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Atriana Mon, Feb-04-02 10:28

Post Your Smoke Free Stats
OK everyone, I'm looking for some reinforcement here! Here are my stats:

12 days, 11 hours, 26 minutes and 41 seconds smoke free. 480 cigarettes not smoked.
$48.00 and 3 days, 16 hours of your life saved!

pegm Mon, Feb-04-02 13:49

Stats: Been a non-smoker for 8 months, 4 days, 3 hours, 13 minutes. I'm not even sure how much money it's saved, but can say how much heathier I am and how much better I feel!

agonycat Wed, Feb-06-02 07:12

Smoke free since June 2000. :D

Hrm what do cigs sale for now? When I stopped they were 2.75 a 2 packs a day....$2,007 a year .... holy moly! :lol:

Glad I quit..... :)

Atriana Wed, Feb-06-02 17:55

New, up to the minute stats:
14 days, 18 hours, 53 minutes and 55 seconds smoke free. 560 cigarettes not smoked.
$56.00 and 4 days, 6 hours of your life saved!

When does this get easier??

Brian H Mon, Feb-11-02 12:41

I haven't smoked in 396 days. I smoked heavily for 12 years and I don't miss it one bit. I used the patch and Zyban (drug).

I save $110 each month by not smoking, but now I'm spending all that money for the pricier "extra lean" foods and cooking paraphenalia to support my new low-carb lifestyle. :spin:

Keep it up. Remember...after the first week or two, it's all mental.

Atriana Mon, Feb-11-02 17:20

Thanks Brian!
Mental or not, I am definately still missing it. But, the new updated stats are:

19 days, 18 hours, 17 minutes and 8 seconds smoke free. 760 cigarettes not smoked.

happy2lose Fri, Feb-15-02 13:50

I am happy to say that I have been smoke free for 11 days and it feels great. This is about the 4th time I have tried and I am positive this time it will work. I am using the patch and don't seem to have the cravings as bad. Everytime I want a smoke I reach for my water bottle! I have also found sunflower seeds to be helpful for those times when I want to least they a low carb. I also always have a pack of Dentyne it's one gum that is carb friendly.

Good luck to all of you who are trying to quit......better health to us all. :clap:

Atriana Fri, Feb-15-02 17:11

Day 24
happy2lose - you are doing great. You sound so positive about the whole experience!
As of today, my stats are:
23 days, 18 hours, 16 minutes and 20 seconds smoke free. 920 cigarettes not smoked.
I am not having an easy time of it, but still hanging on.

phonemarsh Fri, Feb-22-02 21:57

Smoke Free
I quit almost exactly 4 months ago. It does get easier. You're almost past the very worst. I can go a couple of days without even thinking about smoking now, and when I do think about it it's only in casual passing. I was the last person you could imaging quitting. So if I could do it, anyone can.
Just think about suffering these past couple of weeks all over again just because you were curious to see how it would seem to smoke again. In my case, I know that one cigarette would be equivalent to being a full fledged smoker.
Once, about a month into quitting I had my shoes on to go to the gas station and buy cigs., thank god my husband had the smarts to ask me to wait 20 minutes and if I still wanted a cigarette, he would go buy it.
As he suspected the desire passed and I've never looked back. Good luck to you, hang in there..... :thup:

Atriana Sat, Feb-23-02 08:52

1 month, 2 days
Thanks Phonemarsh! I think I need to put myself on a deserted island for a month or so. I don't seem to have a problem with going out to get cigarettes, my problem is that 90% of my friends smoke and I find it way too easy to ask them for a cigarette. Probably, if I averaged it out, I smoked 95% less in the past month, now for that last 5%.

happy2lose Fri, Mar-01-02 12:57

Thanks for the support!
Thanks for the support and kind words....I have now been smoke free for 25 wonderful days! The cravings are less and less and I find that I rarely think about smoking anymore. I love going into stores now and looking at the packs of smokes and knowing that they no longer call my name....I find it amazing now when I walk past people still smoking I am so thankful it's not me anymore.
Keep strong and just remember how much better your feel without tastes better and the air smells much more fragrant!

Keep up the great work!!! :cheer:

Gillian Fri, Mar-01-02 13:33

Hello all you great QUITTERS AND LOSERS!

I'll add my stats -- as they are the reason for having to lose the extra weight. (1Y, 1M, 3W, 3D etc.) No, if I were truthful, my choices of what junk to put into my mouth are the reason for having to lose the extra weight. Smokers are notoriously bad eaters, and I was/am one of the worst! Two things: 1. IT DOES GET BETTER, just take it one step at a time (just keep repeating, "at this moment in time, I do not choose to smoke" repeat: repeat: repeat etc.) and 2. If you're needing/wanting additional help, go to -- excellent information!
It looks to me as if you are doing very well!

agonycat Fri, Mar-01-02 14:23

:clap: Nice going Gillian

All of you are doing great! Keep it up.

I am getting close to my 2 year date and to be honest I never think about it anymore :)

fiona Tue, Mar-05-02 16:22

Sorry ... but ..
I'm feeling kinda smug about this but I've been smoke free all my life. That's not to say I don't have any vices but I am thankful that I was just never tempted to smoke.

That's not to say it's been easy. Twenty years ago it was such a chic thing to do here that you simply were not part of the "In Crowd" if you didn't smoke.

The smoke used to make me sneeze, my eyes water and I felt sick within minutes of being in a roomful of smokers. At work I learnt not to complain about it - in those days employers listened to the majority.

Things have turned around slowly and a lot more places are smoke free zones. I'm counting my blessings.
Take care.

Bambi Thu, Mar-07-02 03:27

17 days
17 Days ( I think) Im trying not to think about it.

Ive saved probley close to 200 dollars, dear husband has quit with me and his favourite saying is ' I quit smoking I can afford to.....' Its driving me batty. Im now replying 'yes dear but we cant afford everything' ;)

Second time I have given up and it better be the last, I gain far two much weight, I am however watching it this time.

Finding it hard to find non-smoking friends, most of my friends and family smoke, they dont relise it, but they stink and there houses stink, he he he dont I sound real smart.

Yep Im going to be the worst reformed smoker there ever was.

I have one little complaint: my boys (aged 4 and 6) havent even relised that we dont smoke anymore, well I dont think they have anyway.

Keep up the good work, Regards Joanne

Mila Thu, Mar-07-02 07:19

6 months smoke-free for me after 23 years of 2packs/day. most days I do not even notice, but when it comes to creative writing, the urge is almost unbearable. I keep a pack of cigarettes in my desk drawer and see it everyday. it helps me to get used to be around cigarettes and not smoke.


misscindy Fri, Mar-08-02 14:08

What an accomplishment for all!!! I am now going on my 6th week after smoking for 37 years. I am around smokers at work, so I have become use to being around the smoke. I opened my desk draw yesterday, and guess what I found lurking in the back of my drawer. yes a cig. boy did the temptations run wild. But, I thought of all I had been through the past 6 weeks, and did not want to start all over again. :angel:

dizzyd Thu, Mar-28-02 11:14

Adding my stats...
I have been smoke-free (but not nicotine-free, thanks to the wonderful, lovely, delicious, fantastic, stupendous patch) for 32 days.

That means $112.00 not spent on cigarettes and 320 cigarettes not smoked.

Of course, with the cost of the patch, I have actually spent about 5 more so far than I would have buying smokes. But that will all change in a matter of weeks now. After I no longer use the patch, I will be saving $28.00/week, or $112.00/month or $1,344.00/year.

That's enough to take a cruise with. Oh my!

:sunny: :Party: :dazzle: ALOHA!!!

misscindy Thu, Mar-28-02 11:55

dizzyd :wave: hello

you are doing great, i am still smoke free, am off the Zyban but still use the gum We are going to make it. :wiggle:
miss cindy

dizzyd Thu, Mar-28-02 12:30

Hey Cindy
Good for you! I've been tempted to try the gum, but I know myself too well and know that I would just be addicted that instead.

And hey, look at your stats! You're almost done you lucky thing! I am so happy for you. When you look back at this year you will be so proud of your accomplishments. What a good feeling that is!

I hope you are proud, because you certainly should be!

tyranna Wed, Apr-17-02 10:23

kicked my 33 year habit 10 months ago
I still want a smoke now and then, mostly from habit, though. The nicotine has long left me but 33 years is a lot of habit to divert. I gained a lot of weight, maybe 40 or 50 pounds but I'm on the way down now. I've been overweight most of my adult life and a smoker all the way through until last summer. (I'm 47 now). I wish I could tell you how many decades I wasted wishing that I could lose weight and get off the smokes. Well, I am off the smokes and I am losing weight. This has been quite a journey. :) I know now that I can do anything.

gwilson38 Wed, Apr-17-02 10:33

day 28!
Well u wont believe this....Because our cigs went up here tremendously [ at least 8.50 a pack] I figured out I have saved at least $225. Wow thats a lot of money in less than a month. LOL ok so I have soent it on other things already.

Jeanner Thu, May-02-02 13:27

Still Soke Free
I am so happy with myself....I smoked almost my entire life (23 years). I quit smoking in January...DH quit at the same time. I gained almost 15lbs just afterwards. I didn't eat anymore than normal and figured this was the first step. My low-carb WOE was the 2nd. Congrats to all.

gwilson38 Fri, May-03-02 08:43

hi Jenner
Glad to hear U R doing well! I reached my goal weight several months B 4 I quit smoking [6 weeks ago] I am on the patch and it has been a big help. I think that low-carbing may be also helping my cig cravings and keeping my weight gain to a minimum. Altho my scale says Im up 6 pounds....I have been working out with weights so some could be muscle. All I know is that my clothes are fitting about the same as I did B 4 and thats a good thing!! U wont have a problem at all losing with a low-carb way of life. Keep in mind 2 things tho. 1st because U dont have much to lose your weight loss witll be slower. Also it might take a while longer for your metabolism to speed up. Good luck and keep up the great work!

alto Fri, May-03-02 12:26

I started smoking, mildly, in 1966 as a teenager. By the time I'd graduated from college (1970), I was up to a pack a day. By 1979s, in a high stress job with a higher stress moonlighting job (writing daily reviews: 500 words in 45 minutes) I was up to 3 packs a day.

Quit in 1984. Never looked back. I can't imagine how much money I've saved, because a pack of cigarettes here costs more than a carton did when I quit! So lots and lots and lots. Hmmm. The cost alone would have driven me to quit!

Congratulations to all of you who have decided to quit. It is worth it. Your mouth feels better, you can breathe easier, people don't shun you in restaurants -- not to mention the breath! And the health benefits, of course, are obvious.

Bravo to all!

dizzyd Sat, May-04-02 10:04

I quit in February and gained 15 pounds too, also not by eating too much, just by not smoking. It hardly seems fair, and I was pretty upset about it but I guess one thing first, then the other. I plan on sticking with Atkins because I know that it will work eventually.

Congratulations on quitting!

henbane Thu, May-16-02 17:21

newly smoke free
It's been 8 days. That's $9.75 I've saved so far. Plus my lungs, which are kind of important to me. :)


henbane Thu, May-16-02 17:23

:eek: You mean you can gain weight from quitting smoking even if you DON'T replace the cigarettes with food? Woah, this is really bad news. I was hoping Atkins would prevent the weight gain. How come one still gains? Anyone know?


mmoranmic Thu, May-16-02 18:05

After smoking for 19 years and two packs a day (near the end) I quit on Feb 5, 1990. What a miracle that day was! I have not found it necessary to pick up a cigarette since. God bless all of you who have found the courage to quit. I think it's the hardest addiction to give up and I spent a lot of time on my knees asking for willingness and for the obsession to be removed. Today I ask for another day of healthy living and I am grateful for each one that I am given.
Take care, Maureen

dizzyd Thu, May-16-02 18:35

Sad but true...
Yup, you can gain weight even if you don't replace the cigarettes with food. I believe that not smoking sends your metabolism for a loop and your body needs to some time to recover. I was talking to someone whose husband had quit smoking and he was one of those people who could eat anything and not gain any weight, and when he quit he gained weight, and it took him a year to be able to lose it again.

Not the best news I ever heard, but I have decided that not smoking better than being a little overweight. We have to honour our bodies needs and wants and give it the time that it neesd to heal. A lot easier said than done, I know...

Hang in there, it has to get better!


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