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Galadriell Fri, Dec-12-03 16:51

LC Marathon - Galadriell's running log
Updated preface to this gym log

(The underlined words are hyperlinks - click on them for details.)

In January 2003 I started a running training, with a dream: finishing a marathon. I was 45 year old, without any previous running experience, but with 35 lbs excess weight. My inspiration was my triathloner/marathoner Marine son. See how the dream was born click here.

In September 2003 I finished my first half marathon - with 2:13 (10:13 pace), and reached my original goal weight - 140 lbs. After finishing my first marathon in June 2004 (4:35), I started the Slow Burn eating/training programme. As a result my weight dropped to 125 lbs, and all my long distance record improved remarkably.

My journey from Apr 2003 - to Dec 2003 is in my journal.
This gym log is following my running adventure from December 2003 through my first, second, third, fourth, fifth marathon training.

Some highlights:
January 11 - my first under 2 hours half marathon - 1:59:45 (Irvine half marathon)
January 18 - my second under 2 hours half marathon - 1:59:29 (Carslbad half marathon)
January - May - first marathon training.
June 6 - my first marathon - 4:35:46 (Details)
June - September - Uphill Battle- a hill training programme.
September 18 - second place on Heartbreak Ridge half marathon (Details)
September 26 - my fantastic new half marathon record - 1:54:58 (Details)
October-December - my second marathon training.

January 16 - my second marathon - 4:07:00 (Details)
January 16 - February 6 recovery, rest, cross training period
February 7 - September 26 third marathon training for the Boulder Backroads marathon
September 25 - my third marathon - 4 h 20 min (slightly under 10 min/mile pace).

September 29- 2006 January 15 fourth marathon training for the P.F. Chang’s Rock ‘n’ Roll Arizona marathon.

January 15 - my fourth marathon - 3:59:22 Boston Qualifier time
January 16-22 - well deserved rest days
January 23-April 28: standard running schedule (6-9 miles on weekdays, 12 miles on Sundays)
April 28 - fifth marathon training for the Lake Tahoe Marathon.
Sept 29 - my fifth marathon - 4 h 25 min (high altitude, hilly)

Oct 1-21 recovery, rest
Oct 22-Dec 31 maintenance, with 18 milers, and with a 4x6 miler

January 1-May 2 sixth marathon training for the Vancouver Marathon
May 6th my sixth marathon

For the list of running books that gave me training, eating, inspirational advices click here.
The full list of my trusted, proved running gears here.

Galadriell Fri, Dec-12-03 16:59

Friday, Dec 12
Refreshing morning 6k run.
Very cold but very clear morning. We saw the sunrise during our third loop. (We really missed it during the last couple of days, because of the clouds, rain)
Loop times: 10:40, 10:20, 10.
Surprisingly we have not seen any familiar faces. Not even the "Young Woman With Two Dogs". It is ok, to stay inside if it is cold, but the dogs must go... I mean go out... Hm...

Upper body training afternoon:
biceps (preacher curl)10x20lbs , 2x5x30lbs
lat pull down 2x20x60lbs
row 20x60lbs
chest press 20x40lbs

leg extension 10x60lbs - I should not have do this, but could not resist
abs 20x40lbs, 10x50lbs
back 20x50lbs
After I finished the Skinny Guy in Silver Shorts came in. Pushing 150-170 lbs versus my 40 lbs ... There was the Old Indian Couple walking on the threadmills. The woman's hip seems to heal fast. Two months ago he hardly could walk with a stick.

Then 20 min elliptical - the cross training program.

Evening: pilate - baclground movie: Ronin (I love De Niro!!! and of course Jean Reno) + ankle strengthening. There is no way I can do this "tree" with closed eyes.

Feeling very energized for the tomorrows long run. I hope the weather will be clear.

korry1977 Fri, Dec-12-03 17:40

I just dropped by and wanted to say...

Congrats on your half-marathon result!!

and good luck with your training for the marathon...

Right now I just starting a jogging program usually run at a 5mph pace... (know thats slow for now)

have a good one,

Galadriell Sat, Dec-13-03 17:28

What a wonderful day
Sunday, Dec 13rd sunrise 6:47 - and what a wonderful sunrise!!!
Long run 10 miles - track
We had a very cold, but clear morning. So cold, we needed sweatshirt, and so clear, we needed sunglasses.
Very energetic start, surprisingly even more energetic later, as the sun was rising. Summary: 9:10 - 9:20 miles. (!!!)
Nutrition: the usual one cup Gatorade before run, and one during run.

Again we missed many familiar faces. Neither the Old Walker, nor the Black Musician. None of the Two Women. The Old Marathoner came - oh my!! This guy is fantastic... Oh well, we only 46, so we still have 10-15 years to get to the same level as he is now:-))) The Guy in Black/White came, and again, run only two laps. What the hell is the problem with him? Injured? No way...
But there was a new fellow runner: the Young Man in Red. He run 20 laps, with similar speed as we. Hope to see him again, maybe tomorrow?

(This moment I can not imagine how we will even WALK tomorrow morning....)

Evening stretching, background movie: The Silence of the Lambs (Anthony Hopkins the best!!!)

Yes, I know that the "perfect" stretching music should be some relaxing, but for me thrillers/action movies work much better.

Galadriell Sun, Dec-14-03 15:13

Breaking the 9:00 barrier
What a terrible weather (cold, cloudy, high humidity) Sunrise at 6:48 - we have not seen more than a narrow blue strip for a short time.
Despite of these conditions we had a very successful morning training.
8k - speed work.
First 2k - with 9:20 min/mile pace
4k interval (200 m sprint, 200 m tempo - 10x) with 8:40 (!!!!!!) min/mile pace. We have never before could keep this pace for 10 laps.
Last 2k cooling down with 9:20 min/mile pace
Perceived exertion level was between 9-10 (9: I am almost certainly will die, 10: I am dead) I had never before could run fast enough to reach 98% of mhr on flat surface. It seems our legs are improving.
Nutrition: the usual half glass water before running.

We felt a little lonely. The Young Man in Red left soon after we arrived, and the Black Musician arrived when we were leaving. But we all were so happy to see each other. I am concerned about the Old Walker. I hope he is not ill. He has been our most faithful companion in the last 9 month.

Evening: stretching, ankle strenghtening.
Background movie: Episode from the Battlestar Galactica series. What can I say? A little too slow paced for my taste, and definitely very low budget...

korry1977 Sun, Dec-14-03 17:17

Originally Posted by Galadriell
Oh, man... I LOVE your calculations:-)) You are absolutely right our brains need exercise too.
My husband is able to entertain himself for 60-120 minutes during our long runs simply calculating everything ... Not only our speed, pace - in all the possible measurments (min/mile, mile/min, min/kilometer, lap times, projected 5k, 10k 13 mile times, percentages etc.), but other runners data too - compared to ours.
Meanwhile I prefer to write letters to friends in my mind....
Oh well... Men are from Mars women from Venus...
Have a wonderful week:-))

About Last Samurai. Have you seen (you are very young, so maybe only in reruns) the Shogun?

LOL... just wanted to know how far I was sprinting.. lol... :lol:

The Shogun... was that a miniseries on TV with Richard Chamberlain or someone as a samurai... I was born in 1977 so I could be totally wrong... lol

The Last Samurai was a great movie... I reccomend to watch it :thup: :thup: :thup:

Have a good one,

CC: My Journal

korry1977 Sun, Dec-14-03 17:19

Wow... been training for 9 months... thats an accompolishment in itself!!!

Well, sounds like your getting close to break the 9:00 min/mile barrier... just only a matter of time ;)

have a good run,

Galadriell Mon, Dec-15-03 19:59

No run today - our regular rest day. We have deserved it:-) (What a wonderful weekend!)

But we had a nice upper body workout in the gym:

Upper body trainnig :
biceps (preacher curl) 20x20lbs
lat pull down 20x60 lbs
row 20x60lbs
chest press 20x40lbs
abs 20x40lbs, 10x50lbs
back 20x50lbs

korry1977 Mon, Dec-15-03 20:32

Originally Posted by Galadriell
How fast? Forget about speed, forget about distance, concentrate only on the time. Find a comfortable speed, not too fast, not too slow.

I can deliver a nice lecture about exertion levels, max heart rate percentage, etc, but to a medical student?

Let me share a wonderful simply advice I read somewhere. Use he speech test. If you are unable to say even a short sentence as: "Tom Cruise should get an Oscar after all " - you are running too fast. But if you are able to have a heated discussion on boxer vs briefs - you are running too slow.
(Yes, Tom Cruise's name was used:-)
If you prefer numbers I would say 75-85% of max heart rate.

The speed will improve without any special effort, attention to aorund 9-10 mile/min during this 10 weeks.

I read many similar programs, usually they advice against concentrating speed before you are able to run 30 min. It is easier to build speed on a strong base. After having this base, with interval training, hill work you can improve much faster, than now. I think the reason to emphasize this strong base is to prevent injury. Most of the "beginner" experience shorter/longer pain, injury during this first phase. I read many logs from runners - they all agree, after reaching the 30 min, all those pains disappear.

Btw I would like to recommend you the web site. "Everything you have ever wanted to know about running":-)
They have detailed plans for everybody from beginners to ultramarthoners. They recruited the best, most experienced - amateur and profi - runners to write articles, to share experiences. I followed their plans for beginners, for half-Marathon training, now for Marathon training. They helped me with everything from choosing the right shoes through injury prevention to how to find the best Marathons. Only problem they are not really LC, so I needed to find out myself what to do.

Any way... the most important: have fun, enjoy running.

Yeah, that makes sense... I have started back running again so thats right I should concentrate on completing the time and once I have sustained 30 mins then I can really concentrate on the speed factor... ( 2 years ago I ran 14 miles in 3+ hours, I want to improve on that)

thanks for your advice... yeah I know about 70 - 85 %MHR and Cardiovascular benefits, etc... I just wanted your personal opinion related to your experiences... but the more info the better, I always say!!! :lol:

Thanks again, this is quite helpful!!!


CC: My Gymlog

Galadriell Tue, Dec-16-03 10:44

Enjoying nature....
10 k run along the creek. Our favorite. A long strip of untouched nature in the middle of our high tech city. Very rich flora, fauna.
The weather was cold but clear, the rising sun literally blinding us.
Time 58:00, used our trail shoes.

Galadriell Tue, Dec-16-03 19:14

The best Marathon of all time: The Lord of the Ring Marathon
I must admit I am one of the crazy Tolkien fans. (Of course if you are another one, you already know this about me.)
Unfortunately there is no LTR Marathon (the two extended version + the third movie) in our city, so I had to do it myself: watching the 8 + hours frist two part from DVD.
Because there is no way I can sit 8 hours, so I have a Pilate Marathon also:-)
Now I am between the two movies, giving myself a short dinner break.

korry1977 Tue, Dec-16-03 19:29

Originally Posted by Galadriell
14 miles? Two years ago? I am sure, you will do it again very soon. How about a nice half-Marathon nearby? The best motivation is a copy of your registration on your fridge:-)

My best wishes...

Wish I could... but my clinical rotations will start next year... no time!!! lol... will try to be faithful to the workouts though... Time, apparantly, is something I gotta to juggle with....


CC: My Gymlog

korry1977 Tue, Dec-16-03 19:30

I know there is a midnight showing here in town... but I have plans with a group of plans to watch it this weekend... lol... Can't wait to see, though

Galadriell Wed, Dec-17-03 10:17

Wednesday, Dec 17
Wonderful clear morning. The sky as a Renoir painting: light blue/pink - slowly turning to yellow as the sun is coming up. And again the blinding gold sun during our last loop.
6k run - I forgot to start my watch, so there is no time for the first 2k. (Second 2k: 10:50, third 2k 10:10)
We have not seen anybody running/walking. But the Young Woman With Two Dogs was there:-)
New entertainment: the homes on the closed military base are fully demolished (in less than one week), already they started to clean up the area.

Galadriell Wed, Dec-17-03 15:19

Anger management grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
After the wonderful Renoirisque morning, during lunch time I accidentaly broke our kitchen light cover. It is cheap, but costum made, so very hard to replace. Definetely there is no way to replace before Christmas. Kids are coming home, our home is already fully decorated, and now a huge hole on the ceiling???
My favorite fastest way to steam out, cool down is running. With full stomach in the noon heat? So I went to the gym, and worked as a madman. (Hm.. maybe madperson the politically correct term?) Breaking many of previous "stalls".
First I was alone in the gym (who else stupid enough to work out immediately after lunch?) But in the middle of one set my favorite porter lady came in with a wonderful smile: "You must enjoy exercising" :) .

biceps (preacher curl) 20 x 20 lbs, 10 x 30 lbs
lat pull down 2 x 20 x 60 2 x 10 x 70 lbs (inward and outward grips)
row 20 x 60lbs
chest press 20 x 40lbs, 10 x 50 lbs
back 10 x 50 lbs, 20 x 60 lbs, 20 x 70 lbs
leg extension 20 x 60 lbs
leg curl 10 x 40 lbs, 10x 50 lbs

Actually it was very stupid for my body - I am sure I will feel the pain for 48-72 hours. On the other hand my soul is saved:-)))

Epilogue: One hour after my mad work-out I simply fixed the cover with an invisible tape - to create some temporary solution. When I put back, turned on the light, I noticed that both the damage and the tape invisible from outside...

Galadriell Thu, Dec-18-03 10:41

Dec 18th - the big countdown starts
Beautiful clear morning again: cardinal-light blue sky - changing to blinding gold...
6k run (10:55, 10:30, 9:55 laps)

Only one month till the San Diego half Marathon. And only three weeks to the dress-rehearsal Irvine half Marathon. After the succesful September half Marathon, and after 6 month regular 10-10+ miles long runs we are full of confidence.

Our running training schedule for the next month:
19 6k
20 10 miles
22 8k interval training
24 10k
27 10 miles
29 8 k interval
31 10 k
1 6k
2 6k
3 10 miles
5 hillwork
6-7-8 easy 6k-s
January 11 - South CA half Marathon, Irvine
one week rest - 2x3 easy run
On the no-run days swimming, gym, Pilates, anything....
My daughter arrives tomorrow, it means wonderful everyday mother-daughter bonding in the gym.

Galadriell Fri, Dec-19-03 11:34

Friday, Dec 19th
A little cloudy, but still nice morning. The clouds were similar to icebergs. Hm.. I should check out a "cloud almanach" from the university library. And we should take a camera with us. Both my sons have huge collections of cloud/sunrise/sunset pictures. Maybe we should start one too. We saw only one other walker/runner the Old Man from Ohio State. Where are the others?
6k run (11, 10:40, 9:50 2ks)

UBWO (gym):
biceps (preacher curl) 20 x 20 lbs, 10 x 30 lbs
lat pull down 2 x 20 x 70 lbs (inward and outward grips)
row 20 x 60lbs
chest press 20 x 40lbs, 10 x 50 lbs
back 20 x 60 lbs, 10 x 70 lbs 10x8 0 lbs

Galadriell Sat, Dec-20-03 10:56

Forever young, fast and light ....
OMG! Old Walker is running!!!! Old Walker is a 80+ year old English gentleman, our most faihtful companion every Saturday - Sunday on the highs school track. Always walks 10 laps. Today he started to jog!!!It was only 100 yard, but jog.
He is our new hero:-)) (Beside the 60+ Old Marathoner, who was with us today too.)
Madame Butterfly was flying around too. Literally. She follows some very special Asian training, walking/jogging, meanwhile flying with her arms.
This time her husband and son were there too. (Practicing some martial art on the lawn.)
Ok, so our 10 miles long run - after all these wonderful inspirations was great success. We felt young as Old Walker, fast as Old Marathoner, light as Madame Butterfly.
Nutrition: one cup Gatorade before run, 2x1/2 cup during run.
(2:25; 2:20; 2:20; 2:18 laps)

Galadriell Sun, Dec-21-03 11:38

Mother - daughter bonding
My grad student daughter with us for the holidays. This summer, partly inspired by our running program, partly by the new university athletic center, she started an intensive exercise program - lost the infamous "freshman 20" in three months. (Actually she gained this 20 lbs much more during her junior/senior years.) She is gorgeous. When I visit her or when she is with us we always exercise together. Wonderful mother-daughter bonding - sweating together - followed by cooking together.
This time we have huge shopping to do: both of us need to change our warderobe. (She dropped from size 12 to size 6, I from size 14 to size 8)

No running today. Resting our legs after our Saturday's long run and before our planned interval training on Monday.

UBWO (gym):

biceps (preacher curl) 20 x 20 lbs, 10 x 30 lbs
lat pull down 3 x 20 x 70 lbs (inward, outward, middle grips)
row 20 x 60 lbs + 2 x 70 lbs (felt strong)
chest press 20 x 50 lbs, 20 x 60 lbs (felt really strong:-)
back 20 x 60 lbs, 20 x 70 lbs

During my sweating my daughter (sweating also on the eliptical) were entertaining me: reading articles from trashy magazines.

Galadriell Mon, Dec-22-03 11:06

Under 8:30 min/mile !!!
Cold, but clear morning.

8 k speedwork.
2k warm up (8:40 min/mile)
4k speed (8:28 min/mile) !!!
2k cool down (9:20/mile)
nutrition: the usual glass of water before run

Galadriell Wed, Dec-24-03 12:15

Merry Christmas
10k trail run along our creek. (15:30, 13:10; 12:40, 15:10)
nutrition: a glass of water before run

biceps (preacher curl) 20 x 20 lbs, 10 x 30 lbs
lat pull down 2 x 10 x 70 lbs (inward and outward grips)
row 20 x 70 lbs
chest press 10 x 50 lbs, 10 x 60 lbs
back 20 x 60 lbs, 20 x 70 lbs, 10 x 80 lbs
leg extension 20 x 60 lbs
leg curl 20 x 40 lbs, 10x 50 lbs

Merry Christmas!

Galadriell Thu, Dec-25-03 13:36

Gadget parade
We have got wonderful running gears from our kids. My husband - a computer geek - loves these gadgets. So far we have used a nice Polar heart rate monitor: see here. It was excellent to check heart rate, time - basic infos.
Now we have got a "Timex Bodylink heart rate monitor & speed+ distance system": see here. So now we can track our speed, distance too!! Something else, we do not need to push the buttons, the gadget automatically records data at every km or mile. All data downloadable to our computer. So we are so scientific now:-)))
To relax our feet we have got a foot spa (jets, vibration, bubbles, massage) and a nice electric heating pad.

Ok, we are going for a test run this afternoon....

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr it is raining. So we had to skip the running , but we had a test walk with the new gear. It is excellent! We had a 4 mile walk around a small island, then we checked a new 10k hilly course.

Evening: 30 min hill work on treadmill.
AND a wonderful photo session. My husband took dozens of pics of us (my daughter and I) sweating in the gym:-)

Galadriell Fri, Dec-26-03 22:14

Dress parade
We spent the day with buying new clothes with my daughter. (She lost 20 lbs this summer, but similar way as I has refused to change her warderobe so far.)
Parading in simple digit size dresses - how heavenly!! My husband took dozens of pictures of our new selves :-))))

biceps (preacher curl) 20 x 20 lbs, 20 x 30 lbs
lat pull down 3 x 20 x 70 lbs
row 20 x 70 lbs
chest press 10 x 50 lbs, 10 x 60 lbs
back 20 x 60 lbs, 20 x 70 lbs, 20 x 80 lbs

Galadriell Sat, Dec-27-03 10:53

10 mile long run
Freezing cold (in South CA everything under 50F is considered freezing), but very clear morning - we had to put on our sunglasses at 7 AM.
10 miles - 9:10-9:20 min/mile speed. We felt great.
Nutrition: half a cup Gatorade before, 1 cup during run.

After an hour loneliness Old Walker, Madame Butterfly, Black-White Stripes Guy joined to us. Where is Old Marthoner? Maybe tapering before a January marathon? We missed him.

2 weeks to the Irvine, and 3 weeks to the San Diego Half-Marathon.
We are fully confident we can do the double.

Galadriell Sun, Dec-28-03 18:27

Lingerie parade followed by family weight training
Today we went back to continue our shopping. This time buying lingeries to our new dresses. It seems every evening dress requires different panties, bras :-)))

Afternoon gym: one hour family weight training with the guidence of my Marine/triathloner/personal trainer son. Nobody else was in the gym, so we (DH, DD, DS, I) could use everything. My son showed us many new tricks, what can we do with these boring looking machines.

Regular UBWO:
biceps (preacher curl) 20 x 20 lbs, 20 x 30 lbs
lat pull down 2 x 10 x 70 lbs 2 x 10 x 80 lbs (!!)
row 20 x 70 lbs 10 x 80 lbs (!!)
chest press 10 x 50 lbs, 20 x 60 lbs
back 20 x 60 lbs, 20 x 70 lbs, 20 x 80 lbs

30 min hill work on treadmill.

Galadriell Mon, Dec-29-03 11:29

DH is THE MAN:-))
What a run! Very cold (around 40F), but fortunately clear.
8 k speedwork.
2k warm up with 8:50 min/mile (it was so cold, we needed a fast warm up:-))
4k with 8:16 (!!!!) min/mile
2k cool down with 9:20 min/mile

But this is nothing. DH IS THE MAN!!! He broke the 8 min barrier, having a 2k with 7:58 min/mile!!!!! Usually we are running together, but doing speedwork separately.

Nutrition: the usual 1 glass water before run.

Exertion level: somewhere between 9-10.

(My favorite simpliest exertion level chart:
Level 1: I'm watching TV and eating bon bons
Level 2: I'm comfortable and could maintain this pace all day long
Level 3: I'm still comfortable, but am breathing a bit harder
Level 4: I'm sweating a little, but feel good and can carry on a conversation effortlessly
Level 5: I'm just above comfortable, am sweating more and can still talk easily
Level 6: I can still talk, but am slightly breathless
Level 7: I can still talk, but I don't really want to. I'm sweating like a pig
Level 8: I can grunt in response to your questions and can only keep this pace for a short time period.
Level 9: I am probably going to die.
Level 10: I am dead.)

Galadriell Mon, Dec-29-03 17:13

Pumping Iron
I have got two more wonderful after Christmas presents: the Pumping Iron DVD and Schwarzenegger's New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding. What a great motivation! I have always hated weight training. But to see the divine Arnold pumping hundreds pounds.... Maybe I should skip from running to bodybuilding???

Next time when I am going to the gym I will take my son's lap top, and watching Pumping Iron meanwhile sweating with my pathetic 20-30 lbs biceps curls. (Somehow meanwhile all my other muscles show some improvement, my biceps not....)

Galadriell Tue, Dec-30-03 21:32

Gym improvement
with the help of my son and the Schwarzenegger book (yes, I know Arnold is retro, but with my 46 year I am retro too:-)) I have improved my weight training. Better posture, how to adjust correctly the machines, etc. Of course my routine still very amateurish, but oh well...

biceps (preacher curl) 20 x 20 lbs, 20 x 30 lbs
reverse biceps 20 x 20 lbs
lat pull down 2 x 10 x 70 lbs + 2 x 5x 80 lbs lbs (inward and outward grips)
row 20 x 70 lbs + 10 x 80 lbs
chest press 10 x 50 lbs, 20 x 60 lbs 10 x 70 lbs (!!!)
back 20 x 60 lbs, 20 x 70 lbs, 20 x 80 lbs
leg extension 10 x 50 lbs 20 x 60 lbs
leg curl 20 x 40 lbs, 10 x 50 lbs
machine flys 2 x 20 x 40 lbs

Galadriell Wed, Dec-31-03 09:59

10 k under 9 min/mile - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
What a wonderful last day of the year! Cold but clear - blinding rising sun energizing us. Becuase of some work the bikers were derouted from the trail, so it was a "runners" day:-)))

10 k trail run along the creek 55:35 (27:45, 27:50) - means under 9 min/miles
nutrition: a glass of water before run

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Galadriell Thu, Jan-01-04 12:00

All quiet at home...
Kids left early morning, we are alone.... Too quiet....

3.63 mile morning run - 31:49 - 8.44 min/mile (!!!)
(10:25, 10:05. 10:10 - 1. 175)

Gym: UBWO chest, arms

biceps (preacher curl) 20 x 20 lbs, 20 x 30 lbs
reverse biceps 20 x 20 lbs
chest bench press: wide grip 20 x 40 lbs, narrow grip 10 x 50 lbs + 10 x 60 lbs, middle grip: 10 x 50 lbs+ 10 x 60 lbs + 10 x 70 lbs
machine flys 2 x 20 x 40 lbs
dumbbell: kickbacks, wrist curl, pullover
dips, push ups

back 20 x 60 lbs, 20 x 70 lbs, 20 x 80 lbs

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