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Trainerdan Thu, May-31-01 21:42

CKD 101
OK, here we go ...

The CKD is what Fern and Wa'il touched on ... You cycle (hence, cyclical) low-carb phases (Monday morning thru Friday evening) with high-carb/moderate protein/low-fat phases (Friday night thru Sunday).

The #1 concern I often hear from low-carb dieters is "How can it work? You break ketosis every week!" Well ... that's true.

BUT, the whole basis of a CKD is that it is designed with the idea that your body needs fuel for intense workouts. Without intense weigh training, you will not add muscle. And I think we all know how intense weight training ISN'T while you are low-carbbing.

So, by carb-loading on weekends, you give your muscles enough fuel to provide intense weight training for Monday. By the end of Monday (Tueday AM at the latest), you will have performed an intense weight training workout, along with a morning cardio workout, and will be in ketosis Monday night thru Friday.

The workout plan structure that Fern followed is as follows:


AM - cardio on an empty stomach and a fat burner

PM - Full body intense weight training (3 sets of 8 for all exercises, at a weight that is very challenging for 8 reps), resting 2 minutes between sets. This allows full recovery, and will allow you to push yourself.


AM - empty stomach cardio, while on fat burner


AM - empty stomach cardio, while on fat burner

PM- Circuit training, full body routine. The trick is to do the workout with as little rest time between esxercises. Use SUPERSETS ... which is one exercise, then go right into another exercise, then rest, and repeat. So, say your superset was chest presses and chest flies. Do 15 presses, then 15 flies, then rest 20 seconds. Repeat 2 more times, then move to the next superset.


AM - empty stomach cardio, while on fat burner


AM - empty stomach cardio, while on fat burner

PM - as Wednesday night. Then the fun starts ... after this workout, begin the CARB-UP!!!

Weekends, you don't workout since that would effect the storgae of carbs.

Of course, this oversimplified the paln that Fern went thru, but it was the structure.

It is also important that you change the intensity of the cardio porgram every week. You can do this by just making it longer each week. Start at 30 mins, and increase by 15 mins each week. When it gets over an hour, split it up into 2 workouts. So, for example, a 1 1/2 hour cardio workout can be broken into a 45 minutes morning sesssion and a 45 minute evening session, after weight training if they both fall on the same night.

As for adapting weight training, you should change the program every 2 weeks of so.

The idea behind the Monday double session (weights/cardio) is to deplete carbs and get you into ketosis.

The Wednesday and Friday weight training sessions are butt-draggers, since you will be depleted. They are circuit training which means light weights/higher reps/short rest periods. 3 sets, 15 reps, 20 seconds rest.

If you need help putting all of this together, the exact program Fern (and I) followed are on our site ... it's in the fitness/nutrition articles section called "SUPERCUT CYCLE". That article also contains some helpful linnks, like a ratio calcualtor for the low-carb (ketogenic) phase, as well as the carb-up (supercompensation) phase.

I think I covered the major points ... then again, it's late and I am up past my bedtime so I may have been unclear.

If there are any questions out there, fire away! I will answer them all. I check in to the board at least once per day.

Trainerdan Thu, May-31-01 22:04

Adipokinetix & Lipokinetix
These are both fat burning products made by Syntrax.

Adipokinetix contains: norephedrine HCL, yohimbine, and caffeine. Very potent. I will dig up a study that shows why this formula (called the "NYC" stack) is effective.

Lipokinetix has been discontinued. Apparantly, it is SO effective that the FDA considered it "drug-like" and asked Syntrax to do a voluntary recall. IT contained the same ingredients and Adipo, but added diiodothyronine (which supports the thyroid activity), as well as sodium usinate, which is nicknamed "chemical exercise" since it tricks your body into thinking that it needs to produce ATP (which it uses during exercise).

Part of what makes LipoKinetix so appealing is the fact that it causes a process in the body called oxidative phosphorylation to occur.

Oxidative phosphorylation is the process during which the body converts various other substances found in the body (pyruvate, ADP, etc.) into ATP.

[If you didn’t know, ATP-- adenosine triphosphate-- is what the muscles use for fuel.]

Your body already does this naturally during exercise. When you take LipoKinetix, you allow this process to occur ALL DAY LONG, so your body will be burning fat like mad.

What does that mean to you? Well, it means that by taking this product, you can increase your metabolism by a natural process. To maintain its normal amount of ATP, the body steps up its production of ATP, which uses a tremendous amount of energy (calories). The best part is that most of the calories will come from fatty acids found in fatty tissue!

The company only recently recalled the product, so if you go to a good supplement store (not GNC, etc.) you may still find some of this on the shelves. It will probably be priced higher than the usual $35 though.

[We lucked out ... the store had 1 bottle left ... :D ]

tamarian Thu, May-31-01 22:40

Re: Adipokinetix & Lipokinetix
Originally posted by Trainerdan
The company only recently recalled the product, so if you go to a good supplement store (not GNC, etc.)

LOL, what's wrong with GNC? All I know about them is they sell things at twice what they're worth. :)

As for studies on stacking/fat burners, here's a link for those interested:

Thanks for the summary of CKD!


rainny Fri, Jun-01-01 10:33

What about metabolife? And if I can't find the Lipokinetix, What do you recommend next?
Also, My hubby has very small chest muscles. He doesn’t want to lose too much weight because he say his chest sinks in. What is the best way for him to build this up? It really the upper chest.

rainny Fri, Jun-01-01 12:34

What level am I suppose to keep my heart rate at? I used to know this…before I stopped working out and stopped eating LowCarb. I’m 5’4, 215, age 32 {33in August! WOO HOO! Yeah right! HA!}. My Hubby is 38, 6’2, 173.

Trainerdan Fri, Jun-01-01 12:58

Heart rate training
The guidelines normally used is very basic, but will give you a good target to shoot for ...

220 - age = MAXIMUM heart rate

Then, take a percentage of this (figure 65% and also 80%) to get your training "zone". Try to stay near the middle of these two, and get up to the higher number once or twice during the workout.

After you "spike" to the top of your zone, reduce your pace until you drop to the bottom of your zone, then repeat the process until you are done "serving your time" on the treadmill/elliptical trainer/sidewalk/etc.

As for Metabolife, it is good to use for 3 to 4 weeks, then you will want to switch to a product theat helps support your thyroid.

Since LipoK is off the market now, a good alternative is a product called ThyroLean (I think MHP makes it). It's not the same, but it serves the purpose.

To get into the "deep geek" of it, the way to tell if your thyroid is slowing down your progress is this:

Take your temperature every morning. When it drops more than .3 to .5 below normal for 3 days straight, it is time to get support for your thyroid.

Just another trick of the trade ... :p

Trainerdan Fri, Jun-01-01 13:14

GNC & Upper Chest work

LOL ... GNC is soooo funny. Yeah, they overprice everything. Everyone should really look in their phone books for alternatove nutrition stores to GNC. Looking under "health food" you will see them. They tend to carry the good stuff (especially stores that cater to bodybuilders ... they usually carry names like "Discount Nutrition" or "Rock Bottom Nutrition ... LOL) that GNC stays away from.

Even most gyms carry supplements, cheaper that GNC. The gym I work at has a GNC in the same plaza, and we sell a product called Xenadrine (another fat burner) for $29.00. GNC? $39.00.
And I already know that "cost" is $19.00 Crazy.

Rainny ....

to develop the upper chest, he should do chest movements that are done in a inclined position ... such as incline dumbbell presses, incline dumbbell flies ... any incline machine version of a chest press also works ... shoulder presses (dumbbell or machine) also indirectly call in the upper chest.

Another exercise that many people forget that hits upper chest is called a pullover.

You lie down on a flat bench, and start with a dumbbell held with both hands over your chest, arms extended straight up. Then, keeping arms "locked" in position (elbows will not be bent), rotate at the shoulders and bring the weight until it is in line with your head ...

Think of the motion you would use when doing one of those "Strongman rings the bell at a carnival" things. Except you will be lying down.

When you pull the weight back over (see? Pullover), stop when you get back to the start position, over your chest.

Putting these into a workout, I would do:

Incline Chest Press: 3 sets x 8 reps (this rep range builds)
Inline flies: 3 x 8
Pullovers: 3 x 8
Push-ups: 2 x Failure (do as many as you can, rest, then go)

Have him rest 1 1/2 to 2 minutes betwen sets. This wil allow him to recover and handle as much weight as he can.

As a guide, he should be using a weight that he has to work at to get those 8 reps. If he thinks the rest periods are too long, he isn't using enough weight. LOL. But, as with all weight training, FORM is more important than WEIGHT.

And rep speed should be 2 seconds each way.

rainny Fri, Jun-01-01 14:30

THANK YOU!!! I'm leaving in a couple of hours to go get my treadmill!!!! We are ready to start!! I feel real good about this! Can't wait to see what happens!
Thanks again...and Have a GREAT WEEKEND!

Trainerdan Mon, Aug-13-01 13:36

Adding more info ...
This is LOOOOOOOONG, but it completes the overview of a CKD. It is good reading, and should answer most questions. If you have any others, post them in the CKD forum.

Here we go:

There are a great number of myths associated with the low carb diet. Many authoritative sources have indicated the public must consume a diet, which is 60% carbohydrate, 15% protein and 25% fat for optimal health and performance. Carbohydrates are considered the primary fuel source by the body and those who have achieved degrees in institutions of higher learning would like us to believe that dietary carbohydrates are of such importance that without them, we won't survive, or if we do, we'll be so unhealthy we'll wish we were dead.

I'm here to tell you these ideas are only partially true.


Let's look at what happens when carbohydrates, the typical primary energy source, are nearly removed or greatly reduced This is where dietitians start to panic and ill informed medical professionals start to cry because they've forgotten their biochemistry from way back when

First, let me paint a very clear picture of what type of low carbohydrate diet I'm about to describe. This diet is considered extreme and compared to the typical U S D A Food Guide Pyramid, is extreme.

Typical dietary intake on this low carbohydrate diet will contain carbohydrates at no greater than 5% of dietary intake, fats at approximately 55% of dietary intake and protein at 40% of dietary intake. This diet will herein be called the ketogenic (producing ketones) diet and you'll see why later.

I am going to briefly describe the basic metabolism of food that it will upset some, cause a great sigh of relief from others but in the end will hopefully provide just enough information to help you understand how food is processed and why we can live on a ketogenic diet for intermittent periods, with energy, vitality and weight loss.

When we eat a meal, typically consisting of some carbohydrates (sugars), lipids (fats) and proteins (amino acids), digestion begins in the mouth. Enzymes begin ripping apart the carbohydrates in the mouth and when the food hits the stomach more acids and enzymes begin ripping apart the proteins and fats. The food then passes into the small intestine where it is further digested and absorbed into the blood stream for transport to body tissues That which is not absorbed and remains unused is passed further to the large intestine and finally is defecated

Let's briefly cover what happens specifically with carbohydrates during digestion.

Remember that carbohydrates start to digest in the mouth and are further digested in the stomach and small intestine. When they are finally absorbed via the small intestine all carbohydrates circulate in the blood as glucose. This means that whether you consume carbohydrates from bread, fruit vegetables, pasta or candy the various usable sugars eventually are dismantled into plain old glucose.

When glucose is plentiful, such as when a person is eating the typical high carbohydrate diet described in the beginning, the body will use glucose preferentially as a fuel to produce energy (ATP). This means that fats (stored or dietary) are not a major fuel source when following the typical high carbohydrate diet. Major organs use glucose and so do our muscles when carbohydrates are the major source of energy. Pretty convenient how the body does that isn't it? You should also know that carbohydrates yield about 4 calories per gram


When glucose enters the blood the pancreas is signaled to release a hormone called insulin. Insulin's primary function is to keep glucose levels from soaring too high. If glucose was left unchecked, the body would enter a very unhealthy metabolic state of hyperglycemia after eating a high carbohydrate meal. Therefore insulin prevents this condition from occurring, among many other functions.

One other action which insulin exerts is fatty acid synthesis (making fats) and storage. Simply stated, when insulin levels are high, such as a 2-4 hours after a high carbohydrate meal, you stand a greater chance of storing fat and a lessor chance of lipolysis (breaking down fat).


Untreated type II diabetics are walking examples of what continual high blood glucose and subsequent high insulin levels can do to the body. This disease literally makes you fat. Untreated type II diabetics almost always have high glucose/insulin levels because their body is not functioning optimally and insulin is doing a very poor job of removing glucose from the blood. Glucose levels remain high. The body is signaled to release more insulin. It doesn't do its job very well so glucose and/or insulin levels remain high. The body is signaled to secrete more insulin and the vicious cycle continues on and on.

Many overweight individuals (literally millions of Americans) are type II diabetics and don't know it. What they do know is they can't seem to reduce bodyfat no matter how hard they try.

A very important point to understand at this point, is that it is very well established that when insulin levels are high, the body stores fat quite easily and may convert carbohydrates or proteins into adipose (stored fat). Also, lipolysis (dissolving fat) is nearly blocked in the presence of insulin.


Now that some very basic carbohydrate metabolism has been covered I'll address the issue of starvation/fasting versus the Ketogenic diet.

The two conditions are relentlessly compared because there are some similarities between the two. There are some striking differences, however, that can't be ignored. During normal periods of fasting (2-6 hours, in between meals) the body will secrete glucagon, another hormone, but considered the opposite of insulin.

Glucagon will break down stored glycogen at the liver, increasing blood glucose so we have glucose to fuel major organs, such as the brain, kidneys, small intestine and muscles. This process occurs everyday and is a part of normal physiology for most Americans who aren't eating constantly. After 12-36 hours of fasting, however, we will run out of stored glycogen at the liver.

When this occurs during a fast some deleterious effects occur such as severe muscle wasting because the body will begin mobilizing body proteins to make glucose until adjustment has occurred to the fast. Once adjustment has occurred, (usually within a two-week period or less) the body will reduce the use of precious body proteins and rely on high levels of fat burning and ketone bodies as fuel sources.

Ketone body production occurs as a direct result of mobilizing and burning large amounts of fatty acids for fuel. When stored body fat and body proteins have run out, or become so low the body can't function properly, (about a week for a normally lean person) they die.

A very fat person may be able to live for months, however, with only water and a vitamin/mineral supplement (Don't even think about it This is very unhealthy!)

It might not be obvious at this point, but one major difference between a ketogenic diet and starvation is FOOD. With a ketogenic diet you're not starving and are eating a plentiful diet. One reason the body begins mobilizing body proteins to make glucose, during starvation, is because there are NO dietary proteins to use. There's no food!

The body still uses non-carbohydrate sources, like amino acids from proteins; to make glucose (called gluconeogenesis) during a ketogenic diet but a greater proportion of the protein used to make glucose can be provided by the diet, instead of muscle and other cellular proteins. Thus, muscle wasting, a real concern for someone starving, is much less of an issue for someone following the ketogenic diet

A period of adjustment may still follow initial startup of a ketogenic diet and some muscle proteins may be sacrificed for a few days to a week but dietary proteins will be plentiful and will be used for gluconeogenesis.


I've made the distinction between starvation and the ketogenic diet with respect to protein for gluconeogenesis but what about fats? During starvation the body uses adipose (stored body fat) as its major fuel source after the adjustment period. It also uses ketone bodies, which are acidic byproducts of very high levels of fatty acid oxidation (burning fats for fuels). Both fatty acids and ketone bodies are used preferentially over glucose as energy sources during starvation.

During a ketogenic diet the body doesn't solely rely on stored body fat and ketone bodies as the primary fuel sources. It will also rely on dietary fats as well. Once again, a major difference between starvation and the ketogenic diet. It is also for this reason that one cannot eat unlimited calories with a ketogenic diet and expect to lose weight.

The body will use dietary fats as a primary fuel source along with the subsequent ketone bodies from oxidation of dietary fats and then will use adipose only if calories are below those needed to maintain current body weight

If calories are kept at just below maintenance, and you are following a ketogenic diet, the body is forced to begin a fat dissolving state called lipolysis. Simply stated, we are breaking down adipose and using the fatty acids as an energy source. Not only is lipolysis activated, it is now the primary energy source with other physiological mechanisms stepping up to allow normal and efficient operation of our everyday lives while following a ketogenic diet.

Most reading this and wanting to lose weight have a tremendous store of energy in the form of fat just waiting to be used. The typical fuel reserves in a young, adult male amount to about 90,000 to 110,000 calories of energy In contrast, the carbohydrate energy reserve is about 2% of this total, or approximately 2000 calories.


But what about the body's inherent need for glucose? Doesn't the brain need glucose to function? Yes, the body does have a need for glucose and as I briefly stated earlier, glucose can be made within the body from non-carbohydrate sources such as amino acids. This is called gluconeogenesis.

Additionally, the Cori cycle and the Glucose-Alanine cycle are pathways that ensure critical glucose will be available for the organs that absolutely require it. We will not cover those cycles in this article.

Suffice it to say that they are very efficient cycles for the body to preserve glucose levels so they don't fall too low when dietary carbohydrates are nonexistent (such as during starvation) or very low with the ketogenic diet. Let's not forget that we're eating with a ketogenic diet, and at least a small part of our diet (5%) is derived from carbohydrates, which ultimately ends up as circulating glucose


Probably the most feared but greatest asset a ketogenic diet has on its side is the fact that when the diet is not rich in carbohydrates, the body relies on them less as an energy source. This is called the glucose-fatty acid cycle it basically says that when glucose is low and fatty acids are high glucose needs will be less. Isn't the body a wonderful machine?

When carbohydrates were plentiful it used them as the primary energy source. Now that fats are the primary energy source the body uses them preferentially over carbohydrates. Simply amazing!

One question you're all thinking relates to how we can possibly lose weight eating 55% of our calories as fat. The greatest answer is that carbohydrates are no longer the primary energy source-fats are. Doesn't fat make you fat? Let me give you a law you can use forever:

**Dietary fat doesn't make people fat. Excessive calories, a lack of activity, metabolic disease or combination of any two or more of these factors make people fat**

If you stopped reading right there and based any diet you use on this law you would know everything you need to know to lose weight and stay lean. Since dietary fat doesn't make us fat, we need not fear a relatively high fat diet, as long as calories are controlled for age, lean mass and activity.


At this point the naysayers are hoping I'll forget about the metabolic condition called ketoacidosis so they can show their friends and whine about how the ketogenic diet is really a killer and how anyone who even remotely suggests it's an alternative diet is also a killer and a lunatic. Sorry, you don't get your wish.

Ketoacidosis is a condition in which ketone bodies are created in such large quantities that they literally make the blood more acidic. When this happens a series of events occur which may cause impairment of organ function and eventual death. It is a very real concern for diabetics who are insulin dependent because they are missing a natural feedback mechanism to prevent excessive ketone body formation. For them, or any other person with any condition being treated by a physician, this diet should only be implemented with physician assistance and guidance.

For normally healthy, non-diabetic individuals, there is always some insulin present in the blood. Always!

As you mobilize more fat for energy, ketone production rises. When ketone production reaches a particular threshold, however, insulin is released by the pancreas (even in the absence of dietary carbohydrate) which slows the mobilization of fats and subsequently reduces the number of ketone bodies produced. Insulin is believed to keep ketone body production in check. Because this is so, those individuals who possess the natural ability to secrete insulin from the pancreas, will not allow ketones to be produced in such excess that the blood becomes acidic. The body also has several buffering systems in place which react quickly to changes in the pH of the blood. These systems are highly effective and minimize potential changes in blood pH.

Therefore ketoacidosis is not a condition experienced by adults with normal pancreatic function and who are otherwise healthy, even on a ketogenic diet. If this were the case we'd have a lot of dead bodybuilders and dieters on our hands right now that have used the ketogenic diet with positive results.


The same naysayers who hoped I'd shut up a page ago before the ketoacidosis section, are now pointing a finger and saying that with all that fat in the diet we're going to have cholesterol levels shooting through the roof. Wrong!

First of all, if foods are chosen wisely, the source of dietary fat is given due consideration, and the person using the ketogenic diet is also reducing calories and losing weight, I can almost 100% guarantee that cholesterol will drop or at the worst, remain the same. Triglycerides (another factor being given weight with respect to cardiovascular disease) will fall substantially. Good cholesterol may also go up, which is a positive factor for reducing cardiovascular disease risk. I hope I've kept this article somewhat readable so far and I'm not going to change course and go into the dozen or so studies which prove my point but they are readily available for anyone wanting to do some digging.


If, by using the ketogenic diet, we've created a fat burning machine that will:

Still function perfectly fine,
Will make and preserve necessary glucose,
Will not store fat easily,
Won't raise cholesterol,
What else could there possibly be to say about the diet and why isn't everyone using it?

The first point to address is using the ketogenic diet along with weightlifting or other exercise.

While we've created a fat furnace of sorts and the body functions optimally during daily activities, muscles need glucose and/or stored glycogen to be at their very best. This is why we must incorporate a period of carbohydrate loading to refill or even overfill muscle glycogen stores so they have the energy needed to function optimally. If you're not exercising this carbohydrate loading period is not necessary. But if you're not exercising, you're also not following my recommendations for proper weight loss.

Earlier I stated that liver glycogen stores are gone in 12-36 hours after beginning the ketogenic diet. Muscle, however, retains its stored glycogen, even after liver glycogen is gone. This is great!

With liver glycogen gone we use fatty acids and ketone bodies as fuels and muscle retains glycogen for physical activity. One problem…

When we hammer our muscles in the gym on a daily basis, the glycogen in them also gets used up and because our dietary carbohydrates are so low the glycogen isn't replaced to proper, maximally optimal levels. This is where the carbohydrate loading comes in.


Very simply, we follow a ketogenic diet for 5 1/2 days per week and for the remaining 1 1/2 days we eat a typical high carbohydrate diet. During the 1 1/2 days of high carbohydrate eating our muscles will supercompensate with glycogen and while we're also causing liver glycogen to refill and insulin to be secreted like crazy, this 36 hour period is not long enough for the body to store any appreciable fat.

What did I just say? I said you can go nuts for 36 hours a week after 5 1/2 days of watching calories and eating a ketogenic diet, without any fear of getting fat because of it. And as an actual survivor and thrive on this diet I can tell you that those 36 hours are absolutely great!

Eat carbs like there's no tomorrow and don't worry about calories but don't exceed 36 hours or you'll start laying down fat like crazy.

Here's what I do when I'm on the ketogenic diet

Sunday through Friday at lunch I keep my calories at 2000 (10 times my body weight) per day. At supper on Friday I start my carb up, right after my workout (if your workout doesn't fall on Friday don't sweat it).

I then eat a grand total of approximately 2000 additional calories above my daily goal of 2000 calories for a total of 4000 calories on Friday.

On Saturday I consume approximately 5500 calories with carbohydrates making up approximately 60-70% of my dietary intake.

When I wake up Sunday I go right back to the ketogenic diet.

It takes time for the body to refill the muscle with glycogen but by Sunday night or Monday morning my muscles feel pumped and full. My best performance in the gym is between Sunday and Thursday of every week. As I go through workout after workout between Sunday and Thursday I use up muscle glycogen. By Friday my workouts are suffering, just in time to refill again come Friday night.


I started the ketogenic diet because I was bored with low fat foods. I was sick to death of them actually. I had been eating low fat for about a year and missed the higher fat foods that I believed were totally.

I had reduced my bodyfat to 15% from 32% but I wanted to see 9%. I didn't feel I could reduce my calories any further and stay with low fat foods so I decided to give the diet a try after speaking with a true ketogenic diet guru, Jeffrey Krabbe, who has more knowledge of the diet than anyone I know, including Atkins, Dipasquale, Duchaine or any other alleged low carb diet guru.

By simply reducing calories and eating more low fat foods I did reduce my bodyfat from 32% to 15% I then used the ketogenic diet to reduce my bodyfat from 15% to the 9% you see in the photos of me.

Was it a miracle? No.

Was I able to eat as many calories as I wanted and still reduce the bodyfat? No.

Was I able to break the monotony and eat some foods I consider delicious and missed very badly? Yes.

Did I lose weight eating high fat, low carbohydrate foods? You decide.

It works ladies and gentlemen I believe it's an alternative that can be used to break up boring cycles of low fat chicken and tuna with generous helpings of fat free this and fat free that as the mainstays.

At the time I started the ketogenic diet low fat foods were enough to make me puke.

With all of this said I will briefly state that I believe some supplements are warranted on this diet I will then conclude with my general recommendations and guidelines for anyone wanting to follow the ketogenic diet.


A basic multivitamin and mineral supplement is warranted due to the lack of breads. cereals, grains, fruits and some vegetables for 5 1/2 days per week.

I also recommend Fibersol by Twinlab because of the lack of dietary fiber that low carbohydrate foods possess.

Fibersol is a carbohydrate-free soluble fiber Even if you want to forget all the healthy benefits of a high fiber diet, at

least know that it may be very unhealthy and unpleasant to not have at least one bowel movement per day. If you

don't supplement with fiber you may not have a movement for 3-4 days. That's way too long.

During the week I used Designer Protein as a midmorning, midafternoon or bedtime snack

I never took more than two protein shakes per day. They were only a sweet snack I craved and as you can see from the dietary list I used, protein intake was not a problem. That's also a benefit for weightlifters using this die. Protein intake is naturally, very high.

I used a product like Xenadrine for a preworkout energy boost.

I supplemented each of my protein shakes with 1.3 grams of evening primrose oil, and 500 mg of fish oil. What a great source of essential fatty acids! They're polyunsaturated too.

Although not a supplement, I cannot suggest or recommend highly enough, that you consume at least 1 gallon of water every day. That's plain old water. Not pop or coffee. With a higher protein intake and because ketone bodies act as a natural diuretic, you'll urinate more. This can cause mild states of dehydration that could cause some not-so-mild performance problems in the gym if you don't replace the water lost.

Ketostix were purchased to monitor urinary Ketone levels and to determine when ketosis was established each week (must be purchased at a drug store, usually at the pharmacy counter). Ketostix measure some Ketone bodies in the urine.

Presence of ketone bodies in the urine indicates fat is being utilized as the major fuel source while following the ketogenic diet. Check it at different times of the day. You may not show ketones at all times.

All you want to see is a trace, very light purple. It's not a matter of the darker the better. Read the directions with the package.


Don't whine and complain about the restrictiveness of the diet. It's only temporary and like anything worth having, will only work with fortitude and dedication.

Eat about 8-10 times your body weight in total calories per day.
Exercise vigorously for at least 3 times per week


Dieting bodybuilders in precontest dieting phases. up to 12 weeks in duration.

Strength phase athletes who want to incorporate more meat and potentially more testosterone production without a weight gain for maintenance of lean mass and strength while dieting.

Type II diabetics (non-insulin dependent) with medical supervision.

Anyone who is otherwise healthy, but overweight, and not happy with the mirror may try this diet for 12 weeks but after giving the diet a 12-week run should eventually bring at least 100-200 grams of carbohydrates back into the daily diet.


Initially expect a feeling of mental unclarity for a few days. Not serious, but noticeable. This is normally only experienced during the first few days of the first week only.

Expect a feeling of less energy for the first week (during adaptation) but some may experience no less energy or an increase in energy.

Expect carbohydrate cravings like crazy for the first three weeks. You will raid the cupboards come Friday night and all day Saturday during carb up.

After three weeks, however, my cravings were very much reduced and I could have taken them or left them. I took them for my muscles' sake.

Expect great workouts after a week or two of adjustment, for the days of Sunday through Thursday Expect not so great workouts on Friday afternoon through Saturday afternoon Glycogen is depleted in the muscle by then and hasn't had time to replenish yet

Expect to urinate more frequently

Expect a weight fluctuation of between 3 and 10 pounds per week due to water loss. Every molecule of glycogen has 4 molecules of water attached to it. As you lose glycogen from the liver and muscle during the week you will see a weight loss but it's not primarily fat.

Expect a weight gain by Sunday or Monday. During your first week or two you may even be heavier on these days than when you started. This is due to glycogen supercompensation occurring within the muscle.

You will literally store up to 50% more glycogen than normal. Remember the glycogen-water issue

Expect your friends and family to whine and snivel about your new diet and tell you how you're an idiot and are going to die from it. Most have never heard the word "ketone", much less spell it

Expect any one you know, in the medical field, to shun it.

Condemn it and repeat what your friends said. They've forgotten biochemistry and think that everyone will end up like a type I diabetic. Ask them for studies, which showed a ketogenic diet raised cholesterol or was shown to be unhealthy in humans. They'll talk plenty about typical unhealthy diets where carbohydrates AND fats are high but not about diets where carbohydrates are kept at 5% of dietary intake. Don't miss this distinction.

Expect it will take no less effort then any other diet where weight loss is the goal. It's not easy. It's simply an alternative that works.

Expect that you will have to monitor calories for success, as all successful weight loss plans require.

There are over one million questions left unanswered in this article but you now have the basic tools to decide if the diet is for you or not.

In the meantime please write me if you have any questions specific to your individual needs I've done 4 cycles of the ketogenic diet at between 8 and 12 weeks each time. It's always a nice break from the SOS



Week 1 Monday 200 pounds - Friday 194 pounds

Week 2 Monday 202 pounds - Friday 193 pounds

Week 3 Monday 199 pounds - Friday 192 pounds

Week 4 Monday 197 pounds - Friday 190 pounds

Week 5 Monday 195 pounds - Friday 188 pounds

Week 6 Monday 193 pounds - Friday 186 pounds

Week 7 Monday 192 pounds - Friday 185 pounds

Week 8 Monday 191 pounds - Friday 184 pounds

58 of the Most Common Foods I ate on the Diet

Dairy Products

Whole eggs
Egg Whites
Egg Beaters
Chicken Breast
Turkey Smoked Sausage
Ground Turkey Burgers
Velveeta Cheese
Cheese (Cheddar & Salami)
Cheese (Premium processed slices)
Cottage Cheese

Pork products

Bacon (Thick)
Pork Sausage
Brat Wurst
Pork Chops (pan fried)

Fish products

Salmon (Pink. Canned)


Real Mayonnaise
Miracle Whip

Beef products

Beef (Hamburger)
Salisbury Steak
Steak (any kind)


Other mixed vegetables (check frozen section at grocery)
Cut Green Beans


Sugar Free Jello
Protein drinks
Protos Ostrich Meat
Half of a Worldwide Pure Protein Bar

Cooking and Essential Fatty Acids

Canola Oil
Olive Oil
Barlean's Organic Flax/Bor (Don't cook with Barlean's oils)

Fast Foods

KFC Tender Roast (2 breasts with skin)
McDonalds Double Quarter (No bread)
Burger King Double Whopper (No bread)
Subway Grilled Chicken & Tuna Salad (2 scoops of tuna plus 1
chicken breast topping a lettuce salad with a few pickles, a few black olives and vinegar & oil dressing)

Any Fast Food Egg & Bacon or Sausage Breakfast (No bread)
Hot Dogs (no bread)
Beef bologna

Other garnishes



Italian Dressing
Blue Cheese Dressing
Thousand Island Dressing
Kraft Bacon & Tomato

fern2340 Mon, Aug-13-01 17:12

Great CKD info.... I tried to copy this to the Low Carb Plans forum so all who are interested could see it but alas, my brain has decided to take the night off! Doreen came to the rescue and just an FYI, now your post is in the Low Carb Plans forum also!

MLS Thu, Mar-14-02 07:26

A very Short Reply...
... to a very long message!

I think I stumbled across this 'method' of following low carb by accident. I typically follow low carb most days, but occasionally allow myself to 'eat normally' - last night I had a pizza! :yum:

I have maintained my weight at my target for about eight months now, and can still enjoy eating out with friends without worrying about what I order. :)

It was very interesting reading the biochemistry behind the 'diet', so thanks a lot TrainerDan for your explanations. MLS

DivaDani Thu, Mar-14-02 15:46

When do you start the CKD cycle?
This is probably a dumb question, so I apologize in advance, but I'm not sure whether you're supposed to start with the Friday depletion workout and the carb up or be in ketosis when you start (say Sun or Mon). I think the Mon. workout would kick my butt without the extra carbs...? Anyway, tomorrow is Friday and I'm all fired up to workout till I drop and then carb up, so please let me know if this is the wrong way to start.


Trainerdan Fri, Mar-15-02 05:11

DivaD ....
If you are already following a LC plan, then start withthe carb-up phase ... :D

If you are not following a LC plan, start with the keto phase.

fern2340 Fri, Apr-12-02 06:55

I am adding this to the CKD 101 thread as some more info. This link takes you to a page where Lyle McDonald breaks down a 20-week BodyOpus experience, a BodyOpus FAQ, and a technical paper on the CKD. Body Opus/CKD


Beaver Wed, Jul-24-02 18:12

Dan Duchaines book says on teh back "A Diet book for people who arent fat" I am 6'1" 265 pounds, was 290 in april and have been doing the Zone thing for a few months. I am not a small built guy, my shoulders are wider than my hips, I have a hefty frame hehe, yeah yeah I know. Anyways. I have lifted weights casually off and on since an early age. Never really stuck with it. Since April I have been doing a a steady weight and cardio routine. Anways stay on track, I get the impression that CKD is not for obese folks or out of shape folks. ITs seems really really gung ho. I like that aspect, I like to feel like I am activley dieting, I like the strictness and discipline.....but at the same time I feel like its arrogant for me to try a cycle or two being as I am, by all right,s fat.

So all that babble boils down CDK just for bodybuilders who want to get trim and defined before competitions or can a fatty like myself,doing it properly, not have a heartattack and see noticable results?

I have the feeling I rambled through that whole thing so if its confusing I apologize haha

Trainerdan Wed, Jul-24-02 20:57

Anyone can use it, as long as weight training and cardio work are done with intensity.

DD wrotes his way because that was his style ... in your face, and pro-bodybuilder. He created a market for BodyOpus with the bodybuilding community, since that was what he was a part of.

The principles will work for anyone looking to lose bodyfat while maintaining muscle and workout intensity.

jane anne Fri, Aug-02-02 17:49

personal info first: have been lc ing since april. at the same time i started a workout program at the 'y'. i work out mon. wed. and fri. early am and take weekend off. i work thurs. noon til sunday 8 pm (caring for elderly, challenged gentleman) fri.'s my adult daughter will stay with him will go to gym.
i work 15 reps 3 X's with 1 min. rest between. work abs, thighs (inside and out) legs, gluts, shoulders, chest, arms using machines plus this week started 15 min. on rowing machine. hate excercise but am menopausal (52), have hypothyroid, want to stay healthy.
weighed 208 when started (april) lost 8# initially, stalled at 200 until this week down 1# more. took measurements june 9 took again today.... lost .5"off waist, 1" off hips, .5 " off each foot! ....gained 2" on breasts & thighs, 1.5 on calves, .75 on biseps.
found this site today.

questions: what's happening? and how can i improve given my limitations?
hope you can help.
thanks anyway,

Zeus Tue, Aug-06-02 18:46

[I] gained 2" on breasts- questions: how can i improve given my limitations?

-Looks like you already have. :cool:

jane anne Tue, Aug-06-02 21:40

thanks, but i see no help from the peanut gallery :D i'm not exactly trying to put inches on! i am trying to reduce my size.......all over!

Zeus Tue, Aug-06-02 22:07

Just a little positive reinforcement on my part. :roll:

jane anne Wed, Aug-07-02 05:09

thank you, after all you are the only response i've had...... and positive is good. :)

Zeus Wed, Aug-07-02 06:57

Ok, all joking aside... I'll see if I can't help you out for the time being until Dan gets to it:

i work 15 reps 3 X's with 1 min. rest between. work abs, thighs (inside and out) legs, gluts, shoulders, chest, arms using machines plus this week started 15 min. on rowing machine. hate excercise but am menopausal (52), have hypothyroid, want to stay healthy.

-Hmm, your workout routine looks sound.

weighed 208 when started (april) lost 8# initially, stalled at 200 until this week down 1# more. took measurements june 9 took again today.... lost .5"off waist, 1" off hips, .5 " off each foot! ....gained 2" on breasts & thighs, 1.5 on calves, .75 on biseps.

-It seems like you're encountering a rather annoying 'plateau'. I'm not too sure of what you're getting at with your post. Do you want to try the 'CKD' ... or... do you just want some advice as to how to continue on 'Atkins' while losing more fat- efficiently. In any case... I would recommend that you try the 'CKD' (as it will allow you to 'carb-up' on weekends- thus, breaking through rather disheartening plateau's- caused by metabolic slow down and such). Give yourself a very good understanding of it (looking around on this board for information is a good place to start). Buy 'BODYOPUS' (by Dan Duchaine) or 'The Ketogenic Diet' (by Lyle McDonald). Of course, you'll have to work out around your already (what seems to be) busy schedule. A 'CKD' requires one to workout (within the 6-8 rep range... so you'll have to bump up the weight) Monday and Tuesday. Then, you'll have to perform a circuit-training type workout- called the 'depletion workout' on Friday. If I haven't answered your question(s)... please tell me what answers it is that you are looking for.

jane anne Wed, Aug-07-02 08:53

i spent an entire evening trying to glean infor off this site about weight training but find it very confusing.......may have something to do with being dyslexic, but can't seem to make any sense of it. so what i'm looking for is advice. i can't figure out why i'd be gaining inches when i'm working out and on the atkins diet. surely my mass would be getting smaller..... muscle being more dense and all. i understand that muscle weighs more than fat so my weight may not change but if muscle burns fat, theoretically i should still be getting smaller. or am i way out to lunch? :confused:

itsjoyful Wed, Aug-07-02 09:53

Hi there Jane Anne~ I'm no expert, and have yet to complete Lyle's book, but I do have a thought or two about your plight.

Regarding the inches gained...
First of all, it is possible that maybe you mis-measured on the first one? Just a thought.
Could it have to with water retention?
You could be building an upperbody faster than the rest, too. Muscle weights the same as fat, just takes up less space, but if you are building muscle, then that 'could' be it.

IMHO, if you are working all these muscles 3X a week with only 1 day rest in between, you may be doing yourself a dis-service. The muscles need to rest a lot longer to recover.

Good luck to you, and I can't wait to see what others have to say on the subject.


P.S.~ Just on the side to anyone long exactly does it take to start "gaining" muscle from your first work out?

jaluka99 Fri, Aug-09-02 19:07

Plateaus and Carb-Types
Two questions (one is actually almost a statement, sorry)

re: Plateaus - being an ex-college athlete my experience with plateaus is to take a break. My guess is that if you reach a plateau, switch up for a week or two. Take a break and go low-fat (it won't kill you either) for a week, gradually work back into Ketosis w/o a carb load for a week or two before you start working out again. This always helped me.

re: Carb-Types (this is a question)
I assume that it is better to consume LowGI carbs on the weekend carb-up to avoid insulin spikes. I imagine I should eat a lot of Complex carbs, but still take it easy on the sugars (ie: no gallons of soda/Gatorade).
Is this right, or does it matter.


jane anne Fri, Aug-09-02 20:34

hey jaluka:
i'm not sure how to respond. first are you saying to take a break from the work out or take a break from lowcarbing..... or both. i have heard that carbing up on the weekends is supposed to help break a plateau but i've been afraid to try it.
and second what is low gi carbing. it's the gi i don't get.
if you are going to carb up for the weekend, i would not eat anything refined. no sugar, no flour. and increase fibre as well.when low carbing, the key is to stay away from carbs that contain sugars... even natural sugars. ie. green beens instead of carrots. broccolli instead of winter squash. and very little fruit. there is a list of foods and their carb counts on this site somewhere. i'll try to find it for you. read lables and stay between 20 and 30 g. of carbs per day......unless you are carbing up .
hope this makes some sense.

Zeus Fri, Aug-09-02 20:40

if you are going to carb up for the weekend, i would not eat anything refined. no sugar, no flour. and increase fibre as well.

-Ok, no offense but- could you be more wrong? (*says in Matthew Perry voice*). During the first 24 hours of the 'carb-load' ... we want high G/I carbohydrates (to take advantage of insulin sensitivity). The things you listed as 'bad' ... are actually ideal 'carb-up' ingredients/foods (during the first 24 hours at least). ALSO, you say to increase fiber... well, lets see... fiber will slow down the absorption of carbohydrates and blunt insulin sensitivity... not good.

jane anne Fri, Aug-09-02 21:11

i'm doing atkins. it's pretty obvious that i don't know anything about weight training but i do know what is really bad for the body...... anything refined! it is poison to your body. and so i could be more wrong. having spent 4 years fighting the effects of refined foods on my body i can in good conscience say "no refined foods".
i would still like to know what a low gi carb is.
i also apologize for suggesting high fibre but in atkins the fibre can be subtracted from the carb count. so it made sense to me.

jaluka99 Sat, Aug-10-02 07:56

LoGI vs. HiGI
LoGI(low glycemic index) v HiGI(high glycemic index) simply refers to the glycemic index of the carbohydrate - ie: the amount of insulin that is stimulated and the speed of release (someone correct me if that is wrong, I know it is close though) and the burn rate of the carbohydrate for energy.
LoGI would be wheat bread, HiGI would be refined sugar.

I actually have to agree with Zeus that you prefer refined sugar at the begining of the carb up to trigger the insulin response and guarantee sensititivity for the rest of the carb-up, making sure that you switch to LoGI carbs for the remainder of the day on Saturday to ensure that you have "cleaned out" your insulin by the time you start eating "high fat" on Sunday morning.

Makes sense

ps - I did refer to taking a break from both lifting and lo-carbing


jane anne Sat, Aug-10-02 08:17

okay jeff..... but what if you can't eat sugar. i have battled ulcerative colitis and sugar really is poison to me. too much grain or flour can cause another attack. i eat potatoes, squash, carrots, red and yellow peppers, and lots of fruit, pineapple, melons, and berries.......but no sugar or flour. by the way they really are some of the worst things to put into your body. that and hydrogenated fats can cause cancer to the bowel.
thanks for the info on low and hi gi carbs. it does help.

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