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Erin4980 Thu, Feb-07-02 11:35

Has anyone tried those ab toner things?
I know this question has been brought up before, but I still wondering about those electrical things you strap around your stomach and even thighs. I've seen the infomercials for awhile (which I guess should trigger my mind to thing - scam), however I would like to know if anyone has tried them? Don't get me wrong, I will do situps if I have to, but I was just curious... :D


Natrushka Thu, Feb-07-02 11:44

Erin, you're right in trusting your gut instinct (couldnt resist the pun) S-c-a-m .

What you want are crunches of various types - there's an article by Dan about abs and one I posted called "Ab Bootcamp" with exercises and photos. And remember, abs are made in the kitchen - they are a function of % of body fat (generally below 15% for women and 10% for men). But doing the work now will ensure that when you do lose the fat covering them they will be ready for swim suit season :)


Erin4980 Thu, Feb-07-02 12:20

Wait, I'm going to check out the link, but
are you saying to really have visible abs, a woman has to be below 15% body fat...b/c I will never see that day. I'm not trying to put words in your mouth (ot in your, but I am just trying to clarify.


Natrushka Thu, Feb-07-02 12:47

Re: Wait, I'm going to check out the link, but
Originally posted by Erin4980
are you saying to really have visible abs, a woman has to be below 15% body fat...

Yes. Depending on genetics some can be visible a little higher, but not much. And of course depending on genetics some may have to be lower.


Erin4980 Thu, Feb-07-02 14:01

Tha's almost discouraging...
I mean my goal here hasn't been to have a six pack, but that's unhealthy right? I thought women weren't supposed to be that low. My goal is 17% and I think I may look gross there (I'll just have to see and find out). If this concept is unhealthy, than it makes me feel so much better about movie stars, etc. - I mean knew that most of them starved themsleves and had personal trainers out the butt, but I now when I see Britney with her carzy stomach, I know that she must be around 15% body fat...somewhere that is not where i want to be. I'm not obsessed with britney or anything, but see been on like every channel these days.

Nat one more question, ss it a weight or % bod fat that causes TOM to stop?
And do you think 15% too low for women?

Thanks for all the info,

Natrushka Thu, Feb-07-02 14:17

Erin, it depends on WHY you want / need that percentage of body fat. For professional body builders 15% or lower is normal - and necessary. You must keep in mind that they don't always have this % - during the off season things change.

At 17% body fat you would not look gross - you don't look gross now! You need to go to and take a look at what some of the women at 20% look like. You may be underestimating your % now if you think 17% wont make a difference for you. Having a low body weight doesnt mean that person has a low body fat - it just means they weigh less.

Starving yourself to a low body fat doesnt work - starvation = loss of muscle mass, muscle mass is what makes a lower % of body fat possible.

The average % of BF in the States for women right now is 28% - isnt that shocking? Normal/ healthy / desirable is between 22 - 26% depending on age.

For the average woman to get to 15% a lot of work and dedication is involved - it's tough and it's usually not something you sustain forever. For some it's just to be able to say "Look, I did it"

Menstruation can cease for many reasons; insufficient intake of calories, excessive exercise, and yes, body fat % - which can be all interconnected when you think about it. There seems to be a body fat threshold for the maintenance of normal cycles that is in the neighborhood of 18%. Amenorrhea may also result from psychogenic causes such as depression or chronic emotional stress.

I have a forumal here for calculating % of BF that is pretty accurate. I will hunt it down and post it for you.


Trainerdan Thu, Feb-07-02 15:01

my views
From the clients I have trained, and the bodybuilders and fitness women that I know I can tell you this:

Women look fit and very good (read: feminine) at 17% to 20%. You can get outlines of your abs at that percentage, depending on how your body deposited fat to your frame.

For a woman to get "ripped" (six pack, very clear definition) you are looking at 13% and below.

Again, that is a very different thing for different people. Some can handle it and have no problems getting down to 10%.

Trainerdan Thu, Feb-07-02 15:23

about movie stars & Britney
They have the luxury of large amounts of disposable income, as well as the finest in body augmentation surgury.

It's no secret that Ms. Britney had her boobs done, and as well there are rumours of liposuction. No doubt that she works hard, and dancing burns alot of calories, but her shape changes way too much ... and she has too many "knee injuries" from dancing (a cover for her downtime from surgery).

Erin4980 Thu, Feb-07-02 18:14

Good Call, I never thought about it....
Down time from surgery does sound Well, the boobs have always been obvious to me...I mean when she moves, you can see 'em.

Nat, when I said gross, I meant like - I'm broad and my bones stick out all over the place - especially on my wrists and collar bone area. I am a "wider" person...I guess I wouldn't say curvy b/c my stomach never seems to get really little. I've kinda been judging my weight loss by the fat on my stomach. See, if I were to be 17%, I wouldn't be toned, etc so I think I would just look boney...

Thanks for the info...
Speaking of plastic surgery, I got FIRST today and there was an article about the Barbie chich that has had 27 surgeries to change he


Natrushka Thu, Feb-07-02 18:25

Re: Good Call, I never thought about it....
Originally posted by Erin4980
I am a "wider" person...I guess I wouldn't say curvy b/c my stomach never seems to get really little. I've kinda been judging my weight loss by the fat on my stomach. See, if I were to be 17%, I wouldn't be toned, etc so I think I would just look boney...

I don't agree, Erin. Resistance training doesn't make you the same Erin just leaner, it transforms you. I've lost weight before and just looked like a smaller version of the larger version - my body shape is changing now. Take a look at Beth's Journal (Bsayne), at Marlaine's, at Ruth's - they are noticing the same things.

Dan, nice observation - I will have to pay more attention to these things in the future; like playing "spot the recipient of liposuction" while browsing magazines.


Natrushka Thu, Feb-07-02 18:28

A forumla
Women can estimate their percent bodyfat using the following formula.

*** All measurements should be made in inches.

Step One: Multiply your weight times 0.732.

Step Two: Add 8.987 to this number. Save this number.

Step Three: Measure the circumference of your wrist at it's widest point, and divide it by 3.14. Save this number.

Step Four: Multiply your waist circumference times 0.157. Save this number.

Step Five: Multiply your hip circumference (measured at widest point ) by 0.249. Save this number

Step Six: Measure the circumference of your forearm at it's widest point, and multiply it times 0.434. Save this number.

Step Seven: Add the results of steps two and three. Save this number.

Step Eight: Subtract the result of step four from the result of step seven. Save this number.

Step Nine: Subtract the result of step five from the result of step eight. Save this number.

Step Ten: Add the result of step six to the result of step nine. This is your fat free body weight.

Step Eleven: Subtract your fat free body weight from your total body weight.

Step Twelve:
Multiply the result of step eleven times 100.

Step Thirteen: Divide the result of step twelve by your total body weight. This is your bodyfat percent.

WARNING: please realize this is an estimate of your percent bodyfat based on your body surface area. Underwater weighing is the most accurate method for determining body composition


Erin4980 Thu, Feb-07-02 18:45

I hate not being ableto explain myself thur the keyboard...
See, what I think I was trying to say, was that I'm not resistance training, so I think I would become a smaller version of I agree completely. Maybe I should look into more...and change the things I don't like (to a certain degree).

Thanks for the info - I''m going to do the numbers right now.

I got 23.88%; lean is 107.326. That CKD was almost right on it said - 22% and 109.

Erin4980 Thu, Feb-07-02 19:38

Oh my gosh, I just figured sometime out...
Alright, I'm'll be able to tell after this...

so if my lean bod mass is 107.33...then 15% is 123.4 and 17% is 125.5...(which is what I've been aiming for...I thought 17% was 127) that's basically two lbs...not much at all. Maybe, it's not so unattainable. Since I already changed my goal once (133 to 127), I think I'll hit 100% and then work on

Thanks for the info.

pongie Fri, Feb-08-02 10:02

Nat's body fat formula
can you sticky that formula somewhere so that it's available to everyone ... I know I"ll want it later and will end up searching like mad to find it again.

Brian H Mon, Feb-11-02 13:42

Formula for men? Tanita BF Scale?

Is there a similar formula for men that you know of? I bought a Tanita BF-625 scale that supposedly shows your weight as well as your body fat percentage, using slight electric pulses through your feet. I'm not real sure I believe that it could be near accurate, and I would like to use a formula like you described as a comparison.

Does anyone have any thoughts on the Tanita scales? Has anyone "tested" them for accuracy? I've only had mine for a week, and I constantly get different readings that vary up to 5%. I know things like hydration levels, time of day, etc. have something to do with it, but I can't believe it would vary 5%.

Natrushka Mon, Feb-11-02 14:02

Brian, off by 5% ? The number I'd heard for those scales was 7% ! We had a discussion on them not that long ago that might be of interest to you.

Unfortunately the formula was only available for women (I found it on a women's board) However, I have had positive feedback from this site ( - you might try it out for a rough estimate of % of BF.


Brian H Mon, Feb-11-02 17:40

Thanks Nat,

I am in the military and must follow strict guidance on my weight. If I am over my maximum allowable weight (and I am by 8 pounds now), then my body fat will be measured. At my age, they allow me 24%. The first time I stepped on the Tanita scale it told me I was at 31.1%. Two hours later (new toy and I was eager to get my money's worth) it showed me at 34.6%. Various fluctuations since.

I suppose I will just take it in stride and use the numbers as a rough estimate. Once the scale tells me I am below 24%, then I'll be happy. Thanks again. :)

gracie-poo Tue, Feb-12-02 22:03

reality check

Thanks so much for the calculator. I think posting it as a sticky may help many of us who get a little too carried away....It's a good reality check.

BTW, I did mine, and got a 25.4 %. Borderline overweight/healthy. Most importantly, my "fat-free" self weighs 125.96 pounds. :D Hee hee, I really am big-boned!! Well, at least medium-boned. Interestingly, I calculated my goal weight of 145 into it, and got BF % of 13.13! This seems ridiculously low. 145 pounds felt like it would be a good weight, but according to this 152-155 would be better.

Oh well, I really don't care about the poundage much anyway, I really just want to be a size 8!

schnebbles Thu, Feb-14-02 18:05

Ab toner

A friend I work with got one of these things, I don't think he likes it much, he hasn't used it alot. He said it almost feels like it's shocking you, you have to put jelly on the area, in order for it to make the 'contact'. That comment turned the whole group of us he was talking too off right away!

He said he put it on his girlfriend, and was messing around with the different settings and she said to get it off NOW and never put it back on her. She's a thin person, if that matters. I don't think its as comfortable to wear as they have us believe on TV. He said he'd bring it in, but are we all gonna rub jelly on ourselves at work to try it? doubtful!

Anyhow, scam is the word from the sounds of it. It might work if you can handle the feeling of it. Another friend says the chiropractor uses a similar device on her, but it's to relax her muscles.


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