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wnnabethin Thu, May-13-04 10:26

Why Haven't I Reached Ketosis?
I don't understand why I haven't reached KETOSIS :rolleyes: am i doing something wrong? I have followed all the ATKINS induction rules, kept my carbs under 22grams, don't eat or drink anything that has sugar on it and even exercise once in a while but i can't reach my goal. I am in the last 15 pounds to reach my goal of 97lbs for my 5'1 height. What's wrong here? I mean, i have done exactly everything by the book and still have difficulties losing those last 15 pounds :mad: I'm getting so frustrated with this diet that i'm thinking of just leavin it, especially now that i broke one of the rules and ate fruits (watermelon :D yummy). I'll start again tomorrow and will go again through the 2 weeks of induction phase but i need help cos i can't see what i'm doing wrong here. Is ATKINS all about PROTEINS and no carbs and sugars? I know from it just what i have read so far and that's not much cos i'm barely by Chapter 4 of DR. ATKINS NEW DIET REVOLUTION. I also haven't got to that Chapter where the whole process of KETOSIS is explained so i don't know much about it either. Does this sound familiar to anyone? Any feedback is greatly appreciated... really, anything at all cos i know most of you guys have read the whole but already :D

P.S. How do i put and icon next to my posts? How do i start a journal?

sobxlady Thu, May-13-04 10:29

Are you drinking tons of water?

wnnabethin Thu, May-13-04 10:32

Correction from last post:

Forgot to add "BOOK" in my last line but you know what i mean right? :D

Pandora23 Thu, May-13-04 10:33

Can you post a couple menu's of what you generally eat in a day? That might be easier.

wnnabethin Thu, May-13-04 10:34

hey sobxlady!

Yep!! i'm drinking between 24oz-64oz each day, depending on my mood and how thirst i'm.

jagbender Thu, May-13-04 10:35

Can you tell us what you have been eating. I am looking for
Franken foods and hidden carbs. Also not that 2 grams would make the difference by 20 carbs sould be your target.
Fruit. Fruit contains Fructose (fruit Sugar) that will refill your liver Glycogen levels and keep you from Ketosis.
How much water are you drinking? Any exercise? Read this.

threejs Thu, May-13-04 10:38

The lowest ideal weight I could find for a small framed 5'1" woman was 101 pounds. The range on different "ideal weight" sites was 101 to 135. If you are now actually at your ideal weight you probably will not lose anything on Atkins.

wnnabethin Thu, May-13-04 10:49

Well let's see... For breakfast i'll usually have some 2-3 fried eggs with 1 bacon or f1 ried hot dog(the ones with low carbs). Then around 1pm i eat lunch and that usually consists of either 2 pieces of broiled chicken or steak with 1 cup of salad and lots of mustard(to give some flavor to the meat cos then it would just taste pretty bad) and another bottle of 8z water. After lunch i might still be hungry so for a snack i'll eat a can of tuna with some mayo and again 1 bottle of 8z water. By night I don't usually get hungry but if i'm i'll have something small, maybe just tuna again or chicken but no salad. You can pretty much see that my menu isn't that great, just plain old simple meals that can be made in less than 15 minutes or so. I wish i knew of other things to cook but i hardly have any time for that (too busy with work n school) and even if i did had the time i wouldn't know how cos i am an awful bad cook. So anything that's easy, simple and just ready to eat i'll have. But now i'm trying to find some new things to make cos this menu is making me sick, have had TOO MUCH eggs already >:( yuck!!

cindy_cfid Thu, May-13-04 12:51

Is your fat level >65% of your calories and protein <30% of your calories???

misskolie1 Thu, May-13-04 13:03

This WOE requires a lot of self modifications. You have to kind of tailor the diet to your own needs.

1) your body may be already at the lowest weight it wants to be.
2.) Make sure you read the ingredients. Some companies market low carb products, but upon reading the ingredients, you'll find that there are hidden sugars in the form of corn syrup or brown sugar. Also stay away from all process foods, even low carb hot dogs while you're getting started. Those are usually the culprits for hidden sugars.

3.) When I had a problem staying in ketosis, I found the drinking a lot of water, I mean like at least 3 liters a day, helped kick me back in ketosis. I am also they type that cannot eat any low carb products such as Atkins shakes and bars. They stall me. When I keep it all natural, the scale starts moving.

I hope some of this info has helped you. If you have any more questions, feel free to stop by my journal and drop a dime!

jagbender Thu, May-13-04 13:03

All righty now, Your foods look OK.
Keto stix measure "excess" ketones in your urine. You don't have to show on a keto stix to actually be in Keto/liposis. Some people who workout alot actually burn the ketones and don't have "excess" in their urine. I do CKD and it takes me 2.5 - 3 days to show on the stix. I don't worry about the sticks because I can "feel when I am in Ketosis.
Keep your calories 10-15 % below Adjusted BMR and stay away from Franken foods, exercise regularly and you will lose weight.


iluv2race Thu, May-13-04 15:29

How do you "feel" when your body is in Ketosis?

wnnabethin Thu, May-13-04 16:41

According to some users and Janie3k:

There are many ways to know that you are in ketosis..I use the ketostix to tell but you can also tell if you have strong and strange smelling breath, urine, or body odour...there are other ways as well.

wnnabethin Thu, May-13-04 16:44

I haven't tried the Ketostix but i have heard that it's a good tool to use when trying to find out if one is going through Ketosis. I would really like to trt them but don't know where to buy them, any idea where i can get them?

twinmomma Thu, May-13-04 16:57

I also agree with threeJ-your already pretty tiny now-My friend who is 5ft is 101 and that is where her Dr says she should be. I know though that I would like to be on the smallest end of the scale also! But you just have to be careful, you don't want to lose AF!! Take care :)

wnnabethin Thu, May-13-04 17:17

Broke my diet =(
Guys i'm ashamed to say that today I have made the biggest mistake since i started this diet, I went on a Carb and Sugar Eating Rampage and ate as much fruits, bread, milk, and all those delicious carbs food i had been avoiding for a month! :( I wish I hadn't done that :( Now I gotta start all over again tomorrow and that's really dumb of me. I started in the morning when i had a bite of a fruit(has sugar...really bad!) and then went on and on through out the day eating as many carbs(Pizza, cake, ice cream :p yummy!) and sugars(candies :D ) i could get my hands on. I don't know how some of you can hold your cravings for as long as you do, takes a hell lot of willpower to do that and i don't think i have that kind of willpower :rolleyes: All this month my diet was based mostly on FATS like 80% and little PROTEINS LIKE 20% so it didn't helped me much cos neither I gained or lost any weight. But now i know that since i have so little to lose (about 15pounds) my body has slowed down the fat-burning process and i'm gonna have to do the job myself by exercising and working out. Yep! Since there's so little to get rid of the only choice i've got is to burn down all those calories myself :D I don't think i'm ever gonna hit KETOSIS, not that i woulnd't like to but i don't even know if i'll ever will cos i haven't felt any of the symptons yet, although i will buy the Ketostix just in case. I also need to finish the ATKINS book cos everything i need to know is there, i'm pretty sure that most of you have read it already. Well, thanks for all your support, feel free to drop me a line here in the thread, i would tell you to write me to my journal but i haven't got one yet (don't know how to make one :rolleyes: ) Any feedback is always welcome :D

P.S. This is the linkk to my FITDAY:

liftnlady Thu, May-13-04 17:54

you need more water first, and you need to do consistent exercise. Atkins or anyother diet is not the magic pill, especially for someone trying to lose those last 10lbs. People with a lot more weight to lose will do so with out exercise, but at some point your metabolism adjusts the amount of food you are putting in versus the energy expended and you will plateau. You need otmake sure your caloric ratios are right as the above poster said, drink at least a gallon of water a day, and exercise consistently each week.

wnnabethin Thu, May-13-04 21:29

Message posted by liftnlady:

you need more water first, and you need to do consistent exercise. Atkins or anyother diet is not the magic pill, especially for someone trying to lose those last 10lbs. People with a lot more weight to lose will do so with out exercise, but at some point your metabolism adjusts the amount of food you are putting in versus the energy expended and you will plateau. You need otmake sure your caloric ratios are right as the above poster said, drink at least a gallon of water a day, and exercise consistently each week.

I do drink tons of water, sometimes 32oz-64oz a day. I thought that ATKINS was gonna work for me but now i know that it won't cos first, i don't need to lose that much weight, and second cos i am already at my healthy weight for my height, i think. But i still wanna shed those last 15 pounds and i know that the only way i can is by exercising and working out, two things that i have never ever EVER DONE! The most i have ever done physically in any sports has been running a mile in 30 minutes and that was pretty slow :rolleyes: . I was reading some of your posts and thanks 2 you i found out about NHE and just today i starting reading about it from the site Now i know that just dieting isn't gonna get me to where i wanna be, i gotta get my ass off this chair and WORK IT!!
... yep :D The problem is that i'm clueless, i don't know where to begin :( I mean, how do i start? Should i just go and become member of a gym? Should i read any of those books "Idiots's guide to fitness" or "Getting in shape for Dummies"? I think that if there are such books i would most likely read them cos they would be so perfect for me, I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING AT ALL ABOUT FITNESS OR GETTING IN SHAPED AND STUFF :rolleyes: What should i do first? I've got so many questions and i can't seem to get answers from anywhere :rolleyes: Maybe someone reading this can help just drop me a line here, all feedback is always welcolme :) Thankxx

Built Thu, May-13-04 22:02

Originally Posted by wnnabethin
Message posted by liftnlady:

I do drink tons of water, sometimes 32oz-64oz a day. I thought that ATKINS was gonna work for me but now i know that it won't cos first, i don't need to lose that much weight, and second cos i am already at my healthy weight for my height, i think. But i still wanna shed those last 15 pounds and i know that the only way i can is by exercising and working out, two things that i have never ever EVER DONE! The most i have ever done physically in any sports has been running a mile in 30 minutes and that was pretty slow :rolleyes: . I was reading some of your posts and thanks 2 you i found out about NHE and just today i starting reading about it from the site Now i know that just dieting isn't gonna get me to where i wanna be, i gotta get my ass off this chair and WORK IT!!
... yep :D The problem is that i'm clueless, i don't know where to begin :( I mean, how do i start? Should i just go and become member of a gym? Should i read any of those books "Idiots's guide to fitness" or "Getting in shape for Dummies"? I think that if there are such books i would most likely read them cos they would be so perfect for me, I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING AT ALL ABOUT FITNESS OR GETTING IN SHAPED AND STUFF :rolleyes: What should i do first? I've got so many questions and i can't seem to get answers from anywhere :rolleyes: Maybe someone reading this can help just drop me a line here, all feedback is always welcolme :) Thankxx

Hi there -

Read here:

Then here:

Then my journal and gallery. You've had some good advice from liftnlady.

Good luck!

jagbender Fri, May-14-04 09:34

How do I "feel" in Ketosis.
I get a warm sensation across my lower chest and upper abdomin and in my armpits. It is just something I noticed. When I test on a ketostix I was darker when I "felt" that sensation.


liftnlady Fri, May-14-04 09:35

Excellent post Built !

wnnabethin...yes join a gym it is the best investment you can make. Someone like you who has not exercised will see terrific improvments your first few months, and along with proper diet I think you will be very happy and motivated to keep going. You have to remember this is a lifestyle, not a quick fix. There are not shortcuts, and if you want the body you desire it takes hard work. I have been at ths for about 2 years and have built some good m uscle, but I am by no means close to my goal yet, remember it is the journey not the destination. For myslef the journey has been great I have learned more about the way the body functions and I have met a ton of very smart and helpful people along the way. Youmight want to start a thread in the CKD or general exercise area there a re quite few knowledgeable people over there, and myslef, Built, legwarmers and Dormouse are all on NHE and woul dbe glad to help you.

Another good book to buy for a newbie is the Body Sculpting Bible for Women, lots of good info.

Sinbad Fri, May-14-04 09:43

Originally Posted by wnnabethin
I do drink tons of water, sometimes 32oz-64oz a day.

That's not tons.
64oz a day is the MINIMUM recommended water intake for a normal adult NOT on a ketogenic diet...
You should be going for a lot more than that. Possibly even double.


liftnlady Fri, May-14-04 09:47

That's not tons.
64oz a day is the MINIMUM recommended water intake for a normal adult NOT on a ketogenic diet...
You should be going for a lot more than that. Possibly even double.


exactly..I drink about 128-180 oz a is alot, but just keep a 1 litre bottle with you at all times and drink 4 a day and you are there !!

wnnabethin Fri, May-14-04 10:06

Originally posted by liftnlady:

Another good book to buy for a newbie is the Body Sculpting Bible for Women, lots of good info.

Liftnlady you read my mind :) , that's one of the books that i have just gotten and begun to read :D Guys you are absolutely right, my water intake is pretty low compare to the minimun of 64oz a day. I am not very fond of water but for the past month it has been "the only" drink i have had and i know that i gotta drink more of it. Liftnlady i'm currently reading the NHE book and so far it's great, lots of good info. I will start a thread on the other board, i gotta ask, what type of LC diet are you on? And what's CKD? Is is a type of diet or a form of exercise?

liftnlady Fri, May-14-04 10:22

I am on the NHE plan. It is great cause you have you your fats most of the week, and then 2 carb up meals that are high glycemic carbs twice a week. If you are interested check out the exercise forum there is a post on what NHE is, and like I said there a re afew of us girls over there doing the plan. If you decide to do it Legwarmers and Built can help you with what your daily cals should be and we can all help with what you should eat.

BTW...sounds like you are off to a good start...also, you are at a pretty good weight right now, what you probably need more than anything is some muscle mass to firm you up, you will be surprised how much better you will look at the same or more weight, but with more muscle and less fat. When I started this 2 years ago (not NHE, but losing weight and lifting), I weighed 138, wore a size 8-10. I now weigh 131 and wear a size 4. I originally cut down to 122, and then started a cylce of bluking and cutting to get where I am now. I am not really looking to lose weight per se, but body fat and gain muscle. My ultimate goal is about 125, with 15% bodyfat. Now this is a process of bulking to add muscle and then cutting to shed fat, at which time you will lose a little muscle. This process is done until you reach your ideal ratio....and believe me when I say patienc eis a virtue.

Sweet100 Fri, May-14-04 10:44

Is your fat level >65% of your calories and protein <30% of your calories???

Is this the percentages the diet says to follow, cuz if that is it ,I now know why Im stuck. :(

liftnlady Fri, May-14-04 10:48

I am on NHE, my fats per day are 65-70, protein 20-25 and carbs 5-10%

basically I eat about 145 grams of fats, 125 of protein and 20-30 carbs net of fiber.

wnnabethin Fri, May-14-04 11:00

Originally posted by liftnlady:

BTW...sounds like you are off to a good start...also, you are at a pretty good weight right now, what you probably need more than anything is some muscle mass to firm you up, you will be surprised how much better you will look at the same or more weight, but with more muscle and less fat. When I started this 2 years ago (not NHE, but losing weight and lifting), I weighed 138, wore a size 8-10. I now weigh 131 and wear a size 4. I originally cut down to 122, and then started a cylce of bluking and cutting to get where I am now. I am not really looking to lose weight per se, but body fat and gain muscle. My ultimate goal is about 125, with 15% bodyfat. Now this is a process of bulking to add muscle and then cutting to shed fat, at which time you will lose a little muscle. This process is done until you reach your ideal ratio....and believe me when I say patienc eis a virtue.

Liftnlady i would definitely become member of a gym cos they have all the equipment i need although i have one question to ask you that, does weight training make women bulk up? Cos if it does i wouldn't want to do it, i wanna get toned but not build now what i mean!? :D

liftnlady Fri, May-14-04 11:06

no, it is impossible for women to get "bulky" unless the take Anabolics. Muscle is more dense than fat, i.e 5lbs of muscle takes up less space than 5lbs of fat. So you may weigh more or the same, but be a smaller tighter version of youself. It is also metabolically active, meaning the more muscle you have the more fat you will burn.

Sweet100 Fri, May-14-04 11:10

liftnlady, what does your menu look like typically. What do you eat all day to get the fat up there to 145 or so

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