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tamarian Sun, Feb-25-01 13:15

Which low-carb diet do you follow?

LCSue Sun, Feb-25-01 20:51

You're right. These polls are cool.


Sandra Mon, Feb-26-01 08:33


I'm new to this forum. I did Carbohydrate Addicts diet last summer, but stopped when I was diagnosed with low thyroid disease.
Now on medication for over 6 months, I thought I'd start it up again to lose 15 lbs.

Hope to find some good support here! :)

silvia Wed, Feb-28-01 03:05

Hi Sandra!
I'm starting CAD too! Even though it sounds too good to be true!!! I also have about that to lose, and whichever way you look at it, dieting is a bore so please feel free to write to me and tell me how it's going ok?
Good luck

Sandra Wed, Feb-28-01 07:24

Hi Silvia,

Thanks for writing me. Glad to hear you are doing Carbo addicts too.
I noticed you lived in Italy, a country that I have always wanted to tour! :)

It's day 4 for me now (I started Sunday) and have done very well and haven't veered off of the books diet.
The 1 hour reward meal is great because that's when I get my sweet or a little bowl of cereal after eating a big salad and my protein.
I have the biggest sweet tooth, so this has really helped curb those cravings during the day!
Hope your day and diet goes well! :)

God bless!

silvia Wed, Feb-28-01 09:54

Hi Sandra!!
Unfortunately I keep stopping and starting because my doc wants me to do one of those awful sugar and insulin blood tests and you gotta highcarb for 4 days before doing it and I keep changing my mind. I think I'm not in the best frame of mind. I should just go and do the test and get it over with, but as I said in another chat thread I'm a bit chicken!!!

Anyway I wish you the very best of luck. Please keep me posted about your results and hang on in there. Spring is on the way and so is the beach!!!

Keep well!

Dyo Mon, Mar-05-01 16:02

I don't follow any diet. I just eat healthy. No junk food, no pop, and I exercise. It's worked wonders for me.

numberonewendy Mon, Mar-05-01 17:25

My aren't you lucky

numberonewendy Mon, Mar-05-01 19:31

Hi all,

Wow am I ever hearing negative stuff on this Atkins WOE. Makes me a bit concerned! I'm still reading the book, but now have cut out potatoes, bread and some veggies that are high on carb.

Even when I read here on the posts. I find myself feeling a bit concerned when I hear someone say. Hi, I'm new here, I was on Atkins or one of those WOE programs (can't remember all of them). I have been diagnosed with(some kind of problem) and want to start up again.
Did this diet cause problems to them yrs ago?

I have mentioned this diet to a few people in these last few days and I am getting such negative responses! They say it Causes kidney problems and people get diagnosed with new problems.

Is it best to go to the doctors first before starting on this diet? Yet I read on this, that some doctors aren't into Atkins either? Goodness, sounds like a catch 22 doesn't it?

I also read on suppliements. Is there really a need for this stuff? If so what kind are helpful? Then there is a blocker for carbs? Does the blocker really work, if one doesn't abuse them? Is there any side effects?

I also heard where some have fallen off the wagon. Why would falling of the wagon happen if the book says your cravings go away? Makes me think, "Oh no, here we go another diet that I will possibly fail on"! Sorry WOE, as some of you like to call it and I too if I can truly feel this isn't dangerous!

I'm sorry its just that I felt so positive when I first fell into this site, thinking yes, finally something that is healthy and will work. This Dr. Atkins WOE sounded so postive.

Then when you get such negative responses from friends that you know, and trust me..they diet off and on through the years, you must question this so called danger they talk about?

Although I have been over weight after kids, and yes I still use that as an excuse even though they are now 18 and 20 yrs old. I have always been healthy. God forbid I go on this WOE and eat all this meat and something happens to my kidneys or I get diagnosed with something new???

Am I just stressed out folks????


numberonewendy Mon, Mar-05-01 19:33

While I'm at it. I also heard one can help this diet by drinking two glasses of red wine a day, is this true?

Oh my, so much to learn


tamarian Mon, Mar-05-01 20:09

[QUOTE]Originally posted by numberonewendy
Wow am I ever hearing negative stuff on this Atkins WOE. {/QUOTE]

Hi Wendy,

The best thing to make sure you're on the right track is to read more.

I do a lot of research trying to find a single proof that low-carb is unhealthy, but I found none, only opinionated articles.

Just think of it, how did we evolve? We evolved eating meat and low-carb, and as far as I'm concerned, I need proof, other than research paid by the sugar asociation or the wheat council, that our evolution was wrong, and we need sugar and flour to be healthy! :)


P.S. Click on the "Studies" section above for a huge collection of articles and research.

tamarian Mon, Mar-05-01 20:12

Originally posted by numberonewendy

While I'm at it. I also heard one can help this diet by drinking two glasses of red wine a day, is this true?

I doubt it "helps". In Protein Power they simply say it's o.k. to have a glass, but I don't think anyone recommends doing it.


Robin Mon, Mar-05-01 22:55

Hi Wendy... Welcome aboard.

Wa'il is right. You have to do the research. Nothing will work if you have the slighest doubt about it. Kinda sets you up for failure in the future so I guess you have some work to do girl.

I can mouth the words here, you should never start a diet without checking with your doctor. However, I didn't because 1. I'm lazy and 2. I thought for sure my doc would object. I too have heard the negative things people say about any low carb diet.

Tuesday marks one year on Dr. Aitkins for my hubby and I. This is the only diet I have ever stuck to, let alone for a year. I have never seen Ray this slim in all the years I have known him. Kind of like seeing a whole new person. He looks "normal" now just slightly pudgy and hasn't yet become accustomed to his size. He is under 200 now, down from 285.

I guess what I am trying to get across here is, give it a try. Take it one day at a time and don't think that you will lose 50 lbs in a short space of time. Some people lose fast, some lose slow.

Dr. Aitkins gives you the tools to work with. Yes there is a lot of protein. But there is also a lot of veggies too. There are many sites including this one that post low carb recipes. The most astonishing thing about this diet is that it works. You don't have to go overboard with the butter and the cheese. Fair warning though, you will be doing a bit of cooking because everything is made from scratch and from mostly fresh ingredients. No chemicals, packaged mixes or artificial life forms allowed! How can that be unhealthy?

People typically eat a very high proportion of carbs in a day. Lots of low fat stuff that has no taste. Do you see tons of skinny people around you? You would think that with the huge amount of low fat, low calorie items in the grocery store, there would be a lot of Calista Flockharts in the nebourhood but they don't live around here!

Ray and I were just as guilty and should have bought shares in the A&W, Burger King, McDonald's, Robin's Dougnuts, and Tim Hortons. We were just as happy to belly up to the drive through. Didn't get us anywhere, especially when it is so easy to supersize everything! And what about those Pizza joints? No wonder I hated looking in the mirror!

So Wendy, give it a try. All you have to lose is about 2 weeks and see where you're at. Like I said before in my ramblings, I have never stayed on a diet this long, and I have been on some kind of diet ever since I was a teenager. I have a long way to go, but then again, I've come a long way too.

Sorry about the long yadda yadda yadda...... I think I'll end this here before I get into trouble. Have a good night everyone.


tamarian Tue, Mar-06-01 00:03

Robin, WELL SAID!!!


silvia Tue, Mar-06-01 05:49

Hi everyone! I agree with Robin too! It's the only diet I've ever mangaed to follow fore more than a few days (!!!) and I'm always satisfied and I feel great!!

Of course. it is easy to fall off the wagon even if I don't have cravings any more, for various reasons: eating in other people's homes, bad habits or the dumbest of them all: I'm thin so I can eat pasta again. Although I've stopped having cravings I couldn't honestly say that I don't like junk food any more. I can live happily without but I still really like them.

I do find that although you can drink wine it does lower my determination: if I drink a glass I tend to overeat.

So, Wendy, my advice is : try it and see how you feel!!! I'm sure you'll be satisfied with the results like all of us!!

Good Luck!

numberonewendy Wed, Mar-07-01 08:05

Thanks all. I needed to hear the postive stuff. I suppose with anything one must read all and as you say wa'l ......research to learn more.

I got worried I guess with the negative responses I was getting, and then not having enough knowledge on Dr. Atkins WOE to have a comeback I suppose.

The best thing to do I think would be to keep quiet for now on this, read, and do it. Then listen to the responses I get when weight is coming off and staying off!

Your terrfic for support folks :)


numberonewendy Wed, Mar-07-01 22:04

Wow, whats with the flame?


tamarian Wed, Mar-07-01 22:16

Originally posted by numberonewendy
Wow, whats with the flame?


You mean the little light bulb? It simply tells if the author is oline or offline. :)


numberonewendy Thu, Mar-08-01 02:07

No not that. When you go to click on a thread and there is an envelope to the left side. This one has one, and its on fire????


tamarian Thu, Mar-08-01 08:57

Oh that :)

The burning envelope reflects if a thread/discussion has many replies, and has been viewed a lot, as in "hot" topic :)


Mrs. Y Tue, Mar-13-01 12:50

No Worries

It's true, the low carb scenario requires time spent in the kitchen making stuff from scratch, but the rewards are so good. I spend a couple of evenings a week fixing meals for the next three days, and haul around a lot of Tupperware :)

I'm on the Zone program, which allows a couple of glasses of wine a week (wine is a carb after all). I reward myself on the weekend, but stick to the meals/snacks every four hours (the bedtime snack is *mandatory*, which should help with those cereal cravings...)

You fill up on salads (with avocado) and grilled vegetables. It helps to develop a taste for broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, mushrooms, sweet peppers and onions. They sweeten up nicely when baked in olive oil and low salt soy sauce. If I'm craving a carb I'll throw in a couple of baby potatoes.

I've been doing it for three weeks, 6 pounds and 4 inches. It works. The main thing is you have to be religious about going no more than 4 hours without eating fat, protein and carbohydrate in the right proportions. (The book is excellent and spells out the units for each type of food). Avoid rice (white or brown), pasta and bread (white and whole grain - only whole grain rye is acceptable), bananas, corn products (you'd be amazed the amount of corn syrup goes into processed food) and high glycemic fruit juices. Grapefruit is my best friend (but don't buy one of those Starfrit thingies, they suck...).

I had company this weekend and loved the french fries (OK in extreme moderation!), but became nauseous and wired after eating pastries and cake and drinking tea with sugar. My body has already adjusted to the cravings, and I find myself rejecting stuff like milkshakes (tooooo sweet) and other sugary things.

I could not wait for them to leave so I could get back to my eating plan this week...

Good luck, and try reading the book. The offerings are a bit more varied than most diets, and you won't go hungry.


numberonewendy Wed, Mar-14-01 17:21

Well Mrs. Yogi,

Your not kidding on spending more time in the kitchen. The pots and pans etc.... My stove is actually getting stained...LOL

I'm over my first week (5 lb loss), but concerned now as I move along. I truly am already running out of ideas for cooking simple, and really getting fed up with Salads. I knew this was going to happen due to me not liking many veggies.

I have been looking over the reciepes posted and even have a low carb receipe book here at home. Yet I still find myself disappointed as I don't carry all of the ingrediants they call for. I thought I had all the spices in the world...LOL

The receipes I do see that I may think, mmmmm....I can do that as I have most of that here, will then call for wine, brandy...etc... Makes me think, oh for crying out loud, thats not normal cooking! LOL

Anyway, still hanging in there but feeling a bit blue due to women's problems. Maybe next week will be a better one :)

Thanks for the encouragement....always welcomed and appreciated.....


AtshushiOnita Sun, Mar-18-01 19:42

i follow my own plan
*Less than 20g of carbs a day ( i usually go for under 10)
*Never go hungry and starve myself i always have 4 meals a day
*Drink more than 5 pints of water a day
*take any opertunity to get a bit of exercise like a walk to the shops, i used to drive

Thats what i do, if anyone else can add to that and give me some advice, wonderfull.
14 pounds 14 days!

GStump Tue, Mar-20-01 18:05

Hi Sandra,

I too have started on the CAD. I am hoping to lose at least 15 lbs. Get discouraged when you weigh in and you find that you have gained or stayed the same. I have to remember to wait until the end of the week and do the calculations. Have been on it for 2 weeks now and have lost 4 lbs. I am sooo hoping that this one works. Tired of fighting with my weight.
By the way the book reads you can have ANYTHING that you want in the "Reward" hour. So, I am eating what I want. If this truly works. I Know I can do this for life.
Let me know how you are doing.....

GStump Tue, Mar-20-01 18:09

Originally posted by Sandra

I'm new to this forum. I did Carbohydrate Addicts diet last summer, but stopped when I was diagnosed with low thyroid disease.
Now on medication for over 6 months, I thought I'd start it up again to lose 15 lbs.

Hope to find some good support here! :)

debbiedobson Tue, Mar-20-01 18:23

i've recommitted to atkins induction. i'm on day 2. so far to good. it's the weekends that do me in. i have a couple of drinks with my husband and the sweet cravings click in. i realize now that the fermented sugar in alcohol is making me crave sugar. as long as i stay away from sweets the better. so, i'm not going to drink on the weekends with dave anymore. at least not till i get this woe back under control. i'm posting my daily menus at trulylowcarb and i'm hoping that will keep me honest.

Mrs. Y Wed, Mar-21-01 12:28


You are so right about the beer! Don't they use it to fatten up livestock in some countries? It's a grain, after all.

I stick to a little red wine on the weekends. Maureen, what are you drinking? I know wine makes me want salty stuff, so I get to combine it with my bedtime snack, which is usually nuts, olives and a bit of fruit.

Beer always makes me want chocolate. The sweeter beers, like Heineken (my very favourite!) REALLY go well with chocolate. But I've never met an obese Dutchman. What's up with that?

NumberOneWendy, cooking can be therapeutic. Salads don't have to be boring... although I guess being in Ontario in winter you don't have a lot of fresh selections. :( poor baby! :)

There really isn't any way around the veggie issue though. Gotta have 'em if you wanna lose the flab...

I made a salad the other day and threw in some sauteed scallops in a light saffron sauce. Omigod it was so good. Then I threw the leftover scallops into a chowder with salmon and cod, a couple of potatoes, a carrot, celery, onion, a ton of garlic and some 1% milk just to sweeten it up.

I took it to work for lunch and couldn't eat it all with the salad and fruit etc. So I have to try and finish it up today.
Yum yum.


Carol Tue, Mar-27-01 10:13

Wine .......
Numberonewendy{hope I got your name right!}..
My brother was diagnosed with high cholestrol and was put on a low fat diet.He said one week of that was more than enough so he quit it.What he did do was start drinking 2 glasses of wine a day.He just had his choleterol done again and it is normal now.He thinks it must be the wine as he went right back to regular food after the week of low fat.
I can't drink alchohol so I'm taking 2 Grapeseed Extract pills everyday...they're supposed to work the same as the wine.

I re-started PPLP on sunday and have lost 5 pounds of water weight! I was so puffy! Feel pretty good today!
Carol from Kamloops!

numberonewendy Tue, Mar-27-01 17:30

Hey Carol,

that was an old posting. I'm not too concerned on the wine now. I picked up the low carb addicts cookbook last week and I'm very happy with it. Very simple tasty meals in it.

I have been doing fine on this woe and losing weight. I love this woe, I feel healthy (except these last couple of days...I think I have a flu bug?) and full of energy. People can't shut me up...LOL For sure this is the way of life for me :)

ps. Carol you can call me Wendy...numberone is only the nick....Take care and wish you luck!


rainny Mon, May-14-01 16:18

It worth a try!
:D I'm sure we have all been where you are. But remember...the medical industry doesn't make money by keeping you well. But they will tell you this is a bad diet...with out doing the research! They will tell you low-fat/low-cal is good...while they take in there BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR from the weight problem it has created. This is all in the Atkins book read it. And remember where the medical industry is making its money. Then ask yourself...:confused: Do they REALLY want me well...with out heart disease, weight problem joint problems ect. No they don't!:eek: How would they make there money. This is a problem that is getting worse...not better! But it has such positive benefits when you talk to people on this type of diet. My knees would crack when I bent them...and swell unreal. 1 week into this the swelling was gone...2weeks so was the cracking. A friend had psoriasis {really bad dry skin} she had to go to the hospital twice a week for treatment for 10 years...3 weeks doing this its GONE. You can't tell she ever had it.
READ READ READ! And follow you heart. It works and they haven't been able to prove it not healthy yet. And I believe they have been trying since around the 1950's!;)

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