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crystalite Sun, Mar-09-03 10:37

Hi all, newbie here with a question!
Hi all,

My name is Christine and I'm from Montreal, Canada. I was on Atkins before but I just couldn't stay on for more than 3 weeks...
There's so much meat and fat I can take geez...

I've been reading the French version of Montignac's "eat yourself slim" and I must admit I'm kinda confused.Is it me or is the diet a bit difficult to understand? (It's ok to say it's me you know :daze:

Anyhoo... I was wondering if the Yoplait "La Source" was ok as it's fat free and sweetened with splenda. I'm not too big on plain yogurt so I thought this one could be the answer...

Thanks for your help and look forward to exchanging ideas with you :-)

in Montreal

P.S.: Any Montrealers in the group? I'd love to meet!

Spang Sun, Mar-09-03 14:06

Hi there!

It is not just you that is confused my the plan, I think every one of us has been bamboozled by it at some point. Which is why I started reading further. I great site is It clarifies a lot about the GI index system and GI load. From there - I got the book, New Glucose Revolution, which is similar to Montignac, and I find easier to digest... no pun intended!

As far as the yogurt goes. As long as the Yoplait you have found has no other sugars, it *should* be ok. Splenda is fine by Montiganc. Personally, I would still use plain yogurt, and sweeten it by:-

1. Adding fructose myself (easier to measure fructose than Stevia products)
2. Making my own fruit puree, or adding fruit to it.

I'd do this mainly as I try to avoid any artifical sweetners of any kind.

Good luck with Montignac, when you have interpretted the basics it is a great plan that I'd recommend to anyone. Feel fre to post any queries here - there seems to be a hard core of 5 of us (including you) that will be more than willing to help!


KoKo Sun, Mar-09-03 16:35

Hi Christine and welcome to another Canadian!!! I think thats 3 of us now!!! (although I love everyone else too :) )

Yes as Spang has said the book is confusing and contradictory, but it really is not that difficult. Another confusing thing is that apparently there are many different publications of what is basiclly the same book, as he paid for the first publishings himself before it became a bestseller - so not all books have the same information. We can help you out when you run into problems so between us all we should equal a great translation :D :D :D

Looking forward to seeing you here again :)

crystalite Mon, Mar-10-03 07:35

Thanks guys and great find...
Thanks for the nice welcome and for answering my question...

I went to the book store yesterday and bought the new "Recipes and Healthy Menus 2" by Montignac. It's in French (sorry guys)and all the recipes have been adapted so that all the ingredients can be found at any grocery store in Quebec (or Ontario for Koko since it's pretty much the same thing eh? BTW Koko, I moved only a month ago to Montreal - I used to live in Whitby before). The recipes seem really yummy and I like the fact that he specifies whether the recipe is intended for Phase 1 or Phase 2. The menus (he gives a full daily menu for 14 weeks! wow!). They are very diversified with lots of ideas BUT if you want to follow his menus to the "tee" well you need a copy of recipe book #1 as some of the recipes come from that book... Marketing people, marketing!!!....
The other thing that bugged me is that he doesn't indicate what the G.I. is for any of his recipes (that's something peope might have liked to know since it's all about G.I. eh?)
Now having said all that, am I allowed to post some recipes from his book? I'm not too sure on how those copyright laws work so I prefer to ask first before someone slaps my wrist with them laws.

Have a wonderful day all!

in Montreal

KoKo Mon, Mar-10-03 09:20

Christine, good point about the copyright, maybe I should quit posting the recipes, although the last one I totally changed around so its not really his recipe anymore :D , maybe I'll just make a small change in them to be safe. I haven't really run across anything that is soooooo original yet that the formulae would be worth making a fuss over - but you never know. :confused:

Spang Mon, Mar-10-03 14:19

Re the GI for meals:-

If its a Montignac official book, and he specifies whether they are Phase 1 or Phase 2 - its a good bet that Phase 1 will be a total GI of around 30, and Pahs 2 GI of around 50.

Assuming he sticks to his own definitions of GI levels for Phase 1 and Phase 2!

As for copyright. As long as you are not making money off his recipes, you should be fine if you credit the author or owner of the copyright.


CalicoCat Mon, Mar-10-03 16:03

Hi Christine,

I live in Montreal too and I’m glad it’s so easy to find suitable products to follow the Montignac Plan in our supermarket. Première Moisson makes good Montignac bread that I can always find at Provigo. The other thing that saves me a lot of times is the “compotes” from “Recettes maison”. The only ingredients are the fruits, nothing else. It’s as if you made it yourself and they come in many delicious mix. I use the blueberry and apple in oatmeal in the morning or I mix any of them with plain yoghurt or Quark cheese for a snack. I am not a fan of plain yoghurt myself so, the first time, I bought only a 175g to try to mix it. I really enjoyed it! I still have some yoghurt with splenda in the fridge and they taste incredibly sweet now that I am used to cut on sugar.

If you find some great time savers in the supermarket, please tell me. I like to cook but not for every meal, every day!


crystalite Mon, Mar-10-03 16:24

Thanks CalicoCat and Spang!

Thank you so much for the info on the Montignac products, I will certainly go and check it out at Provigo.
Whereabout in Montreal are you? I'm in Montreal-North.
I lived in Whitby, Ontario for 7 years but was homesick so we moved back to Montreal last month.

If I see something interesting I will certainly share it wity you ok?

Spang: Thanks for the info on copyright laws! If you guys want, I could post some of the recipes in the new Montignac recipes book...Interested????

in Montreal

KoKo Tue, Mar-11-03 00:15

Hi Christine,

I'm always interesed in new recipies!!!! Thanks for reminding me about copyright, I will know now to be careful in future when I post!!!!

Since I live so close to Quebec I'm thinking of taking a trip to check out some Montingnac products one day!!!!


Spang Tue, Mar-11-03 00:55

just a tiny word of warning...
... I'm not in the legal profession at all - so I don't know if that is the exact letter of the law about the copyrighted information.

I do deal with intellectual property and trademarks, to a certain extent - so that is where my info is coming from.

patsy Wed, Jul-30-03 02:51

New on Montignac Montrealer (Montréalaise) in Scotland
Hi Christine, Calicocat and everyone else, just a quick note... I think this site is great! I'm a Montrealer living in Scotland since April this year, and the beer and food is getting to my cellulite zones...

I really don't understand the Montignac thing. I bought the Eat Yourself Slim book and a recepie book and I've started or tried to start the diet 3 days ago and I'm struggling to understand which foods I can have at the same time.

I've sort of done the Suzanne Summers Diet last year with a co-worker and we couldn't mix certain foods, but this Montignac thing is quite confusing... I've tried to re-read the book Eat Yourself Slim, I've underlined things everywhere in the book and I still don't know which foods I can have together?! ie; can I have brown Basmati rice with meats? Can I have fish and poultry?

Any comments would help I guess...


Spang Wed, Jul-30-03 10:42

you can have fish and poultry, they have 0 GI

i read your other post, sounds like you aren't getting enough protein, and more substantial carbs.

you've got the recipe book, make some of the stuff in there - i find the recipes make me so full.

i never bothered with the food mixing part of montignac's plan when i was on it, and besides i was eating exlusively the recipes from his book, so they were mixed right already.

for more information, read new glucose revolution - way better, and nowhere near as commercial as atkins / summersizing or any of the other clones

kath1234 Wed, Aug-06-03 03:05

Hi all! I think this site is also fantastic, and it's good to meet some canadians. i'm from toronto but i'm living in belgium. i started montignac nearly 2 weeks ago and have lost 2.2 kg so far... i'm very pleased!
here in belgium, montignac's eating plan is pretty well known. everyone's heard of montignac, and no one's heard of atkins. anyway, i can understand the frustration of looking for some of the products that he mentions in his books. i had the book with me on the plane back home a few weeks back, and wanted to begin then. but i couldn't find anything he mentioned, and i substituted lots, and in the end, i gave up. but since i've been back, i researched and looked around the supermarket here and things are going great.
i think the french version of his book is quite clear. i actually don't have "eat yourself slim". i have the one written especially for females, and it's quite good. he explains different needs for different life stages of women.
that was quite a long mail...i just wanted to say hello, and that i'm glad to have found this site.

patsy Fri, Aug-08-03 02:09

Whoo Hoo... I've lost 2 kilos on my first week!
Well, I've been confused about the Montignac thing, I've posted questions, I've received helpfull replies and Whoo Hoo... I've lost 2 kilos in one week...

I've been cooking a lot of Indian meals and Lentils and stuff like that. I've been have Muslie Cereal in the morning, Vegies and a Lentil recepie for lunch and either a recepie from Montignac's book or an Indian recepie...

My boyfriend has lost 1.5 kilos :yay:

We have a bad weekend ahead of us though. We're out all weekend with friends for the Edinburgh Festivals and this includes beer drinking but I've told my boyfriend that we have to stick to our meals properly, so we'll try! :wiggle:

I'm starting to get the hang of the GI thing. I just have to find recepies.

Thanks your replies! I love to refer back to this site... it's great!


p.s. how do I change my specs?

kath1234 Fri, Aug-08-03 10:14

patsy, this indian dish with lentils sounds great. could you post it?

Fransson Wed, Aug-13-03 12:54

I am new to the forum but a Montignac "veteran" (although relapsed).

I read a swedish translation of "Eat yourself slim" in 1998. Followed it (with some modifications) for about a year and half. Lost almost 40 pounds (have since regained abot 25 of these by going from some exceptions to almost all exceptions).

To be able to grasp Montignac you have to understand as much about GI as possible. For information about GI I agree with the poster who recommeds the Mendosa site. It really is a remarkable resource. I haven't read "The glucose revolution" but I have read an earlier book with similar contents by the same team and it is really useful as well.

Montignac's method isn't all that complex really. It is about eating only low GI carbs (the limit for low GI can vary depending on what GI scale is used).

When in phase 1 you must NEVER have carbs and fat in the same meal. In phase 1 you this means that you have two basic types of meals: protein+fat or protein+carbs (low GI).

Now this can't really be achieved fully, as most meats etc do contain some fat but you must use VERY lean varieties for your carb+protein meals. He is also cheating a little as he lists a variety of vegetables that are "free" that you can have with your fat+protein meals (like tomatoes, cucumber, leafy stuff etc), they do contain carbs but so little that the glycemic load is almost non-existant.

For me, the real problem with Montignac is that he is so "french". It wasn't really adapted to the eating the eating patterns of my culture, and didn't discuss some foodstuffs that would have been very natural for me to consider, as a scandinavian.

Now I DO need to lose some wheigth (AGAIN!!!). I haven't decided yet if I should go Montignac again or something more Atkins-like.

patsy Mon, Aug-18-03 07:38

Hi Cath, I'll try to get the recepie...

Patsy :agree:

patsy Mon, Aug-18-03 07:44

Kath... I can't find it... but let me see what I can come up with...

errmmm I'm not sure how this posting stuff works...

patsy Mon, Aug-18-03 07:48

Hi Cath, I pretty much invent my Indian recepies... but I bought 2 Indian Recipe books to guide me...

Dahl Soup:

In a large Pot
1 cup of Orange or Green Split Lentils
1 teaspoon of Turmeric powder or Hot Curry powder
1 thinly sliced (in rings) hot green peper
add water (a bit more than 1 inch over your lentils)
boil for about 20 -25 min until tender and has reduced to a soup consitency... add water if soup is too thick.

in a seperate non-stick frying pan
add 1 soup spoon of Olive Oil
add 1/4 teaspoon of Cumin Seeds
add 1/4 teaspoon of black Mustard Seeds
fry until they start to pop
add 1 garlic clove (I use the puréd kind in a jar) 1 teasp
add 1" of finely chopped Ginger (I use the puréd kind in a jar) 1 teasp
add 1/2 teaspoon of Coriander Powder
add 1 1/2 teaspoon of Garam Masala

Once the Lentils are cooked, add the onion and spice mixture to the lentils & cook about 5 minutes more or until desired consitency.

Salt to taste

I usually add at the end when I'm tasting my soup more Garam Masala, Curry Powder, Salt & Pepper and any of the indian spices above until it tastes good to me...

I hope this is correct... I just did it from memory...

Enjoy! :yay:


I hope I've posted this one correctly... this is my 3rd try... :rolleyes:

kath1234 Wed, Aug-20-03 11:18

Hi Patsy,
Thanks for the recipe. it looks great!
But, just one question... it seems like there's mixing of fat and carb. Is it ok to eat for the first phase of montignac?

fleiser Mon, Sep-08-03 15:16

Hello Everybody
Finally somebody who is not from Canada...
In Israel the Montignac diet is totally unknown, and the book has been translated in hebrew in March 2003.
the title is " EAT TO LOSE WEIGHT"
It is quite confusing but I succedded in losing 17 kg in 5 months, andthe most important part is that I have no craving and eating binges anymore.
Who love to have some new recipes.
Wonderful to have found you

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