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Alina Tue, Mar-11-03 04:16

Great news on Atkins!!!!!!
To all Atkins veterans :rheart: , believers :angel: , newbies :clap: and those who still doubt :bash: !!!

I just have to share this with you, my friends. I know there are many of you out there who doubt, suffer and panic, mainly because their focus is set on the weight loss ONLY. It hurts me to see this because I'm grateful for so many positive changes in my life due to Lowcarbing.
OK, I went to my doctor this morning to get my blood results. He is supportive of my WOE, which is great, but the tests speak for themselves... After almost 7 weeks on Atkins I can report that my results are "Fantastic!" quoting the good doctor. For you who don't care about the numbers this might do, for others:

Cholesterol 185, HDL 79,5 LDL 87,88 Triglyc. 88,1

I'm so happy because everything makes sense now: I eat great, feel great = my body feels great too!
I just wish everyone else could accept that weight loss takes time *I haven't lost anything for 3 weeks* and we really ought to be grateful for getting healthy and strong.

Good luck to you all!


mkathy6 Tue, Mar-11-03 04:56

Congratulations on such great test results!!! it is such a support to have your doctor support you diet choice!!! :)

Alina Tue, Mar-11-03 05:26

Hi Kathy!
Thank you so much! I see you've done just great yourself in only 5 weeks. Respect!
Yes, my doctor told me long time ago to cut on the carbs, but I was so afraid of fat...I lived on bread and rice. Well, ancient history.
Big hugs!

HerbNurse Tue, Mar-11-03 07:36

Congrats to you on an impressive improvement.


Arrow Tue, Mar-11-03 07:43

Wonderful !
Hi all,

Alina, first thread I read today. Great way to start. Congratulations to you and thanks for the encouragement for all of us.

pbaxle1 Tue, Mar-11-03 08:58

WAY TO GO! I'm so glad to hear that as I just started induction a few days ago. I had recent blood tests done, and am really anxious to see if my levels go down in a couple of months!

Keep up the good work.

MAC Artist Tue, Mar-11-03 09:44

GReat Job Alina

I must say that I too feel soooooooo much better!! I can't believe I got off atkins and it took me a year to give it another shot. I'm only day 10 but I feel the difference. No brain fog, energy, good mood. I must admit though this time I am doing atkins a bit differently. I have decided to include little if any processed foods, completely eliminated diet soft drinks and aspartame containing soft drinks. The only sweetner I'll have is Stevia. I've eliminated deli meat, hot dogs and bacon. So I'm really excited about the results already but I can't wait to see how it goes for the next few months.

ALINA KEEP it up!!


Alina Tue, Mar-11-03 09:52

Thanks a lot, friends!

thank you, that feels good. Glad you are feeling the difference, sounds like you really do!!!
About the artificial sweeteners, I don't use any! Since I live in Germany I don't have this stuff. Something tells me that's how I get rid of my cravings.
Keep it up! I'm happy for you.

BTW, I like MAC products. Do you know FACE of Stockholm, another brand, very good.
Take care!

red1cutie Tue, Mar-11-03 09:54

Hi Alina! Congrats and thanks for sharing your great news. :cheer: :clap: :cheer: :clap: :cheer: :clap:

Hi Mac! I am at Eglinton & Yonge. Where are you? And when is Spring coming? :roll:


vbrowne Tue, Mar-11-03 10:11

Congratulations - positive testing reinforces everything :thup:


Hey Red - I'm at Bayview and Eglinton

Kaillean Tue, Mar-11-03 10:42

Good for you Alina! All your hard work is paying off and making you healthier. You're right not to focus on the scale - the weight loss will come in time.

The most important thing is you feel good and you're improving your health!

Congratulations! :thup:

Jannie Tue, Mar-11-03 11:10

Atkins news
Amen, Sister! I think we get WAY too involved with the numbers game that goes on with our scale. I, too have experienced great benefits besides losing weight-muce more energy, sleep better, wake up better, etc, etc.

Way to Go!! :daze: :spin:

Alina Tue, Mar-11-03 12:04

Thanks for your support! :rheart:
Whoosh Fairy is flying around the place it seems!

gkeenan Tue, Mar-11-03 12:11

Alina, Congratulations on such great test results :heart: A healthy heart is so important and attainable. May you live several more years for selecting such a healthy way of life...I'm sure this makes your doctor see that this woe is based in pure science and he/she will recommend it to the next patient...see how much good you have done by sticking with it... :spin:



gonnaBlean Tue, Mar-11-03 13:09

Alina, lets keep it up.
ain't it cool??? :D

Alina Tue, Mar-11-03 14:47

I'm sure this makes your doctor see that this woe is based in pure science and he/she will recommend it to the next patient...see how much good you have done by sticking with it

Dear Gail!
Yes, he actually told me long ago to eat less carbs but I didn't believe him!! Can you imagine that??? Of course, I was living on bread and rice...ancient history now.

gonnaBlean, hi! Yes, let's do it! Let's write about how great we feel, any positive change has to be accounted for.

I wrote about this to cheer you all up and I guess I did it!

Alina Wed, Mar-12-03 10:34

WHO says sugar is very damaging to health
I read it here in a German newspaper. WHO issued a warning recently, sugar is concerned as top health risk factor. BTW they tell you to eat less fat, too :devil:
But still, there is some hope!

MAC Artist Wed, Mar-12-03 20:03

HEy Red,

I love younge and eg, great part of the city. I work at finch and younge and I live in thornhill. AS for SPring ... GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

I don't know!!! I hate this winter, it seems like its never ending cold! Its just so tough to not get blue. But u know LOW carbing has saved me from those winter car cravings. I really am so happy with not having to feel hungry all the time, and looking for comfort carbs that wreck havoc on my energy levels and weight.

ANd alina YES i know FACE, very good brand indeed. I love european make up as well. Everytime I go to Italy itsa disaaster on my pocket book . I get all crazy over the make up over there.


julienne Wed, Mar-12-03 21:51

I have lost 31 pounds and thats good, but at my roundness it really does not show yet, that and I wear very loose clothing,

but the thing I know is how much better I am feeling,

I just do not hurt,

I am sleeping and have energy that I did not have,

I feel like I did 15 years ago,

what a blessing just not to hurt, every joint in my body felt like I had arthritis, and I was too afraid to go the the doctor, and perhaps it was just as well I didn't, for surely I would have been prescribed a ton of meds and Atkins would never have been mentioned,

a dear friend a doctor, a surgeon in his late 60s has asked about my diet and I gave him Athins For Life, I can hardly wait until we have a chance to discuss it, there is diabetes and arthritis in his family big time, it will be interesting to hear what he has to say about the chemistry of all of this,

my 2 oldest daughters are also doing Atkins and although they are thin 115-125 they both took of that last 20 pounds and look fantastic,

my road is longer but we are all serious Atkins fans,


Alina Thu, Mar-13-03 10:08

surely I would have been prescribed a ton of meds and Atkins would never have been mentioned,

Sadly it is the truth! It's amazing how many medical conditions can be cured with right type of foods! Pharma industry should be feeling a little shaky soon...
I'm happy for you!

BarbCA Thu, Mar-13-03 15:12

Congratulations! Hope mine comes in as well.

DDMariana Thu, Mar-13-03 15:21

Nice going!!!

A good inspiration for newbies who get frustrated... and for us veterans who need to be reminded that the SCALE is not the only measure of progress!!!

It's about health first!! Good for you.... :thup: :thup: :thup:

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