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Piano Mon, May-12-03 12:27

Weekly Weigh In
Anybody want to join me on a weekly Monday weigh-in?! It may help us/me with accountability. I'll start. I got on the scales this morning and have lost 1 pound since last Monday. :hyper: I'll let you know next Monday how I did.


bookgurl99 Mon, May-12-03 14:31

Haven't lost any weight. Got sick for a couple of days, and ate poorly. (Including a pint of ice cream!)

BUT, I'm feeling great now, rode bike 35 minutes today and walked another 35 minutes. I'm committed to exercising every day this week.


jujuF25 Mon, May-12-03 14:37

:idea: Great idea Piano! I'm with you! :yay:

I only started SP a few days ago though.

Today my weight is 155 lbs... but I think my weight-loss is due to illness : I've been pretty sick the last 2 days, lying in bed with fever, and sweat a lot, so I must have lost a lot of water.
I'm glad I'm better now!

See ya here next monday!

judy130 Tue, May-13-03 03:10

I'll join you, Piano. I am starting SP today again and I need to see just how I'm getting on. It won't worry me to get on the scale but it will be good to keep me on track. I had been weighing every Monday, anyway, but having to say how I've done will force me to take note too.

Yesterday I weighed 165.8 (just under 12 stone). Having said I won't worry, I think I will fall into a huge depression if I climb up to 12 stone (166)after all my efforts, so I do need someone working with me :D


Piano Tue, May-13-03 14:51

I'm glad you all are joining me. Of course healing first is more important, but the extra motivation of accountability may help.

Piano :wave:

DramaDame Tue, May-13-03 18:19

Just weighed in for the week and I am down one pound.

The best thing is: I am feeling better!!!!

carpathia1 Tue, May-13-03 19:37

Okay, Piano, I'll join you, but only if I can have my weigh in be on Wednesdays. I usually need some time to recover from the weekends! :rolleyes:


Piano Wed, May-14-03 08:13

Carpathia, Wednesdays is fine. Whatever floats your boat!


rosarugosa Wed, May-14-03 08:28

I think it is a great idea for those who care to. With myself, middle age hormonal shifts, hypothyroidism, and occasional non-compliance ( :D sounds more impressive than plain 'ole' cheating) my weekly posting would seem like the movie 'Groundhog Day' and bore every one. I do remember to update my info (to the left) on the rare occasion that I lose a lb.

I find that I have over the last several years, personally, that weighing daily has been very educational and helpful though in showing me how my body and the scales function. It isn't as scarey anymore.

Now that it is warm weather where I live I am hoping that I can start being more conscientious of what I should be doing to heal and hopefully shed the last 10 lbs. Hope springs eternal! I have been going over the book again and thinking maybe I should be watching saturated fats a little more carefully.

I will be lurking on this thread though. I enjoy reading of all the various thoughts and ideas written into the information to the left of our postings. Shows a lot of individuality here. Also so many interested in the long term future is something I respect.

carpathia1 Wed, May-14-03 13:01

Piano, How about Thursdays? :rolleyes:

I weighed myself today and was back up to starting weight. Oh well, I guess that's what Dr. S. calls healing.

I'm not panicking bc I measured too and have lost according to my tape measure! :thup:


Rosemerry Thu, May-15-03 10:30

Slow loser here!
Rosarugosa ~ I totally am in the same boat as you. I've lost 7 lbs on TSP but it's taken 2 months and I haven't weighed myself lately. Also perimenopausal, hypothyryoid, and occasionally cheat (I like how you described it better, LOL)! so even weighing once a week can be depressing.

But I will eventually weigh and let yall know and will lend support to all you brave weekly weighers!


Piano Thu, May-15-03 17:22

Carpathia, CONGRATULATIONS on losing inches. I'd rather lose inches anyday.


carpathia1 Thu, May-15-03 21:05

Thanks for putting into perspective, Piano! :) I was actually down a pound and a half today, so now I'm losing weight and inches!


Luisa777 Fri, May-16-03 08:45

I am joining you guys but today is friday :daze: this week I lost 1lb and that it very suprising since I cheated all week. I will do better this week! :wave:

from 277.5 to 276.5 yeah!!! :thup:
take care everyone and have a great weekend! :wave:

bookgurl99 Sat, May-17-03 09:53

Hey, it's actually working!
From 180.5 to 177.5.

I'm surprised!

I'm finding it hard to eat as much as I'm "supposed" to. But I am _loving_ eating a salad with half an avocado on it for lunch. :D

p.s. this was despite cheating with 2 slices of cake (work party) and a snickers bar (forgot to pack lunch) this week.

caverjen Sun, May-18-03 21:11

Count me in!
Although I will have to weigh on Tuesdays when I go to the gym. I no longer own a home scale for obsessive/compulsive reasons. I think this is a good idea to be accountable to keep us on track. I was out of town most of last week and felt I ate pretty well considering we ate out a lot, but I'm still a little afraid to weigh Tuesday.


cheeser Sun, May-18-03 21:29

I'm in....I weigh in on Mondays or Tuesdays, depending on which day I get to the gym.

I went to a step class today so weighed in on Sunday. I'm down one pound after following TSP for 2 weeks (with a few poor eating decisions). I went from 124.8 to 123.4.

judy130 Mon, May-19-03 03:59

Monday weigh in and I am the same weight: 165.8. I am going to cut down on the fruit and nuts and see what happens! Measurements still the same.


jujuF25 Mon, May-19-03 06:12

Start TSP [05.07.03] :......159lbs
Last week [05.12.03] :... 155lbs
Today [05.19.03] :.......... 157lbs

I gained 2lbs, but I don't really care because I feel so much better. I may have lost inches but I didn't mesure so I can't really tell.

Since I am following a mixed of TSP and The Insulin-Resistant Diet, my carbs daily intake is higher than with strictly TSP (TISD allows 30g. carbs every two/three hours). But I guess it's a lot more carbs that my body need (I don't exercise). So my goal for this week is *trying* reducing my carbs intake.

Step by step... ;)

mmoranmic Mon, May-19-03 11:03

Today's weight is 168, down from 173 on May 5th. I finally got back with the program and I'm following TSPII with the low saturated fat version. I'm also doing weight training with my aerobic activity. This seems to work for me!!!!!!

Piano Mon, May-19-03 11:49

Monday Weigh In
I did not gain or lose this week. I had a tough beginning in my week but did fine the rest of the week. It helped knowing I was going to have to post my lose or gain, because it helped me get back on track!

Good job all of you. Judy, glad to see you are doing BFL exercises too.


DramaDame Mon, May-19-03 12:36

Monday Morning Weigh In
I must say I am surprised but pleased to annouce I am down 2 more pounds this week...the best part is I am feeling so much better and I don't get the sugar jitters anymore...hope everyone has a good week.

trisharau Tue, May-20-03 04:40

I usually weigh on mondays for recording purposes. Well then and today I was/am 54kg (119 POUNDS).


caverjen Wed, May-21-03 04:56

127 - up 0.25# (noise level)

My biggest problem is waking up in the middle of the night starving and binging on cashews or other nuts. I do eat a snack before I go to bed and have tried different foods for snacks and it doesn't seem to matter. I am still nursing my baby at night. Any suggestions?


carpathia1 Wed, May-21-03 16:16

Well, today was weigh in and I'm the same weight as last week. But I had a big cheat weekend (it was my 10 year wedding anniversary weekend) and was back up to starting weight, so I'm actually feeling good about being the same weight as last week. And the inches are down again! Yippee! :cheer:


bookgurl99 Sat, May-24-03 07:50

hmm. .. night time hunger
Originally posted by caverjen
127 - up 0.25# (noise level)

My biggest problem is waking up in the middle of the night starving and binging on cashews or other nuts. I do eat a snack before I go to bed and have tried different foods for snacks and it doesn't seem to matter. I am still nursing my baby at night. Any suggestions?


hmm. . . I can't think of a specific reason for why this is happening, expect maybe you need more nutrients as a breast-feeding mother. have you tried increasing carbs by a few grams per meal? maybe if you bumped it up, say 5 grams per meal until you're through with breastfeeding, you can still lose weight and have enough to get you through the night. :D

how old is your baby, btw?

bookgurl99 Sat, May-24-03 07:54

Auugh! Major cheat week and regain
AAUGH! I gained back to 181, my starting weight!

I had a major cheat week, including 2 birthday parties to attend, visitors that came into town, etc. When the creme brulee and krispy creams were in front of me, I did not turn away.

And now I've gained back!

This shows me that I need to come up with methods for avoiding these foods. Perhaps leaving when the desert comes to the table, or sticking to a decaf coffee at that time will help.

Also, I've realized that I can not just have a "taste" of certain foods. The first "taste" will lead to many more!

For the positive, this shows me that following TSP really helps. I'm back on the Healing Plan this week.

jessea Sat, May-24-03 09:03

Hi! I started SPII on May 6, and today I am officially down 5 pounds!!! I also lost three inches on my waist! I feel great, and everyday notice I feel better than the day before. I actually did Atkins for four months, felt lousy, and gained two pounds. This is the plan for me! I have kept cheating to a minimum, and have consumed no diet sodas, Atkins bars or protein shakes. I think those were my downfall before.

Of course, I still worry that this is a fluke and that the weight will sneak back. That's not possible, right? :confused:

-Denisebeiner (a "beiner sister")

judy130 Sat, May-24-03 09:12

It is a holiday on Monday and I weigh myself at work, so did it on Friday instead. I have lost 1.5lbs YAY!! 164.5, and bodyfat down to 28%. I've waited ages for a downward shift so I am really excited and it's given me a good boost to keep going.

Cutting nuts out - I was munching on them most of the day - and cutting out fruit for now, seems to have worked. Again, I was overdoing the strawberries and melon. So I have decided to have half an apple or pear with cottage cheese now and again but to stick to veggies mainly.

Day 1 of BFL on Monday. I was doing well with the exercises, Piano, but starting getting hectic at work and got persuaded into other commitments like dropping off at school (got a 16 year old who couldn't get out of bed in time in the mornings on two occasions and missed the bus!). But I have decided to get back onto it and try to stick with it as I felt good and it was working well.

Good luck to all.

suzyq1958 Sat, May-24-03 09:56

Count me in!
Piano, this is a great idea. I weigh every day, but will post my weight on Monday. Until then - Suzy Q

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