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fibroart Sat, Apr-15-06 15:36

any fibros out there on a low carb diet
:roll: :roll: :roll: :dazzle: :dazzle: am so happy to find this website i have started a low carb diet only yestoday i have fibromyagia which is a disabling illness and i have heard alot that a certain diet can make fibros go into remission?? (no pain) anyone out there who is at that sage who has fibro and in remission with it please please!! contact me soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hope to hear from my fellow fibros soon
:help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help:

fibroart Mon, Apr-17-06 10:15

i take that as a NO!!! LOL

Aetheana Tue, Apr-18-06 11:10

My fibro has gone into remission due to a lot of different factors: Vitamin D supplementation has been a big one, as well as magnesium and malic acid supplementation.

i'm not tired anymore and my back only hurts when it gets stiff as compared to all the time. im sleeping better.

life doesnt have to be a chore!

Stardust Tue, Apr-18-06 11:37

I can't give diet credit, because I have been following lc eating for a long time and have had pain the the past three years. Let me tell you that if I stray from the diet and eat high carbs, my pain becomes much worse.

Gailew Tue, Apr-18-06 17:40

I was benefited in going low carb by finding out that I'm gluten intolerant. I also straightened out my problems with hypoglycemia, GERD, and lost weight. However, after a year of lcing, I stopped losing weight and then later started having health problems. I don't know about all people with fibro, but I suspect it to be true, that the adrenals are involved. A good book is Adrenal Fatigue by Wilson.
So, I still am low carb, especially when compared to the abnormally high carb diet of typical America, but am careful not to go too low. That would be hard on my adrenals which are hopefully healing now.
I highly recommend the book From Fatigued to Fantastic.
I eat lots of vegetables and salads, a sufficient amount of meat and healthy fat, and avoid sugar, transfat and high-sugar fruit. I do eat some berries every day. I have about 1/4 cup quinoa or rice everyday.
Everybody's different, so I don't doubt that some with FM do fine with very low carb, but if you start having trouble after awhile, my advice is to raise the carb levers (I've heard 50g minimum or something like that).
I also take malic acid, with tons of other supplements.
Wish you success and health! :)

fibroart Thu, Apr-27-06 12:54

hello thanks for your reply which supplements do you take?

Gailew Sat, Apr-29-06 07:07

Which ones don't I take would be easier. :lol:
I take Endfatigue's Daily enfusion, which has a wide variety of vit, min. and other things fibros need, including Malic Acid, which I add to, and also glycine, which I also take more of. I take lots of magnesium, CoQ10, extra vit. D, and extra Vit. C. I'm sure there's more.
At night I take a mix of herbs from the health food store that promote sleepiness.
I'm under a doctor's care and he's treating the insomnia with prescription drugs. The idea is that if you don't sleep, you don't heal. This doctor specializes in CFIDS and FM and his protocol is Sleep, hormonal balance, Infection, and nutrition. He also works with the pain issue. This protocol is called Teitelbaum's protocol. Dr. Teitelbaum also has FM and has made it his specialty and trains other doctors. I'm really glad I found one in my area. You can read about it in the book From Fatigue to Fantastic.
Now, the latest findings seem to indicate that the problem with Fibros is that their hypothalamus stays suppressed after illness, or other trauma, unlike others whose hypothalamus goes back to normal afterwards. Since it's a master gland, it affects the entire body, especially the thyroid and adrenal glands which become fatigued. Another good book which can help understand and work with this problem is Adrenal Fatigue, 21st Century Stress Syndrome.
I also found a good acupuncturist which has helped with the pain issue.
I'm still looking for a good massage therapist who understands FM.

fibroart Sun, Apr-30-06 05:22

YOur every lucky!!!:(

miristar Thu, Jun-08-06 08:19

Dr T's notes on vitamins are here

also his website

I've ordered his latest book and hope to use vitamin therapy for me and my daughter before seriously trying the guai. Also I recommend looking at swansonvitamins website if you are in North America.

I was looking around last night and every product I use, vitamins, soaps, shampoos, everything! will interfere with it as I understand it. And my essential oils that I love so much.

So I am going to start with some viatmins, stretching, getting good sleep, and stress reduction... and then if I need to do some guai I will...

But everyone is different!!

bump Wed, Jul-05-06 19:25

I noticed my fibro symptons went away on a low carb diet. I went off the diet, symptons came back. Upon more research I believe a lot of people diagnosed with fibro actually have Candida. The reason I looked further was because I was losing weight, felt great, no fibro but I had this belly that wouldn't go away and I still felt weary on rainy days. Candida is an overgrowth of yeast in the body and causes the same symptons as fibro.
Check into it, it could help.


Cocoa17 Tue, Aug-08-06 10:36

LC and FMS
Just going to chime in.. I have been on a LC WOE for a while now and I I started LC before I knew I had Fibro. BUT I did know I had mild Fibro symptoms which mostly went away after I started LC. I feel a lot better but I still have flairs and such which are probably due to other pain issues I have. I will say a LC life greatly helped!


bump Tue, Aug-08-06 12:59

Something to try for those of you in Fibro Pain......Cut out any food containing yeast, splenda, mold or any food that is aged (cheddar cheese, mushrooms, etc...) on top of your low-carb diet. It's not easy at first.
If your fibro problem is yeast related...your symptoms will just about COMPLETELY disappear.
Also take acidophyllis and oil extracts that kill fungi like Oil of Oregano or Grapefruit seed extract

Cocoa17 Tue, Aug-08-06 13:28

good to know.. Thank you!

michiepez Tue, Aug-22-06 12:13

I just started South Beach five weeks ago. I have to say that I am having the opposite reaction. My fibro had been pretty good but in the last two weeks it has been pretty bad. I was just chucking this up to timing.

bump Wed, Aug-23-06 16:35

Originally Posted by michiepez
I just started South Beach five weeks ago. I have to say that I am having the opposite reaction. My fibro had been pretty good but in the last two weeks it has been pretty bad. I was just chucking this up to timing.

Believe it or not if you have a yeast problem your fibro may get worse at first because the yeast is dying off. Check "Candida" web sites and you will get a lot of information. Hope this sure changed my life!!

michiepez Wed, Aug-23-06 16:38

Thank you Bump, I will check it out! Have a nice day!

Kandra Fri, Mar-09-07 10:18

does a No!! suger,wheat,rice,softdrink,carbs,dairyetc make ur fibro go into REMISSION

I'm not sure I understand the question.

Nancy LC Fri, Mar-09-07 10:55

My fibro was really ankylosing spondylitis which was probably caused by my leaky gut which was probably caused by wheat and dairy products. I've eliminated those, take Vit. D3 supplements, and 1.5 years later I'm getting much, much closer to pain free.

I suspect that a lot of the reason low carb works is because people tend to eliminate some of the foods that cause their leaky gut.

Kandra Fri, Mar-09-07 11:13

I have food allergies and from what I've read when researching that problem I would agree with you. It seems that a number of docs and researchers say the same.

Kandra Fri, Mar-09-07 11:16

Originally Posted by Nancy LC
My fibro was really ankylosing spondylitis which was probably caused by my leaky gut which was probably caused by wheat and dairy products. I've eliminated those, take Vit. D3 supplements, and 1.5 years later I'm getting much, much closer to pain free.

I suspect that a lot of the reason low carb works is because people tend to eliminate some of the foods that cause their leaky gut.

Hi Nancy,
I hope that you continue to heal the Ankylosing Spondyltis. I'm really glad that you've found things that help you to be nearly pain free. :agree: :thup: :D

Cissie_12 Fri, Mar-09-07 11:23

On the poll I wanted to check the "completely pain free" since I know that does come in time but for now I checked the 50% since that is where I am currently at...

You found me!!! lol For me when I was on LC a couple years ago I was shocked cause ALL my fibro. symptoms left me. I was so energetic that I actually was down in the floor doing flips like a kid! I'm serious... Not bad considering only 2 years prior I was pretty much bedfast. I kept wondering what was going on and finally I came to realize on my own that it had to be getting off the carbs that was making such a difference! I stayed on LC five months and ended up backsliding when my dh came home. He's military so my goal was to surprise him by loosing weight which I did big time! I dropped 65 lbs. in right at 4 months and looked like I had lost more. Talk about feeling good about myself! I'm in my 40's and even years seemed to peel off my face. Guess I got to confident and forgot just how bad the fibro. could be... Main thing is I'm back on LC now and plan to stay. Five weeks in and yes I've already starting to see the fibro. symptoms fade but not quite completely yet. Main pains I'm having these days is shoulder, neck, lower back and chest/rib pains but hopefully that too will cease once I'm off the carbs a bit longer. Lately I've noticed that the chest pains do seem to be easing off. Thank God! Those really scare me esp. with my family history. My chol. runs highs and that was what kept me from going back on LC for quite a while but then I realized the weight I was carrying wasn't helping matters so decided I had to do something!

Sorry so long, just nice to share with some others who can relate. I pray all of you see wonderful results very soon!



PS I'm also wondering if perhaps celiac disease goes hand in hand with fibro. or one of them mimics the other cause being off the "NO" foods that you are to avoid with celiac seems to go along with LC. But I'm not willing to go off LC to be tested just to find out!

Kandra Fri, Mar-09-07 11:39

Originally Posted by Cissie_12
You found me!!! lol For me when I was on LC a couple years ago I was shocked cause ALL my fibro. symptoms left me.

:wave: :D A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thup: :agree:

Cissie that is so fantastic. I'm glad that you're getting back to LC'ing as a WOL

I've been reading so many posts here, but really appreciate the ones from people like you who I can relate to. You really encourge me. Thanks.

Cissie_12 Fri, Mar-09-07 11:46

Originally Posted by Kandra
:wave: :D A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thup: :agree:

Cissie that is so fantastic. I'm glad that you're getting back to LC'ing as a WOL

I've been reading so many posts here, but really appreciate the ones from people like you who I can relate to. You really encourge me. Thanks.

You are more than welcome Kandra. Perhaps we can all pull together and help one another out of this tormenting nightmare. Any improvement is a milestone when fibro. has gripped you to the point you aren't even able to enjoy living... Been there as many of you have and possibly still are. I pray all find their own pathway to freedom of pain as they learn what foods trigger it!

For those of you who haven't seen any improvements yet, don't give up! I'm so convienced that diet plays a huge part in this illness.


Rolondia Sat, Apr-14-07 00:05

So I'm not the only one that keeps falling off. Hrm, blaming the hubby.. I like that idea! ;)

I was going to avoid LC like the plague and only help my husband loose the weight he desperatly needed to loose because I don't NEED to loose weight, toning up would be good enough for me, but then I found out about my Fibro, and how LC helps fibro.

So we started on LC and was doing pretty good there for a while. I had hardly any pain or got sick at all, the depression went away and I was able to sleep. Then stress and finances got in the way and we fell off the wagon. Now I am in A LOT of pain on a daily basis, not to mention the fatigue, stress and everything else that comes with fibro. So I've decided to come back onto the wagon and this time stay on it. Hopefully I should start seeing the results soon, I'm tired of being in pain and always tired. :D

lisabinil Sat, Apr-14-07 19:59

I have been on SBD since 3/5 and this has been the only thing to stop my diahrhea predominant IBS due to Fibro. I have been on every med known to man for diahhrea and for the first time in a year I am having normal bowel movements. Since Dec I have also restarted my vitamin regimen with products from ProHealth. Check out their website great vitamins and supplements-the originator himself has CFS.

Kaspof Sat, Apr-14-07 23:06

For those who have fibro, don't forget to check the following thread:

and enjoy :)

ruthla Tue, Jul-10-07 13:41

I had a complete remission from symptoms when I was about 2 weeks into LC, but now I'm in another flare. I don't know if it's from the diet coke I had on Sunday, or just overdoing things the last few days, or if it's just another random flare following another random remission. All I know is that I feel horrible right now and I don't know how to fix it.

bump Tue, Jul-10-07 15:10

For fibro.....type into google....candida and read all you can on it. I believe candida and fibro are one in the same...
On low carb you should try to cut out fermented foods and anything moldy (mushrooms, aged cheese, etc.) Please let me know what you think after reading about candida as I am 99% cured of fibro!

kiva1 Wed, Sep-26-07 12:05

I would like to know who at there has fibro and insulin resistance with reactive hypoglycemia?

Gogeyi Tue, Oct-02-07 12:43

I do Kiva1. I do for sure.

Could someone please tell me 'bout leaky gut? I saw that on this thread.


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