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gonwtwindo Sun, Aug-07-11 16:48

Gone's Adventures in Exercise
I just got the brilliant idea to post exercise links in my first gym page (like I post food and health related links to my second journal page). I've moved my original first gym post to the bottom of these links.
........................................................................ .....

Princeton's Pelvic Stabilization/Hip Strengthening Exercises

Video: 11 Exercises to Boost Hip Strength

........................................................................ ......

Original first post:
Oh gosh, I am so awful at logging exercise activities. I am hoping that by creating this journal I will kick myself into doing it, and into working out more, to boot.

I have some unique challenges:

#1, I have a demanding job. Sometimes. Some days are 10+ hours, some are 4. Some shifts require hours of strenuous lifting and pushing of heavy-ish equipment ..some don't. No way to predict what I will encounter once I clock in.

#2, I have a back injury that can be made worse if I do the wrong activity (or do an activity the wrong way).

The heavy days at work always result in back pain and pain and weakness in one leg or the other (usually the left one).

So: I need to be stronger than my job requires. My goal here is to gradually strengthen my legs, arms, and core to possibly fend off the pain and further injury.

Does that sound possible?? Anyone reading this, please feel free to offer your advice.

Of course, any increase in muscle will boost my metabolism, and at 58, I need that, too!!

BanjoBling Sun, Aug-07-11 18:16

Hi Paula,

I'm no expert on LC yet, cause I just started. However I literally feel your pain back-wise. I had 2 discs slip badly (so much that one touched a nerve). Had to have surgery to remove one and repair the other. Afterwards I had a year of rehab to get back to somewhat normal. 10 years later and I still have some pain but I have made it much less and here's how.

IMO you need to really strengthen your core the most! So I recommend crunches, twisting movements, and do not for get the low back. For the low back the best thing IMO is to lay on your stomach. Like the Superman position with your arms straight out in front stretching forward. All at once lift your arms and legs off the ground a few inches. Hold this up for 10-30 seconds (building up). Repeat that 10 times like you would any exercise in a set.

If you do this I promise your core will get stronger. IMO that is why your back is fatigued after a long day of standing, bending, hauling etc.

Strengthening your legs, arms, and everything else is great also, but I believe if you only have a short time period that low back and core is what you must do 5 days a week if possible to strengthen your core.

Good luck!


gonwtwindo Sun, Aug-07-11 23:02

Thank you Banjo. I do need to commit to doing core exercises. Thanks for saying "5 days a week". It is so easy to not do them on work days.

I need to take care of myself or I won't be able to work at this job for long. I need to work at it for 10 years at least. SO here goes...

gonwtwindo Mon, Aug-08-11 14:39

So far today I have done the stretches prescribed for me by my Physical Therapist, 25 reps on the Torso Track, and gone for a brisk, 30-minute walk. I feel strong and in good spirits.

Breakfast was a Spinach Frittata - YUM.

gonwtwindo Mon, Aug-08-11 14:45

Running music, thanks to deity_me

gonwtwindo Wed, Aug-10-11 23:59

Yesterday: 25 reps on Torso Track; basic 3 stretches (wig-wags, piriformis stretch, hamstring stretch), 30 minute walk.

Today, same as above plus squats w/ball, 10 supermans, 10 pelvic lifts using ball, dead squats, planks, side planks..10 each. 15 minutes on the treadmill.

gonwtwindo Sat, Aug-13-11 14:29

So far this week, easy days at work, 5 hours or so. Little to no back pain!

Today's exercises:

35 Torso Track reps
all 3 stretches: WigWags, Piriformis, Hamstring
Lateral leg lifts, 15 per side
On-tummy leg lifts, 15 each
Mr. Sandman, 15 reps
Froggies: 8
Pelvic Lift, 12 reps
5 lb weights: Curls, wings, back wings, push-ups, 10 each
Planks: 10
Side planks: 10 per side
20 squats

These silly names (Mr. Sandman, Froggies) are from a class I took in the 80's! "Wigwags" are named by my physical therapist :)

I'm getting geared up mentally for The Christmas (or Holiday, haven't decided) Challenge I'm going to start on September 1st. It's so hard to adhere to Atkins in my is so physically demanding, I get so hungry sometimes, plus I am surrounded by hundreds of inappropriate desserts, fruits, pastas, breads, appetizers, etc. Literally hundreds. I tried taking my own foods, but it's a pain since some days I work 15 hours, some days I work 4. Some days are not physically demanding, some are excessively so. I never know until I clock in what I'll be doing. I ended up packing foods for the worst case scenario every day and throwing away a lot that didn't stay cold long enough to stay 'good'. So I'm resistant to trying again but I know I have to figure this out.

gonwtwindo Fri, Aug-19-11 11:44

Well, so much for beating the job. It beat me.

I ended up with another "lumbar strain" a couple of days ago and am on muscle relaxers/painkillers and off work. I have received no instruction about exercise (no doctor appointment yet...occupational health guy just took me off work and referred me to a spinal guy) but I'm thinking I'll try riding the bike at the gym today.

I am stressed out about being able to DO this job. I have to get stronger.

gonwtwindo Wed, Aug-24-11 00:02

I've had a week now of resting from my second my back injury & taking muscle relaxers, and am going to start exercising again tomorrow. I am sure I won't do all of these...but this is my goal 'sheet' to refer to.

At-home PT exercises:

WigWags (2 minutes total)
Periformis Stretch (60 secs ea. side)
Hamstring stretch (60 secs ea side)
Pelvic Press/Double March (15)
Side Planks (10 )
Planks (10)

My own Floor exercises:

Elbow Squats (15)
Pelvic Lifts (10)
Mr. Sandman (15)
Barbies (15)
Forearm lifts w/5 lb. (10/side)
Wings w/5 lb. (10)
Up Lifts w/5 lbs. (10)
Torso Track (25)

At-gym PT exercises:

Supermans (15)
Wall Squats w/ball (10)
Ball Leg Curls (10)
Treadmill (5 minute)
Calf Tilts (2 minutes)

My own Gym exercises:

Leg Press on #5 (10)
Pull-downs on #5 (10)
Stationary Bike (10 minutes)

Walk: 30 minutes

Around sundown:

Torso Track (25)

This routine, including the walking, should take about and hour and 15 minutes.

gonwtwindo Wed, Aug-24-11 15:07

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

At-home PT exercises:
(* = done, discomfort = it hurts, but not painful)

WigWags (2 minutes total) * feel the stretch/discomfort on left side when going to the rt.
Periformis Stretch (60 secs ea. side) *
Hamstring stretch (60 secs ea side) *
Pelvic Press/Double March (15) * lower back discomfort
Side Planks (10 per side) * 10 on left, only 5 on rt, due to LB discomfort
Planks (10) *
Side Leg Lifts, 2 lb. (10 per side, no weights) *
On-tummy Leg Lifts, 2 lb. (10 per, 5 sec hold) *, 3 sec hold/discomfort

Discomfort after finish esp. w/walking. Stretched out back. Took 20 minute break lying down, knees up.

My own Floor exercises:

Elbow Squats (15) *
Pelvic Lifts (10) * mild discomfort
Mr. Sandman (15) * discomfort
Forearm lifts w/5 lb. (10/side) * 5 per side, caused LB strain (pain) rested a few minutes
Wings w/5 lb. (10) *
Up Lifts w/5 lbs. (10) * mild discomfort
Barbies (15) *

Back discomfort/hot sensation; piriformis stretches;40 minute break. lying down knees up,til subsided. Did Piriformis stretches & Wigwags (discomfort on left side)

Torso Track (25) no, seems like too much

At-gym PT exercises:

Supermans (15. hold for 10 sec) * 5 only,discomfort/hot sensation
Wall Squats w/ball (10, hold for 10) * tightness
Ball Leg Curls - all on one lift (10, hold for 5) * tightness
Treadmill (5 minute) * discomfort
Calf Tilts (2 minutes)

My own Gym exercises:

Leg Press on #5 (10, toes up, 10 toes out) *
Pull-downs on #5 (10) * 5 only, lower back strain
Stationary Bike (10 minutes) * did 20 because of good lumbar support/comfort

Walk: 30 minutes, no, due to discomfort

Ice: 20 minutes *

Around sundown:

Torso Track (25)

gonwtwindo Fri, Aug-26-11 19:52

Yesterday, August 25th, stretches only. So sore. I grocery shopped later in the day and I could only take 20 minutes of pushing a cart at a time, so made a couple quick stops then home again. Laid on ice for 20, took my meds a felt pretty darn good.

Will post today's later on...

gonwtwindo Tue, Aug-30-11 17:04

Ahhh...I'm so bad at logging my exercise!

Exercises yesterday, the 29th:

At-home PT exercises: (* = done, discomfort = it hurts, but not painful)

WigWags (2 minutes total) * feel the stretch/discomfort on left side when going to the rt.
Periformis Stretch (60 secs ea. side) *
Hamstring stretch (60 secs ea side) *
Pelvic Press/Gina’s way (10) * mild LB discomfort
Side Planks (10 per side) * only 5 on each side, due to LB discomfort
Planks (10) *
Side Leg Lifts, 2 lb. (10 per side, no weights) *
On-tummy Leg Lifts, 2 lb. (10 per, 5 sec hold) *

Discomfort after finish but with 10 minute rest lying down, felt better.

My own Floor exercises:

Elbow Squats (15) *
Pelvic Lifts (10) *
Mr. Sandman (15) * discomfort
Forearm lifts w/5 lb. (10/side) * 5 per side, lying down, to avoid LB strain
Wings w/5 lb. (10) *
Up Lifts w/5 lbs. (10)
Barbies (15) *

Back discomfort/eased with 20 minutes lying down
Torso Track (25) 20

At-gym PT exercises:

Supermans (15. hold for 10 sec) * 10 mild ,discomfort
Wall Squats w/ball (10, hold for 10) * tightness
Ball Leg Curls - all on one lift (10, hold for 5)
Treadmill (5 minute)
Calf Tilts (2 minutes)

My own Gym exercises:

Leg Press on #5 (10, toes up, 10 toes out) *
Pull-downs on #5 (10) * LB discomfort
Stationary Bike (10 minutes) * 20

Walk: 30 minutes – 18 discomfort at 14
Ice: 20 minutes *

Around sundown:

Torso Track (25) no

gonwtwindo Wed, Jan-04-12 16:17

Well, I am going to hit it again.

I have been on restricted exercise since September due to numbness and tingling in my left calf and foot. I got a new PT who asked about that right away and so, did not want me to do anything that gave me those symptoms. Well, that was almost everything!! Prior to having her, I only went by what HURT me. She said the numbness and tingling means a nerve is being damaged :( and 'we don't want it to become permanent'.

Anyway. I have made some progress in the last couple of weeks which is very exciting. I added back in the Torso Track and it doesn't seem to bother me. AND it has strengthened my core! I can feel how it is easier to do many activities and best of all, the numbness is milder. *crosses fingers*

So, here is a master of my new goal sheet: I'll put a red star/comment by everything I do.

First thing.:

Torso Track (50)

CM PT home exercises:

WigWags (2 minutes total)
Periformis Stretch (60 secs ea. side)
Hamstring stretch (60 secs ea side)
Pelvic Press/Double March (15)
Side Planks (10 )
Planks (10)
Calf Stretch (1 min, 2x)

Los Al PT home exercises:

Bridges (10)
1/4 Curls (10)
Child Pose (30 sec x 2)
Hip Stretch (30 sec/side)
Pendulum (10)
Squats (10)
Lunges (10 per side)
Sit-to-stand (10)
8 lb. weight curls w/wall squat, both arms at once (10)
Blue Ribbon Pull downs (10)
Weighted Pushes (10)
Weighted Pullbacks (10)

My own Floor exercises:

Elbow Squats (15)
Mr. Sandman (15)
Barbies (15)
Wings w/5 lb. (10)
Up Lifts w/5 lbs. (10)

At-gym PT exercises:

Supermans (15)
Ball Leg Curls (10)

My own Gym exercises:

Leg Press on #5 (10)
Pull-downs on #5 (10)
Stationary Bike (10 minutes)

Brisk Walk: 30-45 minutes

Around sundown:

Torso Track (50)

gonwtwindo Wed, Jan-04-12 16:19

So far, today:

First thing.:

Torso Track (50) * 50

CM PT home exercises:

WigWags (2 minutes total)
Periformis Stretch (60 secs ea. side)
Hamstring stretch (60 secs ea side)
Pelvic Press/Double March (15)
Side Planks (10 )
Planks (10)
Calf Stretch (1 min, 2x)

Los Al PT home exercises:

Bridges (10) * 20 at PT
1/4 Curls (10) * 15
Child Pose (30 sec x 2) *
Hip Stretch (30 sec/side) *
Pendulum (10) *
Squats (10) *
Lunges (10 per side) *
Sit-to-stand (10) *
8 lb. weight curls w/wall squat, both arms at once (10) * 15
Blue Ribbon Pull downs (10) *12
Weighted Pushes (10) *12
Weighted Pullbacks (10) *12

My own Floor exercises:

Elbow Squats (15)
Mr. Sandman (15)
Barbies (15)
Wings w/5 lb. (10)
Up Lifts w/5 lbs. (10)

At-gym PT exercises:

Supermans (15)
Ball Leg Curls (10)

My own Gym exercises:

Leg Press on #5 (10)
Pull-downs on #5 (10)
Stationary Bike (10 minutes)

Brisk Walk: 30-45 minutes

Around sundown:

Torso Track (50)

gonwtwindo Fri, Jan-06-12 01:06

Just a note: I walked for 44 minutes, then did the "my own' gym exercises below. When I got home I noticed my left foot was numb on the bottom. Also became numb with the 1/4 curls.

First thing.:

Torso Track (50) *

CM PT home exercises:

WigWags (2 minutes total) *
Periformis Stretch (60 secs ea. side) *
Hamstring stretch (60 secs ea side)
Pelvic Press/Double March (15)
Side Planks (10 )
Planks (10)
Calf Stretch (1 min, 2x) *

Los Al PT home exercises:

Bridges (10) * 3 sets of 10
1/4 Curls (10) * 3 sets of 10 - caused pretty strong numbness in calf and foot :(
Child Pose (30 sec x 2) *
Hip Stretch (30 sec/side) *
Pendulum (10 per side) *
Squats (10) *
Lunges (10 per side) *
Sit-to-stand (10)
8 lb. weight curls w/wall squat, both arms at once (10) * (3 sets of 10 w/5 at home)
Blue Ribbon Pull downs (10)
Weighted Pushes (10) * 4 sets of 10 on the universal at the gym
Weighted Pullbacks (10)

My own Floor exercises:

Elbow Squats (15) *20
Mr. Sandman (15)
Barbies (15)
Wings w/5 lb. (10) only 6 - neck hurt
Up Lifts w/5 lbs. (10) *

At-gym PT exercises:

Supermans (15)
Ball Leg Curls (10)

My own Gym exercises:

Leg Press on #5 (10) * 3 sets of 10
Pull-downs on #5 (10) * 4 sets of 10
Stationary Bike (10 minutes) * 22 minutes

Brisk Walk: 30-45 minutes * 44 minutes

Around sundown:

Torso Track (50) 30

gonwtwindo Fri, Jan-20-12 16:00


First thing.:

Torso Track (50)

CM PT home exercises:

WigWags (2 minutes total)
Periformis Stretch (60 secs ea. side)
Hamstring stretch (60 secs ea side)
Pelvic Press/Double March (15)
Side Planks (10 )
Planks (10)
Calf Stretch (1 min, 2x)

Los Al PT home exercises:

Bridges (2 sets of 10 w/4 second hold)
1/4 Curls (2 sets of 10)
Child Pose (30 sec x 2)
Hip Stretch (30 sec/side)
Pendulum (10 each side w/a 5 second hold)
Squats (2 sets of 15)
Lunges (10 per side)
Sit-to-stand (2 sets of 10)
8 lb. weight curls w/wall squat, both arms at once (2 sets of 10)
Blue Ribbon Pull downs (10)
Weighted Pushes (2 sets of 10)
Weighted Pullbacks (2 sets of 10)

My own Floor exercises:

Elbow Squats (20)
Mr. Sandman (20)
Barbies (15)
Wings w/5 lb. (15)
Up Lifts w/5 lbs. (15)
Elbows Up w/5 lbs (15)
Side Leg Lifts (10 per side, arms stretched)

At-gym PT exercises:

Supermans (15)
Ball Leg Curls (10)

My own Gym exercises:

Leg Press on #5 (2 sets of 10)
Pull-downs on #5 (2 sets of 10)
Stationary Bike (15 minutes)

Brisk Walk: 2 walks (total: 1 hr. 15 minutes)

Around sundown:

Torso Track (50)

gonwtwindo Fri, Jan-20-12 17:23

Today so far
I feel bushed.

First thing.:

Torso Track (50) *

CM PT home exercises:

WigWags (2 minutes total) *
Periformis Stretch (60 secs ea. side) *
Hamstring stretch (60 secs ea side) *
Side Planks (10 per side) *
Planks (10) *
Calf Stretch (1 min, 2x) *

Los Al PT home exercises:

Bridges (2 sets of 10 w/4 second hold) *
1/4 Curls (2 sets of 10) *
Child Pose (30 sec x 2) *
Hip Stretch (30 sec/side)
Pendulum (10 each side w/a 5 second hold)
Squats (2 sets of 15) * UGH
Lunges (10 per side) *
Sit-to-stand (2 sets of 10)
8 lb. weight curls w/wall squat, both arms at once (2 sets of 10) * 5 lbs.
Blue Ribbon Pull downs (10)
Weighted Pushes (2 sets of 10)
Weighted Pullbacks (2 sets of 10)

My own Floor exercises:

Elbow Squats (20) *
Mr. Sandman (20) *
Barbies (15) *
Wings w/5 lb. (15) *
Up Lifts w/5 lbs. (15) *
Elbows Up w/5 lbs (15) *
Side Leg Lifts (10 per side, arms stretched) *

At-gym PT exercises:

Supermans (15)
Ball Leg Curls (10)

My own Gym exercises:

Leg Press on #5 (2 sets of 10)
Pull-downs on #5 (2 sets of 10)
Stationary Bike (15 minutes)

Brisk Walk: 2 walks (total: 1 hr. 15 minutes)

Around sundown:

Torso Track (50)

gonwtwindo Mon, Jan-23-12 16:16

I spent all day Saturday cleaning/organizing...I was on a roll! Unfortunately this has resulted in back pain since then. I did walk yesterday for one hour 18 minutes, slowly. The first 40 minutes hurt; I rested 10 minutes and then I was much better.

Just got back from PT. Lower back still painful so they cut my exercises way back for now. It's pouring rain. Hopefully it will stop and I can get another walk in.

gonwtwindo Fri, Feb-24-12 18:54

Wellll I haven't been very good posting my exercise as usual. I think it gets boring or something. Anyway...

I'm going to try again. I had a flare-up (lower back) and am pretty stiff and sore today...with occasional shooting pains. It's been hard to sleep due to sciatic pain the last 2 nights. Anyway I got the idea today...Alleve seems to kick in after about an hour; I took 2 and set the timer for 60 minutes. When the timer went off I went for a walk. I had to walk verrry slowly and hit my peak discomfort at 11 minutes. (Felt the first shooting pain when I stepped off the stairs onto the sidewalk) Unfortunately I had forgotten my PT's advice to never walk more than 5 minutes from my home when in early recovery from a flareup, so I had an 11 minutes walk back home. :( It hurt pretty much and I laid on 'ice' for 20 minutes. Actually, it's this:

gonwtwindo Fri, Feb-24-12 18:56


2/24/12: 22-minute very slow walk

gonwtwindo Sat, Feb-25-12 19:34

2/25/2102: walked I don't know how many minutes. I set my timer for 10 minutes, when I started getting pain I looked at my phone, and I guess I had touched the screen or something. It was stopped at 4 minutes. The walk back was painfully slow. I keep forgetting not to go more than 5 minutes from my front door right now. Looking back I think I walked maybe close to 30 minutes. Ugh. I have numbness and tingling fairly strongly right now.

gonwtwindo Mon, Feb-27-12 00:33

2/26/2012 ... Forgot to take my Alleve before walking (grrr it's always something!!) and only made it 6 minutes before the pain was mounting/numbness setting in. Walked a total of 10, slowly. Went to the apartment gym and rode the bike...painful for the first maybe 3 minutes but gradually got better. Stayed on 20 minutes. I gotta remember the bike!

ckhof Wed, May-06-15 06:31

Wow, good job
I think they would have to carry me out on a stretcher if I did all that now. I'm off to the gym in a little while to do a slow session on the treadmill. I did pretty good yesterday for the first time. I had to talk myself into going, putting aside the fears of what the others may think of this old, fat lady, joining a gym. I'm determined!!

Keep up the good work!!

gonwtwindo Fri, May-08-15 02:55

ckhof, I haven't posted in my gym log for 3 years! I had a back injury and - ugh - no matter how hard I tried, I could not regain my strength enough to go back to work.

Anyway, I am so much better now. (even though I did hurt my back today with too much housework - OW) No way could I do my old job, but I've mostly learned what NOT to do in my personal life, is good.

I walked 2.5 miles at a local Sports Park 4th day in a row getting 2 miles or a little more.

I'm borrowing Kat's idea of posting cellphone pictures from my walks. Sorry some of them are pretty fuzzy. The first one is the DG path that goes around all the playgrounds and playing fields; then a red yucca bloom; a Palo Verde tree in bloom; and some nice rays from a near-sunset.

mviesprite Sat, May-09-15 15:36

Nice Paula!!! :thup: I love "taking walks" with people. It's nice to see some of CA too, I really didn't belong there but there are things I do miss.

Now I have a techie question for you - how do you get your pix from your phone to this site? I have a long roundy-bout way of doing it - so far it's the only way I know how to do...

gonwtwindo Sun, May-10-15 21:28

I Think I do it the roundabout way too. First I transfer them to my computer; then I upload them to photo bucket; resize; and copy the link on the right and paste it in the reply box. Wish there was a simpler way!

Meme#1 Sun, May-10-15 23:51

Originally Posted by gonwtwindo
ckhof, I haven't posted in my gym log for 3 years! I had a back injury and - ugh - no matter how hard I tried, I could not regain my strength enough to go back to work.

Anyway, I am so much better now. (even though I did hurt my back today with too much housework - OW) No way could I do my old job, but I've mostly learned what NOT to do in my personal life, is good.

I walked 2.5 miles at a local Sports Park 4th day in a row getting 2 miles or a little more.

I'm borrowing Kat's idea of posting cellphone pictures from my walks. Sorry some of them are pretty fuzzy. The first one is the DG path that goes around all the playgrounds and playing fields; then a red yucca bloom; a Palo Verde tree in bloom; and some nice rays from a near-sunset.

Pretty pics!!

mviesprite Mon, May-11-15 15:29

Originally Posted by gonwtwindo
I Think I do it the roundabout way too. First I transfer them to my computer; then I upload them to photo bucket; resize; and copy the link on the right and paste it in the reply box. Wish there was a simpler way!

Ha - yes that is the way I do it too. I can edit them on my Iphone which is nice, but I should try it on photobucket - maybe I could get a better size. Thanks!

gonwtwindo Fri, Dec-18-15 18:36


Bike level 6 28 minutes. Rpm 56 to 60, distance 4.44 miles. 134 calories haha

This is going to be a sloppy record because as soon as I got in the gym, I got engrossed in the TV coverage of a police pursuit. It was going all through the area that I used to live and shop in orange county. It was fun to see familiar sites and I didn't take note of any of the weights or reps as I made my way around. We don't have TV at the house so it was an entertaining distraction. Anyway:

I used the leg press, back extension, arm extension and abdominal machines.

More to come tomorrow.

gonwtwindo Wed, Dec-28-16 17:12


Interesting. Looking at the post directly above, ^^^

I was in the 160's last year around the holidays. this morning I weighed in at 164. BLEH!!!

A year ago Thanksgiving I was introduced to vegan eating and over the course of the year I ate more and more vegan and vegetarian meals. I ended up dropping several pounds (152ish) without trying, but being a stress eater, have piled it back on the last 4 months or so.

I had a back injury a few years ago that took years to stop hurting. Even though the pain was way down, I tried to hike last year and the year before last, and couldn't do inclines - the pain would build quickly and I'd have to stop. Well, Christmas Day I went out to Valley of Fire with my son and his girlfriend, and I climbed a damn hill!! No pain!!
Throughout my day there, i was in my element (nature) and I want more. I want to build up my strength and endurance. What might be harder is to find someone who'd like to do some non-strenuous hikes. I don't feel safe out by myself. I've found 2 hiking groups out here, but one starts at 7 a.m. (I can't - not a morning person whatsoever) and the other's hikes are too strenuous. Oh yeah, and one more: they hike in wineries by making a deal with the winery owners that we will each buy a wine tasting. lol. I went to one and it was fun, but I can't pay $20 to hike on the regular.

So today I walked an old pattern over to the nearest shopping center one mile away. I walked as fast as I could and I was within 10 seconds of my time when I first did that same walk over a year ago: 39.22. That's sad. I'm doing a 19-miniute mile. haha


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