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tofi Fri, Jul-05-02 19:12

ATKINS WORKS - CNN Monday July 8
I just saw a promo for CNN's morning show at 7 AM EDT with Paula Zahn saying that Monday July 8th, the program will look at the Atkins DIet and THAT IT WORKS!

Hey, maybe the world is catching on!


Rosebud Fri, Jul-05-02 19:23

How nice to hear of a programme with a positive spin on LC!

Kent Fri, Jul-05-02 20:19

Gary Taubes defends Atkins on CNN-TV Monday 7/8/02 7:00-10:00 AM EST
CNN Monday 7/8/02 at 7:00-10:00 AM Eastern Standard Time

Skip the steak or the potato?

The real diet demon: Is it fat or carbohydrates? We'll take a look at new evidence that suggests it's not fat that makes us fat. Writer Gary Taubes stops by to explain why he feels the Atkins diet of eliminating carbohydrates is the right way to go for those who want to lose weight.

tamarian Fri, Jul-05-02 21:55

This should be very interesting! :thup:


sasquatch Sat, Jul-06-02 08:31

He also has an piece in tomorrows NY Times Magazine titled "What If It's All Been A Big Fat Lie". An LC-friendly article there ?!? Things are looking up. I don't know how to post a link, but if you go to, it's listed on the righthand side of the page.

Misty Sat, Jul-06-02 08:36

Another CNN Diet Show
Also, tonight at 7pm CST on CNN Presents, the topic is:

"Fat Chance" Reporter Elizabeth Cohen explores the factors behind obesity in America, dieting options and the secrets of those who have managed to lose weight and stay trim.
(that's the description in my TV listing.)

This program also re-runs on Sunday at 6pm & 10pm CST and Monday morning at 12am.

lilwannabe Sat, Jul-06-02 09:33

Thanks for that info...will be sure to watch it.

Also on July 17, Dr Atkins will be on 48 hours...going to make sure I watch that one too. Marked it on my calender.

Kristine Sat, Jul-06-02 10:12

You can't get to that article without becoming a member (ie agreeing to receive unsolicited junk mail). But it's nice that lowcarbing is getting fair(?) media attention for once, instead of being slammed as a "fad."

I just wish they wouldn't label all low carb programs as "Atkins."

Kent Sat, Jul-06-02 10:29

NY Times Magazine 7/7/02

What If It's All Been A Big Fat Lie?


At the very moment that the government started telling Americans to eat less fat, we got fatter. The truths about why we gain weight and why it is so hard to lose it just might turn out to be much different from what we have been led to think.

Kent :wave:

sasquatch Sat, Jul-06-02 12:17

Kristine- I'm already a member, do you want me to e-mail you a copy?

AmberinIN Sat, Jul-06-02 12:53

I'm glad that they might give positive page for LC, but I hope they set it straight that the research is OLD!!! We've had it, and yes, they have been lying to us.

:wave: Amber

puppyrazzi Sat, Jul-06-02 12:58

Get the message out about carbs
On June 6 I started my low/no carbohydrate diet.

In that short period of time I have gone from 272 to

I think it's a shame that schools do not teach how
carbohydrates affect our bodies. Our kids could be
living happier, healthier lives right away and making a
choice to be healthy. Our girls could be eating right
and the leaders of a generation of healthy people.

I'll be watching Gary on Monday!


coyote Sat, Jul-06-02 14:08

What a well written non-biased article. It's about time. Thank you Deanna for taking the time to post it.


tamarian Sat, Jul-06-02 15:31

I've split the text of the article (Deanna's post) into a seperate thread, so more can see it:


tofi Sat, Jul-06-02 19:12

Here's a link to a post of the text of the New York Times article by "Science" magazine author Gary Taubes about the very same thing. Seems that scientific studies are going to be done about LCing. Hurray!! At last!!!


Kristine Sat, Jul-06-02 19:21

...yep, it's Gary Taubes that'll be appearing on CNN. :D

Candiflip Mon, Jul-08-02 00:16

okay one this going to be on at 4am in Vancouver??? :( If so that is very early.


Candiflip Mon, Jul-08-02 00:30

Sorry......I will answer my own question. I found it. I had to find the program that it is on, American Morning. Anyhow I guess I will just set the VCR & hope it records :p


Misty Mon, Jul-08-02 06:34

If you haven't seen this yet, don't blink or you'll miss it. They barely gave him 2 minutes...very disappointing.

Thelma Mon, Jul-08-02 06:37

Well, I missed the guy. Was sitting right here, at my computer by the TV, heard them announce Gary as coming up - got busy reading a post - and the next thing I heard was the moderator thanking him.....

So I heard nothing the guy said - he cannot have talked more than a couple of minutes - also the tone of the announcement about him - kind of like "there'll be another one coming to tell us to eat fat (in a somewhat sarcastic tone)....." kind of discredited him before he even got there.

Now the question is, was he able to get a few good, convincing points in? I am really annoyed with myself for missing this segment!!!

Elihnig Mon, Jul-08-02 06:57

I saw it, but it seemed to be very bland and vague. I can't seem to remember any points. They compared breakfasts of a low fat fruit and toast breakfast with a scrambled eggs and bacon breakfast. He also harkened back of times when everyone knew that carbohydrates would make you fat. He also stated that for the past 25 years people have been doing low fat and gaining weight. Very short, but not much to the point. Read the article for more info. Any info on how to reach him by e-mail? The studio was asking how much hate mail he had received. Wouldn't we like to send him some fan mail?


purnois Mon, Jul-08-02 07:22

I agree with Misty. The man had trouble talking because in his short blip of time, Paula Zahn kept making comments. I'm not sure if I would have understood what he was trying to say had I not been so familiar with the program. What I got out of it was that this guy says you can eat bacon and eggs, but I don't think John Q. Public will have a clue as to why.

Maybe the fact that there was a report in the New York Times and that Harvard is making noise will have an impact. Hope so......

Can't you just invision a new fast food chain - oh golly, what should we name it- Carb Zappers Delight!? What other names can you think of????


tofi Mon, Jul-08-02 08:34

It must have been during the 3 minutes I had to spend in the bathroom. :mad:


Candiflip Mon, Jul-08-02 11:10

Very, Very Short.......
I was very disappointed..I thought that it would be a little longer.. at least 10 minutes. I mean the morning show is 3 hours. :(
Did anyone else catch the show ALL about Low fat diets that was on last night?? Had to be at least 1/2 an hour...I just turned it off because I was tired of listening to it.
I don't think the Low Fat diet is out the Door!

The only thing that Greg Taubes said that really sticks out in my mind from this morning interview was when he said that he was raised believing that Carbs make you fat.


Candiflip Mon, Jul-08-02 11:19

If you Missed it
What is Causing Obesity Problem in America?
Aired July 8, 2002 - 08:20 ET


PAULA ZAHN, CNN ANCHOR: Studies keep telling us that the number of overweight Americans keeps on getting bigger. But what is causing the problem -- too much fat or too many carbohydrates?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We love to eat. We don't regulate what we eat and we love to eat.

UNIDENTIFIED CHILD: I think people gain weight because they might like to eat a lot of fast food. I kind of enjoy it myself, but I try not to eat too much of it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Meat's got fat. If you don't burn it off, it's going to add on weight. If you eat too much starch, the same thing, the carbohydrates will add up on your waist.


ZAHN: Well, for 30 years the medical community has rejected the low carbohydrate, high fat Atkins diet. But in this week's "New York Times" magazine, writer Gary Taubes asks what if Atkins was right all along? What if the medical establishment was actually pushing us toward an unhealthy diet?

Health writer Gary Taubes joins me now.



ZAHN: So, how many hate letters have you gotten from the pro- carbohydrate people?

TAUBES: Well, it's still early, but I expect to get more than my share of letters disagreeing with what I wrote and perhaps suggesting that it was irresponsible.

ZAHN: So for the folks who haven't had a chance to dive into what you wrote, your conclusion, based on tons of scientific evidence, is what?

TAUBES: Well, basically what you find out, I've been studying this for several years now, and what you found out is that we've been living on this low fat dogma for 25 years, you know, the idea that a low fat diet is a healthy diet, a low fat diet leads to weight loss and if you want to lose weight, you cut back on the fat in your diet and that's going to make the difference. And in that same 25 years, we've had this rampaging epidemic of obesity. We're seeing more Type II diabetes than ever.

And finally, some influential scientists have been sitting back and saying there's something wrong here. We've tested the low fat dogma for 25 years and it looks like it's failed the test. There's not even less heart disease than there used to be. And...

ZAHN: So the little radars went off?

TAUBES: The little radars went off. And for 30 years, Dr. Robert Atkins, author of, you know, "Dr. Atkins' Diet Revolution," has been saying it's the carbs that make you fat and has been advocating these diets that restrict carbohydrates -- no pasta, no rice, no potatoes.

ZAHN: Why don't we take a close-up of this? So in the old low fat diet mode, this would have been considered a healthy choice?

TAUBES: That's, that would be the perfect...

ZAHN: Maybe you would go with whole wheat bread over the toasted white bread, right?

TAUBES: Yes, no butter, though. Definitely no butter.

ZAHN: No butter. Fruit.

TAUBES: Right.

ZAHN: And this over here would be a healthier choice?

TAUBES: This, in the lf dogma, is death personified. This is like, this is going to kill you, OK? And this is going to make you healthier.

ZAHN: And that's about all I eat, thank you very much. I'm dead.

TAUBES: Right.

ZAHN: I'm out of here.

TAUBES: But this is what Atkins said, this was the Atkins' breakfast of choice. So, and what you find out, like I said, is that lf dogma, it's kind of failed the test of time. And we just keep getting fatter.

The public health authorities, the sort of orthodox wisdom is we're getting fatter because we don't exercise enough and where broadcasts like television bombards us with food commercials. There's a McDonald's on every corner. Basically, it's this national lack of will power and inability to be, to exercise.

ZAHN: But you say phooey to that.

TAUBES: There's just no data backing it up.

ZAHN: So the bottom line to folks who love to eat out there is what?

TAUBES: The bottom line is what I was taught growing up, what was the dogma through about the late '70s and, again, the scientists are still, there's still controversy. But it used to be that carbohydrates make you fat, you know?

ZAHN: So go for the hamburger, go for the cheese, go for the steak?

TAUBES: Yes. Skip the buns.

ZAHN: Go for the butter.

TAUBES: Skip the potatoes. Skip the pasta. Skip the rice.

ZAHN: Boy, do I like you.

TAUBES: Skip the bread. Skip the sodas.


TAUBES: Skip the soft drinks. Skip the sports drinks.

ZAHN: Gary Taubes.

You want to read more about it? Pick up the magazine from over the weekend in the "New York Times."

Thanks for dropping by.

TAUBES: Thank you, Paula.

ZAHN: Appreciate your time.

TeriDoodle Mon, Jul-08-02 12:13

Thank you, Candi for posting that!!

I plan to write the Times to thank them for running such a wonderful article!! Here's the only info I could find on their website for such an email:

To send comments and suggestions (about news coverage only) or for more information about errors that call for correction, e-mail or leave a message at 1-888-NYT-NEWS.
The Editors

jdringer Sun, Jul-14-02 18:12

Originally posted by lilwannabe
Thanks for that info...will be sure to watch it.

Also on July 17, Dr Atkins will be on 48 hours...going to make sure I watch that one too. Marked it on my calender.

Read you are taking Glutamine. What brand/strength are you taking and for how long now? ; Are you getting more energy and learner muscle with Glutamine? Curious- Pauline

Jimsgems Sun, Jul-14-02 21:27

I don't get it...
Well, I guess I really do, but my success isn't everyone’s success and the medical community still is very skeptical!!! Go Figure?

I’ve been amazed not only with my loss but more with the improvement in my health and general welfare. My endocrinologist is really impressed, as a Type II diabetic, I was using insulin and it still wasn’t well regulated, though safe; considered, but I was still dealing with the shots and all. I don’t use insulin anymore, not even oral meds and my blood sugar is totally normal, and there is so much more. I know my little tale is antidotal, but so real for so many that have found success doing with Dr. Atkins has laid out in his book and program.

Frankly I thing the medical community in general is highly hypocritical, saying they want “us” to be healthy and yet not promoting what works to solve medical problems. I hope you enjoyed the program, but I already know the truth, 128 pound weight loss in 6 months is hard to argue with + other benefits. :D

irish Tue, Jul-16-02 17:16

(Note the statement: "All right, Dr. Atkins is totally anti-carbs." Here's someone else that obviously hasn't read the book!! :mad:

* * * * * * *

Elizabeth Cohen: The skinny on 'good fats'

(CNN) --The debate over what is the best diet has been ongoing for decades. It's an evolving science that keeps researchers busy and consumers confused about the best way to lose weight.
An article in Sunday's New York Times Magazine highlighted some renegade thinking where dietary fat is concerned.
CNN Medical Correspondent Elizabeth Cohen discussed the implications Monday with CNN anchor Kyra Phillips.

PHILLIPS: For years, we have been told to eat low-fat foods and plenty of fruits and vegetables in order to stay thin. So is it possible that Dr. [Robert] Atkins, the ridiculed king of carb cutting, was right all along? ...

COHEN: Let's talk a little bit about this New York Times article, which has gotten so much attention. ... The premise of this article ... is that there is this group of prominent researchers who are beginning to say: "You know what? Maybe Dr. Atkins was right. Maybe the way to go is to eat pork chops with a big hunk of butter on top. Maybe we have been wrong, and maybe he has been right."

So, we called three of the researchers who were quoted in this article. These are three folks, all of them at Harvard. And we said: "Do you really think Dr. Atkins is right? Do you really suggest that your patients eat this pork chop with butter on top?"
And they all said: "Oh, no. We do not suggest that to our patients." They said: "What we think is that maybe Atkins is on to something when he says fat is not that bad. But" -- and here is the big but -- "but we tell our patients to eat 'good fats.' We don't tell them to eat butter. We don't tell them to eat whole-fat milk, and we don't tell them to eat cheeseburgers, which is what Dr. Atkins suggests. We tell them to eat fish. We tell them to eat nuts. We tell them to eat olive oil."

And those are the kind of fats that come from omega-3 and monounsaturated fat. So they were very clear that they do not support the Atkins diet, even though the article says that they are embracing his notion.

They said, "We just encourage people to eat the good fats rather than the bad fat, that fat is OK, but you have to eat the right kind." And that's a huge distinction.

PHILLIPS: Yes, I know. It's like, how do you find the right kind?

COHEN: You know, it is saturated -- I will tell you the technical answer. Then I tell you the easy answer.

PHILLIPS: OK, please.

COHEN: The technical answer is that there are saturated fats and trans fats, and that those are considered by many researchers to be bad. You want to avoid them. Those are the kind that are found in red meat. Those are the kind that are found in most kinds of dairy [products].

However, there are also the good fats. And good fats would be, as I said before, monounsaturated fat, omega-3 fatty acids. And that's fish, nuts, olive oil and those kinds of foods -- the kind of foods that are actually prominent in what is called the Mediterranean diet. So again, the difference would be between eating lots of red meat, lots of dairy and foods like fish, nuts and olive oil.

PHILLIPS: All right, Dr. Atkins is totally anti-carbs.


PHILLIPS: So, these influential researchers with whom you spoke, what do they say about that?

COHEN: They are not anti-carb. And that's another interesting difference. Again, these are researchers who are quoted in the article as being part of a group that is beginning to embrace the notion that he is right.

Well, Dr. Atkins says that carbs are bad. What they said is: "You know what? Just like fats, there are good carbs and there are bad carbs." And they said: "We agree with Dr. Atkins that you want to avoid the bad carbs. You want to eat minimal amounts of white bread. You want to eat minimal amounts of pasta, for example, or potatoes, things that are just starches and don't have much else going for them."

But they said: "You know what? There are a lot of good carbs out there. There's fruit. Fruit has carbohydrate. There is, for example, whole-grain bread. That's a kind of carbohydrate. Bean is a kind of carbohydrate" -- so, again, the distinction between the good carbs and the bad carbs. And it is really pretty easy -- good carbs: beans, whole-grain bread, that sort of thing.

PHILLIPS: That doesn't sound very tasty, though.

COHEN: No, well, see, that's the thing. Why did Dr. Atkins sell so many books? One is because people really, truly did lose weight on his plan.

But another thing is, how can you not buy a book that tells you to eat cheeseburgers, pork chops, butter and bacon? How can you say no to that? But the folks who I talked to said: "You know what? We don't like that kind of fat. We don't think that's good for people. Eat the good fat. Eat fish. Eat nuts," very different from what Dr. Atkins pushes.

LittleAnne Wed, Jul-17-02 01:48

Has this been picked up in the UK as well
I was interested to see this article from the New York Times and have just run it off to read. I was really surprised when I got into my car this morning to come to work when the DJ on the commercial radio said something to the effect that fat may not be as bad for you as it has been portrayed, low fat diets may not be very healthy, carbohydrates could be the baddie. Unfortunately he said no more at that stage and I was only in the car for 10 minutes going to the station. Want to find out where Dr Fox got his comments from. Wonder if it will be picked up here?

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