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bkloots Thu, Jun-16-16 12:58

Planks, Pushups, and Power
This thread arises from a conversation on someone's journal. We were talking about good ways to increase muscle mass, and some referred to the total-body-building effectiveness of planks and pushups.

Can you do a 3-minute plank like Michelle Obama? Have you started the Plank Challenge? Are you aiming to increase the number of push-ups you can accomplish? Brag about it here! :thup:

I may visit from time to time myself. :D

bluesinger Thu, Jun-16-16 17:10

Planks on locked, straight arms or elbows? I think locked arms must be easier.

cshepard Thu, Jun-16-16 18:11

Originally Posted by bkloots

Can you do a 3-minute plank like Michelle Obama? Have you started the Plank Challenge?

Is there an organized Plank challenge?
I am up to 45sec. planks, but shooting for 3 min. sounds like fun!

MickiSue Thu, Jun-16-16 18:53

We don't at the moment, but here's one where you can go for either 3 or 5 minutes:

I especially like the fact that it highlights the core muscles that are strengthened.

TBH, even the three minute is more aggressive than I can do. So I'd start with 10 seconds, if that's where somebody's current level is, and more slowly move up--like, at a 90 day pace instead of a 30 day.

bkloots Fri, Jun-17-16 07:00

Well, I confess my two-minute plank is on stiff arms. I'm sure I couldn't do that on my forearms. But I'll give it a shot.

The Plank Challenge involves side-planks and other variations. I'm hopeless with side planks. But maybe I'll give it a shot! :lol:

I'd really like to report progress with this. In fact, just for the sake of science, for a month or so, I may do ONLY Plank workouts instead of my 3x/wk total body resistance training. See if it accomplishes "the same thing" in less time.

For today, forearm plank. I'll let you know.

Just Jo Fri, Jun-17-16 07:31

Okay Imma up for the Planking Challenge if you start one, Barb!

I've never done one, so this will be interesting.

I'm gonna do baby steps, start at 10-15 seconds.

Thanks for posting the link for "The Plank Challenge!," MS with the diagram. That was very helpful!! I'm gonna C & P the link in my journal for future reference!

bkloots Fri, Jun-17-16 07:39

Yes, the picture and chart are helpful!

Forearm plank: only able to achieve 1:45. Definitely harder than straight arm plank! I'll start there and work up.

bkloots Fri, Jun-17-16 07:42

Here's a link to some Plank Variations at MyFitness Pal. See? You could even make it harder! :lol:

Just Jo Fri, Jun-17-16 07:44

Just found an article on the benefits of doing planks:

So, I'm all in for sure now! :D

bluesinger Fri, Jun-17-16 07:47

Originally Posted by bkloots
Well, I confess my two-minute plank is on stiff arms. I'm sure I couldn't do that on my forearms. But I'll give it a shot.

The Plank Challenge involves side-planks and other variations. I'm hopeless with side planks. But maybe I'll give it a shot! :lol:

I'd really like to report progress with this. In fact, just for the sake of science, for a month or so, I may do ONLY Plank workouts instead of my 3x/wk total body resistance training. See if it accomplishes "the same thing" in less time.

For today, forearm plank. I'll let you know.
I like your idea and may enter this arena. I remember from before doing at least a full minute on stiff arms. I'll resume where I left off.

MickiSue Fri, Jun-17-16 08:59

I've always done elbows. With hands clasped, to make a tripod.

Up to 45 seconds. If it helps anybody else, I drop into arms extended Child Pose afterwards; it soothes shoulders and lower back.

cshepard Fri, Jun-17-16 10:27

I'm going to follow the Brinson chart for the 3 min. challange, but make it a 60 day by just repeating each day once.
Starting today!

MickiSue Fri, Jun-17-16 11:05

Ci, that's a good idea. I need to take the time to strengthen my wobbly from injuries neck, too, so slow will suit me fine. :agree:

Liz53 Fri, Jun-17-16 11:18

I've done planks periodically for a while but never consistently in an attempt to increase ability. Till now.

Day 1: 40 sec, 15 sec rest, 20 sec

Such a great way to evaluate and increase core strength.

NEMarvin Fri, Jun-17-16 12:24

I'm going to be joining this, but will start with an "easier" to start and looking to progress.

Here are a couple of progression videos.


bkloots Sat, Jun-18-16 06:22

Zowie! Yesterday's effort found muscles I didn't know I had. I know this is going to work.

Today: 2 minutes, on forearms

I'm not sure I should do this every day, but I'll see how it goes. I'm thinking Liz's suggestion of hold, rest, hold might be a technique for improving that works better than just holding for an increasing length of time. Any thoughts?

Thanks for all the resource links.

My advice? Don't hold your breath! I know this sounds silly, but it's common in other resistance workouts for people to stop breathing. Also, try to relax. Again, that sounds like a contradiction. Your whole body is participating! But it helps to think about holding--the word engaging is often used--not tensing up.

On with the day!

Liz53 Sat, Jun-18-16 06:37

WTG, Barb on the 2 minutes! I could do that a few years ago, but I know I'm not in quite the same shape as I was then. It's amazing how quickly the body will rebound, though, with consistent effort.

I'm not sure where I saw the idea to incorporate a short rest between 2 holds, and have no idea if it expedites improvement, but we'll see.

Marvin, I liked that video. While I can do full planks ok, those side planks are killer. Will be adding them, probably starting with knee/arm, and building up. It's only 5:30 here, will report back after my Planks du Jour.

bluesinger Sat, Jun-18-16 07:18

Those of us who are older must go slowly. Even with my rebounding, sometimes I get ambitious and bounce too much, causing myself back pain the next day. Disc compression. Not good for me, forcing slow recovery. I plan to take this v-e-r-y slowly.

Liz53 Sat, Jun-18-16 08:07

Originally Posted by bluesinger
Those of us who are older must go slowly. Even with my rebounding, sometimes I get ambitious and bounce too much, causing myself back pain the next day. Disc compression. Not good for me, forcing slow recovery. I plan to take this v-e-r-y slowly.

Agreed, you have to listen to your body. It's never worth it to overdo and injure yourself. That said, I'm always amazed at how easy it is to improve strength with *gentle but consistent* workouts.

bluesinger Sat, Jun-18-16 08:24

Looking around on the internet for "planks for the elderly." Ya gotta laugh.
Resistance training is the best way to counter sarcopenia, the loss of muscle mass and strength that comes with age, according to Neil Short, a 64-year-old certified strength and conditioning specialist through the NSCA, and a USA Weightlifting level 1 certified trainer. “The undisputed scientific findings indicate that exercise with weights will counter and even reverse sarcopenia,” Short said.

This basic, home-based program is designed to give people 55 and older a place to start to resist sarcopenia. Short returns this week with the Plank, which strengthens all the muscles along the core. Short presents two modifications to the full plank. Consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program. Make sure any props and furniture used in exercise are stable and can’t slide.

The Plank
1. Lie face down with your hands palm-down under your shoulders.
2. Keep your head in a neutral position, your neck in a straight line with the back.
3. Lift your body off the floor from your hands and toes while engaging the core. Keep the back straight and maintain neutral position of the head.
4. Hold the position as long as you can.

The Plank modification with forearms
1. Lie face down with your forearms on the floor.
2. Keep your head in a neutral position, your neck in a straight line with the back.
3. Lift your body up from the forearms and toes while engaging the core. Keep your back straight and neck in the same line. 4. Hold the position for as long as you can.

The Plank modification with chair
1. Place the forearms on a stable chair or couch arm. Move your feet until your body is fully extended at about a 45 degree angle from the floor.
2. Keep your head in a neutral position, your neck in a straight line with the back.
3. Engage the core and keep your back straight as you hold the position for as long as you can.
I found a youtube video of the plank for women over 50 .

Just Jo Sat, Jun-18-16 08:30

Thanks for all the links to various plank varations, progressions, etc. Those were great! :thup:

I did my first "plank" with the "tripod" method like MS calls 'em, last night before bed. My little dog thought I was gonna play with him, so he brought me some toys! I did 3 x 45 seconds.

I did the same thing this morning. I will only be doing them every other day... not like it's prescribed.

Exercise for me right now is:

1) 3 hours or more of stationary bike daily (cuz I don't have a computer chair and use the 'puter only if I pedal).

2) 20 mins of weight training every other day, so the days I don't weight train, I'll do the planks! Just wanna have something to do on my non-weight training days.

3) 10,000 steps a day, I'll do more if I have the time.

Just Jo Sat, Jun-18-16 08:44

Okay I have a question, hope it doesn't sound stupid... but from the links you all have shared, some do "sets" and others do not...

So do we do sets or not? :q: I personally think "sets" makes sense until I work up to an actual one-time 3 min plank or longer... Any thoughts?

cshepard Sat, Jun-18-16 09:15

Yea, just doing one plank doesn't seem like enough ... I'm leaning towards doing a set of four with 15 sec. rest breaks in between, following the chart for timing, and alternating with squats. So plank > rest > squats > rest > repeat 4x

Just Jo Sat, Jun-18-16 10:58

Originally Posted by cshepard
Yea, just doing one plank doesn't seem like enough ... I'm leaning towards doing a set of four with 15 sec. rest breaks in between, following the chart for timing, and alternating with squats. So plank > rest > squats > rest > repeat 4x
Thanks for answering, Ci!

My thoughts too, b/c a 30-45 sec plank seems WAY too easy! I like how MickiSue described her method in my journal yesterday (I hope you don't mind that I shared this, MS!):
Recently, I started with 30/rest/what I could do.

So the 45 last night was really exciting. If I get to 3 minutes (500 seconds, woot!) in 90 days, I'll be proud of myself.
And thank you for sharing how you will be doing your plank exercises!

Liz53 Sat, Jun-18-16 16:33

Planks du Jour (day 2):

Front (tripod): 50 sec; 30 sec rest; 40 sec
Side (arm/knees): 30 sec each side x 2

For me, the limiting factor for side planks is my wrists - tomorrow will try elbow/knees and work up to elbows/feet.

Liz53 Sun, Jun-19-16 13:33

Planks du Jour (day 3):

Front (tripod): 55 sec; 30 sec rest; 40 sec
Side (elbow/knees): 30 sec each side x 2

Now my elbow is the limiting factor for side planks (so much more difficult for me than front planks). Hopefully there will be less pressure on my elbows as I strengthen my core to lift it more.

bkloots Sun, Jun-19-16 13:36

Onesies or sets? Tripods or sidearms? Whaddaya think? I say, whatever you like!
No prescriptions here! All the resources and descriptions are great.

I couldn't make my 2 minutes forearm plank today. 1:45 and splat. But I came back after a short rest and did 1 minute straight-arm. Enough already. I was still dripping from a 45-minute walk, and it's dang hot out there. Only mad dogs and English, as they say.

I read in a magazine this morning that 15 minutes of exercise a day helps keep older people fit. I see there's name for what happens otherwise: sarcopenia. Sounds like sarcophagus, doesn't it? Same root word: body. Let's be lively bodies as long as we can!

Have a great week everyBODY.

Grav Mon, Jun-20-16 03:12

Originally Posted by NEMarvin

As someone who has pretty much less than zero upper body strength, these are really interesting. Thanks Marvin!

MickiSue Mon, Jun-20-16 08:34

Man, was I out of it the other night. 3 X 60 doesn't equal 500, it equals 180. :doah:

Moving on...Saturday I was exhausted, did 30/rest/15. Yesterday I made it to 50.

Sets are good. And so is slowly increasing a single plank, as that demonstrates endurance.

I don't think I'll be doing the side, walking, etc ones, though.

Good lord, they look terrible.

Just Jo Mon, Jun-20-16 08:43

:wave: Good Morning Plank People! :D

I'm doing 45s forearm planks x 4 with a 15-20s rest in between. That's what I did this morning. I'll do those every other day. My goal is to increase 5s each week... who knows if that's possible! But I like to push myself...
Onesies or sets? Tripods or sidearms? Whaddaya think? I say, whatever you like!
Yeppers, Barb, I agree! I figure at least Imma doing a little something more to improve my health! :thup:

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