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IAMALOSER Fri, Apr-09-04 11:38

Starting Over 4/12/04 Anyone Else
I Am Starting Over And Looking For People That Are Doing The Same Or Are Just Starting. I Really Need The Support And Want To Find New Friends To Do This With.
Name...starting Weight....current Loss For The Week

Charleen Fri, Apr-09-04 17:59

Hi Debi

I'm starting on tuesday just to be in sync with my sisters (who are in washington state). Would love to hang out and pass notes to see how everything is going. Am going to post my weight and measurements on tuesday...which again will be your monday. confusing I know. Good luck and I will check up on you.


Hope your having a nice holiday.

IAMALOSER Fri, Apr-09-04 18:21

:Party: you can post any time during the will be nice to chat and talk about what we ate for the day.. i would love to hear what you eat.

coffee_iz Mon, Apr-12-04 09:32

hi debi & charleen.

i'm restarting today, too, and i can definitely use a little support. i've been struggling with staying on plan for a few months now and decided it would be best if i just started over. so far so good.

hope you're both doing well,

charleez Mon, Apr-12-04 09:44

Me Too!!!

Count me In!!! I thought for a moment that I'd actually start Atkins on Easter :lol: . Actually I've started today with eggs in the morning and am slowly adjusting. Let's support each other in this!!

Charlie Girl

IAMALOSER Mon, Apr-12-04 12:09

i am going to make my weigh in day on thursday. i did eat corn and mashed potaotes yesterday. just wanted to get it out of my sytem. i am glad to start over and find some new friends to help me with this.. i had eggs and sauage for breakfast and am now eating a salad with ham for lunch. just having steak for dinner. wish i could give up the coffee. and decaf just wont cut it. good luck to all you losers.

joyfire Mon, Apr-12-04 14:45

Starting over...again
:rolleyes: HI ! Im starting over as well.. Ive done atkins once for any legth of time and almost started again a few months ago but the time hasnt been right. Now ive been mulling over things and im ready to go the long haul this time. I started today(after finishing my easter candy last night) :p Ive only had a mozz stickandsomechikenlunch meat rolled up in a piece of swiss today.Dinner im having a chef salad me thinks! I would love to chat with others and support each other..does anyone have yahoo? Im silvergryffin, feel free to send me a message and add me as a buddy! Oh 208right now and 5'1 :eek: I will be 34 may 3 and im planning on NOTcheating as my bday prezzie to myself :D Cheers!

Supermommy Mon, Apr-12-04 15:21

I am also starting over again today.
I forgot to change my profile but I have gained back 6 pounds since carbing again.
My name is Erin.
Original start weight was 196, Atkin's start was 169. I am currently weighing in at 141 (5'3" mommy of 4).

I have MSN Messenger and my ID is ejcanavan.
Yahoo ID is ejcanavan3.

IAMALOSER Mon, Apr-12-04 15:48

suppermommy.. i tried to put you on my msn messenger but said you were not on it. it is ejcanavan at msn com right.. mine it tweetyliveshere at msn com
anyone elsa want to be put on my list so we can talk more :Party:

IAMALOSER Mon, Apr-12-04 16:01

I will be 35 on May 6th. I have been married for almost 25 years well it will be 25 years in December. I have 3 boys. My oldest one is a lead at assembly place. He has one son and not the wife. So that is a fight all the time to get to see his son. He had a birthday on the 4th and she would not answer her phone so we could not get him. We had a party for a 3 year old with out the 3 year old. So now I have presents in the trunk of my car still wrapped. Now I have a Easter basket with no child to eat the candy. She did the same thing again and would not answer the phone. Then there is my middle one he is a manger of a movie theater. And my youngest is a manger of a video store. And has been married for almost 2 years. They don’t have any kids yet but I think they will be starting to try in September. They wanted to wait for her to get out of school. She is learn to do nails and hair. She is really good at what she is doing, hope this all works out for them..

IAMALOSER Tue, Apr-13-04 06:35

i really really need help.. i want to step on the scale. my weigh in day is thursday help me stay off the scale. that i what i think made me stop aktins last time. i was on that thing everyday and when i did not see any change i stopped do it..i keep telling my self that i can wait until thursday. but every time i go in the bathroom there it is calling my name

IAMALOSER Fri, Apr-16-04 18:04


i lost 3 pounds in the last 3 days. so i am going but cant count it until i am 199 because it i my regain poundage.

Name...starting Weight....current Loss For The Week

IAMALOSER Tue, Apr-20-04 06:59

Guess No One Wanted To Do This With Me

suzzee2003 Tue, Apr-20-04 14:45

Hi Imaloser, I was just checking out this challenge and thought I would say hi and tell you not to get too discouraged! I hope you don't mind I added you to my MSN messenger so we could chat sometimes! Hope you are having a Great LC day!

tomsej Tue, Apr-20-04 19:43

I'm on the 50 in 2004 challenge; I re-started on April 13th?

Can I play?


PS I have lost 8 lbs this week and feel great and have my old energy back!
(I lost 40 lbs in 1997/98 - gained it all back + 11 lbs by last week)

IAMALOSER Wed, Apr-21-04 10:58

you can play here ...all are welcome here... so welcome tom

Rainbowgc Wed, Apr-21-04 11:03

Count me in too. I am down 19 lbs since jumping back on.


tomsej Wed, Apr-21-04 20:37

Great ... am down another pound to 234. Sorry for being so happy. I'm in the 50lb challenge for 2004 as well and I'm getting a very large taste of how tough it is to lose weight as a female.

For once, I look forwad to being a big loser!


pammmye Thu, Apr-29-04 12:39

Starting Over
I had to work really hard to loose the weight I lost this past 3 years. I put back on 33 pounds and recently saw the error in my ways. Working out everyday and following a strict food plan got me to goal. I thought I could add SF cheesecake and ice cream daily and maintain. Wrong :bash: Two days ago I recommitted to myself to get back into Ketosis and back to the program I used to take it off. I was able to see for the first time that the calories I ate when I gave in and binged have to be paid back in full. If I was lucky I lost 2 pounds a week. I didn't suffer much while taking it off. The suffering came when I was around people who were eating, pasta, ice cream, cake and pies. One of the foods that bothered me the most was carrot cake. I went to a birthday party and watched my family pig out on carrot cake. It was a different brand from the one I use to buy. A few months later I went to another birthday party with the same kind of cake. I gave in. I took one bite and pushed it away. It was not good at all. I did however switch to the peach pie which was good. I am spending the last day of over three weeks with family. I believed I couldn't stay clean for that lenght of time and gave in. My mother in law has to have cookies and cake or she gets too thin. Can you believe it. I took to hanging out in my bedroom in the evenings. I started having slushes when they had ice cream. It is day three and I was really feeling hungry this morning so I had some BBQ chicken. It was merinated in italian salad dressing. Followed by a slush. I am feeling satified now. Some of the things I stop doing for myself when I start falling off is I stop taking my vitamins. I stopped keeping quality protiens in the house like chicken and steaks. Before I blew it I bought some insulated lunch carriers for my decaf diet sodas that would fit into my rather large handbage and now I am keeping almond butter with me too. I like it becasue I don't have to worry about it spoiling.
Tomarrow 6 am we take the family to the airport. I have until September 14th to loose this 33 pounds and to develop stratigies for spending another two weeks with my food crazy family. :cheer: Any ideas you have for being around food insanity I would be greatful to hear. Thanks, Pam

tomsej Thu, Apr-29-04 13:23

Welcome pammye!
Any ideas you have for being around food insanity I would be greatful to hear. Thanks, Pam

Well, seeing what went wrong and trying to fix it is a HUGE step.

I am a compulsive eater and night time refirgerator raider. Having "good" snacks and quick foods in the house is very improtant for my success.

I lost 40lbs in 1997/98 and by 2001, I had it all back plus 11 lbs.

Well, I'm down 11lbs since recommiting (well need to add two for sugar alcohol ovedose last night - should be gone by tomorrow!)

Food insanity - keeping your cool when all is chaos around you.

I found out that for me in the last two weeks that I need to try and insulate myself from stress. When I feel stress for whatever reason, a twinge starts in my stomach and I convert it into EAT EAT!!!

There are days that you feel like a wimp and a push-over. Try to minimize these with food "battle-plans."

Find out about what kind of food will be around. If you have a weakness for something, be mentally prepared to slay that food dragon.

This requires the development of mental toughness towards the foods you know you are weak for. Are they that good? Is something esle that is legal able to fill the void?

Bring your own emergency food. The biggest disaster is a pizza party with garlic bread and no salad.

This has taken me some time to realize this. I'm not going to take it anymore.

The good ship "Enter-ketosis" must full-fill it's mission -

"To seek out delicious and nutritious low-carb foods - to take your palate where no palate has gone before!!!"

The vitamins are **CRITICAL** for me. If I don't get all the micro-nutrients I need, not only will I not lose weight, but my health suffers.

I have to take Chromium 3 times a day to control glucose spikes and hence craving attacks.

Even when I ate those 3-Atkins bars in one day - I could have stopped myself; I just wimped out and didn't.

Look at what you have accomplished - set your goals and tool up accordingly. I have to go back and read the books - Protien Power and The New Diet Revolution to re-motivate myself.

You can't control the actions of others, but you are in total control of your own actions.

Coming back here for support is an important step - I regained because I started to believe the people who said the diet was bad for me even though:
  • I felt great
  • I looked great
  • Had lots of energy
  • greatly reduced bouts of depression
  • got rid of my Candidiasis

What does your 'positives" list look like? Write them down and keep them with you when you feel week. I do.

Once again, welcome back and stay plugged in.


gachic05 Sat, May-01-04 06:44

I'd love to join this challenge. I've been on LC for about 3 weeks now. I too need to throw the scale out. I want to step on it everyday and I get discouraged when I'm up a pound, even though I'll be down 5 pounds the next day. That is my goal for this week... avoid the scale until Friday. Friday is my weigh in day.

tomsej Sat, May-01-04 23:29

Originally Posted by gachic05
I'd love to join this challenge. I've been on LC for about 3 weeks now. I too need to throw the scale out. I want to step on it everyday and I get discouraged when I'm up a pound, even though I'll be down 5 pounds the next day. That is my goal for this week... avoid the scale until Friday. Friday is my weigh in day.

Let me be the first to welcome you aboard! The scale ... can't live with it ... can't live without it *sigh*.

I do my daily weight check, but I only concern myself with weekly changes. I am still afraid that I will gain if I don't check it. One of my many crutches. Another goal for me to reach.

If you can stay away from your scale for a week, all the power to you.


pammmye Sun, May-02-04 15:13

Debi's Buddy
Hi Debi,
I read all the posts and am going to connect with you. Congrats on the 3 pounds. :cheer: You did make it to Thursday before weighing? right? I know how you feel. My mood is so effected by the scale. I am plannuing on only weighing on saturdays. Yesterday I lost 3 pounds too. I am hooping for 2.5 per week. For breakfast I had 2 eggs over easy in 1 T butter and 1T flax meal on top. I just finished 8 ounces of roast pork chopped into thin strips and sauteed with 1 cup cabbage and 1tsp of almond butter, 1tsp oil and ginger, onion and galrlic spices and sweentened with cherry splenda syrup. Soct of a chowmain. Tonight my hubby will bbq a chicken I marinated for 2 days in Paul Newmans vigegrett salad dressing. I will have 2 cups of romaine lettuce with cesaer dressing topped with 1 ounce of shredded parmeasean cheese. Last night I snacked on almond butter with splenda stirred in it. I am using it to get off cream. I try to eat as little as possible and make it last until bed time. I also have jello any time. I will try to get my instant messengering up and running so we can chat. Stick with it. Pam

IAMALOSER Mon, May-03-04 07:03

I Have to weighed in yet.. i want to wait because i did not work out last week. but i am putting a full week. doing my ab crunches on monday.. and work out for an hour.. stair stepper on tuesday.. upper body on wednesday..then starting all over..

IAMALOSER Sun, May-09-04 10:22

Happy Mothers Day TO ALL THE MOTHERS

wvmom75 Mon, May-10-04 21:51

Is it to late for me to join
I just started low carbing today and I could use all the support that I can get, is to late to join your group?


IAMALOSER Tue, May-11-04 06:56

it is never to late to join.. all are welcome..

tomsej Thu, May-13-04 14:18

Never Give Up! Start Now!
Originally Posted by wvmom75
I just started low carbing today and I could use all the support that I can get, is to late to join your group?


Never Say Never Mr. Bond!

Hey, I joined the 50lb challenge in the middle of April!

It's NEVER too late!

Welcome aboard Annie.


maries1964 Fri, May-14-04 10:39

Hi there, I just restarted myself and I am also looking for buddies to do this with. I actually started on May 11 and as of now I have gone from 277 to 271. I know it is mostly water weight but it feels good to see that darn number go down. Well I hope to hear from you....

tomsej Fri, May-14-04 11:30


Welcome - my first week of "restarting" I lost 8 lbs, so don't worry. A loss is a loss and you are headed in the right direction.

We all need to help each other out - we're glad to have you here.


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