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Jean1183 Mon, Sep-27-10 04:07

I Don't Count Carbs
I recently went back to low-carbing and have lost 27 pounds since the beginning of the summer. This time, I haven't counted my carbs. I just try to avoid them as much as possible. If something is "white" or processed, I ~try~ to not eat it. For instance, I will get a burger and just take it off the bun but may eat a few fries or chips with it.

Is there anyone else who is doing this?

Oh....I also started walking 3 to 6 miles a day and have only missed a few days.

black57 Mon, Sep-27-10 22:46

I do not count carbs...I know what foods are low carb and which ones are not. I don't get the "Don't eat white" concept...aisn't cauliflower white? Turnips are white. They are both low carb so I just eat foods that are low carb...their color is meaningless. As a matter of fact, I count nothing.

Jean1183 Tue, Sep-28-10 03:26

Onions....don't forget, onions. I love onions! LOL!

You really explained it better (just eat low carb) but when people ask, the best way I can explain it to those that don't understand carbs is the "no white" thing. Then I give them examples: sugar, flour, rice, potatoes, etc. And I explain that eating a baked potato is better than eating rolls or bread; or eating fresh fruit is better than eating cake.

I first started low-carbing after one of the doctors that I worked with started telling his patients about Protein Power and recommending the book to them. I got the book and counted carbs and lost 25lbs but gained it back after stopping. This time, I decided to not "count" carbs but to just eat low-carb. It has seemed so much easier for me.

zeph317 Tue, Sep-28-10 08:48

eggs too. i said that to someone just the other day, that i don't eat whites. then i realized eggs were white and knew i had to stop saying that. i don't count either, just avoid processed foods and mainly eat meat.

Shyvas Tue, Sep-28-10 09:21

No 'white' stodge for me neither.

I no longer count carbs but still low carb and take it easy.

Hutchinson Tue, Sep-28-10 09:27

I never counted carbs either when losing weight or since in maintenance. I just don't eat refined carbs and starchy veggies. I don't eat any manufactures "low carb" foods either so just about all the food I consume I cook myself at home from basic ingredients.

Shobha Tue, Sep-28-10 22:21

I think a lot of benefit can be had by just cutting out sugar and refined carbs.

blue_eyes_ Sat, Oct-09-10 08:25

I'm cutting out sugar & flour but including some grain. I don't count carbs either. I'm amazed that the cravings are gone. I quit low carb 2 yrs ago and gained back 30 lbs! This time round I've lost 16 lbs so far in one month. So grateful! Trying to take it one meal at a time, one day at a time. Congrats on your weight loss thus far!

Jean1183 Tue, Oct-12-10 10:52

You too! That's awesome, 16lbs. And your philosophy of one meal at a time, one day at a time is one I would like to adopt if it's OK with you?

Pilili Thu, Oct-14-10 05:54

After a stall that lasted for 2-3 months, I realised I did my diet too strictly. When I stopped counting carbs, I started losing weight again.
Not counting also has the pleasant side-effect of taking away part of the stress that accompanies any diet.

I too stay away from "white" ;) and processed stuff.
I see that I get adequate protein, I am not too skimpy on good fats, I allow myself nearly all vegetables in ample portions :agree: , and I treat myself to a good handful of nuts (almost daily) or low carb fruit (occasionally).

Requin Tue, Oct-19-10 18:17

I hate math. I don't count anything.

I have a pretty good idea of what is and isn't low carb, and if I'm not sure, that is what google is for. So I simply "eat low carb" as well.

Jean1183 Wed, Nov-10-10 04:35

Glad to see others who don't "count" and who are being successful.

Pilili, you are SO right! This time is a lot less stressful with me not trying to count everything. It's like not being on a "diet" but just eating healthier.

I had stalled at 152.5 for a couple of weeks but woke this morning to 149.5!!!

Requin...LOL! I hate math too.

Pilili Tue, Nov-16-10 03:00

Originally Posted by Jean1183
I had stalled at 152.5 for a couple of weeks but woke this morning to 149.5!!!


LAwoman75 Tue, Nov-16-10 06:56

I love the title of this thread. I'd have to say that I also never counted carbs and still don't in maintenance.

PilotGal Tue, Nov-16-10 07:06

Originally Posted by Jean1183
This time, I haven't counted my carbs. I just try to avoid them as much as possible.
Is there anyone else who is doing this?
i no longer count anything. after awhile, you learn what you can tolerate and what you cannot.
it gets really simple and becomes your way of life, naturally.

good luck to you.

LAwoman75 Tue, Nov-16-10 08:20

Originally Posted by PilotGal
i no longer count anything. after awhile, you learn what you can tolerate and what you cannot.
it gets really simple and becomes your way of life, naturally.

good luck to you.

Exactly right. In the very beginning, I may have looked at the carb counts of things and over time learned what I can and cannot have. It does become a way of life and the new normal. So many people who comment to me how I eat so strange, but to me, it's normal.

Jean1183 Tue, Nov-16-10 11:00

Hi, LAwoman75. I am originally from LA myself....Andalusia (if we are talking about the same LA you might have heard of it).

I am really dreading the upcoming holidays. Although I really love turkey & ham; I also like the dressing, mashed potatoes, and pie that accompany them.

fatsnacker Tue, Nov-16-10 22:26

I have lost 100+ pounds this year counting calories but truth be told I don't strictly count and log - haven't for some months. I do keep as low on the carbs as possible! Has worked for me!

LAwoman75 Wed, Nov-17-10 06:45

Originally Posted by Jean1183
Hi, LAwoman75. I am originally from LA myself....Andalusia (if we are talking about the same LA you might have heard of it).

I am really dreading the upcoming holidays. Although I really love turkey & ham; I also like the dressing, mashed potatoes, and pie that accompany them.

My LA is Louisiana, never heard of Andulausia?
The holidays can be tricky because of all the carby things in front of us so often. For Thanksgiving, I will have my turkey, green beans, sweet potato casserole (made with splenda, walnuts, cinnimon, and butter). If you fill up on the 'better' things, you will be less likely to reach for the bad things like stuffing and pie. I try to cure my sweet tooth with the sweet potatoes. With that said, days like Thanksgiving and Christmas are very special, and sometimes, for some people, it's okay to let yourself have some pie or off-foods, as long as you understand that it's only for that meal/special day. Some here won't agree with that, but for me, I've splurged on holidays a little and have gotten right back on track the next days with no problem.

Jean1183 Wed, Nov-17-10 11:38

Good advice. I will try to fill up on the "good" things then maybe have a little of the other.

LOL, on the LA. In Alabama (where I am orginally from) we refer to the very southern part of the state as "L"ower "A"labama. We even joke that anything past Montgomery is "the North".

cheers2you Thu, Jan-20-11 09:59

I will eye ball the carbs on a food label if I am in doubt, but I just try to eat clean. Steak, chicken, pork, tuna, salad, veggies.. no white foods/ sugar if I can help it.

SO far so good.

Reveille Tue, Jan-25-11 09:48

I absolutely refuse to count anything. I eat some veggies with two out of three meals, eat meat and cheese and some cream/fat otherwise. I don't tell people I'm on Atkins- I tell them I stopped eating "non-foods," i.e. things that do not occur naturally in nature like doughnuts, cake, chips, casseroles, french fries, etc. Only exceptions would be the occasional sugar free jello or cup of diet caffeine free soda.

I agree with Requin. I hate math. If I start counting, I start obsessing, and I can't keep that level of attention up for any amount of time!

ellabella1 Tue, Jan-25-11 21:26

I'm so glad I found you guys! I don't count either; I absolutely refuse to. I've been there, done that and it made me neurotic and obsessed with food, whether I counted points, calories, fat grams or carb grams. I did it all.

When I decided to return to lowcarbing, I knew I would have to do it differently. No more counting. I got all the George Stella books; he doesn't believe in counting either. I got the book TNT which has a comprehensive chapter on eating low carb foods without counting. Aside from that and the recipe chapter, I can live without the rest of that book, but the low carb food choices explanation is a gem.

It is very freeing to just eat low carb foods and make this a way of life. I know what to eat and what not to eat. And as time goes on, I'll learn more of what works for me and what doesn't.

Thanks for starting this thread. I hope we can keep it going and share tips and stories.

Linderella Sun, Jan-30-11 10:48

No counting here either, I did count the first time I was on Atkins and also became to obsessed. I was writing everything down even my weight and measurements, amount of time on the treadmill, water consumption. This time around I am having the same results without all the stress of counting. I just eat the way I should be eating. I feel great and I am losing weight. It is all good.


girlgerms Mon, Jan-31-11 08:47

Yuk maths, no thanks. No sugar, no flour products.

Judynyc Mon, Jan-31-11 09:03

I chose to follow SB simply because it did not require counting carbs. But little did I realize back then, that I'd still be counting something. :lol:

I watch portion sizes and count my number of fruit(1-2) and starch( 1-2) servings daily...cause if I don't I get into trouble.
I measure and weigh portions sometimes if I'm not sure. I keep track of my calorie desne foods like cheese( 2 ozs per day) and nuts( 1 oz per day) as I can easily go overboard on both.

So there's always something to count. :cool:

black57 Fri, Feb-04-11 14:00

I don't count carbs, fats, protein, calories. I do count meals as I prefer keeping them down to 1 or 2 meals a day. My dietary menu is very low carb...there are some days when I probably consume no real carbs at all.

Symphonyod Fri, Feb-04-11 14:19

I do not count either. I have a good idea of what I should have or should not have in a day. I try to not add any of the extras.. like whipped cream.. or the "treats" you can make up to make yourself think you are getting something that you are not supposed to have. that triggered cravings for me so i just keep it simple, eat natural stuff.. "the end"

fire_dancr Fri, Feb-04-11 16:05

Originally Posted by Requin
I hate math. I don't count anything.

I have a pretty good idea of what is and isn't low carb, and if I'm not sure, that is what google is for. So I simply "eat low carb" as well.

That IS what google is for!! I don't count either I just know what I can and cannot eat :)

oblong Fri, Feb-04-11 16:37

Don't forget coconut oil, animal fat, garlic and cream are all white too! ;)

I don't count either. If I buy something at the supermarket (eg prepared burgers) I just look at the ingredients to make sure there's no sugar, wheat or other nasties, otherwise it's plain natural foods with the carbohydrate content coming mainly from green leafy veg.

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