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nursey15 Sun, Dec-28-03 19:53

Challenge- 100 cheat free days
I'm officially going to start this thread from the Adkins forum.

You must decide what a cheat is for you and you may outline it in your first post. I don't feel that 1 or 2 SF Reese's P-Butter cups every once in a while is a cheat. But a bag in a day would be.

I started on 12/27/03 so I have 2 days under my belt.

If you need the cheat free symbol you can get it here just change the 1.gif to a 2.gif or 3.gif etc.

I counted my days already.

here is my no cheat guidelines for myself ( I might modify if the weight is coming off fast and I move into OWL)

1. the obvious- no bread, cookies, cake etc!!!
2. only 2 peices of SF candy per week
3. no going over 25 carbs in 1 day (20 perferable since I'm doing induction)
4. no more than 4 oz of cheese a day
5. whipping cream only once a week. Whipped or other
6. after the first 2 weeks, only 1 LC dessert treat a week.
7. Limit splenda to no more than 3-4 packets a day.
8. Bacon, sausage and other processed meats no more than twice a week.
9. No less than 3 liters of water a day.
10. take my slew of vitamins every day, unless sick (eww that's 14 pills every morning)

Wow this might be harder than I thought. lol These are all the things I was having problems with the first time around on induction. I was staying LC, but was "treating" myself to much I think. I didn't add anything about veggies, cuz I've been eating plenty of those, and I get sick of salad, so I was going to add 2c salad a day, but 100 days of salad and I think I would puke.

Good luck to all- if ya cheat, just change your symbol back to 1 and keep going!! We will support you- after we beat you with a LC wet noodle! :lol:

2B-ABLE Sun, Dec-28-03 21:00

Hey count me in too. I am starting Jan 2, 2004

My guidelines are:
* 6 bottles of water a day at least
* excercise 3-5 times per week
* no breads,candy,cakes, etc.
* No fried things
* limit of 25 carbs
* After first 2 weeks...peanuts allowed
* Weigh once per week on the same day

Hopefully I will make it 100 days... I will probably have to make mini goals or cheat free days to get through it...
My first one will be 10 days..

nursey15 Sun, Dec-28-03 21:15

lol was this a bad day, I see you are at 10 days now.

time2shine Sun, Dec-28-03 21:37

K Im here too
My outline:

1)2 weeks on Atkins KISS...thats no processed meats, dairy, splenda, coffee(after tomorrow), butter, mayo, mostly unprocessed meats and a tons of allowed veggies

2) After 2 weeks then Induction: limiting coffee to 1 cup a day, limiting splenda to 2 packs a day..limiting processed meats to twice a week..limiting cream cheese to 4oz per week.

3)100oz of water every day

4) 30 minutes of exercise every day STARTING TOMORROW :lol:

I started on 12/27/2003 as well...and I count my day when I take my last swig of water for the night..start weight for this challenge was 159..although I suspect Im carrying 10 lbs of bloat from the Christmas Cheating.

Yes this is gonna be very challenging, especially the mandatory exercise cuz Im such a couch potato, but its just what I need...thanks again Kathy :bhug:

Good luck to all,

Lammie22 Sun, Dec-28-03 22:54

Ok, I'm in
I need a challenge. I've been thinking of going until October cheatfree -- but it's good to start with a smaller goal!

I've already given up coke (huge addiction, pre-Atkins), ice tea, all caffeine and artificial sweetners in an effort to lose weight. So now I'm going to work on cutting way back on the dairy to see what happens.

First mini goal: 2 weeks cheatfree.

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong with the cheatfree symbol?

suzzee2003 Sun, Dec-28-03 22:57

I need some buddies so I want to join your group! I really need to commit to the 100 cheat free days! I was fine until I cheated over the holiday's and I just need the support & commitment to get back on track!
My Plan is to
1) Eat breakfast everyday
2) No bread, potato's & etc
3) Drink at least 3 big glasses of water daily
4) Walk around this house if the weather is too bad
(i live on a mountain and it is really hard to get walking when the ice and snow come) there is no walking here just hikeing!
For now that's it and I will start tomorrow Dec 29th

judyr Sun, Dec-28-03 23:03

I didn't cheat over the holidays but I won't start back into induction until New years day. I was given a really lovely bottle of Champagne that I intend to toast the new year in with. I am hoping that going back to induction will jump start my weight lose again.

nursey15 Sun, Dec-28-03 23:37

Lammie- it won't take a 0.gif, I tried that just to keep it on my sig line, as soon as you have 1.gif it will work for ya. you also need to put url's around it, if it didn't already add it.

time2shine Sun, Dec-28-03 23:43

Im soooooo sleepy and yet Im still up lol why.

Go to profile..then select signature..paste the cheatfree symbol addy down in your box THEN select the INSERT IMAGE ICON to place the cheatfree symbol into your signature Or you can type should look like this BUT without the spaces between the [ ]

[ IMG ][ /IMG ]

so that [ IMG ] will actually look like [IMG] and the [ /IMG ] is actually [/IMG] want to start with the 1.gif after you complete one day cheatfree then revisit your signature and erase the 1 and put in 2...3...4 for each day accordingly.<cf 2 day symbol<cf 3 day symbol

and so forth.

There is no 0.gif

Hope this helps.

Welcome everyone and good luck!

angieK Sun, Dec-28-03 23:59

Okay I am game to start. I have been on this WOE about 3 months and I am starting to have that stupid carb creep. Plus after having a few too many sweets I find myself starving. I hate that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
So here are my rules:
1. Walk at least 3 times a week, 1 hour either outside or treadmill
2. Only 20 -25 carbs per day
3.Start trying new recipes
4. Drink more water at home, 1 glass of water before each cup of decaffinated tea.
5. Put in my journal what I eat each and everyday starting on Dec. 29th
Starting weight 194 lbs

nawchem Mon, Dec-29-03 00:33

I'm in too!

nursey15 Mon, Dec-29-03 05:44

I like your #4 nawchem. It's so hard to follow anything when you are sick.

nursey15 Mon, Dec-29-03 05:48

oh man I gotta quit reading all you guy's limitations, I keep adding to mine, pretty soon I'm bound to cheat with something up there lol. Now I'm up to 10 "Principals of No Cheating" lol that's what I'm gonna call my 10 little thingys up there.

CindyLynn Mon, Dec-29-03 11:52

I'd like to join you guys also! I need to think on my Principals of No Cheating. I'll post them after I've figured them out! :)

Lammie22 Mon, Dec-29-03 15:24

Thank you Time2shine and Kathy for helping me with the icon. I needed those details to figure it out!

suzzee2003 Mon, Dec-29-03 19:39

Thanks for the info on the cheat symbol! I needed the extra help too. I had a good day today and acually have always had great days LCing since May until Dec 22nd but that's behind me now and when I get over this horrible cold I will feel so much better! Thanks for starting the 100 cheat free days! Like you said in the first post it all depends on what a cheat is for each of us!

nursey15 Mon, Dec-29-03 19:46

:clap: Ohhhh I'm so happy to have so many buddies out here to boost me and all of us through this!!!!

angieK Mon, Dec-29-03 22:12

Okay--I blew my first day by 5 carbs. Oh well at least I know where the carbs are and now am counting them on a daily basis. Tomorrow is another day. my cheat free sign will not advance until tomorrw.

nursey15 Mon, Dec-29-03 23:20

awww it's not soon enough for noodle whipping time angie. Day 1 and 2 are always the hardest to get going again. The craves were worse this time than last for me. Today the bottom dropped outta my hunger and I had to scramble tonight to figure out how to up my carbs and fat intake. (day 3) Happened last time too. Day 2 both times have been really high calorie days for me, but then BAM day 3 hits like a ton of bricks and I almost forget to eat. I still lost .5 yesterday with all those calories.

Tomorrow is yet another day---of LC'ing that is lol

Jump back up on that horse and RIDE'M COWGIRL!!!

reminds me of a bumber sticker I saw once--
Save a horse, Ride a cowboy!!

time2shine Mon, Dec-29-03 23:39

Made it through 3 days!
97 more to go. :doah: :lol:

Angie good luck tomorrow!! Persistance! Fall down 7 stand up 8!

Today was easier for me cravings wise...and hungers gone away...I forgot to eat till 5pm..yikes I know..but I was busy and didnt mean to actually forget to eat for that long amount of time. Had one cup of coffee this am with lc last cup for the next 11 days. Wish me luck as I do all of you!!

GO GO GO !!! We can ROCK this Challenge!! We can OWN THIS NEW YEAR!!

:cheer::cheer::cheer: :D :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

surfnmom Tue, Dec-30-03 05:05

Count me in
Today is the day, funny I said tht last week. Been eating all the crap for the past 4 days, feel like the crap I have been eating LOL. Gas, bloating 4Lb gain. Here my guidlines

#1 throw out the rest of the pie
#2 stay at 20 carbs first few weeks then go up to 25 the rest of the days.
#3 get back to drinking my water
#4 When I feel the urge to cheat, remind myself of all the bloating and gas that
goes with it LOL

Thanks for making this thread


nursey15 Tue, Dec-30-03 06:56

surfnmom- you can do it you can do it you can do it.

I think we all need that one time cheat to make us understand just how miserable we can be!!

Put down the pie!! The trash can is in the garage, no one will notice the gas it gives him.

nursey15 Tue, Dec-30-03 06:58

I wanted to edit my first post to reflect my start weight this time around, but it's been to long to edit it, so I'll but it here so I don't forget-- 222 :( Seems that 222 is an unlucky number for me I got stuck there for a week last time.

angieK Tue, Dec-30-03 10:59

Okay I am standing. I will do it today. Thanks for your kind words. Surfnmom we can do this. I am so sure I will be able to change my cheatfree sign tomorrow morning.

GypsyAngel Tue, Dec-30-03 13:53

Hi everyone!!
Just saw this thread and thought I'd pop in. I'd love to jump into this challenge. I went back on induction yesterday after MOOOOOOing over the holidays as I ate like a cow!!! I can blame stress, job, temptation but the bottom line is I caved under pressure and ate and ate and ate!!!!
Soooooooo - I started again yesterday and had one complete cheat free day. I've added the cheat free symbol to my sig and am ready for 99 more cheat free days. :yay:

My rules-
-20 carbs/day
-post each day in fitday (been slacking!)
-70% fat calories per fitday
-80 oz water/day
-Curves, TaeBo or treadmill 4x/week

Nice to meet y'all and thanks for the support.

Gypsy :roll:

nawchem Tue, Dec-30-03 14:23

Surfnmon I love your #1- throw out the rest of the pie, that takes true dedication.

Well I'm on day 8, today I went to Starbucks and looked at all the chocolate and smelled the coffee. It didn't make me feel deprived nor do I miss it, I just enjoyed looking and smelling.

Angie the first few days are hard, then it seems to get easier and easier. The main things I am not eating are diet sodas or chocolate. I thought it might be impossible but here I am doing.

adukart Tue, Dec-30-03 15:58

I would love to join you also. This is exactly what I needed. I've been cheating for the last 8 days, about 1 piece of chocolate each day but not gaining or losing so I keep telling myself to stop but then I think you can have just one more piece and start over tomorrow, WRONG. I am starting right now. I will most likely cheat on New Years but you never know maybe I will be strong enough not to. I will list my rules as soon as I think of them:

Start Weight: 129

#1. Drink my water (between 80-120 oz.)
#2. 2 cups of coffee at the most per day (or diet soda) NOT BOTH
#3. Excersize (As soon as I get my new Winsor Pilates DVDs, until then continue shovling the snow every morning.)

time2shine Wed, Dec-31-03 00:01

quick fly in before turning in
Hi just wanted to pop in here...and say Im on day 4.

Looks like we have a wonderful group here...good luck to each and every one of you ...

Welcome, GypsyAngel(beautiful name btw) and adukart, Congrats nawchem you are doing and on the KISS program, angieK...Attagirl!! I hope your day went well...and will be looking for your updated cheatfree sign tomorrow...

Nursey girlie..I luv yah, this is a really great challenge, will help all of us get back on track and start this new year strong. :)

Sorry if I missed anyone Im really tired and sick ...welcome to all that have joined ...strength in numbers.

Happy Dreams everyone,

surfnmom Wed, Dec-31-03 03:06

Woooyoooo My cheatfree logo is up :)
Angie if I can get through tht first day, I know you can too girl. Lord I haven't thought about eating as much as I did yesterday. LOL I baked chicken, hamburgers, even pulled out a steak. Anything to keep from eating the rest of the Christmas crap. LOL I sure hope today is better, need to get my house cleaned up and get some work done, instead of standing in the kitchen with my nose in the fridge. :)

nawchem I haven't thrown the pie out yet, Hope the kids and hubbie will finish it off. But the first time it calls to me, It will go right in the trash, and I don't care who crys over it LOL. I think I will make me up some of the ziplock icecream I saw in the recipe section, just incase today gets bad with the cravings. One thing is I gave up the diet pepsi back in Nov. And I find I don't get the suger cravings very much anymore. Right now it's just food, hopefully tomorrow tht will be gone too :) (good ole day 3)

Sooo glad to be here and soooo happy to get my cheatfree logo back up

Have a happy Cheatfree Day all

angieK Wed, Dec-31-03 11:19

Okay I am back on track. Yeah!!! With a nice loss. I know it is water but I will take it. Not starving all the time also-life is good. It is hard to believe that a few pieces of cake and bread can play so much havoc with the body. I guess that will teach me:agree:
Thanks everyone

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