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tamarian Fri, Jan-14-05 12:58

post suggestions and feature requests here
This thread can be used to suggest any new features and enhancements to the current version of the tool.

Please explain in detail what the feature or enhancement does.

For example: "It would be nice to have our oun custom meal names, instead of the current meal names available. Users may choose to use the default meal names, or may enter their own names for each meal. So instead of "Snack 1", the user can replace it with "Meal 1" or "Meal 9am" etc.


tamarian Fri, Jan-14-05 19:40

These are the most frequent request I've heard,:

1. Allow custom names for meals
2. Allow custom exercise entries
3. Allow food listings per ounces, instead of the default 100 grams
4. List fiber/ECC and water total in the monthly view
5. Allow sorting by name, in addition to nutrients

Those are now on the list of new features to add.

Feel free to add more suggestions here :)


Elihnig Fri, Jan-14-05 19:46

I see we have little pie charts showing fat, protein and carbs and alcohol. Can we get a daily breakdown by percentages to see if we hit our desired goals, ie 70%/25%/5% or 30/30/40 etc.?


tamarian Fri, Jan-14-05 19:58

Originally Posted by Elihnig
I see we have little pie charts showing fat, protein and carbs and alcohol. Can we get a daily breakdown by percentages to see if we hit our desired goals, ie 70%/25%/5% or 30/30/40 etc.?

This is currently shown in the monthly view. But yes, it would be helpful to see it in the daily view as well.


diemde Fri, Jan-14-05 21:44

On the food search screen, in the order by drop down, can we have a choice for alphabetical? So when I search on "beans", it just pulls up all the entries that start with the word beans.

dane Sat, Jan-15-05 04:58

I second Diemde's request. Also, in references to amounts eaten: while I'm happy enough with the 100g option, and wouldn't mind ounces, since I do both......I think that an option in just "grams" would be really awesome, for those who don't have cups, ounces, etc.

This is one of my major complaints about FitDay.

tamarian Sat, Jan-15-05 08:18

Originally Posted by dane
I think that an option in just "grams" would be really awesome, for those who don't have cups, ounces, etc.

I'm not sure if I understood this. Grams are very small, if the default listing is one gram, all nutrient contents would be in small fractions, and hard to figure out.


tamarian Sat, Jan-15-05 08:18

Originally Posted by diemde
On the food search screen, in the order by drop down, can we have a choice for alphabetical? So when I search on "beans", it just pulls up all the entries that start with the word beans.

Done :)


dane Sat, Jan-15-05 13:37

Originally Posted by tamarian
I'm not sure if I understood this. Grams are very small, if the default listing is one gram, all nutrient contents would be in small fractions, and hard to figure out.

Alright. Maybe it's just a daydream of mine. When I make stuff, I just toss it on my digital scale. So I get 44g strawberries. When I go to enter it in FitDay, I have to estimate that it's approx 1 and 1/2 oz. It'd be nice to just pull down "grams" and type in 44. But if this creates a problem for your default listing, then never mind. I think I see my perfectionism kicking in. :)
ETA I don't need it set as the default, just as an option in the pull down menu.

tamarian Sat, Jan-15-05 13:46

Originally Posted by dane
Alright. Maybe it's just a daydream of mine. When I make stuff, I just toss it on my digital scale. So I get 44g strawberries. When I go to enter it in FitDay, I have to estimate that it's approx 1 and 1/2 oz. It'd be nice to just pull down "grams" and type in 44. But if this creates a problem for your default listing, then never mind. I think I see my perfectionism kicking in. :)
ETA I don't need it set as the default, just as an option in the pull down menu.

This is actually available :) I thought you meant when displaying a list of results from a search.

To enter exactly 44 grams, simply select the 100 gram selection, and enter 0.44 in the amount box. This way it's exactly 44 grams.


dane Sat, Jan-15-05 14:12

Ok :doah:

Now another silly thing. With the "search for more ingredients" spot, I can't find tomatoes. I've typed in "tomato" and "tom", and all I get are entries for babyfood, soup, canned products, and tom turkeys :). I just want regular fresh red tomatoes.

Ok, I found them by searching the vegetable list; they're on page 6. But it would save alot of time if they'd pop up with the above search.

By the way, I just finished entering a recipe, and it worked great! Really like this option.

dane Sat, Jan-15-05 14:24

Here's the last thing, and I'm off to bed. I was comparing my day's totals with the same from FitDay, and they are pretty close. One big difference...FD lets you enter the size of the eggs. I have md/sm. The only option for size here is large. For 2 eggs it's a 70 cal difference. Not a big deal for me right now, but if I was carefully watching calories, it would matter. I suppose I could weigh my eggs! :lol: 'Night.

tamarian Sat, Jan-15-05 14:25

Originally Posted by dane
Now another silly thing. With the "search for more ingredients" spot, I can't find tomatoes. I've typed in "tomato" and "tom", and all I get are entries for babyfood, soup, canned products, and tom turkeys :). I just want regular fresh red tomatoes.

Ok, I found them by searching the vegetable list; they're on page 6. But it would save alot of time if they'd pop up with the above search.

The search box so far is very limited. It will be enhanced, with some advanced options and tips to help narrow the search, and return the most relevant items.


tamarian Sat, Jan-15-05 14:28

Originally Posted by dane
Here's the last thing, and I'm off to bed. I was comparing my day's totals with the same from FitDay, and they are pretty close. One big difference...FD lets you enter the size of the eggs. I have md/sm. The only option for size here is large. For 2 eggs it's a 70 cal difference. Not a big deal for me right now, but if I was carefully watching calories, it would matter. I suppose I could weigh my eggs! :lol: 'Night.

This should go to the nutritional content thread :) Hopefully this will be covered with member's entries.


diemde Sat, Jan-15-05 16:49

On the daily view, can you add an option to delete an item from favorites?

Also, entries in the favorites box don't seem to be in any particular order. Can you have them alphabetized so that it's easier to find an item?

rebma Sat, Jan-15-05 19:29

When I was putting together a recipe I couldn't find pork rinds under a search for "pork". I double checked the usda food database and it was in there listed as "Snacks, pork skins, plain". I then did another ingredient search for my recipe using "snack" and the pork rinds showed up, so I know it's in the boards database. Just letting you know that it doesn't show up under the search term "pork".

tamarian Sat, Jan-15-05 19:42

Originally Posted by diemde
On the daily view, can you add an option to delete an item from favorites?

Not sure :) This can be done from the favourites editing page. If we add it, then we'll need to add options to delete from ingredients list, custom list, etc. I'll write it down and think about it for a bit.

Also, entries in the favorites box don't seem to be in any particular order. Can you have them alphabetized so that it's easier to find an item?

Yes, I plan on adding sorting options for the favourites, and other lists.


diemde Sun, Jan-16-05 08:19

On the Nutrition Facts page, can you add a column for %RDA. That's what I'm used to looking at from using Fitday. I am just not familiar with all of the actual counts. It makes it difficult to do an assessment.

tamarian Sun, Jan-16-05 08:41

Originally Posted by diemde
On the Nutrition Facts page, can you add a column for %RDA. That's what I'm used to looking at from using Fitday. I am just not familiar with all of the actual counts. It makes it difficult to do an assessment.

The Recommended Daily Allowance is quite biased toward the infamous food pyramid. If we apply the RDA%, it would show most members under-eating "enough carbs", and eating "too much fat".


diemde Sun, Jan-16-05 18:24

Originally Posted by tamarian
The Recommended Daily Allowance is quite biased toward the infamous food pyramid. If we apply the RDA%, it would show most members under-eating "enough carbs", and eating "too much fat".

Oh, I'm not saying the RDA is right, but that I'm used to looking at it that way from having used Fitday. So for example, I aim for 150% of the RDA for calcium. :D This is a tough one... I understand your reasoning, but it's going to be hard to have to learn all the numbers. I'd be curious to hear other beta users thoughts on this one.

diemde Sun, Jan-16-05 18:30

Adding a new custom food doesn't automatically add it to my favorites. And I can't select it from the custom food list for adding to my day's foods. That means I have to go through 3 steps to get it added to today's foods... add the custom food, then add it to favorites and then add it to today's foods.

Can you add it automatically to the favorites when it's added as a new custom food? I probably wouldn't be entering it if it wasn't needed for that day's foods.

Or add an option from the custom foods list to select and add items to today's food list. If you can do this one, then I would propose giving us the capability to add items directly to today's food list from any of the database searches. I don't necessarily always want to add it to favorites before adding it to today's foods.

diemde Sun, Jan-16-05 18:35

On the "my custom foods" screen, the default in the drop down for the go button is to delete. The default should never be delete because it would be too easy to accidentally delete. I recommend changing it to "add to favorites".

I also don't see a way to edit one of my custom foods. Am I missing something? I see the choice for customize this item, but it takes me to defaults, such as the 100 grams, rather than letting me edit what I initially defined. I didn't understand the "serving" entry box and entered "1 serving"... now it shows up as 1 1 serving, so I just want to correct that one thing.

tamarian Sun, Jan-16-05 19:27

Excellent suggestions Dianne :thup:

The custom stuff is a bit complicated, and need some more work.

In regards to servings, the "Servings" field is to hold the name of the serving, such as tablespoon, cup, ounce, etc.

The gram field is defaulted to 100 grams, but if you are entering for a serving of a cup, you simply put in the weight in grams for a cup.

This will create a 100 gram serving by default, plus an additional serving that you entered.


tamarian Mon, Jan-17-05 09:52

Dianne, most of your suggestions have now been added, including the sorting option, adding custom items to favs.

Also your comments on the long scroll ot the daily items, have now been shrunk considerably, by placing meal totlas in the same row as the meal name/seperator.

I've truncated back the serving size, to save space, but their's a tooltip to show the full serving name when you bring your mouse to each serving name.

Adding directly from the lists to today's food maybe is probably no longer needed, since custom foods showup in the fav list on the daily entry (unless explicitly removed from the favs list by the user).

Great suggestions everyone :thup:, keep'em coming :)


diemde Mon, Jan-17-05 18:08

On the new custom foods entry screen, the Title/Description text entry box doesn't accept enough characters. I've had to juggle what I enter 2 out of 3 times I've added an item. It's 35 characters now, can you make it 50 or so?

Ok, on the whole RDA thing... I'm entering a custom food and reading from the Nutrition area on the product's box. For the vitamins, the box only lists percentage of RDA, not the actual amounts. I think we need to be able to enter the percentages.... folks will just leave them blank rather than go to the trouble of translating them.

The screen changes look good, including the new food lists. :thup:

Edited to add: Doesn't look like the tool tip is showing for the dropdowns for the serving size. Should be a hover or pop up, right? I tried in all 3 browsers that I have...

dane Wed, Jan-19-05 05:05

Wa'il, I've reread this thread, so I hope I'm not suggesting repeats of Diemde's suggestions. If I am, then they haven't been changed, yet, because these are a few of the things I have just encountered. (I took notes, today. :) )

1) I am pleased to see the "aphabetical" sort option added to the general food search, but can it be made the default option, rather than the effective carb counts? I never choose a food based on it's ECC first.......I need to find it before I'll decide that.

2) Along the same lines, can you arrange the search function so that I can find the item based on the typed word? Example...."sugar" gives me 3 pages of stuff I can't use (babyfood, cookies, etc.). All I want is "sugar". IF I type in "sugars, granulated", then I get what I want, but if I wanted to remember those values, I'd use the USDA, which is a pain. One of the reasons I like FitDay, is I just have to type in an item, and I get a listing STARTING with the item typed. Example. I type in "sugar" and FitDay immediately begins the list with "sugars, granulated" (or brown, or whatever). Or I type in "carrot", and get "carrots, raw", versus Progress Tracker starting off with Babyfood or cookies.

3) When finding an item after doing a general search, the only options for selecting an item are to "Add it to Favorites", or "Add to Recipe Ingredients". How about an option to "Add to daily menu"?

4) In the Quick Selection Box..........where it says "Add from selected ingredients" to this meal: and then there's the meal choice box.......well, is it possible for the meal choice to default to that last used? As I add to the day, I have to constantly go to the box and change it to that certain meal, everytime, and it gets tedious when I have 6 lunch items, and have to reselect "lunch" every time. (I know, poor me.)

I hope these suggestions aren't too nit-picky, but I like easy, and so far this is way more work than FitDay. ('Course, I know that's why you're testing it, huh?) :)

tamarian Wed, Jan-19-05 07:36

Great points, dane :thup:


tamarian Wed, Jan-19-05 09:13

Originally Posted by dane
2) Along the same lines, can you arrange the search function so that I can find the item based on the typed word? Example...."sugar" gives me 3 pages of stuff I can't use (babyfood, cookies, etc.). All I want is "sugar". IF I type in "sugars, granulated", then I get what I want, but if I wanted to remember those values, I'd use the USDA, which is a pain. One of the reasons I like FitDay, is I just have to type in an item, and I get a listing STARTING with the item typed. Example. I type in "sugar" and FitDay immediately begins the list with "sugars, granulated" (or brown, or whatever). Or I type in "carrot", and get "carrots, raw", versus Progress Tracker starting off with Babyfood or cookies.

O.k., the search should now more friendly, give it a try and let me know how the search results look.


dane Wed, Jan-19-05 09:45

Bee-yew-ti-full! Much easier to search now. :thup:

And my bug is fixed, and meals are defaulting as requested. Kewl!

Rosebud Thu, Jan-20-05 06:25

Wa'il, I entered a new recipe tonight, and found it a bit clumsy to have to go to food lists before adding it to favourites.
Would it be possible for new recipes to be added to favourites on the same page?

I'm finding the servings options in New Custom foods a bit clumsy, too. I wanted to add a food with 100g as default, and then wasn't sure what to put in the Serving name and Serving Amount boxes. It won't let me leave them blank, yet I couldn't see a need for anything there. (Hope that makes sense.)



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