It was a long walk down the hall to that scale each week, but it does give you a little boost when you see that what you are doing actually works.

2. Another thing that helps me is to adopt a "no compromise" attitude about what I eat. You mentioned going to the sizzler and blowing it. The sizzler is a great low carb place to eat. But just like an alcoholic, you've got to tell's the first bite of carb-rich food that is the most important. I like to look at that big tub of mashed potatoes and mac and cheese and just say to myself, "how can people put that poison in their mouths?". Another thing I do is look at my friends eating all those carbs and just think of myself as so superior for eating what's best for my body.

Please understand that these tidbits are from a person who will undoubtedly not follow my own advice in the future. However, I'm encouraged by the support that has been given to you and look forward to that same support when I need it most. thing you've done that shows incredible strength is that you don't hide when you blow it. That is one of my major weaknesses. Be very proud that you were strong enough to continue posting here even when you went off the plan.

God Bless,

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