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JMakeupLC Tue, Mar-04-03 11:55

I'm tired of doing this...weight watchers next?
I'm really feeling like i'm done with this. I cant even manage to stay on induction for more than 5 days. I always have a bing, before my two weeks are up.

I really just dont know how to be moderate. I'm either eating such little carbs that i'm exhausted, or i want a banana split. Mind you, i've always had a sweet tooth,but i've never EVER had cravings like I do when i'm low carbing. I just think about all the foods i cant have and it drives me up the wall.

So i was wondering if i could loose my last 15 lbs. on Weight Watchers, but that sucks too bc i remember being NOTHING but hungery on that diet. I'm HYPOGLYCEMIC so thats not even an option to be hungery that is, bc i will most definitely pass out if i starve myself.

- I just want the strength to stay on this road and succeed.

- I want the strength to refuse sugar temptations

- I want to lose 15 more lbs.

- I want to stop whining about it and do it.

Crap! I just had half and apple and peanut butter (my favorite thing to eat ever hands down) is that going to set me back if i try to start induction today?

Oh yeah, i have no will to go the gym anymore either, i used to go 6 days a know what, i think i'm dipping back into depression now that i think about it.

Its weird, when you type it out and look at your admitting statement. I dont want to go the dark place any more.....Help.

Jenn :heart:

Skamito Tue, Mar-04-03 12:09

I'm sorry you're feeling so low. It must be frustrating to feel out of control. I bet you've been trying hard and it's not your FAULT that you can't stick to it. It might not be the right plan for you.

I'm definitely not an expert on this, but have you considered trying the Carbohydrate's Addict Diet? It's a lot like Atkins for two meals of the day, but in your "reward meal" you're allowed a moderate amount of carbs, including dessert, as long as it's balanced and starts with a salad. I'm simplifying, of course, but if you can't curb cravings (psychological and physical) and want to get control of your hypoglycemia, it may be a good path for you.

I'm not in favor of Weight Watchers because I think it's more of a weight loss diet that you won't stick to for maintenance. People on CAD seem to have no problems sticking with it for life, plus they can have a slice of cake after a dinner of salad, meat, veggies, and rice.

Just a thought. I hope you get some great suggestions and find something that works for YOU.


AmyTN Tue, Mar-04-03 12:10

Before you give up, try L-glutamine to fight your sweets cravings. I don't think you'll find WW any better- You still have to restrict what you eat, exercise, and put forth the effort to stick with it. I don't think a change of diets will make the difference- only an attitude adjustment will. Look how much you've already lost with the low carb plan. Look how close to your goal you are. Are you willing to risk throwing all that away? We all get discouraged some days, but that doesn't mean give up. Here's a poem I have up on my fridge that helps me when I'm feeling sorry for myself and having a rough day:
Don't Whine
Today I saw a lovely girl with golden hair,
envied her & wished I were so fair.
When she rose to go, she hobbled down the aisle.
She had one leg, wore a crutch & a smile.
Oh God forgive me when I whine,
I have 2 legs, the world is mine.
Then I stopped to buy some sweets.
The lad who sold them had such charm.
I talked with him- my being late was no harm.
As I left, he said to me,"You've been so kind.
You see,"he said,"I am blind."
Oh God forgive me when I whine,
I have 2 eyes, the world is mine.
Later, I saw a child with eyes of blue.
Watching others play, not knowing what to do.
"Why don't you join the others, dear?"
He stared ahead, he couldn't hear.
Oh God forgive me when I whine...
Anonymous Poet
So my point is try to focus on the positive, not the negative. Don't give up with your goal so close. I hope this helps. Good luck.
God Bless,

reese Tue, Mar-04-03 12:19

response to a few things you said
First of all the gym thing: I TOTALLY know how you feel, I used to go all the time and I just got burned out. So what I did is I took time off from the gym and started doing more outside. I started running, taking my dog on long walks, doing yard work, etc. If you can't do things outside, is there a place to play raquet ball where you live? I enjoy that, too. You wanna know the best thing I ever did to get myself modivated to exercise? I bought an MP3 player. No joke, there is nothing more modivating than listening to music if you ask me. Especially if you feel you are slipping into depression, you really need the physiological benefits of exercise. Do yourself a favor and get out there!
On another topic, just wondering how you lost 20lbs w/out getting through induction? WW always left me starving, too. Have you tried having some fatty protien before allowing yourself to "cheat"? BTW, its never too late to get back on track so yes, if you want to start induction today then do it! Most people say that if you really stay on track w/ induction, it only takes 1-2 weeks for those horrible cravings to go away. Why don't you just promise yourself that you will hang in there for 7 days (to break the 5 day cycle)? And then just take it day by day.
Last, I'd like to say:
Put the spoon down slowly and step away from the peanut butter.
Good luck to you

geel Tue, Mar-04-03 12:24

[QUOTE]Originally posted by AmyTN
[B]Before you give up, try L-glutamine to fight your sweets cravings.

Is this all natural ? I guess my question is what is in it? My cravings are getting bad and I am doing so good I don't want to ruin it!

Skamito Tue, Mar-04-03 12:29

L-Glutamine is a nonessential amino acid that does a whole mess of stuff. I use it after workouts because it's good for muscle repair. Not sure why it helps carb cravings (maybe because it feeds the need?) but it does.

I'm sure a search would prove helpful. It is DEFINITELY all natural though.


nawchem Tue, Mar-04-03 12:31

It seems like some type of lowcarb will be good for you because of the hypoglycemia.

I personally believe the word perfect should be outlawed. Noone does the plan perfectly, I think you can start where you are and take baby steps to learning how to work the plan for your body. It seems like your body wants more carbs, so why not give it more. I did induction and had 40 carbs per day. It slowed my weight loss but it has become easier for me to now eat 20 carbs a day. This isn't really the "atkins" plan its the Nancy plan. What's wrong with that? Right now I'm trying eating around 20 for 3-4 days, lose 2 pounds than up my carbs to 50ish to maintain the rest of the week. I'm eating 1700 calories a day, on ww I would be at 1200 and lose maybe a pound a week. If you like structure there are other higher carb plans. They didn't work for me, at a certain point higher carbs turn on my uncontrollable cravings, but they may be great for you. Or you can try cutting out the candy, bread, corn, potatoes, pasta, rice and see if you'll lose that way.

HTH nancy

gladehaven Tue, Mar-04-03 12:47

I'm hearing a lot of frustration and pain in your words....

I think Atkins is not the program for you. Skamito is right, hon. You should check out the Carbohydrate Addict's Diet and see if that works better for you.

I personally can't do the CAD diet because just one little slice of cake would lead to the whole darn thing! NO willpower, yanno.

As for that feeling of darkness... its wintertime, just before spring and I think everyone's feeling a bit of that drag.. try to take a walk outside, do something to change your scenery and stop dwelling so much on the numbers on the scale..

If you still feel it, visit your doctor. Please? I know that feeling, and I hate it, and sometimes, you just have to bite the bullet and go.


wesley101 Tue, Mar-04-03 13:32

A Diet is about control and I see you have done quite well to get to this point.

remember reaching the goal only means that from then on you will not splurge everyday but maybe once a week.

It is hard Diets ... wanting to eat the food we cannot eat until we have reached our goal.

Sometimes you have to have some and it happens.

Ogden Tue, Mar-04-03 13:40

I feel your pain. I developed some strategies to get me through induction without cheating. I always had something around that I could eat that was high fat or high protien, like sliced turkey, or celery w/cream cheese. That way when a craving hit I would have something to eat, additionally I had Diet Rite cola around an having some of it seemed to blunt the "sweet" part of the craving while the "hunger" part was given protien and fat. This seemed to make it much easier for me.

On induction I didn't give a hoot about calories, so if you are restricting your calories, even a little, don't. That might just be triggering cravings. I just ate until I was full, and tried to pay attention to when I was satisfied. If I ate too much then I tried to pay better attention the next time. What I found was that after a few days of just eating as much of the approved foods as I wanted, I started eating less. I was recognizing the satifaction point and stopping sooner. I drink 5-6 liters of water a day and take supplements to keep a lack of nutrients or water from triggering a craving as well. This method did not seem to interupt any weight loss.

If you are determined to Atkins, these strategies might help you. If you need more variety, look into other plans. The mistake, I think, people make, as someone mentioned above, is that they are so used to following a set diet "Plan" that they feel like it's the bible. It's not, it's a guideline. Yes, its true that some people may need to drastically reduce carbs to get their weight down, but if you go to the gym 6 days a week and have only 15 pounds to lose, I can assure you that you are probably not one of those people. Find a plan that looks like you can do it, then make it work for you. If you need the "rules" then maybe pick a less restrictive plan. Sure you may not lose the wieght as fast, but you will be successful inthe end, so who cares?

Don't abandon the low-carb altogether, the health benefits are too great to give up. You just need to get through that first phase so you can feel them for yourself!

max Tue, Mar-04-03 14:03

I've been there so many times...

I've been on the last 15 lbs since December. Get on plan, lose 5 lbs, get off, gain 2, get back on...

The process is frustrating but looking back I realise that I've been trending downward overall, so what if it does not go smoothly? As long as it goes I'm happy.

Also you must recognize that the last few lbs are HELL to get rid of. Your body will hold on to those for dear life. It's a test of wills, your mind against your body, which is stronger?

Re cravings, I'm a huge carb addict and have no willpower. I find that eating constantly helps. I have meat & veg for breakfast, meat or nuts mid-moning, more meat & veg for lunch, meat in the afternon and meat in the evening. After a few days I'm so sick of meat that it's pretty easy for me to do a juice fast. After a break of a day or two, I'm ready for induction again.

Also, the recipes section should have gobs of low carb sweet treats. Eat like you mean it!

Finally, I am bone lazy. I bought Bodyflex a few years ago and swear by it. I combine the BF breathing with Yoga poses. 15 mins per day, three days per week yields noticeable results.

Drop me a line, let me know where you go from here.

JMakeupLC Tue, Mar-04-03 23:37

I owe every pound thats not on me from now on from each and everysingle one of you.

I sincerely love you all. If any one ever needs a thing please dont ever hesitate to lemme know!!!!!!!

Your all right, I have to get back on my horse, i've gotten this far, now its time to kick it into high gear to the finish line.


I'm not going to front i totally had ice cream tonight bc i was like all is lost ho hum...whoa is me. but you know what, how can i be all sad and pitty party when i have THIS MUCH support and love and care???

I mean seriously. Get your stuff together Jenn. GO out get some nutz, bacon, califlower, steak, diet rite, cream cheese and eggs and go to town, and when i get SKINNY and make it as a makeup artist in NYC i'm having a HUGE ass low carb GALA so we can all eat bacon and lobster and be skinny and giggly about your success and pride, and how much we all really support each ohter each and every day along the way.....



Skamito Wed, Mar-05-03 10:30

Go Jenn!

:clap: :clap: :clap:

You go get em!


p.s. I love this forum. :bhug:

AmyTN Wed, Mar-05-03 11:37

I'm so happy to hear you're feeling better and sticking with it. You're worth the extra effort. Good luck, and we're all here whenever you need us.
God Bless,

csj Wed, Mar-05-03 11:52

That's the attitude, Jenn! you can do this.


jedswife Wed, Mar-12-03 12:54

remember the first week is the worst if you can get past the first week of induction you should have it made. you need the first week just to get the crap out of your system. the second week of induction you should lose weight.

start experimenting with recipes on this site and others. i have found a indivudual cheesecake recipe that is great w/ only like 2 carbs.

make sure you eat a lot of fat the first two weeks this really helped with my cravings. keep pre-cooked bacon around and if you are really wanting carbs eat some of the bacon. the fat will get thru the cravings. also try pepperoni bites they have high fat and really satisfy you.

also check out the health food stores they KETO Nuts such chocalatey covered almonds made with splenda and they kill the sweet tooth.

Teuthis Wed, Mar-12-03 13:13

Where lies the problem?
I looked at this post several times before I was willing to comment on it. But I just have to tell you..

The problem is not with the Atkins diet, or any other diet. The problem is with you. You obviously do not really want to commit to losing weight. Until you do, no one and no diet can help you. So with your present attitude, you might as well just hide all your mirrors, buy some larger size clothes and have fun gorging yourself to death. Because that is certainly where you are headed if you don't decide that your health and appearance mean more to you than stuffing something into your mouth. With all respect, I think you are in self denial and blaming everything but yourself for it.

The bottom line of dieting is very simple; on any diet. You have to eat less; and you must eat the proper foods for your metabolism. I guess I have to be the one to tell you this. But you probably shouldn't even think any more about all those lush foods you are slavering over. I'm in the same boat as you, exept that I am committed to just avoiding them forever, if that's what it takes.

Get off your butt and commit. Believe me when I tell you.. If I can do it, you can do it. And I'm doing it!

Good Luck!!!

robertf Wed, Mar-12-03 14:20


Glad to see that you are back on track...I have one suggestion that has helped me in the short time that I have been doing Atkins.

Instead of looking at a diet in the perspective that there are some things that you cant eat, look at it in a way that shows you the foods that you CAN eat. I am pretty sure that most other diet programs dont let you eat eggs fried in butter with a side of bacon. How about a big fatty steak? Sausage, butter, pork chops, chicken with the skin ON!!! And especially...PORK RINDS!!!! All those things that were forbidden before you started this diet. If I never have to eat an egg white ommellet(sp) cooked in a greaseless pan again...I will be a happy man!!!

Keep it up


Skamito Wed, Mar-12-03 14:38

Teuthis, I found your post to be somewhat offensive. Jenn posted for help and support, including statements such as, "I just want the strength to stay on this road and succeed." To return with comments such as, "Have fun gorging yourself to death" and "I think you are in self denial and blaming everything but yourself for it" saddens me. In fact, I think her courage to post her problem to the world shows the opposite of "obviously not wanting to commit to losing weight."

I think you mean well, but she was not coming here for tough love. She received lots of good advice and support so far. That she should blame herself for weight struggles and sugar temptations is a terrible thing to imply.

A lot of us on this forum have struggled with addictions, including Jenn's sugar addiction, and have had lapses in will power. It does not mean we are persons unworthy of health that should feel guilty having cravings. Luckily, most of us have found solace in LC as it takes away some of those issues.

Anyway, I personally hope Jenn succeeds. It does take a lot to find that strength to really go for it and I don't think a person is weak for having trouble getting started.

In fact, I wish you all success! :)

JMakeupLC Wed, Mar-12-03 14:59

Whoa, little did i realize what some venting and stressing on my part was going to bring about. I was just so disguisted with my self and my behavior toward food, and how i felt like this like almost everything else, was going to be something i would leave half-assed and not finish.

But something magical happened. I posted my anguish, and then i got a reply. i got two replies, i got a TON of replies and realized, even though I feel as though I am a crackhead when it comes to sugar cravings...there is a way around it, obviously bc look at all these people that are here, WITH ME, and fighting the good fight.

So i had a bit of an attitude change. Instead, of jonsing for crap, I became inventive and started eating without limitation and boundary. I went out to the store, and bought every wholesome low carb/carb-less ingredient mentioned here or i could think of and went to work.

I never really understood the whole LIFE STYLE concept before, until i hit rock bottom and realize sugar and carbs are not worth it, and they arent even that good given the aggrigate good of the sum of the situation. A banana split might be real good in the moment but the MOMENT i put down the spoon it SUCKS until i about 5 days later when all the carbs have left my system, and i've deblaoted, and done beating myself up.

Going to the store and making (from SCRATCH) my own low carb Chocolate peanut butter cups IS GOOD. by the way, i posted the recipe in the sweet treats section. ;)

plus i cut down on beating myself up at the gym too. i only go 3-4 times a week now, 6 times a week was killing me. i was exhausted, (my job is to be on my feet and running around as it is) tired, and just plain worn out. stomach side fat is shrinking, and i'm working on my next delic low carb treat to put in my fridge. (i've decided to make one DELIC low carb treat a week and have a lil 3-4 times a week, last week i made a low carb choc cheese cake :yum: and had a tiny bit 3 times last week)!!! Now i'm BING FREE for 8 days now!

Thank you all again for the support, sorry for the long letter, but i had to get it all out. Even those of you who took the TOUGH LOVE route, i understand what your saying. But i've gotten to this point, and i'm sure as hell not giving up now, when i can TASTE success in my mouth, i can smell it....



Paleoanth Wed, Mar-12-03 15:07

Wonderful post! Full of hope and excitement.

This IS the best place to vent and to share success whether it be in lost pounds, better health or a new attitude.

Sydney1030 Wed, Mar-12-03 16:04

I have struggled with depression for my entire life, and I feel for you. It is a tough thing to deal with, and sometimes medication for awhile is the only thing that can help pull one out of the dark, sad depths. However, it sounds like you are feeling much better and I'm thrilled for you! :wave:
I imagine you've figured this out yourself, but there are tons of low-carb goodies available to you- try going to for wonderful low-carb breads, bagels, muffins, candies, etc! I became a carb addict with my 1st pregnancy, and it continued till I finally found the Atkins way of eating about 2 months after my second pregnancy was over. The fabulous low-carb products that are available to us now have really helped me stick to this way of eating and I don't think that I will ever go back to eating sugar or refined flour again. It's simply not hard for me to say, "No, thanks" to cake, cookies, ice-cream any longer. Why? Because I feel better, my skin's better, my hair's better, I have lots of energy, and within a month or so I'll be the size I was before I had my first child (and I had resigned myself to never being that size again before I discovered Atkins). Plus, why eat a bunch of sugar-laden crud that will make me tired and fat when I can wait and have a delicious low-carb treat when I want it? As long as you keep careful track of your carb intake, adding low-carb goodies can really keep one on track when one feels s/he can't put another piece of chicken in her/his mouth!
Keep up the great attitude...15lbs is NOT very much weight to lose!

bigguyjonc Wed, Mar-12-03 16:24


reading your last posts made me smile. :D

:wave: :wave: :wave:

:rose: :rose: :rose: :sunny:


p.s we all know you can do it!

DDMariana Wed, Mar-12-03 16:27 are an inspiration!!! :sunny:

We have all been in those dumps, but to pull ourselves out and get going straight is the real success!!

Good for you on saying no to Weight Watchers...hey, most of us have been there too...and that's why we're here. This is the LAST stop for us, and you've got it...because it's NOT a diet, it's a LIFESTYLE.

Way to go...your kitchen should be stocked FULL of stuff you can eat...and like others have told you, when you can have the butter, sour cream, shredded cheese, bacon bits... WHO NEED THE POTATO?? (Put it on your broccoli!) :D

Keep your attitude even when the scale is saying something you don't like...that is NOT the only measure of your progress. As long as you follow the plan, drink your water, watch your portions as you loosen up ;)'ll see results in no time!

You have a journal, right?? I didn't look... ;)

DDMariana Wed, Mar-12-03 16:29

Nope, you don't! ;)

You might want to do this as soon as you get a's just like starting a new thread.

But it keeps you accountable! You get lots of visitors, make new friends, track your weight, measurements, get new ideas, etc.

I'll visit!!!

tamarian Wed, Mar-12-03 16:34

Re: Where lies the problem?
Originally posted by Teuthis
You obviously do not really want to commit to losing weight. Until you do, no one and no diet can help you. So with your present attitude, you might as well just hide all your mirrors, buy some larger size clothes and have fun gorging yourself to death.

Please familiarize yourself with our forum rules:

I think Skamito summed up the nature of our support forum quite eloquently. Other members where able to express the same advice as yours, without resorting to such flaming style. (rule #3)

If these rules seem too much for you, you may want to join the Usenet low-carb group.


shannonlea Wed, Mar-12-03 18:21

You can do this
Never give up.. This WOL has it's many ups and downs,but the end result is GREAT! Take care and stay positive!

tbagram Wed, Mar-12-03 18:24

Im so glad to see that someone with clout spoke up. We have ALL been in those shoes and putting each other down will never solve anything. It will only cause barriers. The support on this forum has been a God send to me. The thread reads"Daily Low-Carb Support." Ok now that I have said that, I want to say :thup: :thup: :thup: to all the positive support I see here! Vonnie

DDMariana Wed, Mar-12-03 18:37

Thanks, Wa'il, from me as well... the best us laypeople can do sometimes is turn the tone around... we're positive and success oriented around here...

Let's keep the attitude where we lift people up and remain patient while they're on their way! :thup:

RGale Wed, Mar-12-03 18:47

My thanks, too, Wa'il -- and for everything else you do to keep this site working.


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