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LMK Sun, Jan-04-04 17:15

LMK's Workout Log
Hey Everyone -

I'm setting up my gym log tonight. :yay: I've been LC-ing for about three months, and I'm finally ready to get serious about exercising, too. I did work out at first, but then it trailed off before the holidays.

I will be doing Selene Yeager's Perfectly Fit (but I'll do it as an cardio interval training session) on MWF followed by a good 20-minute walk down and back up the hill on Fore Street. THs will be a walk around the local park - for 20 minutes at first (I know, I'm a wimp :) ), and I'm adding yoga back in on Tuesday nights. This will mean I'll get 5 days of aerobics, 3 days of resistance training, and one yoga session a week.

My big problem is not overdoing it, so we'll see if this is maintanable. I was once a fit and perky lil' girlie (well - not so lil' really :lol: ), and I've never done walking for aerobics. I've always thought it was too wimpy. Of course, trying to do regular workouts after a fair number of years of inactivity means that I would always overdo it. So here's to moderation! Whee!

Til tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!

LMK Mon, Jan-05-04 10:07

funky fitness disco diva

First workout has left me on a huge endorphin high. :yay:

Here's what I did:
from Selene Yeager's "Perfectly Fit", Weeks 1-4

Wood Chop - 1/10 - 3kg weight
Dumbbell Side Swing - 1/10 each side - 1kg
Dumbbell Press - 1/10 - 2kg
Seated Back Fly - 1/10 - 1kg
Lat Pulldown - 1/10 - band
Simultaneous Dumbbell Curl - 1/10 - 2kg
Behind-Your-Back Arm Raise - 1/10 - 1kg
Seated Straight-Leg Lift - 1/10
Lying Leg Curl - 1/10
All-Fours Kickback - 1/10
2-Second Floor Crunch - 1/10

OK - so one set of 10 reps is NUTHIN', but I'm cautiously starting slow. In between each set I did 2.5 minutes of aerobics. At first, I hopped on DH's old exercise bike. Well - the thing is a piece of junk really, and I hated it. The seat is stuck and I can't adjust it higher, so after four aerobics sessions, I abandoned it for stepping. And I found my "Shapes" Walking CD - Disco. It got harder and harder to just step, and once Funky Town came on, I was free-forming it all over the music room. It must be a damned funny sight to see this 250-lb. gal of Polish descent funk around the room, but I swear that between this afternoon and New Years Eve (see journal), there's a funky diva inside just bursting to get out. :lol: :lol: :lol:

OK maybe not. I'm just glad the neighbors weren't looking in the windows. :roll:

Oh yeah - I walked down and back up the big hill in Totnes this morning with DH. More tomorrow.... :yay:

LMK Tue, Jan-06-04 04:50

Just back from my walk today. I did:

5 minutes warm up around the park
10 minutes power walk around the park
10 minutes walk home up hill (this was the hardest part!!)
2 minutes recovery

That's really only a 20 minute workout, but again, I'm starting slow. To be honest, it was enough! I'm sleepy now. :o And that walk up hill!! :eek:

I got this email from Oprah (haha) in my hotmail this morning, and her trainer, Bob Greene, says in order to lose weight, you should work out aerobically 6 times a week. He doesn't count cardio resistance training as an aerobic workout (even though my body temperature went up and my breathing quickened yesterday - definitely). It worries me that I might be wasting my time doing only what I can handle. I know that if I try to push it too hard at first, I'll quit. Argh.

Well - losing weight on Atkins is easy anyway, so I guess physical activity can only help.

LMK Wed, Jan-07-04 05:22

Cardio-Resistance today.

from Selene Yeager's "Perfectly Fit", Weeks 1-4

5 minute aerobic warmup
Wood Chop - 1/10 - 3kg weight
2.5 minutes aerobics
Dumbbell Side Swing - 1/10 each side - 1kg
2.5 minutes aerobics
Dumbbell Press - 1/10 - 2kg
2.5 minutes aerobics
Seated Back Fly - 1/10 - 1kg
2.5 minutes aerobics
Lat Pulldown - 1/10 - band
2.5 minutes aerobics
Simultaneous Dumbbell Curl - 1/10 - 2kg
2.5 minutes aerobics
Behind-Your-Back Arm Raise - 1/10 - 1kg
2.5 minutes aerobics
Seated Straight-Leg Lift - 1/10
2.5 minutes aerobics
Lying Leg Curl - 1/10
All-Fours Kickback - 1/10
2-Second Floor Crunch - 1/10

LMK Thu, Jan-08-04 06:38

Just a quick note as I'm out the door. I've found a way to combine my practicing with my exercise. I'm power walking the half hour to Dartington college (lots of uphill!!) where I will practice until 6 tonight. Whee! Wish me luck so that I don't get lost. :lol:

Will check in with times and such tonight.

LMK Thu, Jan-08-04 15:43

OK - so here are the numbers.

I walked 15 minutes to the driveway of the school (it's a longgggggggggg driveway), so that was a bit of a warmup, really. Although I didn't stroll.

Power walked (and just plain old walked up hill) for 17 minutes up the drive, and then did 2.5 minutes roaming around the building before starting rehearsal.

So a fairly difficult walk (for me) for 30 minutes. Not bad.

LMK Fri, Jan-09-04 16:19

Another day - another workout. But today I went easy on the cardio as I was feeling worn out from yesterday (what a day!) and wanted to preserve some energy for my cardio tomorrow. Here's what I did:

5 minute cardio warmup (to Funky Town OF COURSE!!)
Wood Chop - 1/10 - 3kg weight
Dumbbell Side Swing - 1/10 each side - 1kg
Dumbbell Press - 1/10 - 2kg
Seated Back Fly - 1/10 - 1kg
Lat Pulldown - 1/10 - band
Simultaneous Dumbbell Curl - 1/10 - 2kg
Another 5 minutes of cardio - more disco!
Behind-Your-Back Arm Raise - 1/10 - 1kg
Seated Straight-Leg Lift - 1/10
Lying Leg Curl - 1/10
All-Fours Kickback - 1/10
2-Second Floor Crunch - 1/10
5 minute aerobics with cool down

I'm ready for more weight next week - or more sets. I wonder which one I should do first? Maybe both!?

Oh yeah - and I also walked down and back up most of the big hill on Fore Street. I think that kind of thing does me a LOT of good!

LMK Sat, Jan-10-04 15:19

Today, I did a 2 hour walk!!!!!! I'm not kidding. It wasn't power walking, and it wasn't necessarily solid walking for two hours. I was delivering papers. (No I'm not secretly 13 or something!) I did a good half hour up and back down a steep hill. Then we hopped in the car and went around town (a bit of a cheat, but you could double that time if we hadn't!!!!). There were 2 other big streets that were at least 20 minutes of walk each. So that's like an hour and 10 of some pretty solid walking.


LMK Sun, Jan-11-04 14:31

lazy daisy Sunday
Hey everyone -

I didn't work out today. It was my off day. I went for a short walk, though. It wasn't intense at all, but at least I got some fresh air.

Can't wait to move my body tomorrow. Wheeeeeee Funky Town - here I come!!!

LMK Mon, Jan-12-04 12:42

Just completed today's workout:

5 minute warmup
Wood Chop - 2/10 - 3kg weight
Dumbbell Side Swing - 2/10 each side - 1kg
Dumbbell Press - 2/10 - 2kg
Seated Back Fly - 2/10 - 1kg
Lat Pulldown - 2/10 - band
Simultaneous Dumbbell Curl - 2/10 - 3kg then 2kg
Behind-Your-Back Arm Raise - 2/10 - 1kg
Seated Straight-Leg Lift - 2/10
Lying Leg Curl - 2/10
All-Fours Kickback - 2/10
2-Second Floor Crunch - 2/10

It was a short one today - only 30 minutes. But I have to run and put dinner on!

LMK Tue, Jan-13-04 03:28

I did a BfL style aerobic workout with a step this morning:

Level (1 min) Activity
5 warm up
5 warm up
6 toe taps on step
7 basic step
8 alternating knee
9 run
6 toe taps on step
7 basic step
8 alternating side kick
9 run
6 toe taps on step
7 basic step
8 alternating hamstrings
9 run
6 toe taps on step
7 basic step
8 repeater - knee, side, hamstring
9 run
10 double-time toe tap (this kicked my butt!)
5 cool down

ahhhhhhhhhhh - done!

LMK Wed, Jan-14-04 05:46

Today's workout:

5 minute warmup
-2.5 minutes floor aerobics
-2.5 minutes step aerobics
Wood Chop - 2/10 - 3kg weight
2.5 minutes step aerobics
Dumbbell Side Swing - 2/10 each side - 1kg
2.5 minutes step aerobics
Dumbbell Press - 2/10 - 2kg
2.5 minutes floor aerobics
Seated Back Fly - 2/10 - 1kg
2.5 minutes step aerobics
Lat Pulldown - 2/10 - band
2.5 minutes step aerobics
Simultaneous Dumbbell Curl - 2/10 - 3kg
2.5 minutes step aerobics
Behind-Your-Back Arm Raise - 2/10 - 1kg
2.5 minutes step aerobics
Seated Straight-Leg Lift - 2/10
Lying Leg Curl - 2/10
All-Fours Kickback - 2/10
2-Second Floor Crunch - 2/10

LMK Thu, Jan-15-04 13:09

It was POURING down rain today, so I didn't do my long walk to Dartington or even a walk around the park. But I did combine some quick grocery shopping with a walk down and back up the hill on Fore Street. That was about 20 minutes of exercise with one very brief (couple minutes) stop at the butchers shop.

Then I did a few yoga postures - no more than 10 minutes. It wasn't much today, but it felt like enough.

LMK Fri, Jan-16-04 16:45

Today's workout:

5 minute warmup
-2.5 minutes floor aerobics
-2.5 minutes step aerobics
Wood Chop - 2/10 - 3kg weight
2.5 minutes step aerobics
Dumbbell Side Swing - 2/10 each side - 1kg
2.5 minutes step aerobics
Dumbbell Press - 2/10 - 2kg
2.5 minutes floor aerobics
Seated Back Fly - 2/10 - 1kg
2.5 minutes step aerobics
Lat Pulldown - 2/10 - band
2.5 minutes step aerobics
Simultaneous Dumbbell Curl - 2/10 - 3kg
2.5 minutes floor aerobics
Behind-Your-Back Arm Raise - 2/10 - 1kg
2.5 minutes step aerobics
Seated Straight-Leg Lift - 2/10
Lying Leg Curl - 2/10
All-Fours Kickback - 2/10
2-Second Floor Crunch - 2/10

LMK Mon, Jan-19-04 02:26

5 minute warmup
-2.5 minutes floor aerobics
-2.5 minutes step aerobics
Wood Chop - 2/12 - 3kg weight
Dumbbell Side Swing - 2/10 each side - 1kg
Dumbbell Press - 2/12 - 2kg
Seated Back Fly - 2/12 - 1kg
Lat Pulldown - 2/12 - band
Simultaneous Dumbbell Curl - 2/12 - 3kg
Behind-Your-Back Arm Raise - 2/12 - 1kg
5 minutes step aerobics
Seated Straight-Leg Lift - 2/12
Lying Leg Curl - 2/12
All-Fours Kickback - 2/12
2-Second Floor Crunch - 2/12
5 minutes cool down
-2.5 minutes step aerobics
-2.5 minutes floor aerobics

LMK Wed, Jan-21-04 03:05

5 minute warmup
-2.5 minutes floor aerobics
-2.5 minutes step aerobics
Wood Chop - 2/12 - 3kg weight
2.5 minutes step aerobics
Dumbbell Side Swing - 2/12 then 2/10 each side - 1kg
2.5 minutes step aerobics
Dumbbell Press - 2/12 - 2kg
2.5 minutes floor aerobics
Seated Back Fly - 2/12 - 1kg
2.5 minutes step aerobics
Lat Pulldown - 2/12 - band
2.5 minutes step aerobics
Simultaneous Dumbbell Curl - 2/12 - 3kg
2.5 minutes floor aerobics
Behind-Your-Back Arm Raise - 2/12 - 1kg
2.5 minutes step aerobics
Seated Straight-Leg Lift - 2/12
Lying Leg Curl - 2/12
All-Fours Kickback - 2/12
2-Second Floor Crunch - 2/12
2.5 minutes floor aerobics

LMK Thu, Jan-22-04 03:24

I FINALLY did my cardio today - an hour later than scheduled. I just hate cardio!!

Level (1 min) Activity
5 warm up
5 warm up
6 toe taps on step
7 basic step
8 alternating knee
9 run
6 toe taps on step
7 basic step
8 alternating side kick
9 run
6 toe taps on step
7 basic step
8 alternating hamstrings
9 run
6 toe taps on step
7 basic step
8 repeater - knee, side, hamstring
9 run
10 double-time toe tap (this kicked my butt!)
5 cool down

I put on a faster workout tape today - at least 10+bpm faster. That seemed to make it more interesting - especially when I tripped over the step. :lol: I guess I was getting tired...


LMK Mon, Jan-26-04 03:44

Workout for Friday:

Wood Chop - 2/12 - 3kg weight
Dumbbell Side Swing - 2/12 each side - 1kg
Dumbbell Press - 2/12 - 2kg
Seated Back Fly - 2/12 - 1kg
Lat Pulldown - 2/12 - band
Simultaneous Dumbbell Curl - 2/12 - 3kg
Behind-Your-Back Arm Raise - 2/12 - 1kg
Seated Straight-Leg Lift - 2/12
Lying Leg Curl - 2/12
All-Fours Kickback - 2/12
2-Second Floor Crunch - 2/12

I didn't do aerobics on Friday - I think I was moping about my mysterious 3 lb. gain.

LMK Mon, Jan-26-04 04:55

Workout for Friday:

Wood Chop - 2/12 - 3kg weight
Dumbbell Side Swing - 2/12 each side - 1kg
Dumbbell Press - 2/12 - 2kg
Seated Back Fly - 2/12 - 1kg
Lat Pulldown - 2/12 - band
Simultaneous Dumbbell Curl - 2/12 - 3kg
Behind-Your-Back Arm Raise - 2/12 - 1kg
Seated Straight-Leg Lift - 2/12
Lying Leg Curl - 2/12
All-Fours Kickback - 2/12
2-Second Floor Crunch - 2/12

I didn't do aerobics on Friday - I think I was moping about my mysterious 3 lb. gain.

LMK Mon, Jan-26-04 04:56

And today's workout:

5 minute warmup
-2.5 minutes floor aerobics
-2.5 minutes step aerobics
Wood Chop - 2/15 - 3kg weight
2.5 minutes step aerobics
Dumbbell Side Swing - 2/12 each side - 1kg
2.5 minutes step aerobics
Dumbbell Press - 2/15 - 2kg
2.5 minutes floor aerobics
Seated Back Fly - 2/15 - 1kg
2.5 minutes step aerobics
Lat Pulldown - 2/15 - band
2.5 minutes step aerobics
Simultaneous Dumbbell Curl - 2/15 - 3kg
2.5 minutes floor aerobics
Behind-Your-Back Arm Raise - 2/15 - 1kg
2.5 minutes step aerobics
Seated Straight-Leg Lift - 2/15
Lying Leg Curl - 2/15
All-Fours Kickback - 2/15
2-Second Floor Crunch - 2/15
2.5 minutes floor aerobics

LMK Tue, Jan-27-04 04:58

Today's workout:
Level (1 min) Activity
5 warm up
5 warm up
6 toe taps on step
7 basic step
8 alternating knee
9 run
6 toe taps on step
7 basic step
8 alternating side kick
9 run
6 toe taps on step
7 basic step
8 alternating hamstrings
9 run
6 toe taps on step
7 basic step
8 repeater - knee, side, hamstring
9 run
10 double-time toe tap (this kicked my butt!)
5 cool down

Had the fast CD on again, and man was it hard! :)

LMK Wed, Jan-28-04 05:25

Finally got my workout in. :)

5 minute warmup
-2.5 minutes floor aerobics
-2.5 minutes step aerobics

Alternating sets:
Wood Chop - 2/15 - 3kg weight
Dumbbell Side Swing - 1/15 then 1/12 each side - 1kg

Dumbbell Press - 2/15 - 2kg
5 minutes step aerobics

Alternating sets:
Seated Back Fly - 2/15 - 1kg
Lat Pulldown - 2/15 - band

Alternating sets:
Simultaneous Dumbbell Curl - 2/15 - 3kg
Behind-Your-Back Arm Raise - 2/15 - 1kg
5 minutes step aerobics

Alternating sets:
Lying Leg Curl - 2/15
All-Fours Kickback - 2/15

Alternating sets:
Seated Straight-Leg Lift - 2/15
2-Second Floor Crunch - 2/15


LMK Thu, Jan-29-04 01:45


Level (1 min) Activity
5 warm up
5 warm up
6 toe taps on step
7 basic step
8 alternating knee
9 run
6 toe taps on step
7 basic step
8 alternating side kick
9 run
6 toe taps on step
7 basic step
8 alternating hamstrings
9 run
6 toe taps on step
7 basic step
8 repeater - knee, side, hamstring
9 run
10 double-time toe tap (this is getting easier!)
5 cool down

LMK Fri, Jan-30-04 02:28

Wood Chop - 1/15 - 3kg weight
Dumbbell Side Swing - 1/15 each side - 1kg
Dumbbell Press - 1/15 - 2kg
Seated Back Fly - 1/15 - 1kg
Lat Pulldown - 1/15 - band
Simultaneous Dumbbell Curl - 1/15 - 3kg
Behind-Your-Back Arm Raise - 1/15 - 1kg
Seated Straight-Leg Lift - 1/15
Lying Leg Curl - 1/15
All-Fours Kickback - 1/15
2-Second Floor Crunch - 1/15

No aerobics today, and only one set of each exercise. Monday I switch to a new set of exercises - looking forward to that! Getting bored here...

LMK Tue, Feb-10-04 11:39

I've been away from my workouts for a week, but I'm back. Today's session was GREAT! I'm on to a new 4-week cycle, so new exercises.

5 minutes aerobic warmup
-2.5 minutes floor aerobics
-2.5 minutes step aerobics

chop and twist
1/10 - one 3 kg weight in lieu of a medicine ball

2.5 minutes step aerobics
-knee ups

lying overhead pull
1/10 - 3 kg weight in lieu of a medicine ball

2.5 minutes step aerobics
-side leg lifts

chest fly
1/10 - 1kg weights - this is too light, but I didn't want to overtax my shoulder muscles

2.5 minutes step aerobics - pyramid up
-1 minute - level 7 - basic step
-1 minute - level 9 - basic run
-30 seconds - level 10 - double time toe taps

upright row
1/10 - 2 kg weights

2.5 minutes step aerobics - pyramid down
-1 minute - level 7 - basic step (arms above head)
-1 minute - level 6 - toe taps (arms above head)
-30 seconds - level 5 - grapevine
tried to keep aerobic intensity up by moving my arms above my head

seated row
1/10 - 2 kg weights

2.5 minutes step aerobics
-hamstring pull

concentration curl
1/10 - 3 kg weights each side

2.5 minutes step aerobics
-knee/side/hamstring repeaters

french curl
1/10 - 2 kg weights (could try 3 next time)

2.5 minutes step aerobics - pyramid up
-1 minute - level 7 - basic step
-1 minute - level 9 - basic run
-30 seconds - level 10 - double time toe taps

forward and back kick

2.5 minutes step aerobics - pyramid down
-1 minute - level 7 - basic step
-1 minute - level 6 - toe taps
-30 seconds - level 5 - grapevine

side to side
1/10 - 3 kg weights

2.5 minutes aerobic cool down

dog walk
1/10 each side

chair curl


Ahhhhhhhh - nice. :-) I felt very warm and sweaty. I think my body missed the regular movement.

LMK Wed, Feb-11-04 13:02


Level (1 min) Activity
5 warm up
5 warm up
6 toe taps on step
7 basic step
8 alternating knee
9 run
6 toe taps on step
7 basic step
8 alternating side kick
9 run
6 toe taps on step
7 basic step
8 alternating hamstrings
9 run
6 toe taps on step
7 basic step
8 repeater - knee, side, hamstring
9 run
10 double-time toe tap (this is hard again)
5 cool down

LMK Thu, Feb-12-04 05:52

Today's mega-workout in 35 minutes flat. :D

10 minutes aerobics - pyramid up and down
1 - level 5 - grapevine
2 - level 6 - toe taps on step
3 - level 7 - basic step
4 - level 8 - repeaters - knee, side, hamstring
5 - level 9 - basic step - run
6 - level 10 - double time toe taps (sheesh!)
7 - level 9 - basic step - run
8 - level 8 - repeaters - knee, side, hamstring
9 - level 7 - basic step
10 - level 6 - toe taps on step

chop and twist
1/10 - one 3 kg weight in lieu of a medicine ball

lying overhead pull
1/10 - 3 kg weight in lieu of a medicine ball

chest fly
1/10 - 2kg weights

upright row
1/10 - 3 kg weights

seated row
1/10 - 2 kg weights

concentration curl
1/10 - 3 kg weights each side

french curl
1/10 - 2 kg weights

10 minutes aerobics - pyramid up and down
1 - level 5 - grapevine
2 - level 6 - toe taps on step
3 - level 7 - basic step
4 - level 8 - repeaters - knee, side, hamstring
5 - level 9 - basic step - run
6 - level 10 - double time toe taps (sheesh!)
7 - level 9 - basic step - run
8 - level 8 - repeaters - knee, side, hamstring
9 - level 7 - basic step
10 - level 6 - toe taps on step

forward and back kick

side to side
1/10 - 3 kg weights

dog walk
1/10 each side

chair curl


Ah this was tough! Going to level 10 twice in the workout guaranteed that might heart rate stayed elevated through most of the weight lifting and that I was sweating buckets!

I'm glad I finally got this in today. I got my Visa right before I worked out, and that led to an hour and a half of doing other things - frantically! The workout has calmed me down. And now - I'm going to go get my NI number. :)

I'm going to try and add some aerobics due to last night's tiny indiscretion. :)

LMK Sat, Feb-14-04 03:45

Forgot to post yesterday's workout!

I walked to and from Dartington College - which is up hill one way and down hill the other with few exceptions - at about a 3pmh pace on average. Total walking time was an hour.

LMK Mon, Feb-16-04 01:28

This morning's workout - done at 6am!!! OMG...

Level (1 min) Activity
5 warm up
5 warm up
6 toe taps on step
7 basic step
8 alternating knee
9 run
6 toe taps on step
7 basic step
8 alternating side kick
9 run
6 toe taps on step
7 basic step
8 alternating hamstrings
9 run
6 toe taps on step
7 basic step
8 repeater - knee, side, hamstring
9 run
10 double-time toe tap (this is hard again)
5 cool down

More later.

LMK Mon, Feb-16-04 13:03

And more for today:

10 minutes aerobics - pyramid up and down
1 - level 5 - grapevine
2 - level 6 - toe taps on step
3 - level 7 - basic step
4 - level 8 - repeaters - knee, side, hamstring
5 - level 9 - basic step - run
6 - level 10 - double time toe taps (sheesh!)
7 - level 9 - basic step - run
8 - level 8 - repeaters - knee, side, hamstring
9 - level 7 - basic step
10 - level 6 - toe taps on step

chop and twist
2/10 - one 3 kg weight in lieu of a medicine ball

lying overhead pull
2/10 - 3 kg weight in lieu of a medicine ball

chest fly
2/10 - 2kg weights
I wonder if I can up this to 3 kg?

upright row
2/10 - 3 kg weights

seated row
2/10 - 2 kg weights
up to 3 kg?

concentration curl
2/10 - 3 kg weights each side

french curl
2/10 - 2 kg weights

10 minutes aerobics - pyramid up and down
1 - level 5 - grapevine
2 - level 6 - toe taps on step
3 - level 7 - basic step
4 - level 8 - repeaters - knee, side, hamstring
5 - level 9 - basic step - run
6 - level 10 - double time toe taps (sheesh!)
7 - level 9 - basic step - run
8 - level 8 - repeaters - knee, side, hamstring
9 - level 7 - basic step
10 - level 6 - toe taps on step

forward and back kick

side to side
2/10 - 3 kg weights

dog walk
2/10 each side

chair curl


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