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Annie-Pie Mon, Sep-29-03 19:12

Friendly October Challenge: 4-8# loss & more surprises!
Hi Friends!

We just finished a fantabulous September Challenge, to lose 4-8#. The goal may seem very small to some, but for people like me, who are in this as a long-term WOE, I needed something that wouldn't disappoint me if I didn't lose 10#. LC'ing since April, my weight is going down very, very slow...just like it was gained in the first place!

So...drumroll please, :dazzle: Here is the OCTOBER FRIENDLY CHALLENGE

**To weigh ourselves ONCE a week, & check in at least weekly.There is no judgement upon those who can only pop in weekly. We all understand busy work schedules! Life happens! But for some of us, we will be popping in almost daily to encourage those who have everyone wins!

**To measure our chest, waist and hips weekly. Report change or no change. For personal reasons, for those of us who are shy, we can keep the measurements to ourselves and just report the change by inches each week. Sound fair? Works for me!

**To write a letter or postcard to a different person each week: This takes 15 minutes max! Someone whom we haven't spoken to in a long time, just to brighten up our little corner of the world, to make a difference in somebody's day.

Perhaps it's someone we only talk to during Christmas, or maybe it's a high school teacher or Sunday School teacher, or an old neighbor, someone who was so kind and influential to us (We may wish to leave an old flame outta this one, eh)?

Nothing at all can be negative about this! I can't WAIT to hear the remarks about this one, as you hear replies back!

Who's game? I am, count me in!

Annie-Pie...Start 181 pounds.....

want2bfit Mon, Sep-29-03 19:48

Hi Annie Pie, I'm right here with you! You know most of us lost 4#'s so that is an obtainable goal for most. Some might need to lower it but we are here to support each other. We had a great time getting to know each other a little better and the weight thing was just a little (ok big) added bonus.

Well, today I did the basic winsor pilate (guess its like yoga, I'm new to exercising) plus the 1 miles WAP and then the 2 mile WAP. The WAP tapes are really great. I almost feel like Denise. NOT! lol. Hope I can get out of bed tomorrow.

Looking forward to this great challenge. Blessings, Maureen :wiggle:

thenewme Tue, Sep-30-03 01:04

Hi Annie count me in too... I just finished the September challenge on a different thread in which I was the one who initiated it. We all lost some weight and I was proud of all the girls. I still need a couple of pounds to go to get my goal. I found that being on a forum it motivated me and kept me accountable to others about my progress. I am excited about joining and want to do good and lose my pounds as well as maintaining it and I know that will be a struggle too... I dont want to gain any of that back.... I have worked so hard to keep it off and continue to work hard at that. Anyways here I am if you want me and I will check in and see how your doing.... talk to you later... bye P.S. I love the postcard idea,,,there are so many people I can touch and make them feel good by doing this... thanks for reminding me of how many people I love and care for and how just a postcard can brighten there day! This is going to be so much fun the work is figuring out who will get one first.. Later Annie.

Fiona mcK Tue, Sep-30-03 03:59

Hi AnniePie, I think that is an AWESOME challenge!!! Count me in! Do you realize you have lost 30 pounds? That's awesome! The postcard/letter is a great idea! Spreading encouragement and love is always a great thing to do!

Maureen - I'm so glad you're here. You are doing great. I'm inspired by your exercise regime - keep it up!

Hi TheNewMe! Welcome to our little group! WOW, you have really done well. You Didn't you lose all 60 pounds since you joined did you?? What are your secrets? You are almost there. That's awesome!

Well it's 6:15 AM and I'm STARVING. I found a recipe for cream cheese pancakes on the recipe forum so I'm going to try them today. The weather here in Massachusetts has cooled off nicely and the leaves are starting to change. I would love to go for a nice walk right now, but my two little ones sound asleep. Have a great lc day!!!

My official start weight is 150.

fishburg Tue, Sep-30-03 05:16

Hi Everyone!!!

I am looking forward to another challenge!! I have a long way to go and every pound adds up.

Annie - do e-mails count?

My Start Weight is 241. I would love to see 230 by October 31 (my Birthday)!!! I will except each pound as they come.

Good Luck All!!!!

want2bfit Tue, Sep-30-03 05:19

Good morning everyone,

thenewme, welcome to the challenge and so glad you joined us. Annie is a very special person & inspires us as does Susan along with everyone else from the Sept challenge. You will get some real encouragement from them. You are doing an awesome job. Please do tell us of your journey to get fit & healthy ie:how long,your motivation,exercise,stalls,etc. Can't imagine the feeling of accomplishment you most be having.

Susan, I am not sore from the pilate tape. I am doing the motifications so I don't know if I'm doing it right or even sure if my body will ever do some of the things they show but I want to give it a try. When she says to bring your belly button to your spine I'm thinking Huh???? Just can't believe I'm exercising. This is 2 days in a row. My daughter just loves the WAP tapes. She has lost 19 lbs and 14 inches so she is motivated too.

I need to send out some thank you notes. They aren't for "traditional" gifts but for people who have given something of themselves. I often think about doing it but never actually do, so thanks Annie.

Hope everyone enjoys the day and has hearts full of sunshine. Blessings, Maureen

want2bfit Tue, Sep-30-03 05:27

Fishburg, welcome! You have some great goals and are doing fabulous. My sons birthday is also Halloween. He's our little pumpkin. It's a busy night. His first birthday we almost forgot to celebrate because the kids started knocking on the door & my daughter wanted to go out. It's getting easier. Just think, people get all dressed up just to rejoice in your special day.

Karsuepas Tue, Sep-30-03 05:38

Hi Girls,

I am here with you. Although I didn't make the 4 pounds on the September challenge I promise to do better in October.

Hi Annie, nice to see you have gotten us started again.

Maureen, good to see your here with us.

Fishburg, welcome!

Susan, hope you enjoyed the pancakes...

Hope you all have a great day!


Start Weight 239

alexs0628 Tue, Sep-30-03 07:36

Count me in!
Okay, I'll give the October challenge a shot, although I admit I sort of took the last week off. There was a 50th birthday party at the office last Tuesday, the United Way luncheon of Thursday (and I thoroughly enjoyed lots of pizza!) and I went out to eat with the in-laws on Saturday. But I only ordered the caesar salad with no crutons and drank water, so I was good. I also won a giant jar of jellie bellies at work, but I'm not much for candy, so I'll let everyone else eat those. My weight stayed the same all week, but after losing a total of 17 lbs since March, so I don't feel bad about my little break.

We are being hit with a cold snap (Chicago area), which put my biking on hold. But I do have the treadmill and an old Nordic Sport exercise machine, so I guess it's time to move indoors. Hopefully the October challenge will motivate me to work out.

Good luck to the rest of you, and let's see what we can accomplish!

Alex-starting weight 189

thenewme Tue, Sep-30-03 11:38

Thank you guys for your welcome.... it is nice to join a forum of encouragment.

want2bfit- I started my healthy life style change the second week of January 2003... it all started in a movie theatre.... you can read my very first thread and I go into detail about how I got started. It has been a uphill challenge but oh so well worth it. I make healthy choices for me everyday and I run and lift weights too. I can not even begin to tell you the feeling and emotions I have from doing this. It was the hardest thing I have ever done but it was the most rewarding ....funny how good things in life dont come easy. Being thin for me has made a dramatic change in my life... I feel better... look better. But most importantly I feel good about myself that I finally did something I had been wanting for years. I knew the weight would come off if I just applied myself so I would challenge myself everyday and everyday I tried to make a difference for myself. You see I used to be a yoyo dieter and when I would fail I would fall hard... I would hate myself so I would go thru drive thrus eat everything in site cus I would think "what the heck I've already blown it". Little did I know I was piling on more weight and wasnt helping my situation. So I changed all that ... whenever I would "blow it" and cheat a little... I would do the reverse and work that much harder in running or stricter on food choices to make up for that cheat. Anyways I am excited about my life and even though I was overweight before it taught me how quickly you can put the weight on if you are not paying attention. So everyday I do. Thanks guys for listening.

TerryLynne Tue, Sep-30-03 11:38

Count me in too. I look forward to getting to know you guys better. You sound like some really wonderful people!:) My starting weight is 262, and I am commiting to walking at least one mile 5 days a week (with my dogs:)) The letter challange sounds great too! We all love receiving hard copy mail, with all the emails these days I think we tend to get lazy in that regard. I know I have. Here's to an exciting, successful month!!:yay:

Denise1963 Tue, Sep-30-03 14:37


I'm here too. I am very depressed today and I really wasn't going to post, but here I am. I found out today that my 10 yr old Golden Retriever (Bandit) is dying from skin cancer. He has the worst kind of skin cancer and it is not treatable. The vet has given him 6 months to 1 year to live. For the past two months, we have been taking him to different vets trying to figure out what is wrong with him because he had gotten sores and flaky skin and he was losing his hair. They originally thought it was an allergy. I've known Bandit for 3 years and I am devastated. My fiance had him for 10 yrs and he was like his only child. It's a very sad day for us. Anyhow, I will try and stay focused and deal with this pain through exercise and prayer.

I have Open House for my daughter so I will not be able to exercise tonight. Last night, it was pouring rain, so I had to take it inside the garage (AKA the hot box) I walked for 10 and ran for 20 and cooled down for 5 on the treadmill. Followed by 15 minutes of kickboxing and then I did upper and lower weights.
Ate seeds, cheese and Pork loin and a salad for today.

Starting weight for this challenge: 160 My goal is to lose 5 lbs this month and attain a weight of 155

Annie: Your ideas are just fine with me. Thanks for being our leader.

Maureen: Congratulations to you on your exercise program. You are doing great. Keep up the good work.

Susan: Thanks for all your nice words. You are too sweet. Those cream cheese pancakes sounded good. Let me know how they turned out. It looks like you are going to be in the 140's soon.

Thenewme: Wow, losing 70 lbs since Jan '03 puts you on the top of the list as far as success stories goes. Did you post it under the success story thread? Thanks for all your words of wisdom.

Alex: It's great that you don't gain weight when you go off plan. That worked out well for you. As long as you get right back on track you should be okay. However, it may take longer for the pounds to disappear. I heard somewhere that if you go back to eating regular carbs and then back to low carb, your body becomes more resistant to losing weight. I was doing that for months where I would eat regular carbs on the weekends and then go back to low carb during the week. I didn't gain any weight doing that, but I sure couldn't lose. Now that I came back to the boards, I have had one month where I did not cheat once and I only lost a couple of pounds. UGH! I think though this month will be different as long as I don't ever cheat. I think the longer you go without cheating, the faster the weightloss becomes. That's just my opinion on this subject. I try and think that if I eat regular carbs, how long will it take low carbing before my body will lose weight again and burn fat efficiently.

Welcome to Fishburg and TerryLynne. I look forward to getting to know you too.

Take care and talk to you all soon.

Annie-Pie Tue, Sep-30-03 18:11

Welcome to our new group! We should call ourselves the Disappearing Act. How's that! We're slowly disappearing!

Can't wait especially to "hear" whom we sent a quick note to. I myself wrote some letters to my child's peers yesterday. They are at Outdoor Education Camp for the week. Each parent has been asked to write letters, but you know how there are always a few special students, and you wonder if they'll get any mail. So 11 letters later.... *Sigh, chuckle * I think, "Me and my big ideas!" LOL! They were really a hoot, and I don't count them as the challenge letters.

Someone asked if email would be ok. Who am I to say? I just personally believe that when I get a nice hand-written card or letter in my box, wow! Does it ever say "I took time to write you because you matter to me!"

Serious, I would be thrilled if the Electricity folks would hand address my bill, and put smiley stickers and "Have a great day" on the envelope. They'd have my payment tomorrow! So about hand-written notes, it's a personal call. But 37 cents,15 minutes, and not worrying about what they will think when they get our letter, I think it's worth it.

Fishburg and TerryLynne...welcome! thanks for sharing a bit about yourselves.

Susan: I needed to read your words. Yeah, I realized it was a 30# loss, but didn't realize, you know? We get so used to it, and then when we get stuck and spin our wheels, we forget what's already behind us! Thanks, friend!

Dearest Denise: I am SO sorry to hear about Bandit. Our pets are so like family. I wonder what your course of action will entail. Please know we are all with you as you go through this difficult time. I think it's especially hard when we can't tell a pet what's wrong. But don't you think they already know? They are so intuitive.

Maureen: One of these days you are going to tell me what WAP and Pilates are. Or is. Or whatever. Probably will tell me the day I schedule my mammogram. I tried today but got busy. I know, no excuse. Your excersise routine is inspirational!

The New Me: CUTE name! Ok friend, care to share before and after pics? We want to be like you when we grow up! Welcome to the support group!

Karen: We are in this together! We will NOT give up! We WILL see the numbers move, the rings a bit looser if we follow Dr. Atkin's plan. It is guaranteed to work. You hang in there Karen my friend!

Alex: Keep passing out those jelly-bellies! (Can I have the cherry ones)? :lol:

want2bfit Tue, Sep-30-03 21:01

Denise, I am really sorry to hear about Bandit. It must be so upsetting for you and your fiance. Let us help you through this.

Annie-Pie, that's the deal. I will tell you whatever you want to know about WAP & Pilates after you schecule your mammogram. Thanks for the idea. I am asking all of you to please get your mammogram done if it's due.

Annie theres no hiding now. Pretty soon there won't be a place on this board you can go that someone won't say "Annie did you get your mammogram?" lol I am so much better off then had I waited. Today was the 4th zapping and I feel great. Maybe even glowing. lol.

thenewme, fishburg, terrylynne looking forward to getting to know you. Annie, Susan, Karen, Alexa & Denise another great month together. This morning when I was driving to radiation I was thinking about all of you singing "Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the others gold"

TerryLynne, you're absolutely correct. We are wonderful and so are YOU. You and I are about the same weight currently and our goal weight is about the same. That is so cool.

Thenewme, I read your first post. That was so touching. What strength you have.

Susan, how were the pancakes? When you get a chance can you make a listing of everyone that has joined this challenge by name and weight like you did for the Sept. challenge? You do that so good and it is such a great help. Thanks.

Karen, I'm so glad you're here. I'm sure you are going to be at the 20 lb. mark by the end of the month.

Alexa, someone gave me a box of jellybellies the week after I started lcing. How come I never received them before no sugar?

Fishburg, you're so right. One pound doesn't seem like alot but one lb. a week for 52 weeks sure adds up.

Wasn't going to do any exercise but my daughter wanted to do the 2 miles. She stopped at a mile but my dh & I made it to the end. I just can't believe it has been 3 days in a row. This is really HUGE!!! Wishing you all that tomorrow is a day filled with blessings, Maureen

Annie-Pie Tue, Sep-30-03 22:42

Want2bfit wins!

October 14.

There. Happy now?

Hugs! Annie-Pie :yay:

thenewme Wed, Oct-01-03 00:22

Hi guys me again.

Denise--- So sorry to hear about Bandit.... I love my dog and would hate to know she is sick. I will keep you in my prayers. Also I posted my story as a regular thread if you click on my name it then it will show all the threads I have ever posted its the first one. I didnt know about the success thread at the time I posted that. Yes 70 lbs since january is alot but I was determined and focused.... had made up my mind on doing this. Thanks for the kind words.

want2bfit--- I am so glad you read my first thread that was written from my heart.

Annie Pie-- Thanks for the welcome... I would love to post pics but dont have my old pics on digital or have a scanner... I was just telling hubby he said we will try to get one soon...he always tells me that word.. soon.

Well guys tommorow is Oct 1...the first day of our challenge I am so looking forward to starting it... also it is starting to get a bit cool here at nights I look forward to the fall weather. That is my favorite time of the year... talk to you guys later.

Fiona mcK Wed, Oct-01-03 03:57

Wow! those were awesome posts! I have just a few minutes, but the important things...

Denise, I'm so sorry about your Bandit... I lost my Katrina (11 yo English Springer Spaniel) last summer and it was horrible. I held her as she was put down. I don't think Bandit knows that he's sick, so just enjoy him and hope he staying strong for as long as possible. They are truly the dog of dogs (Golden Retrievers).... ok i've got to change the subject now cuz i'm literally tearing up.

Annie and Maureen!!! way to go girls.... Maureen for giving Annie the encouragement she needs and Annie for finally making that appointment! It wasn't so bad... just pinches a bit. Hey my next mammo will be easier cuz I the first place I lost weight (to my dh's chagrin) was my boobs.

I need to make my pancakes today, yesterday got much to crazy. I will let you know!!!

Maureen... three days of exercise!!! that's awesome, I know you must be so proud. WE are proud of you too!

Karen, TheNewMe, Fishburg, TerryLynne, Alex, I'm so glad you are here... the new and the "old"... Where'd ya get Fishburg??? ;)

Fiona mcK Wed, Oct-01-03 04:04


THENEWME: 1st-187 9/30-117
MAUREEN: 1ST-260 9/30-245
ANNIE: 1ST-211 9/30-181
SUSAN: 1ST-175 9/30-150
DENISE: 1ST-175 9/30-160
TERRYLYNN: 1ST-298 9/30-262
ALEX: 1ST-200 9/30-189
FISHBURG: 1ST-275 9/30-241
KAREN: 1ST-257 9/30-239

I thought I would include our absolute start weights so we won't forget what wonderful progress we have all made!!!

liddle Wed, Oct-01-03 05:19

I am so glad there's another challenge to join! Even though I don't have much time to check in it helps to keep me going. I have a trip to Punta Cana planned for Oct 12th so I am doing EVERYTHING possible to keep myself on the LC wagon! Actually I've been doing induction now for 5 wks or so. Like you Annie-Pie my weight loss has slowed down dramatically!!!!!!!! I HAVE to do induction to loose ANY weight! I lost 5 lbs last month and that is the most I have lost in a month in a VERY LONG TIME!!!!!!! My body has a hard time letting go because the last time I was at this weight was on the way up while I was pregnant with my first child 11 yrs ago. I would really love to loose the last 14 pounds as a Christmas gift to myself but the holidays are such a hard time for me. I guess I'll just have to keep joining challenges to keep my mind off all the holiday food! That and wear a bikini around the house! :lol:


THENEWME: 1st-187 9/30-117
MAUREEN: 1ST-260 9/30-245
ANNIE: 1ST-211 9/30-181
SUSAN: 1ST-175 9/30-150
DENISE: 1ST-175 9/30-160
TERRYLYNN: 1ST-298 9/30-262
ALEX: 1ST-200 9/30-189
FISHBURG: 1ST-275 9/30-241
KAREN: 1ST-257 9/30-239
LIDDLE:1ST-190 9/30-134.5

Karsuepas Wed, Oct-01-03 05:27

Morning Girls,

I was so out of control yesterday with my eating. Although I didn't have anything that wasn't allowed, I had too much. I had 2 Atkins Advantage bars as well as his other chocolate bars, and nuts galorie. It just seemed like every time I turned around I was putting something in my mouth. I don't know what triggered that yesterday. I must do better today.

Denise...I am so sorry to hear about Bandit. If there is anything I can do to help you through this please do not hesitate to ask. I lost my Bear after 12 years a year ago July. I do know how difficult it is.

Maureen...Awesome job you are doing with your exercising! I can't wait to go to the doctor tomorrow night to see if I can start the WAP. Keep up the good work.

Annie Pie...Happy that you made your appt. I must make one for next month. You see I have to go every 6 months.

TerryLynn and Alex...Welcome to our group.

For anyone that I missed and couldn't give a personal hello to...I am sorry! I must get to work now. I will check in with you all later.

Good luck to all of us!



alexs0628 Wed, Oct-01-03 08:02

I took my offical start of the month measurements, which I haven't done in two weeks, and I did lose 1/2 inch from all three key measurement areas. That was very encouraging. All that bike riding and roller blading must have replaced fat with muscle. Now I'm really encouraged to continue working out!

Annie: It's great to hear that other school districts have outdoor ed. I went in fifth grade eons ago, and both my kids went here at our current school district. It's a great program.

Denise: sorry to hear about Bandit. I had a dog named Bandit. She passed away a number of years ago due to tumors that prevented her from eating, so we had to have her put to sleep. She now rests comfortably in my parents backyard. (My parents kept the dog after I got married. But she was my dog right out of college, so I know what you are going through.)

To Maureen, thenewme, fione mck, fishburg, Karen and TerryLynn, let's give this month a good run! (Did I miss anybody?)

want2bfit Wed, Oct-01-03 09:07

Dear friends,

Happy October. I want to let everyone know that October is
National Down Syndrome Awareness Month.

As some of you know my soon to be 7 year old little pumpkin boy has Mosaic DS (not all his cells are effected). It is both a gift and privilege to be his mom.

Since exercising is one of our goals this month, go to and find a buddy walk in your area and go have some fun!!

want2bfit Wed, Oct-01-03 09:44

WAP= Walk Away the Pounds. It is so great. I personally think walking is so boring. Well these tapes change all that. I can't believe how fast the time and mileage goes and you do it in your home, even in your undies (or bikini) if you want. I bought the 3 pack (1,2 & 3 mile) at the super WalMart for $27. It was $35 at the regular WalMart near me and it wasn't on sale at either place.
PILATES- Have no clue how to describe other then you need to be in shape to get into some of the positions. The tapes I have are great because they have 2 women doing them. One is for the thin, unjured, able bodied person. The other is for me. She does a modified version of each position. It's great to see if I will someday be able to give up the modified version. It's similar to yoga. Slow stretching moves. For alot of the moves you are lying down. The tapes that I have seemed to get the best reviews under the exercise posts. Both of these programs have instructor who have pretty calming voices. No yelling or super energetic noises.

Karen, I so hope you get a good report tomorrow from your doctor. How did you injure your heel? Yesterdays eating is yesterdays eating. There is a sign in the gift shop at the hospital that says "Remember the positive things of today and forget the negative".

Alexs, that is awesome to lose 1 1/2" in 2 weeks. Great job.

Heather, where is Punta Cana? You're right about the bikini. Some incentive that would be. I am laughing so hard just at the thought of me walking around in one. We won't even go the thong route.

Annie, I am so happy that you made your appt. I know its so hard with busy lives and the whole mom thing to actually take care of ourselves but what good are we to our children, husbands, boyfriends, etc. if we don't.

Hope everyone is having an awesome day. Blessings, Maureen

Denise1963 Wed, Oct-01-03 11:22

Hi everyone. I don't know what to say, I'm just going through the motions. I really appreciate everyone's sympathy and concern for me, Bandit, and Gary. Last night at Open House, Gary didn't talk to me. Gary isn't talking to me period. I feel so alone. If he doesn't snap out of this, then I don't know about the wedding anymore. Our happy home is gone. I don't know when Gary will let me in. I want to help him, but I'm hurting too. I'm sure he is hurting much more then me, but now not only am I losing my dog, but I feel I'm losing my fiance too and our whole future together. I'm so depressed, angry and hurt. This tragedy will either bring us closer together or tear us apart. So far, it has torn us apart and I don't know if it will get better. Maybe it's too soon to tell. We just moved into our new house about a month and a half ago and we are planning to be married in Feb. I can't tell you how happy we have been since we moved in and now he isn't talking to me. I feel so helpless. I wish I could make him feel better, but I'm not doing so hot myself. I feel like crying again...

Oh well life as we know it goes on.

Annie: Glad you got your appt in for your mammogram.

Thenewme: Sorry that you lost your dog too. I am going to try and find your post.

Maureen: Exercising for 3 days in a row. I am very proud of you.

Alexa: Congrats on losing those inches. Keep up the bikeriding and rollerblading. I can't believe you also had a dog named Bandit. Sorry that he is gone too.

Susan: I'm sorry too about your dog. I guess there are many people out there who know how I am feeling. Thanks for posting the weights.

Liddle: Welcome to our group.

Karen: Don't worry about the SF treats. Just drink lots of water today. Sorry too that you lost your dog. Good luck at the doctors tomorrow.

Food for the day: tuna wrap, cheese, seeds, steak, salad

Exercise: Running with my dog in the park/Upper weights

TerryLynne Wed, Oct-01-03 11:29

Karen, I had the same problem on Monday, didn't eat any forbidden foods, but ate too much and never felt satisfied all day. Yesterday was better and today I found it was my TOM so maybe that's my excuse? I am finally back in ketosis this afternoon. I sure hate seeing tan on my ketostix:yay: Also it's been raining for a couple days and I didn't get my walk in. I always feel so much better after (at least mentally :-) my walk.:) Now that we have that out of our systems we can get back to burning that fat!!!

want2bfit Wed, Oct-01-03 11:40

Denise, a big hug for you. We lost a baby when I was 7 months pregnant. I'm telling you this to let you know that most men grieve in a different way then females. They go inward where we tend to be more verbal. It doesn't sound like Gary is shutting you out as much as it may be that he is grieving in his own way. Prayers & hugs to you both. Blessings, Maureen

Denise1963 Wed, Oct-01-03 11:44

Thank you Maureen for your insight. I really hope you are right about this. I am so sorry about your loss too...
That had to be such a difficult time to get through.

Annie-Pie Wed, Oct-01-03 11:46

Good morning, friends!

Welcome to our circle of friends, Liddle! You have a great reason to want to keep losing weight. I'm afraid that if I walked around the house in a bikini, just my luck, there would be a lineman outside who would have a birds' eye view or something!

Denise, may I ask you something personal and you do not need to answer me. I just feel that marriage is so precious, that hopefully Gary and you can receive some counseling from a licensed counselor. It can do miracles. We dont need problems to take us to a counselor. Most ministers anyways nowadays ask that the couple recieve at least 2 visits of pre-marital counseling. Your happiness is so important. Keep in touch will you?

Thanks Maureen for filling me in on the exercise stuff. I am proud of you!

Karen: Hope your day at work is going great, and it's ok that you overdid it on the LC goodies yesterday...who hasn't? Remember my 'mistake' a few weeks back with all the malitol! How quickly I learned, eh? Anyway, you are one sweet potato Karen and you just keep truckin' along hon.

Fishburg: Inquiring minds want to know how you got your wonderful user name. Care to share? You've come 27% in sight of your goal weight and we are proud of your efforts! I don't know if I could ever lose 11 pounds in 4 weeks, and I wish you well in whatever success you achieve. Whether you do lose it or not before your birthday, remember you are much healthier now than you were when you started! To answer your question about email cards, I can't answer that one for you. I encourage you to reach out in some unusual, unroutine way to someone you normally would think you don't have time for. Keep up your great LC'ing work!

Alexs: Great job on measuring! You ARE slowly disappearing!

Susan: WOW! You did your homework! That took time. THANK YOU and now do you want M&M's for a reward? :roll:

TerryLynne...You have inspired me to start walking more. Just think how many miles that is in a month, that normally you wouldn't have gotten. And I bet you feel better walking with your dog too, don't you. Except when they have to sniff out every other yard, LOL! I love Maureen's link to Down's Syndrome and would like to personally love to join a walk in our area.

One more thing Susan: Thanks for listing our REAL before weights. I tend to forget how far I'm come. You are the wind beneath my wings, and I thank you!

If I forgot someone, please accept my apologies. Hugs, Annie-Pie

want2bfit Wed, Oct-01-03 11:57

Karen, I am not ignoring you. Your pm is full

stacysheil Wed, Oct-01-03 12:13

I was in the other challenge with thenewme and would like to join this one for the month.
I wont say I will lose 4 to 8 pounds this month, my only goal is to get under 170. Ihad a hard time last month because I had been stuck and got irratated at myself and the scale. I went from 175 to 185 to 175 to 178 to 172.5 all in one month. Sounds like it couldnt be true but it is. I hope to do better this month since I finally got the scale under 175.
It is nice to meet you all.
Today is hard because I had to make apple turnovers for DH and there is still 3 left in the kitchen. I keep telling myself that one wont hurt me and then I remember seeing 172.5 for 4 days in a row and I say "yes it will" so I cant wait for my DD to gethome and eat them to get them out of my face.
Talk to you all later and keep motivating us all.

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