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tullip Mon, May-24-04 10:05

Looking for a buddy!
Hi there! I am looking for a buddy or buddies to talk with. I am doing the atkins diet and would just love to get some people who are doing it right along with me. So if you are interested let me know! I look forward to hearing from you!


kathjef Mon, May-24-04 10:39

Hi Jamie!

My name is Kathy and I would love to have a buddy. I never had a buddy before so how does this work? Let me know! I look forward to hearing from you. I am usually on and checking my computer in the mornings and early afternoon as I leave for work at 2:30PM. Talk to you soon!


BUTTERBALL Mon, May-24-04 13:53

hi buddies, count me in too if you'd like!!! Im always looking for new friends! Besides i see we're both around the same weight range so it should be fun...

tullip Mon, May-24-04 15:42

welcome buddies!
The more the merrier! I have never really had buddies myself, but I think we just keep each otheri in line and e-mail and chat and stuff like that. Which reminds me! I have yahoo messenger do any of you. Just wondering. Oh and you can e-mail me anytime you want at I check my e-mail quite often so if you are having a hard day or a rough time, let me know.

Anyway, I have to say that I am so proud of my self, I went to McDonalds to meet my mother (my oldest daughter stayed with ehr this weekend) and I ate a side salad with vinegarette dressing. I was so proud of myself. My mom even noticed and congratulated me. Yeah!

Well I better get going, things to do, nand the baby is crying!


gracejoy Mon, May-24-04 17:51

I am new to this forum and would love a buddy. I have been following a reduced carb diet (not strict Atkins) with exercise for about 2 weeks. I am starting to feel good and have lost a few pounds. I'd love to get to know all of you!

I'm 26, newlywed, high school English teacher in NYC. I've never been thin, but I gained 40 pounds in the last 3 years and I figured, enough is enough! Time to start losing.


kathjef Mon, May-24-04 20:47

Hi everybody!

This is going to be fun. Maybe we should all introduce ourselves alittle. I'll go firs,t I am a teacher/server and I have 7 children. I was never really heavy until I had my twins and had to have a very complicated c-section done. Since then I haven't been able to lose the weight except for once when I lost 60 pounds on my own and then I got pregnant again and that was that.

Now I want to be thin again once and for all. I just want to be comfortable and be able to shop in the regular ladies department and not the plus size. I want to look in the mirror and like what I see.

Ok now its your turn!


tullip Mon, May-24-04 22:47

Introducing myself
First of all hi there gracejoy and welcome to our buddy group.!!!

Now about me, I am 25 years old and have three beautiful girls almost 4, almost 3 and 9 months. I have never been thin but was not overly heavy either. Then I had my girls. With all three of them I was so sick I could not eat for 9 months (but still managed to ave 8 lb babies) so i would lose weight while preggo. But then afterwards I would gain tons of weight. SO anyway, I am starting the radiography school here in town in July and I thought since I will be on my feet alot I need to start losing some weight. Besides now that I am done having kids. At lieast I think I am. I need to get back down to what I was, or close to it. My husband is doing the atkins diet along with me, but he is so strong willed and is also gone at work all day. Anyway, lets see, I live in Normal, IL (but I am not so normal hehe) and I am addicted to reality tv shows. I watch basically all of them that my husband will let me. Other than that I am just your average mom of three, trying to find my place in this world and start thinking about myself.

I guess that is all, I should go as there is massive storms here tonight so I wanna get this puter turned off. Probably gonna be alng night as it is suppose to storm all night and I know the girls will wake up. So wish me luck!!!!


P.S. We should think of a name for our buddy group ad then we can start anew thread? Just an idea, any suggestions

gachic05 Tue, May-25-04 07:43

I'd love to join you guys.... I'm always looking for buddies/more support. It looks like I'm the young one though haha. I'm an 18 year old student from Kennesaw, Georgia. I'll be attending Wesleyan College. I've pretty much been overweight my whole life. I had lost quite a bit of weight a couple years ago just by exercising and starving myself but then I gained it all back. I started Atkins in April and I absolutely love it. I have a really busy life so it's hard to find something to eat sometimes... but I manage. My email is if any of you need support. I'll try to think of a name for the group...I hope all of you are doing great today!

tullip Tue, May-25-04 11:03

Hi Gerogia chic!

Hows all my buddies doing today? I am okay although we had nasty storms last night and so I was up most of the night with the girls and then when I finally got them back to sleep I could not coughing. I have this damn bronchitis that is kicking my butt. Thankfully my husband is off on Tuesdays so he let me sleep in this morning. I am now off ot the store to buy some grocieries. I made sure ot eat lunch so I am not hungry and I will stick to my list. I found that making a list and sticking to it works great, if it is not on my list, I do not buy it. Also I was wondering ladies, what do you eat for breakfast? I am SOOOOO sick of bacon and eggs. Any help would be much appreciated.

Later gators,


gachic05 Tue, May-25-04 13:15

Tullip, sorry to hear that you didn't get much sleep.... I hate those nights. Hope your grocery shopping went well. I'm also getting sick of bacon and eggs. Every once in awhile I'll have sausage. A lot of people have Advatage shakes for breakfast... or Atkins Morning start bars... have you tried either? I found that the morning bars were stalling me.... but I haven't tried the shakes.

Scarlet 96 Tue, May-25-04 17:55

Hi everyone!
My buddy dissapeared a while ago. I'm not sure what happened but I really miss the support. I was wondering if I could join your little group?

I am 34 years old and a SAHM. I have 2 boys 6 and 2 1/2. I have been LCing since October and have lose 40 lbs. It has been a bit of a bumpy ride sometimes but overall I feel I am doing well and love this WOE. I would love to have someone to check in with every day. My email address is erni96AThotmailDOTcom.

As far as breakfast goes I like quick things: boiled eggs, sausages from the freezer, cheese and I have recently added melons.

tullip Tue, May-25-04 19:11

Hi to scarlet96 and welcome to our group.

Grocery shopping went pretty good. I stuck to my list, and the only thing I bought that was not on my list was a carb sense candy bar. SO i thought that was not too bad.

Anyhow, I don't know if I gave you guys my e-mail address so here it is j_richards4679ATyahooDOTcom. Feel free to e-mail me anytime, and if you have yahoo messenger you can find me at j_richards4679 or tullip_4679 I use both names.

I guess that is it for now! I will check back later. But will have yahho messenger this evening!

HAve a great evening and thinks positive! You can do this!


tullip Tue, May-25-04 19:13

Oh by the way gachic, I have not tried the shakes or the bars, I was wondering if the shakes are good. Was tempted to buy them. They just opened a low carb healthfood store here in town so i can get just about anything there, although it cost a pretty penny.

kathjef Tue, May-25-04 20:39

Hi Buddies!

Wow, what a day! I'm glad it's almost over before I forget here is my email address I am mostly on in the morning and early afternoon. I work most evening and if I still have engery when I get home I check my computer.

Now breakfast for me is boring too! I am really sick of eggs and bacon and sausage. One morning I had turkey and cheese roll ups and another I had Roast beef and cheese roll ups. I bought low carb pancakes and syrup but I still haven't tried them. I guess I'm scared they might make me stall. I read all about the horrors of artificial foods and I worry. The only low carb product I do eat is some LC Ice cream for a treat at night.

I have to share something that has been going on in body that is really weird. I have been taking Oil or Oregano since Saturday and I swear it has help my digestive system so much. You see I am one of the ones that had their gallbladder out 87 years ago and have a hard time metabolism fat, so everyday I was running to the bathroom after I would eat a really high fat meal. But since yesterday I haven't and I tested it out tonight and I didn't run to bathroom after I ate. I am so happy, I hope it continues and is not a fluke or something.

This leads me to my question for my buddies. What supplements are you taking and are they helping in any way?

I take OOO and one a day weight smart vitamins and I take relacore. I have been on relacore for almost two weeks and I have lost 3 inches around my belly/butt. I have had no adverse effects on anything I am taking so I am going to continue to take them.

Well its getting late and I have to turn in.

Sweet Dreams!

gachic05 Wed, May-26-04 06:56

Goodmorning everyone.... I haven't had breakfast yet. I don't really look forward to it anymore. I think I might try the shakes....I wonder how many calories they have. I need to get in as many calories as possible.... I have trouble upping my calories but not my carbs.
As far as supplements go.... I don't take OoO or relacore. I take a multi-vitamin, calcium, and magnesium. I was taking a carb blocker but I don't think it was helping anything. I think I might try relacore.... a lot of people seem to have gotten great results from it. Where can I get it? GNC or health store, you think? Kathy, I'm glad the relacore and OoO are working for you....Congrats on the 3 inches! Well I better hit the treadmill.

Take care and keep up the good work!

Scarlet 96 Wed, May-26-04 07:57

Hi everyone!
My oldest is home with a stomach bug today so I haven't gotten in much exercise and I can really feel the difference. Lack of sleep probably isn't helping either.

I take a multi vitamin as well as chromium and flax seed oil. I was having an awful time during TOM but they are really helping with the pain and cravings. Chromium is supposed to be good for balancing blood sugar and flax seed oil helps with a number of things includung inflamation and constapation.

It's funny what you will share with your friends on the net.

tullip Wed, May-26-04 09:44

right now I am only taking a multivitamin, don't really know what I should be taking. But I am looking in to it! Possibly relcore, if I can find it. Today is kind of a blah day, it is cloudy and rainy once agin here. Suppose to be all week. Yuck! I am getting excited fo rthe weekend as we are going away to my FIL house. I hope I can stick to this diet this weekend. It might be hard. But just so you guys know I will not be on line satu through monday. Sorry! Well I better get going, laundry to do. Today I feel so depressed and am having a very hard time.


kathjef Wed, May-26-04 10:15

Good Afternoon!
To answer your question you can get the relacore alot of places but the cheapest I found was at K-mart. There's is 29.99 and GNC was 49.99. I hope you try it because it really has been helping alot of people. I'll tell you the OOO is my God send!!! Well I have alot of work to do will check in again later.


Scarlet 96 Wed, May-26-04 10:25

Where does everyone get OoO and is it in capsules? I think I would like to try it.

kathjef Wed, May-26-04 10:29

I get it at Vitimin World and it was buy one get one free and it was capsules. Alot of places carry it!

tullip Thu, May-27-04 17:12

Hey ladies! Boards been kind of dead today! I know everyone has lives, and I am not complaining, just making sure everyone is okay and not having any problems! By the way, anyone think of a name for our buddy group so we can start a new post under that name? Just wondering.

WEll I better get going, hubby will be home and we need to eat dinner. Not sure what we are having as I am not really hungry. Pretty weir dthat yesterday all I could think about was food and today i am so not hungry. MAybe I am in mourning after seeing Diana Degarmo lose last night on american idol. Who knows!

Take it easy girls,


gachic05 Thu, May-27-04 19:15

I also noticed that the board was kinda dead today. Jamie, maybe you're in ketosis and that's why you're not hungry.... hopefully, right? Today is kinda a blah day. I personally was happy about Fantasia, so no mourning.... however I'm just kinda tired I guess... ready for Friday. Hope everyone has a great night.

tullip Thu, May-27-04 20:11

First of all, what is OOO, i see you guys take it, but I have no idea what it is, call me an atkins virign i guess. Oh well. Had a pretty good evening tonight, am watching celebrety poker showdown. My husband plays quite a bit of poker, and I do when I get a chance. I just love to watch it, and I love to sit down at a game and being a young 25 year old, everything thinks I can't play and then I get them. So fun! Hehehe! Anyway, I guess I will be going to bed soon, gotta get everything ready for the weekend. Like I posted before, i will be gone Sat till monday. No tears please, i will be back.


Scarlet 96 Fri, May-28-04 10:29

Happy Friday Everyone!

OoO is oil of oregano. I hanen't found any yet but it is supposed to be good for your motabilism. I can use all the help I can get.

Do any of you exercise? I think it's time I started but I need a bit of motivation. I have lots of equiptment thats full of dust and clothes. Treadmills make great hangers don't they? :D

gachic05 Fri, May-28-04 10:38

Tullip, have fun this weekend. We'll miss you.
Scarlet, I definitely think exercise helps. I've been lazy about my exercise lately but I made sure I incorporated exercise from the very beginning. I use the treadmill about every day.... I also try to fit in another aerobic activity....usually this disco sweat video. I've also started the BFL weight training with free weights. I want to make sure to do weight training to avoid any excess skin after losing.

Hope everyone is having a great friday!

Scarlet 96 Fri, May-28-04 14:28

WOW gachic that is amazing. Surly if you can do all that I can get on the treadmill. I also want to add in the free weights. DH does a lot of free weights so I'm going to get him to set up a routine for me. I am a bit worried about the skin thing. I think most of my elasticity went out the window with the babies.

tullip Tue, Jun-01-04 15:04

Okay guys, I am back from my lit trip and have to sadly say I totally blew it. I am so mad at myself, but no use crying over spilled perfume right. I am back on it today and feeling pretty good! So buddies, lets get posting okay!!!!!! WE all need suposrt and that is what this buddy thing is all about!


gachic05 Tue, Jun-01-04 16:43

Welcome back tullip! Did everyone enjoy their weekend? Tullip, sorry to hear that you fell off but you're right, just get over it and keep going. The hardest part is getting back on, and you've done that... so congrats. I've been pretty strict with myself for the past couple days....happy about that. Hopefully it pays off at the end of the week when I step on the scale. Well... hope everyone has a great night.


kathjef Wed, Jun-02-04 06:00

Hi from your Buddy!
Hi everyone!!

Welcome back tulip! Jump right back on board and you will be fine! Ok buddies I need your help! I am stalled!!! I haven't lost anything in two weeks!! Talk about frustration!! I know I have to drink more water, but I can't!! I HATE water, no matter how hard I try I can't get enough of the stuff down and until now I was doing fine with the amounts I was getting down. Does anyone have any suggestions. Here's a typical days menu for me

B - Eggs & Sugarfree bacon

L- Beef or chicken and salad - 1 cup

D- some meet and either broccoli or asparagus

For a snack I usually have SF jello or some other snack from the recipe file.

What I drink all day is a combination of water (yuck) 1 cup coffee, drinks made with splenda, SF Uncaffinated ice tea.

Maybe this is the usually staff after you lose a certain amount of weight, but whatever it is I DON"T LIKE IT!! Especially when you are trying so hard, it is really discouraging!!

The funny thing is my appitite has definately shrunk and I feel great. I"m really excited about starting my new excercise videos. Lilly gave me the name of her belly dance videos and I ordered them on ebay and they just arrived yesterday.

Well, I better go! Let us know how you all are doing and what frustrations you all are having.


Scarlet 96 Wed, Jun-02-04 07:19

Hi Buddies. It's good to have everyone back!

It's good to hear you are back on track Tulip, that is the hardest part. I hope you don't have cravings.

Kathy, not sure what the problem could be. I usually have a big lose then I stall out for a couple of weeks. I know you definately need lots of water. When I have a long stall it usually means I need more fat so I add in cream cheese, lots of butter, and mayo. Oh and olive oil on everything. You should try to keep track of your calories and fat g's for a few days. Maybe they aren't high enough. Fit Day is great for this as it gives you percentages and totals.

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