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Allergymom Sun, Feb-27-05 22:25

Cheat Free Good To Yourself
I know..I know..there are tons of challenges going on right now... :D But, I am doing this mainly for myself and would be just tickled pink if I could get more people to do this challenge with me. I have been low-carbing since November of 2004..I started out great and even didn't do to bad for the holidays..But for some reason I have been cheating more all the time and I am just TIRED of doing this to my hard work. You know the old saying.."I will start again tommorrow"...I have upped my exercising..extended my running time..increased my weightlifting..But just can't seem to get my "cheating" under control..Now, I dont cheat for days on end..It might just be SUGAR..or cookies/choco-chips..But I do get back on the plan..The weekends seem to be the hardest..I have for some reason picked pretzels as my choice of snack and any low-carber knows specially sbd people that they are the worst..Then once I eat them, I have started my cheating..I haven't gone back to drinking caffine but have been doing the RT 44 diet cherry limeades that Sonic is noted for..I have noticed a change that I am going back to my old habits.. :nono: Not getting to bed early enough..snacking at night/etc..This has to stop..I have been able to get into my skinny jeans and have felt good..I dont want to gain back the weight that I have tried and worked so hard to loose..

So..I am taking one day at a time/going back to phase one starting tommorrow and counting each day I dont cheat as an accomplishment. I am experimenting on what causes my sugar surges/high-carb cravings..Comming in here to vent or keeping myself from going off the deep end will be a lesson for me. Kind of like a built in am doing good for breakfast/lunch and dinner...But then I want to snack at night. I know I shouldn't..but just dont seem to have the willpower to stop myself..I need motivation..Summer is just around the corner and I want to be able to wear my skinny short in confidence..head held high. :cheer:

This is just the starting of my getting back on this WOE and feeling good about myself..We all need a push every now and then..

Come to the challenge and make your March a cheat Free one..Drink my low carb..I know I can..No more diet drinks as of Sunday Feb 27th..Lets support each other and help each other to reach our goals.. :wave:

GinaLeanne Sun, Feb-27-05 22:50

Originally Posted by Allergymom
I know..I know..there are tons of challenges going on right now... :D But, I am doing this mainly for myself and would be just tickled pink if I could get more people to do this challenge with me. I have been low-carbing since November of 2004..I started out great and even didn't do to bad for the holidays..But for some reason I have been cheating more all the time and I am just TIRED of doing this to my hard work. You know the old saying.."I will start again tommorrow"...I have upped my exercising..extended my running time..increased my weightlifting..But just can't seem to get my "cheating" under control..Now, I dont cheat for days on end..It might just be SUGAR..or cookies/choco-chips..But I do get back on the plan..The weekends seem to be the hardest..I have for some reason picked pretzels as my choice of snack and any low-carber knows specially sbd people that they are the worst..Then once I eat them, I have started my cheating..I haven't gone back to drinking caffine but have been doing the RT 44 diet cherry limeades that Sonic is noted for..I have noticed a change that I am going back to my old habits.. :nono: Not getting to bed early enough..snacking at night/etc..This has to stop..I have been able to get into my skinny jeans and have felt good..I dont want to gain back the weight that I have tried and worked so hard to loose..

So..I am taking one day at a time/going back to phase one starting tommorrow and counting each day I dont cheat as an accomplishment. I am experimenting on what causes my sugar surges/high-carb cravings..Comming in here to vent or keeping myself from going off the deep end will be a lesson for me. Kind of like a built in am doing good for breakfast/lunch and dinner...But then I want to snack at night. I know I shouldn't..but just dont seem to have the willpower to stop myself..I need motivation..Summer is just around the corner and I want to be able to wear my skinny short in confidence..head held high. :cheer:

This is just the starting of my getting back on this WOE and feeling good about myself..We all need a push every now and then..

Come to the challenge and make your March a cheat Free one..Drink my low carb..I know I can..No more diet drinks as of Sunday Feb 27th..Lets support each other and help each other to reach our goals.. :wave:
I just try not to buy any good food like that, except now I have some low carb hershey kisses, and you know how easy it is to say oh just one more, they are two carbs each...and you know how easy that is............Gina

Allergymom Mon, Feb-28-05 11:49

After submitting my post last night in despair, I woke up this morning with a total different attitude. I am gonna do this and I will succeed. Just admitting to my cheats and realizing that I am going downhill, I have started the first step..Yahoo..I will come in here on a daily basis with good news and hopefully hardly bad news..This will be for the Month of March and if it goes good, then I will go for the month of April. I really dont have that much more to loose, but if this is gonna be a wol then I need to be honest with myself. right? Happy Monday everyone..So far doing well..Will probably post at the end of the day after the meals/snacks are over with and of course the cheats..(there better not be none)...

Pollyanna Mon, Feb-28-05 12:50

I would love to join your challenge. Weekends and evenings are also my weakness. One slip and I'm off on a binge! I do not have a lot to lose but the goal seems elusive. A whole month without cheating- I think, with some one to do it with me, that I can do it.

finngal Mon, Feb-28-05 13:10

me too!
I am in it with you for March!

Your story sounds identical to mine - one chocolate chip and it's reason enough for the whole day to be ruined I'll start again tomorrow and binge binge binge I go... BUT NO MORE!! DONE!!!


I'm also part of the Mother's Day challenge - this will truly help me focus for each day of it in March, thanks!

Been dedicated enough now for actually three days worth - Here we go...

Allergymom Mon, Feb-28-05 13:57

Welcome Aboard Ladies..this Is Exciting..i Am So Ready To Get On Track Again..having Buddies Sure Makes It Alot Easier..we Are In This

patnaude12 Mon, Feb-28-05 14:39

Hi Y'All,

I'd like to join in with y'all for the month of March.

I'm also in the Mother's Day Challenge with Finngal.

I don't know why I get so hungry in the evenings, I think a lot of it is habit, you get your day's work done then you sit down to relax and have to keep feeding your face, I have tried several things to stop the evening cravings but they keep on coming back. I drink my gallon of water each day and by evening I go over the gallon trying to kill the desire to eat. Weekends I get into the alcohol, because of lc I very seldom get into the beer and only drink Scotch and water, but weekends I get into it more than I should and everything comes to a standstill as well as there are times that some of the pounds start to go back on.

I think we can all help one another through the cheating periods, if y'all are like me the cheating desire comes and goes.

I am determined to be at goal by the beginning of summer, if I put my mind to it, I could be there in no time at all.

Got to go now, maybe I can pop back on later this afternoon.

Carol :rose: :rose:

Allergymom Mon, Feb-28-05 22:17

I forgot that today was just Feb 28th..oh well..I considered today being day one..It is the end of the day and I didn't CHEAT!!!!!!!!!..After picking up daughter wanted to head to Sonic for a RT..44 Diet Cherry Limeade..oh man..i wanted one..I didn't tho..One of the stipulations is getting off the carbonation..Then had dinner about 7:00 wanted them dern pretzels..I really think most of the snacking is out of habit. I am taking one day at a time..

1 day cheat free..welcome all of you ladies..and yes we have to be honest when we snack on bad foods or cheat..I am not gonna kid you or myself.

Best of luck for everyone..Tommorrow is March 1st..Lets get the ball rollin ladies..

moondanzr Mon, Feb-28-05 23:49

Count me in please! I also do so well for so long...have lost quite a bit of weight but have not budged out of the 190s since before Christmas...and I mean the low 190's.
I don't know what I weigh today but am coming off a 3 day carb fling and decided not to punish myself with the scale yesterday as I am writing this at about 1 AM (can't sleep) so happy March 1st all.
I had been doing very well and losing slowly (which is OK) by doing 20-25 carbs and about 30 carbs on the weekends.
I am an emotional eater. BUT Friday noc my DH and I decided to have a treat. I marinaded a steak and used balsamic vinegar and stir fried a lot of low carb, low glycemic veggies and had fresh strawberries for dessert (I do have a bit of fruit on the weekend without trouble).
I think what got me into trouble is I did not do fit day and probably went way over 30 carbs as I did not pay attention to portions or the fact that balsamic vinegar is higher in sugar.
All I know is I was off and running and after consuming a huge meal was craving and hungry and hour I ate...had a arguement with DH and found another excuse to eat.
Woke up from a carb coma on Feb 28th and felt like crap.
Had more carbs than I should on the 28th but at least they were all low carb and low glycemic.
I think I need to do the 20-25 carbs a day for at least 2 weeks and leave the fruit out until I get some kind of control back.
I know I need to track my food for carbs and cals no matter what!!!!
So, here I am...hoping to be accountable to this thread and get back on track. I learned that even low carb needs to be measured...for me anyway.
Looking forward to a cheat free March and if I do fall the inspiration to pick myself up immediately again.
LC hugs to all,

Kristina98 Tue, Mar-01-05 00:38

hi Allergymom,

i'd like to join the Challenge as well. I lost some weight before Christmas but gained it all back. Now I'm starting over and I think this will make it a bit easier.

Good luck everyone, :thup:

ginyer Tue, Mar-01-05 07:52

Let's Go!
I'm with weakness is the Pizza Hut commercial. I am one of the odd ones that don't really crave the sweets, but boy do I miss the hot bread, pasta, mac and cheese, potatoes and pizza. That's my list of weaknesses....well, I'm also missing my glasses of wine, but for that I am doing the "Dr.Phil" fail environment...there is no wine in the house. The other stuff...well, I have a family to feed and it's here,but so far so good. Good Luck to Everyone!!

patnaude12 Tue, Mar-01-05 11:24

Good Morning Y'All,

Well, I've been cheat free for over 24 hours now. :yay:

Allergymom - I agree with you 100% on the Sonic Diet Cherry Limeade, I had one last summer while visiting my brother and his family in Leander, Texas (near Austin). I fell in love with it, will be going to Vermont in August for a family reunion, not sure if they have Sonic's there. Oh well, I really don't need one.

I also got in my gallon of water yesterday, as a matter of fact I think it was more like 1.5 gallons :p

I did 1 mile on my treadmill at a rate of about 3.8 miles/hour. I knew I was only going to do a mile so I really got going. Will try for two miles tonight, I usually walk at a 3.5 mile per hour pace, good cardio. I really haven't had much energy lately but hope the flu bug will stay and not really hit.

Need to get back to work, will try to get back on later.

Y'all have a wonderful day.

Carol :rose: :rose:

Allergymom Tue, Mar-01-05 13:40

Welcome to all the new ladies that joined..The more people the merrier. It seems to be so much easier when you join a challenge..It gives you a reason to loose the weight and not to "Cheat"..woke up this morning with a good feeling..I haven't weighed myself either moondanzr due to the over carbing over the wknd. Guess we should be truthful to ourselves and weigh no matter what we ate..But I have in the past been a scaleaholic and it sure made me insane. Will weigh myself on Saturday and then on every Saturday after that. I really am not concerned what the scales say..Its the point of feeling healthy/eating good and my clothes fitting good. I just got off that TOM so will prolly be up some as well..

Goals for this challenge..

1. Drink the most water possible..At least 1/2 gallon
2. Exercise at least 4 times a week and up my running..
3. No stops to Sonic..(arrrrrrrgh)...
4. No eating after 7:00 pm or at least 3 hrs before bed..
5. Main goal is getting to bed no later then 10-10:30..getting your sleep at least 8 hours is so important..

Everyone have a good day..

ginyer Tue, Mar-01-05 14:02

I agree with your goals! I think some of ours are similar.

1) No eating after seven.
2) No alcohol.
3) No excuses.
4) Ride exercise bike at least four times a week and build up to longer duration...only doing 30 minutes right now.
5) Stick to plan for at least 12 weeks...and then hopefully more, but committing to 12 weeks minimum. ( I started Feb 21.) just starting week two.
6.) No cheating.
7.) Tuck in shirt, tuck in shirt..:)

MiamiNicol Tue, Mar-01-05 14:10

Hi girls!
I would like to join this post too. I had a goal to lose before my new year's cruise and succeeded, but I haven't been able to drop much since (I am stuck between 147-150). I have cheating issues on the weekends and late at night as well. Sundays are an absolute disaster b/c i am usually low on groceries and sometimes a bit tired and hungover from the night before!! Since yesterday (24 hours) I have started back on keeping my carbs under 25. My other goals are the following..
1) Gym 4/week...aerobics, weights, pilates, and jogging
2) No more than 25 carbs
3) Only 1 Diet Soda/Day
4) Eat Breakfast (always have to force it down)
5) No more take-out on Sunday afternoons (always crave Pizza or sushi)
6) No coffee drinks (they are the hardest thing for me to give up)
Good luck everyone and hopefully I will be in my size 4 by July 1st.

moondanzr Tue, Mar-01-05 15:05

Hi All!

Looks like this thread is picking up!
I am 2 meals down cheat free and going for my 3rd.

My goals-
1. 20-25 carbs duing the week and no more than 30 on the weekend.
2. Figure out all meals via fit day so I know what I am eating as far as carbs and cals. And weigh and measure everything!
3. Exercise within my limits 6 days a week (I am disabled with FMS) and include cardio, strenght building (light weights or pilates) as well as flexability (yoga). Don't beat myself up if I can't do a workout one day if the FMS has flared-up but also don't use it as an excuse to not work-out...I can always do a bed yoga practice even if confined to bed!
4. To keep cals no lower than 1400...I can get into a too low cal mode.
5.To try one new food or LC recipe each week.
6. 68 oz of water daily minimum
7. Avoid SA's all this month

OK...I did get on the scale...OMG 198 this AM before b'fast which means a 7.5 gain in 4 days! I am hoping it is mostly fluid as I am drinking my water and peeing a scary amount!!!

Allergymom Tue, Mar-01-05 20:29

I am sure that is alot of water weight moon..still it can be hard to swallow..Think will come off once you start eating lc again and drinking more go figure..

Welcome to the new women that want to join..The more/the better..

Hope everyone had a cheat-free day..I did..Wahoo..even after a stressful afternoon..I controlled my dinner..sure could of used a DRINK..I overcame that and succeeded..

I am with you Nicole..My sunday's are like giving me a freebie pass to eat any and everything that I want..This weekend is comming up and it will be a good testing challenge for me..But remember, when you cheat you have to admit it in the challenge..I hope no one feels that we are punishing one another for this..But hoping that after admitting and writing down our mess-ups..It will help us overcome and realize what is making us eat those BAD FOODS..

Good luck ladies..onward bound I say..

finngal Wed, Mar-02-05 07:16

Sounds like we're in for a super March!
After the gym yesterday I could feel the cheat free in my bones! Wow what a good feeling.

This morning, though, it happened. It was me and the kids in the truck, and because of a rushed morning they had to eat their bagels on the ride to school. Granted they are whole wheat bagels - but my daughter couldn't finish hers - only left 2 bites - and before I knew what was happening, really I felt like it was out of complete habit (a real bad one) it was in my mouth! It had a bit of peanut butter on it which is a real tempter for me and so in it went...

BUT this is SO different than any other attack I've succumbed to because I'm addicted to that awesome feeling from yesterday. I KNOW this will not lead to a whole day of binging. Just from 2 bites of a whole wheat bagel? NOPE. Not me! NOT going to let it happen!!! That is behind me and I've learned from it.

And on top of it all - we have support! allergymom, yep, honesty here - there went mine...

So here's to another incredible day...
Hope everyone is well, finngal

Allergymom Wed, Mar-02-05 11:02

Congrats admitted to your blunder..It wasnt that bad..I think like you said, we cheat out of habit at times..Food you see it and into the mouth. As long as you dont take it as a "screw-up" and you blow the whole day..Good for you..Wahoo..On the road to

I woke up this morning with a bit of tummy ache..think its from all the fiber I have ingested. I have been eating more raw veggies to replace all the bad stuff I ate over the wknd. Once I get use to the change, It will get better. This is such a great idea..Now that I have this challenge going, its more reason not to go "off the wagon"

Everyone have a good cheat free day

moondanzr Wed, Mar-02-05 11:12

Hi All,

Have one day cheat free!!! Whoopie!

Yesterdays stats:
water=100 oz (you are right allergymom) down 2 lbs this AM so todays weight is 196.
exercise=walking about 100 steps every hour or 2 (I wear a pedometer and a few yoga poses as FMS is flared-up with the snow storms...still got a small one going on)

OK one to another cheat free day!

MiamiNicol Wed, Mar-02-05 12:30

Good Morning from Mexico everyone.
Well, yesterday was really good on the food front for me, my BF even made popcorn during a movie and I resisted, however I realized I went over 25 carbs b/c of a low carb coffee drink I had yesterday morning, the drink put me at 30 carbs total yesterday and 1250 calories (i need to increase this b/c i am very active). I went to the gym and did another killer workout...I have not lost much latley but my body is starting to look better. So, in conclusion, I have to get rid of these coffee drinks, other than that I am doing well....let's see how i do sunday!!!
Everyone sounds like they are really committed so I hope this groups can help me break under 140 by the beginning of april.
Fingal...your little bagel bite is no big deal, at least you admitted it and now you can stay on track
allergymom...lets stay strong this Sunday...that day really kills my weight loss
I really respect you guys that can give up all alcohol...with my social life it is practically impossible on the weekends...I just love my wine too much, i'll just be keeping it to a minimum..
Have a nice day everyone!!

patnaude12 Wed, Mar-02-05 12:45

Hello Y'All,

Another cheat free day yesterday :yay: but the scale hardly budged. Maybe tomorrow.

Did 1 mile at 3.5mph on the treadmill last night, was hoping to increase to two miles but was wiped out. I get a ton of exercise at work, I have worn a pedometer and really do get the steps in. Got in my 1 gallon + of water yesterday.

Sounds like everyone is doing great. Finngal, I agree with MiamiNicol, just a couple of nibbles shouldn't hurt anything.

Will try to get back on this afternoon to chat some more.

Y'all have a nice day.

Carol :rose: :rose:

Allergymom Wed, Mar-02-05 21:05

Another "cheat-free" day..wahoooooo..I was tested this afternoon..went out and delivered gs cookies and didn't have a snack and was famished by the time I got home..I wanted pretzels so bad..But, settled on 18 almonds instead..They were so good and didn't feel bad eating them. I picture myself sitting down typing and saying..Well I cheated today..Scary..This challenge sure has helped me and it has only been 3 days..thanks ladies for joining and pushing one another..I am so pumped...

Now must hit my goal of getting to bed by has been proven that 8-9 hrs of sleep can make such a difference..You need your rest to loose weight..

finngal Thu, Mar-03-05 09:24

Yay! More cheat free here, too!
Exercised every day since Monday, too...
I was rewarded with a 1.5 drop! :thup:

Keep it up gang - this is so worth it!

ginyer Thu, Mar-03-05 09:35

Absolutely no cheating here so far! The Pizza Hut commericals are killing me and the filet of fish from mcDonald's, but I will not do it. I haven't gotten my exercising in, but I am sticking to my strict induction. It was too hard for me to get started to mess it up....I had planned on starting the first of the year, but took me until 2/21, and now that I'm going....that's it.
Good Luck Everybody.
Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons why I can.

Allergymom Thu, Mar-03-05 10:02

Good job ladies..

Cheat free days are awesome..This challenge has truly been worth it for all of us..Glad we are in here to help each other out..

Have a wonderful cheat-free day

moondanzr Thu, Mar-03-05 10:26

Hi All!

Day 2 of being cheat free and weight down another 2.4 lbs of fluid.
I had some trouble keeping my cals up yesterday as I was just not hungry (unusual) and could not finish all my planned food.
Having problems with the exercise due to FMS. Have a lot of errands to do today so exercise will consist of a 2,000 step walk while shopping.
I hope everyone has a great day.

Allergymom Thu, Mar-03-05 13:46

Walking is just as good of exercise as anything moon..good for you woman. As long as you get off the couch and get movin, it dont matter what it is..Kudos to u..

patnaude12 Thu, Mar-03-05 16:19

Hi Y'All,

Another cheat free day, also got my gallon of water in but didn't get on the treadmill. Left work at 4 yesterday afternoon and had to run over the pass to Costco to pick up my new glasses, by the time we got home it was six o'clock, had to fix something to eat and by the time that was done I was too pooped to get on the treadmill.

The scale nudged a tad again this morning, I do measure myself every Sunday morning (breast, waist, hips, thighs and calves), and the measurements had dropped from the week before. The scale may not be moving very much but I am changing for sure. It is nice to put jeans on and not have to lay on the bed to zip them up. My jeans are now comfortable. :D

Finngal & Moondanzr- Congratulations on your losses.

I too am also pleased with this challenge, it makes a difference when someone is there for you.

Will catch y'all later.

Carol :rose: :rose:

Pollyanna Thu, Mar-03-05 18:34

Hi everyone, day three cheatfree for me. I am so excited. I will not cheat because if I do I will feel like I have let everyone down, including myself. This is an awesome challenge. Congrats to everyone. Keep it up, or should I say down?

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