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Panyg Thu, Sep-22-05 13:06

Pany finally went to the gym!!!!
Hello everybody!

I finally got my butt in gear and went to the gym!!! I will update everyday with my excercise, however much or little I do!!!

Thursday 22nd September

20 minute walk from train station to work.

60 minute walk along the river at lunch time


5 minutes on the X-Trainer (I need to build this to 20 mins)
3 sets of 10 Leg Press
3 sets of 10 Leg Extensions
3 sets of 10 Chest Press
3 sets of 10 Chest Pull?
3 sets of 10 Some other chest machine?
3 sets of 10 Rope Pull
3 set of 15 ab crunches
8 minutes run (I tried for 10 but I had lots of pain in my sides so had to stop at 8 mins)

20 minute walk home (why get the bus when I can walk and get more excercise!)

So about 90 minutes in the gym and 100 minutes walking.

And that's my 1st ever gym log!!

FabByFifty Thu, Sep-22-05 13:29

Nice Job Pany!!!:) And welcome to the world of Gym Logging! You are going to feel sooooo goooood about yourself doing these workouts and walks. And the results are going to give you the confidence that you have never known!:)

Fantastic Workout Pany, :thup: and Congratulations on that and the Gym Log.

Cara73 Thu, Sep-22-05 13:48

Woohoo Pany. Wait until Debbie gets a load of this!!! She'll be so proud. I'm very proud of you. Great job!! :)

Panyg Thu, Sep-22-05 14:10

Originally Posted by FabByFifty
Nice Job Pany!!!:) And welcome to the world of Gym Logging! You are going to feel sooooo goooood about yourself doing these workouts and walks. And the results are going to give you the confidence that you have never known!:)

Fantastic Workout Pany, :thup: and Congratulations on that and the Gym Log.

Thanks for the kind words Brenda! If it helps with the confidence, I'll go everyday!!

Originally Posted by Cara73
Woohoo Pany. Wait until Debbie gets a load of this!!! She'll be so proud. I'm very proud of you. Great job!! :)
Thanks for the kind words Tinky Winky! I hope Debbie is proud, she inspired me to go to the gym.

galatia Thu, Sep-22-05 14:12

ALRIGHT PANY!!!! I'm so glad to see this. What a wonderful birthday present for me! :)

Panyg Thu, Sep-22-05 14:22

Thanks alot Debbie!!

I half changed my mind a few times. My journey to the gym from work usually takes 45 minutes. This time it took 1 hour 50 minutes!! And I had to change buses at the bus stop 200 feet from my house!! I was so tempted to just go home! But I thought to myself "No, Debbie would be disappointed in me". So I went to the gym!!

Thanks alot Debbie, you are a true inspiration!

galatia Mon, Sep-26-05 13:08

Just checking to see how it went today. I'll check back later. I want details. :)

Panyg Mon, Sep-26-05 13:17

Monday 26th September

25 minute walk from train station to work.

60 minute walk along the river at lunch time


5 minutes on the X-Trainer (I need to build this to 20 mins)
3 sets of 10 Leg Press
3 sets of 10 Leg Extensions
3 sets of 10 Chest Press
3 sets of 10 Shoulder Press
3 sets of 10 cant remember the name. Annoyed now! basically sitting down and start with weights high and then you pull them down?
3 sets of 10 Rope Pull
3 set of 15 ab crunches
12 minutes run (I walked half of it, had bad pains in my side)

25 minute walk home (why get the bus when I can walk and get more excercise!)

So about 60 minutes in the gym and 110 minutes walking.

I'm a little concerned how quickly I got out of there. Maybe I went too fast? Too quick between sets, using machines too fast? I'm not sure really.

galatia Mon, Sep-26-05 15:50


cant remember the name. Annoyed now! basically sitting down and start with weights high and then you pull them down?

Sounds like lat pulldowns.

Usually 40-60 seconds between sets is about right if you're not going too heavy. You got plenty of cardio in. I see you're still doing it BEFORE weights. You know my feelings about that, so I won't say anymore about it. ;) Except for this, if you're doing it for a warm up.....all the walking you do before you ever get to the gym is PLENTY of "warm-up." Now I won't say anymore about it. Unless I think of something else I feel is necessary :lol:.
Lookin' good Pany. :) incase you can't remember the names of something else, this is a good site. :)

Panyg Tue, Sep-27-05 02:56

Originally Posted by galatia
That's the one, thanks Debbie.

Originally Posted by galatia
Usually 40-60 seconds between sets is about right if you're not going too heavy. You got plenty of cardio in. I see you're still doing it BEFORE weights. You know my feelings about that, so I won't say anymore about it. ;) Except for this, if you're doing it for a warm up.....all the walking you do before you ever get to the gym is PLENTY of "warm-up." Now I won't say anymore about it. Unless I think of something else I feel is necessary :lol:.
But I did 17 minutes of cardio, only 5 were before weights. I got the train straight from work and did no walking at all before! I walked for 60 minutes but that was 2 hours before I went to the gym. Surely I need some cardio? You don't think I need any?
Originally Posted by galatia
[url=""] incase you can't remember the names of something else, this is a good site. :)
Thanks for the link and the excellent advice Debbie

Panyg Tue, Sep-27-05 03:00

One thing that bothers me is the shoulder press. I have to stop after about 6 reps. Then after reducing the weight to practically nothing, I was still unable to complete a set without stopping. I'm fine with the pulldowns but the shoulder press (which is a similar movement) is hard with even just a 3rd of the weight. Are my shoulders that weak?

galatia Tue, Sep-27-05 03:45

Surely I need some cardio? You don't think I need any?
I just think you are getting plenty with all the walking you're doing. If you want to do 5 mins. of cardio to get going once you get to the gym, that's fine. You said you got in 110 mins. of walking yesterday.....that's a great deal of cardio. I know in your ever day life you do a LOT of walking, so I just don't think cardio is a big issue for you. My point is that you don't need to be depleted when it comes weight training time.

Are you using a machine for shoulder presses? I think you are. Is it painful in your shoulder? Or are you just saying you give're weak there?
After a couple of weeks, I hope you get started on free weights. And a different routine. You are working arms in a secondary manner, so not a good work-out for them. And next time, do your shoulder exercise after your back. Always biggest to littlest muscles. Shoulders and arms come in last. :)

galatia Tue, Sep-27-05 03:52


One thing that bothers me is the shoulder press. I have to stop after about 6 reps. Then after reducing the weight to practically nothing, I was still unable to complete a set without stopping. I'm fine with the pulldowns but the shoulder press (which is a similar movement) is hard with even just a 3rd of the weight. Are my shoulders that weak?

Pulldowns and shoulder presses are not similar. Pulldowns are incorporating those big back muscles and biceps mostly. Shoulder presses are incorportating those little MUCH weaker deltoids. Everyone has to go much lighter on shoulders. And what you DON'T want to do is hurt your shoulders. They will put you out of commission if you do. So listen to them for any pain that isn't fatigue-type pain. And readjust or pick another exercise, or stop working them for the day. :)

Panyg Tue, Sep-27-05 09:09

Originally Posted by galatia
I just think you are getting plenty with all the walking you're doing. If you want to do 5 mins. of cardio to get going once you get to the gym, that's fine. You said you got in 110 mins. of walking yesterday.....that's a great deal of cardio. I know in your ever day life you do a LOT of walking, so I just don't think cardio is a big issue for you. My point is that you don't need to be depleted when it comes weight training time.
That a very good point Debbie. I think I just go straight for a quick warm up as it's just 2nd nature for me when I go to the gym. I will try to go straight to weights!
Originally Posted by galatia
Are you using a machine for shoulder presses? I think you are. Is it painful in your shoulder? Or are you just saying you give're weak there?
I think I am just very week. I just am unable to finish the reps as my arms just wont go any higher, even with very light weight.
Originally Posted by galatia
After a couple of weeks, I hope you get started on free weights. And a different routine. You are working arms in a secondary manner, so not a good work-out for them. And next time, do your shoulder exercise after your back. Always biggest to littlest muscles. Shoulders and arms come in last. :)
I thought I was! What would you change round?

Thanks for all the help Debbie!

Panyg Tue, Sep-27-05 09:20

Originally Posted by galatia
Pulldowns and shoulder presses are not similar.
I'm sorry! You smartass!! :lol:
Originally Posted by galatia
Pulldowns are incorporating those big back muscles and biceps mostly. Shoulder presses are incorportating those little MUCH weaker deltoids. Everyone has to go much lighter on shoulders. And what you DON'T want to do is hurt your shoulders. They will put you out of commission if you do. So listen to them for any pain that isn't fatigue-type pain. And readjust or pick another exercise, or stop working them for the day. :)
I didn't realise, they seem like practically identical excercises. Maybe my seat was too low and I was stretching? Thanks for the excellent advice as usual!

galatia Tue, Sep-27-05 09:59

Machine shoulder press: Is this what you're doing for shoulders?

What are your "rope pulls" working? Too vague a discription, could be rear delts, could be triceps, could even be back or biceps. Once I understand what they are for I'll put shoulder presses in their rightful place in this routine you're doing. Shoulder presses should not have come before Lat Pulldowns, that's back. And if those "rope pulls" are for triceps, then I'd still like to see a bicep exercise in there. Then you'll be o.k. with this for the next few work-outs. :)

You smartass!! :lol:


5 minutes on the X-Trainer (I need to build this to 20 mins) :rolleyes:
3 sets of 10 Leg Press
3 sets of 10 Leg Extensions
3 sets of 10 Chest Press
3 sets of 10 Shoulder Press
3 sets of 10 cant remember the name. Annoyed now! basically sitting down and start with weights high and then you pull them down?
3 sets of 10 Rope Pull
3 set of 15 ab crunches
12 minutes run (I walked half of it, had bad pains in my side)

25 minute walk home (why get the bus when I can walk and get more excercise!)

Panyg Tue, Sep-27-05 14:34

Originally Posted by galatia
Machine shoulder press: Is this what you're doing for shoulders?
You are good Debbie! Yes, that's the one.
Originally Posted by galatia
What are your "rope pulls" working? Too vague a discription, could be rear delts, could be triceps, could even be back or biceps.

I would say similar to this, except the pull is from the top, not the bottom, if that makes sense.
Originally Posted by galatia
Once I understand what they are for I'll put shoulder presses in their rightful place in this routine you're doing. Shoulder presses should not have come before Lat Pulldowns, that's back. And if those "rope pulls" are for triceps, then I'd still like to see a bicep exercise in there. Then you'll be o.k. with this for the next few work-outs. :) [/font]


5 minutes on the X-Trainer (I need to build this to 20 mins) :rolleyes:
3 sets of 10 Leg Press
3 sets of 10 Leg Extensions
3 sets of 10 Chest Press
3 sets of 10 Shoulder Press
3 sets of 10 cant remember the name. Annoyed now! basically sitting down and start with weights high and then you pull them down?
3 sets of 10 Rope Pull
3 set of 15 ab crunches
12 minutes run (I walked half of it, had bad pains in my side)

25 minute walk home (why get the bus when I can walk and get more excercise!)
Thanks Debbie, you're great!!

galatia Tue, Sep-27-05 17:43

O.k. so those rope pulls are for biceps I take it. So just move the shoulder presses to after the lat pulldowns and then add a tricep exercise in there after those rope pulls if they are for biceps and that'll get everything.


5 minutes on the X-Trainer (I need to build this to 20 mins) :rolleyes:
3 sets of 10 Leg Press (feet high to hit hamstrings)
3 sets of 10 Leg Extensions (quads)
3 sets of 10 Chest Press
3 sets of 10 Lat pulldowns
3 sets of 10 Shoulder Press
3 sets of 10 Rope Pull (biceps?)
3 sets of 10 Rope Pushdowns (triceps)
3 set of 15 ab crunches
12 minutes run (I walked half of it, had bad pains in my side)

25 minute walk home (why get the bus when I can walk and get more excercise!)

Panyg Wed, Sep-28-05 12:27

Wednesday 28th September

20 minute walk from train station to work.

60 minute walk along the river at lunch time


5 minutes on the X-Trainer (I need to build this to 20 mins)
3 sets of 10 Leg Press
3 sets of 10 Leg Extensions
3 sets of 10 Chest Press
3 sets of 10 Rope Pull
3 sets of 10 Rev Pulldowns
3 sets of 10 Shoulder Press
20 minutes run (Yes, 20 minutes!! - half walking, half running)
3 set of 15 ab crunches

20 minute walk home (I ignored all the buses and walked home)

So about 70 minutes in the gym and 100 minutes walking.

sugarbgood Wed, Sep-28-05 12:37


way to go...

you will be in shape in no time

and this will help you feel soooooo much better......
proud of you/sugar

Panyg Wed, Sep-28-05 12:38

thanks Sugar!

galatia Thu, Sep-29-05 05:03

3 sets of 10 Leg Press
3 sets of 10 Leg Extensions
3 sets of 10 Chest Press
3 sets of 10 Rope Pull (biceps?)
3 sets of 10 Rev Pulldowns (triceps?)
3 sets of 10 Shoulder Press
20 minutes run (Yes, 20 minutes!! - half walking, half running)

3 set of 15 ab crunches

I don't see anything for back.

Panyg Thu, Sep-29-05 05:23

The rev pulldowns were biceps and neck I believe. I need to look at what they machines say about body parts. Could the pulldowns be biceps and back?? I don't know?

Panyg Thu, Sep-29-05 05:29

In fact, the rev pulldowns like alot like this:

So maybe I am working the back?

galatia Thu, Sep-29-05 06:46

Well that's definately back. Are you going to change up your routine anytime soon, or are you happy with what you're doing? It's hard for me to figure out what you're doing, but I don't want to discourage you if you're happy with it. And the #1 goal at this stage of the game is getting into the habit of going. If you get frustrated you'll be less likely to go. You just keep doing what you're doing and move at your own pace, and get advice from the people who work at your gym or research the internet. However you want to handle it to progress when you're ready. :)

You're doing great Pany. :)

Panyg Sat, Oct-01-05 03:47

Friday 30th September

20 minute walk from train station to work.

80 minute walk around London at lunch time


5 minutes on the X-Trainer (I need to build this to 20 mins)
3 sets of 10 Leg Press (Quadriceps, gluteus, hamstrings, soleus, gastrocnemius)
3 sets of 10 Leg Extensions (quadriceps)
3 sets of 10 Chest Press (pectorals, triceps, deltoids)
3 sets of 10 Rope Pull (need to ask instructor)
3 sets of 10 Rev Pulldowns (back, biceps)
3 sets of 10 Shoulder Press (deltoids, triceps)
12 minutes run (7 running, 5 fast walking)
3 set of 15 ab crunches (abs?)

20 minute walk home (I ignored all the buses and walked home)

So about 70 minutes in the gym and 120 minutes walking.

Looking at that list, The shooulder press and leg extensions are using muscles already worked on other machines. Are those muscles worth working out again or should I swap with other machines? Or even keep those and add a few more?

Also, why am I not aching at all??

Panyg Mon, Oct-03-05 13:57

Monday 3rd October

20 minute walk from train station to work.

60 minute walk around London at lunch time


5 minutes on the X-Trainer (I need to build this to 20 mins)
3 sets of 10 Leg Press (Quadriceps, gluteus, hamstrings, soleus, gastrocnemius)
3 sets of 10 Leg Extensions (quadriceps)
3 sets of 10 Chest Press (pectorals, triceps, deltoids)
3 sets of 10 Rope Pull (need to ask instructor)
3 sets of 10 Rev Pulldowns (back, biceps)
3 sets of 10 Shoulder Press (deltoids, triceps)
12 minutes run (7 running, 5 fast walking)
3 set of 15 ab crunches (abs?)

30 minute walk home (I ignored all the buses and walked home)

So about 60 minutes in the gym and 110 minutes walking.

sugarbgood Mon, Oct-03-05 21:04

hey buddy...

Congratulations on all the hard work!!!!!!

You will be soooo buff and feel sooo good!!!

Very proud of you....keep it up!!!! Remember your fan club is rooting for you!!!!

huggsss and prayers!!! Julie/sugar

Panyg Tue, Oct-04-05 01:58

Thanks for the kind words Sugar!

galatia Tue, Oct-04-05 05:15

Let me know if you'd like any help with working up a new routine. :)

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