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DarkLotus Tue, Nov-19-02 07:52

DarkLotus' Gym Log
Ok, I thought I'd start a gym log to keep my babbling about the scale, measurements, and life in general seperate from my workout routine which may be boring to some. I work out with my dad (who's a type II diabetic about to start doing Dr. Bernstein's diabete's solution plan). We lift weights together five times a week. We use dumbells, a cheap weight bench, and our treadmill. I have been working with weights since I started Atkins in April, but I intensified it much more when I started using the bench and having my dad spot for me too.

This week we have been trying out a few new exercises I got from Last night we both did squats, it was a whole new level of pain, muscles I guess we haven't used yet. Owww! I'm still walking funny, cowboy-like. :p I tried to do my cardio after, my legs hurt too much and I had to stop.

I will probably update this again later once I finish today's workout. Goal today: get in at least 20 minutes of cardio and finish 3 sets of squats. I see an owwwie in my future tonight! ;)

DarkLotus Wed, Nov-20-02 06:51

I made all of my goals last night. Cardio was tough though, because my thighs are still screaming. We upped our benchpresses by 15 pounds last night, I got six reps done and had to stop. I need to get some 5 pound plates instead of the 7.5 ones so that adding weight isn't so drastic. My dad found out yesterday that his blood sugar is half of what it was before he started working out with me. :D

Today's goal: 2 miles on the treadmill and 2 sets of side raises at 20# (the first set at 15#).

DarkLotus Thu, Nov-21-02 07:49

I had a good amount of strength last night and had a good workout. Some days I just don't feel strong at all, other days I feel like I could lift quite a lot. I did my side raises like I wanted to. I even did almost another whole set of those benchpresses at the heavier weight, total of 85 pounds. Squats weren't that painful, I walked like a cowboy all night, but the glutamine helped while I slept and I feel better today, not as sore as the past 2 days. I didn't make 2 miles on the treadmill, I walked 20 minutes (1 mile) with a 8% max incline. Oddly, the incline was less painful than than no incline at all. I need to work on my cardio some more this week.

Goal today: do cardio FIRST so that I get it all done!

DarkLotus Fri, Nov-22-02 06:35

I made my goal of doing all of my cardio, I didn't get to do it first though, but I did all 40 minutes of it. It felt good. This is the first time all week I haven't been sore from squats. I think my legs are finally adjusted a little and accepting the torture! Weight lifting was tough yesterday when I got to my sets that I use my 25# dumbells for. My dad wanted to up the benchpresses again by 5 pounds, I gave it a shot, not wanting to be called a wussy! :p I did 8 at 90 pounds reps before I failed and dropped the bar on my chest. Ouch.

I think starting monday I am going to try some crunches after my cardio on my new exercise ball. Currently, I don't do abs at all (bad I know) but I do feel them burn and get sore when I run. I talk about incorporating abs but never do it. I am really going to try to do it and make it the final part of my routine.

DarkLotus Wed, Nov-27-02 07:44

Once again, I'm all talk and no action :rolleyes: I didn't start doing crunches yet. Not that I don't want to, my workouts have been sort of rushed this week. My father is starting before I even get home and I'm scrambling to keep up so I can spot for him. I also do more exercises and reps than he does and at heavier weights, so trying to hurry is exhausting me quick. I told him I was doing my cardio first yesterday. I got the head start on lifting yesterday, and it worked very well. Plus, when I do my cardio first, I can run a bit. After lifting

Changes from my last post: I upped the weight on the squats to 55 pounds. It isn't bad at all now. I actually lost a whole inch on my upper thigh over the last 2 weeks. I credit the squats for it. I am still doing all of my other exercises with a progression from 15, to 20, to 25 pounds. The 15 pounds are getting too easy, I am debating whether to increase the number of sets so that I use the 20's and 25's or whether I should just shoot for the 30's and slowly incorporate them.

My dad is also upping the weights on the benchpresses again. I give it a shot for ha-ha's, to see if I can do it. He has upped it twice this week, first from 85 to 90 pounds, and last night from 90 to 105 pounds. I am doing fine at 90, but the 105 I could only do 5 reps. I think it's just too much too fast. So, I'll just do those as an extra if I have the strength to do 'em. DOMS is killing me today though!

Natrushka Thu, Nov-28-02 08:02

Hi Nat, I saw that you mentioned you had some glutamine, creatine, dextrose, & whey protein after a workout. What does the dextrose do? I have also been toying with the idea of adding creatine as well, I read trainerdan says it's just fine for women. My reservation is the bloating I read it can cause, do you find that to be so?
Hi there, toots :) Figured if I answered in here it wouldn't get lost and you'd see it sooner.

The dextrose is something I do post workout for a controlled insulin spike, to neutralize cortisol and get me all anabolic again. It's a hold over from my CKD workouts - most programs like BFL suggest you use a high G.I. fruit for this, but learning about the CKD I came to understand that fructose is not the best choice for this as it does not cause as much of a rise in insulin - it replentishes liver glycogen instead of muscle glycogen. Dextrose and maltodextrin are one step removed from glucose which makes them a better alternative; so I eat candies after I workout. Not for everyone, I know... but I also discovered doing the CKD that I am truly not a carb addict.

I started the creatine during TOM when the scale was up a few lbs and I didn't load it. That was about 3 weeks ago. The scale pretty much stayed the same (already up n bloated somewhat) but that was it - it has since come back down, and judging from how clothing is fitting I would bet that if I stopped with the creatine I'd be down 3 or 4 lbs right now. I can usually judge bloating based on how my rings fit; they never got 'tight' or uncomfortable. I have noticed strength gains since taking it, and it's something I will keep using (cycling however as per instructions).

FYI, there is a non-bloating creatine on the market now, I'm pretty sure it's called "TRAC". I've seen it discussed at and I've seen ads for it in Muscle Fitness Hers and Oxygen -it is aimed at women, not surprizingly :)

I'm glad my pain and DOMS is inspiring someone! Keep up the good work - I think it's great you're working out with your dad but I can sympathise with having to wait to use the equipment, I hate that part about sharing!


DarkLotus Thu, Nov-28-02 08:04

Thanks Nat, as always, great info and advice! :D

DarkLotus Thu, Dec-05-02 07:49

I have been sick with the flu since last Friday and had been resting. Yesterday was the first day I felt well enough to get back to working out. Lifting was extra hard after nearly a week off, but I expected that. I hate taking more than two days off. I did complete everything I set out to do, even with the heavier dumbells that I thought I'd never make it through.

I finished with 30 minutes of cardio, I experienced that endorphin rush that some people speak of, it was cool, kinda like a natural high...first time I ever noticed it. It certainly made doing my cardio easier. I felt like I could have done another half hour, but I didn't want to push myself too far on the first day back. I also noticed something else while doing treadmill yesterday, that I don't have any more fat that touches on my torso anymore. Not saying there's no fat, just no rolls! :yay:

Gotta educate myself some more on muscle names, locations, and exercises so I can detail what I'm doing better.

DarkLotus Fri, Dec-06-02 06:57

Yesterday's workout wasn't as good as I wanted it to be. It started off well, I upped the weight on my squats from 55 to 70 pounds, no problem. Actually felt good. A muscle up in my right shoulder started getting sore during benchpresses, so I couldn't push it too far. I felt my triceps burn a few hours after working out, usually don't feel it.

Today is going to be cardio day. I plan to get on the treadmill and see how long I can go for. Then maybe I'll get brave and try some crunches on my exercise ball if I am not wiped from the treadmill. I have the new issue of muscle & fitness hers (I like that magazine) and it has lots of good exercises you can do on a ball. I may also try some walking lunges I heard about, you walk slow on the treadmill and do lunges, sounds like something to mix things up a bit.

DarkLotus Tue, Dec-10-02 08:30

I had some chaos in my personal life with my friends staying over all weekend, so I didn't get to work out at all until last night. I felt deprived and angry about not being able to work out.

My dad finally found out what's wrong with his foot. Turns out he fractured his foot working out! We're just glad it's not something more serious and diabetic-related. He is six and a half feet tall, so when he uses the weight bench to do leg extensions, his feet hit the ground before he completes the exercise. He was slamming his foot very hard when he did it, he doesn't notice cause he can't feel his feet. I tried and tried to tell him he was going to injure himself, but of course he didn't listen. So, now he's going to have to wear a boot for 3 months. He still insists on working out with me even with his fractured foot :rolleyes:

DarkLotus Wed, Dec-11-02 07:17

I had a good work out last night. I did everything I set out to do, curls, tricep extensions, side raises, benchpresses, everything. I got back to all the weights I was doing before I got the flu, so back to normal now. I even got in half an hour of cardio! For some unknown reason, my knees are sore.

My dad and I have decided that we have to buy a rack of some sort to make doing squats easier. He's too tall for me to pass the weights to, and the heavier we go, the harder it is for me to lift it to his shoulders...he's 6' 6" and I'm only 5' 8" :p So we're gonna go up to the Sports Authority and try to find one for his xmas present. He also wants to look at a bowflex.

DarkLotus Thu, Jan-02-03 06:39

I just realized that I haven't been updating my gym log as much as I should be. I have been exercising, sometimes only 4 x a week, with all the holidays and work being so chaotic. I have been slacking on cardio, but the past week I have been making a concentrated effort to get it done. It makes my knees feel less stiff too.

My dad and I did pick out a piece of equipment and we love it! The best thing about it is that it has a squat rack. We had to be sure to get one that was tall enough for my dad though. It makes doing things so much easier! It also has a lat tower, leg extension accessory, and one of those cable things you do rows on (not sure what it's called).

I tried something new the past two days, sumo squats. It was a whole new level of pain! :p After doing those, I realize I must not be exercising those muscles at all. So, now I have added them to my daily routine. I try to mix things up so my body doesn't get used to my routine.

DarkLotus Mon, Jan-06-03 07:13

Ok, I have officially started BFL, day one is over and done with and I feel like I got run over with a steamroller! I had the impression before I began that BFL wasn't going to be much different than what I was already doing, I was wrong! It does take me the same amount of time to complete the workout, but I am changing weights and exercises a lot more than I was.

My father decided to give it a try as best as he can, he has a cast on his broken foot and insists on working out anyways. He can only do UBWO with me and he can do squats too. Everything else he can't do.

So, yesterday morning I sat and planned my first workout, it took me like 45 minutes to get it right :p My mom kept peeking over my shoulder, when I was done I showed her she said "you can't do ALL that!" but we did. This is what we did in order of doing them:

side raises: 12 R ~ 15#
seated db press: 10 R ~15#
seated db press: 8 R ~ 20#
seated db press: 6 R ~ 25#
standing bb press: 12 R ~ 45# (this turned out to be too heavy)
side raises: 12 R ~ 20#

wide grip pulldowns: 12 R ~ 30# (need to up starting weight)
wide grip pulldowns: 10 R ~ 40#
rev. grip pulldowns: 8 R ~ 30# (will start ~ 40# next time)
rev. grip pulldowns: 6 R ~ 40#
rev. grip pulldowns: 12 R ~ 50#
wide grip pulldowns: 12 R ~ 50#

standing bb curls: 12 R ~ 45# (my dad insisted we up the weight it was way too heavy as we progressed)
standing bb curls: 10 R ~ 50#
standing bb curls: 8 R ~ 55# (could only do 2 in proper form)
preacher curls: 6 R ~ 45#
preacher curls: 12 R ~ 50#
preacher curls: 12 R ~ 55#

db extensions: 12 R ~ 15#
close grip pushdowns: 10 R ~ 20#
close grip pushdowns: 8 R ~ 30#
db extensions: 6 R ~ 20#
close grip pushdowns: 12 R ~ 40#
db extensions: 12 R ~ 25#

db bench press: 12 R ~ 45# (easy, started here to get to 105)
db bench press: 10 R ~ 60#
db bench press: 8 R ~ 75#
db bench press: 6 R ~ 80#
db bench press: 12 R ~ 90# (usually do 20 R, so not so hard)
db bench press: 12 R ~ 105# (not as hard as when I do 20 R)

So there it is! Any advice or criticism would be most appreciated! I also picked up some of that TRAC creatine yesterday too, it's lemony and yummy, and expensive as hell! Hope it works well :roll:

Today is cardio day, should be a piece of cake, I plan to run for the last five whole minutes, instead of sprints of one minute. I hope I can do it! :wave:

Natrushka Mon, Jan-06-03 07:39

Hey there, Toots! congrats on day 1 :) Know that 'ouchie' feeling all to well. It's something you start to crave afte a while if you're a bit of a masochist like me!

Question for you, are you doing a modified workout based on some input from someone, say a personal trainer ?

And pleast let us know how you find the TRAC - quite curious about it.


DarkLotus Mon, Jan-06-03 07:45

Hi Nat! Nope, I'm just doing exercises from the BFL book, some from (I love that site). I thought about a trainer, but having my dad watch my form helps a lot, he nags me if I start to waver any :D but, I do that to him too!

I also buy M&F Hers, which has some different exercises I want to try as I go too. Did I compile everything right? Should I change anything other than what I noted for weights? I just want to get the format down so I don't get into a bad habit or a workout that isn't set up the way it should be.

Natrushka Mon, Jan-06-03 08:57

Originally posted by DarkLotus
Did I compile everything right? Should I change anything other than what I noted for weights? I just want to get the format down so I don't get into a bad habit or a workout that isn't set up the way it should be.
I just needed to know before I offered any advice if you were trying to do it differently on purpose :) Yah never know, right?

The actual weights will of course depend on what is best for you, and that will change as you get stronger and as you perfect your form.

For the specific exercises, say the chest area your workout would looke something like:

Chest press (compound move should be first exercise)
12 reps 15 lbs.
10 reps 18 lbs.
8 reps 25 lbs.
6 reps 30 lbs.
12 reps 18 lbs.
Fly (isolating exercise) for second move
12 reps at 10 lbs

Your set of 6 reps should be approx 80% of your 1RM
Your set of 8 reps should be approx 75% of your 1RM
Your set of 10 reps should be approx 70% of your 1RM
Your set of 12 reps should be approx 65-60% of your 1RM (this is for your initial set of 12, your 'warm up' set).

For your second exercise I would advise going with 70-75% of your IRM - it's all going to depend on how fatigued your muscles are at this point. As you get stronger this weight will also increase. Remember, this is the exercise where you reach positive failure (the inability to complete another rep with correct form).

So taking your workout it would look like this:

seated db press: 12 R ~ 10#
seated db press: 10 R ~15#
seated db press: 8 R ~ 20#
seated db press: 6 R ~ 25#
seated db press: 12 R ~ 20#
side raises: 12 R ~ 10# Failure

wide grip pulldowns: 12 R ~ 40# (need to up starting weight)
wide grip pulldowns: 10 R ~ 45#
wide grip pulldowns: 8 R ~ 50# (will start ~ 40# next time)
wide grip pulldowns: 6 R ~ 55#
wide grip pulldowns: 12 R ~ 45#
rev grip pulldowns: 12 R ~ 45# Failure

Etc, etc.

You want a compound move for that primary exercise and an isolating one for the second. The idea is you work that muscle and the helpers hard for the first 5 sets, then with the last set you finish off the main muslce you're targetting with an isolating exercise.

If you have a look through the first two pages of mnokat's (kate) and pbach's (pam) Journals you can see a few comments on how to switch these compound and isolating exercises around for a more effective workout.


DarkLotus Mon, Jan-06-03 09:15

Thank you Nat, for your help! What you wrote makes complete sense and I will look at those journals too. I have already started changing the format for my next UBWO to reflect your suggestions. Thanks again for taking the time to show me :wave:

DarkLotus Mon, Jan-06-03 15:46

Finished day 2, it wasn't so bad. I kept pushing myself to run for another minute, I ran a total of six minutes (that is an improvement for me). Three of them were together, then another two, and a lonely last sprint at the second to last minute. I tried to do the intensity as the book says, I was off by maybe 2 minutes.

I used a 20 minute program on my treadmill that goes 2-6 MPH, 1.5-10% grade. I did 4.5 laps (1.14 miles). The first half of the program is uphill, second is jogging/running. I'd rather full out run than jog. But, I did break quite a sweat which I haven't done in a few months with cardio, so maybe I'll really get somewhere!

I need to start planning my first LBWO :eek: The thought of doing crunches for the first time is making me cringe! I know I am going to be sore after tomorrow.

Natrushka Mon, Jan-06-03 20:36

You know, I think the DOMS from ab work is the worst. I don't mind the hobbling after the squats and the lunges or the agony of trying to put on deoderant after chest day, but the abs.... OUCH. I'm still getting over a cold and every time I coughed this weekend I winced as well. Let's just hope all that work and pain pays off in the end, ay?

Enjoy lower body day! :)

DarkLotus Tue, Jan-07-03 07:31

Thanks for the encouragement Nat! :D I am learning to like the pain, I know I've done something right when I have it :D For me trying to get down to the potty level is excruciating so far. I'm still dreading crunches...but, gotta start somewhere and I have put it off for too long already. I am looking forward to doing squats though, I love those. I think I have more upper body strength than lower body, and I haven't been working lower body as much as I should have been all along, so I'm starting off kinda wimpy.

DAY 2-LBWO per the BFL book reps of 12/10/8/6/12/12 with the follwing weight progressions:

BB squats: 45/60/75/90/105
Leg extensions: 30 to failure (wussy I know)

DB Lunges: 15/20/25/30/35 (never did these, I found them VERY difficult!)
Straight leg deadlift: 25 to failure (also a new one for me, not so bad)

Angled calf raise: 10/15/20/25/30
One leg calf raise: 25 to failure

ABS (yeck!)
Floor crunches for all but last 12 (I had to use an ab roller!)
Twist crunch to failure (12)

This was the most frustrating workout I have ever done. I never felt so uncoordinated or wussy! I thought the crunches would hurt later, I didn't think I would not be able to do them! I used my mom's old ab roller thing, it helped me quite a bit. I was so mad I was yelling at everyone, my dad, my mom, even the poor dog! :rolleyes: I am going to watch online video of lunges, make sure I'm not doing something wrong, they were awfully hard, and they look easy. Well, at least tomorrow and friday are easy, cardio then UBWO! :D

DarkLotus Tue, Jan-07-03 16:32

Turns out I wasn't doing the lunges 100% right. I did what the book said but I had my front leg out too far, which is why I found it so difficult. Now I know at least. Lesson learned the hard way.

Natrushka Tue, Jan-07-03 19:15

Originally posted by DarkLotus
Turns out I wasn't doing the lunges 100% right. I did what the book said but I had my front leg out too far, which is why I found it so difficult. Now I know at least. Lesson learned the hard way.
There's DOMS and then there's Lunges DOMS. OMG these are a) hard and b) effective.

You can actually do them wide or narrow stance depending on which muscles you want to target. One hits the quads more, one the hammies. gives you the specifics. You might try them w/o any weights at first just to see how you do - you'll feel it regardless of the added poundage or not.

Your workout looks great! I'm sure we'll both be hobbling tomorrow :)


mnokat Wed, Jan-08-03 08:05

Lunges suck... period. Which is why I haven't gotten the balls to do them yet. If you were dying after doing 5 of them... you were probably doing them right. *sigh* I'm gonna need to start them soon... keep avoiding it.

Where do you live now, if you are originally from Somerville? Still in MA? My BF LOVES ribs more than anything else in the world. I have a feeling we will be visiting this Redbones soon!

Looks like your workouts are going really well! Yeay!!!

Just a note... if you don't want to do the 20MAS from the BFL book, I would suggest doing another HIIT type workout... maybe wind sprints? 30 sec - 1 min flat out run, with same amount of time for a walk.. repeat ad nauseum. The HIIT training is a very important factor to the program, and reaps the best results!!!

Talk to you soon!!!

DarkLotus Wed, Jan-08-03 08:11

Hi Kate, thanks for the advice! I actually do do wind sprints, I can't quite run for more than a few minutes yet before I get that runner's stitch...the cramp in your side. So I have found that wind sprints make running doable for me. But I'm working on improving! I am doing cardio today and really going to focus on doing it right, I am not going to use the program on the treadmill today, all manual! I think next time I do lunges, I'll be ok, they were hard because I did them wrong. I'll let you know if they get easier!

I moved up to North Chelmsford when the rents skyrocketed in Somerville. Best thing I ever did! Where in MA are you?

mnokat Wed, Jan-08-03 08:49

Keep in mind too, that the first LBWO is plain old killer. If you look at my gym log and journal from November, you'll see that it freakin killed me. I think I was still in pain 3 days later. Yesterday was my first one since starting back from my 3 week hiatis (sp?). I'm feeling it today... but NOTHING like what I did first time around....

I live in Saugus, work in Beverly. Commute isn't that bad as I'm really close to route 1, then just buzz up 128. Chelmsford is nice! I want to buy a house in Wilmington, or around there somewhere, in a few years when Eric and I finally save up the $$$. Housing costs in MA are ridiculous wherever you go! I'm almost tempted to move down south just for the cost of living!

I'm the same way when I do my treadmill... 2-3 mins and I'm done... until the stitch goes away and I can do them again!

I like to run for some extra, non-HIIT cardio, and do my elliptical workout for my 20MAS... ESPECIALLY on the days after LBWO!!!!!!

Have a great day!!!!!!

DarkLotus Thu, Jan-09-03 08:11

Wednesday I did my 20 MAS exactly like the book says to. I did 1.16 miles, 4.6 laps. I did 1.5-10% incline walk at 3 MPH for about 10 minutes, bringing the incline to 10% on all level nine intensity levels. Strangely, my hamstrings hurt less the higher the incline was... For the second half, I continued with doing the incline, but on level 8 intensity I put incline to 10% and ran 7 MPH wind sprints for the level 9 intensity. For my nineteenth minute, I planned to run at 8 MPH, but I was lucky to finish at 7 MPH, my legs were screaming.

Today is UBWO day (and there was much rejoicing... :cheer: )planned as follows in reps of 12/10/8/6/12 with the following weight progressions:

BB bench press: 45/60/78/80/90/105 (Next week I'm going for 110 max. Dad did it, I have to!)

Seated DB press: 10/15/20/25
Side raises: 20/10

Wide grip pulldown: 40/45/50/55/45
Reverse grip pulldown: 50

Close grip pushdown: 20/30/40/50/55 (may be too heavy, gonna try!)
DB extension: 25

Standing DB curls: 10/15/20/25/30
Preacher curls: 45

DarkLotus Fri, Jan-10-03 07:44

I did my UBWO exactly as I planned. This was the first time I did benchpresses first though. I have always done them last for some reason. It was so much easier to do them first! Some exercises I do that are supposed to be done with DB I had to use the BB for (I don't have 30 lb DB yet, they seem to be hard to get for some odd reason).

I think the creatine is helping some too, I feel like I have a little extra "ooomph" when I work out. No bloating yet so far as I can tell. I am prepared for the scale to give me the raspberry :p when I get on it Saturday, or even say I gained a pound. It's ok though.

Today is cardio day. Going to do as many wind sprints as I can on all my level 9 & 10 intensities. I plan to vegetate and watch rented DVD's all night and tomorrow on my off day. :D And maybe sleep half the day too...cause I can!

DarkLotus Fri, Jan-10-03 16:34

Cardio didn't go as well as I planned it. When I got home my pajamas and a glass of wine called my name, so I went on some BFL boards and low carb boards to try to get me psyched up to go workout. Sort of worked, I got off my butt at least.

My right knee on the right side of the kneecap was tender and sore for some reason. I thought as I walked on the treadmill it might loosen up and go away, but it didn't. So, I used incline for intensity and would try for a good wind sprint for my level 10 intensity. I lasted 20 minutes before my knee threatened to give out from pain. So, I opted for a faster walk for the last 30 seconds. :( Oh well at least I finished and trudged through.

DarkLotus Mon, Jan-13-03 06:49

Yesterday was LBWO, done per the BFL book reps of 12/10/8/6/12/12 with the follwing weight progressions:

BB squats: 45/60/75/90/105
Leg extensions: 30 to failure

Straight leg deadlift: 10/15/20/25/30
DB Lunges: 25 to failure

Angled calf raise: 10/15/20/25/30
One leg calf raise: 25 to failure

Floor crunches for all but last 12
Twist crunch to failure

Yesterday's workout went much better than my first LBWO. Straight leg deadlifts felt very effective. Lunges felt like my left butt cheek broke, it gave out on me! I did walking lunges, they seemed to flow better for me. And I have been counting to two on my angled calf raises so that I feel the burn, if I do em fast, they don't feel effective. I did my crunches! All of them! I screamed out in pain a few times and did them slow, but it got done. I am pleased with myself. I finished up in 40 minutes, which is also good. I helped my dad with his workout after I finished mine, I did a few extra sumo squats with him.

The scale read 243 on Saturday and 240 on Sunday, so no permanent gain, it was water. I was prepared to see a gain though. So, looks like the TRAC creatine does what it says, no bloating. Gotta do my measurements this morning. I will put them in my journal if anything changed.

Today is cardio. Ho-hum. :spin:

Natrushka Mon, Jan-13-03 07:35

Originally posted by DarkLotus
BB squats: 45/60/75/90/105
Leg extensions: 30 to failure
Looking good, Toots. You might want to revamp the weight progression to take advantage of the pyramid technique of BFL. Maybe something like:

Squats: 50/65/80/95/80
Extensions: 30 to failure

The last set of squats (12 reps) should be at the same weight (or thereabouts) of the 8 or 10 reps that preceeded the 6 reps (which should be your highest weight).

Cardio ain't as fun as lifting, but as a friend likes to say "I can do anything for 20 minutes or 6 reps" ;)


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