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truckgirl Wed, Sep-28-05 12:05

Seanna's Gym Log
I've been faithfully working out for about 5 years now, so maybe it's time to start a gym log and keep track of what I do at the gym!

Wednesday, September 28 Work Out
Treadmill 20 min. hill profile
Bike 20 min. varied profile

Weight Training
3 sets, 8 reps of all:
Lat. Pulldown 80lbs
Tricep Press 75lbs
Preacher Curl 50lbs
Overhead Press 40lbs
Compound Row 75lbs

Goals:Get cardio back up to 45 min a day
Increase weight on machines
Get Buff :D

truckgirl Thu, Sep-29-05 11:27

Thursday, September 29
Bike 20 min hill profile
Indoor Rower 15 min level 7 (goes from 0-10)

Weight Training
3 sets of 15 with 30 on the bar:
No weight
50 Calf Risers

I had a very wimpy workout this morning, and I think a lot of it had to do with hardly eating anything for breakfast. Let this be a lesson to me.

galatia Thu, Sep-29-05 16:06

This is an EXCELLENT training routine. Read over it and see if it's something you'd like to do. I'm going back to it shortly. :)

Baby got back

The back can be thought of as vertical and horizontal planes. Back training should really be split into two workouts - one devoted to horizontal pulling (thickness based workout / rowing movements) and one devoted to vertical pulling (width based workout / pull ups).

The hit you get from heavy deadlifts on leg day will round out your back workout.

Horizontal Pulling
  • Barbell Rows (vary the grip between pronated and supinated)
  • T-Bar Rows (vary the grip between pronated and supinated)
  • Rack Pulls (vary the pin height, usually set them set below the knee/mid shin area)
  • Seated Cable Rows
Vertical Pulling

  • Lat Pulldowns (various grips and widths)
  • Pull Ups
  • Chin Ups
  • Pull overs (Nautilus, cable, bar)
Pick one and stick with it throughout the course of the program - then switch when you want to change exercises. This would be most consistent and you'll be able to tell whether you're progressing or not. If you take a bent BB row - you'll find that you can probably lift more weight with a supinated grip because the biceps are assisting the movement. So if you're switching back and forth between grips during each workout, or every other workout, then it may be difficult to gage progress.

Supinated grip means palms facing your body. Pronated means palms facing away from your body. Semi-supinated means palms facing each other. A pull-up uses a pronated grip, palms facing away from your body. Chin-ups use the other two grips.



SLDLs are decent for the hip extension function and therefore your lower back, but not so much for great upper back development, at least comparatively speaking.

Regular Deadlifts

Regular deadlifts are a 'hip dominant' exercise. They hit the whole posterior chain - from hamstrings up to traps. They are the king of back development.

Do them first in your back workout.

You can be pretty sure you're doing it right if you're getting war wounds on your shins. It's basically a sign that the bar is staying really close to your body, which is correct.

You keep your sets short for two reasons:

  • 1. It is a complex movement and form tends to break down with higher reps.
  • 2. It is a strength movement. Your goal is to get strong on this exercise.
Keep the reps under 5 with regular deads. You can go higher with stiffs.

There IS overlap between these two exercises. SLDLs obviously hit some back, and regular deads obviously hit some hams. But stiff leg deads will not do for your back what regular, off the floor deads will.

Rack Pulls
A rack pull is like a regular deadlift off pins.

Click here for rack pulls

Pulling from the floor is more difficult. The weight has more distance to travel, and uses more glutes and hams. If you pull from pins you can focus on your back, which is essentially what’s working on the upper portion of a deadlift, and because your ROM is shorter you should be able to lift a bit heavier. Vary the pin height, but not set to set or workout to workout. It's a matter of being able to gauge your progress. If you change things too frequently, you really can't tell, from a strength standpoint, if you're progressing or not. You might stick with something for four weeks, and then switch it up a bit.

You could pair the horizontal pulling workout with horizontal pushing (chest) and the vertical pulling with vertical pushing (shoulders) to ensure that volume around the joints is kept constant.

However, this assumes for the most part that muscle groups are being trained once per week. An upper/lower split or an undulating split (with increased frequency, where everything basically gets hit twice per week) is better for hypertrophy. The one thing you have to consider when doing this is that the volume per bodypart per workout is lower, but the weekly volume, since you're hitting the muscle more often, is still fair.


Horizontal plane back (pull)
Select from:

  • Bent barbell rows (vary the grip between pronated and supinated)
  • T-Bar Rows (vary the grip between pronated and supinated)
  • Rack Pulls (vary the pin height, usually set them set below the knee/mid shin area)
  • Seated Cable Rows
  • Dumbbell row
  • Hammer Strength row
Horizontal plane chest (push)
Select from:

  • Flat barbell press
  • Dumbbell press
  • Low incline press.
  • Flat flyes
(Standing calves, short, heavy sets)

Go short and heavy on two quad dominant exercises and lighter with higher reps for one ham dominant exercise. (Here, hams are accessory, so they go lighter, with higher reps)

(bicep work)

Vertical plane back (pull)
Select from:

  • Lat Pulldowns (various grips and widths)
  • Pull Ups
  • Chin Ups
  • Pull overs (Nautilus, cable, bar)
Vertical plane shoulders (push)
Select from:

  • Standing barbell press
  • Dumbbell press
  • Arnies
  • Laterals, etc
(Seated calves, long sets)

Opposite from day 2. Go short and heavy on 2 hip/ham dominant exercises and light with higher reps for one quad dominant exercise. (Here, quads are accessory, so they go lighter, with higher reps)

(Tricep work)

galatia Thu, Sep-29-05 16:45

If you want to stick with what you're doing now....let me take a look. You said you go 5 days a week and alternate between upper and lower body. I've never done that so I have no opinion on it really. But....looking at your upper body routine.....I'm not seeing anything for chest.
I suggest you do cardio after weight training.
If you're ready for a change, you might consider something like:
Back and biceps
Chest and triceps
Legs and shoulders
You would be doing like 3 exercises for each bodypart. An example would be:
Back and Biceps: 3 sets of 8-10 on everything would be fine.
lat pulldowns
bent-over rows
straight-arm pushdowns
alternating db curls
inc. curls
close grip pulldowns
Or BGB (Baby Got Back)

Treadmill 20 min. hill profile
Bike 20 min. varied profile

Weight Training (upper body)
3 sets, 8 reps of all:
Lat. Pulldown 80lbs (back)
Tricep Press 75lbs
Preacher Curl 50lbs
Overhead Press 40lbs (shoulders)
Compound Row 75lbs (back) ?

Bike 20 min hill profile
Indoor Rower 15 min level 7 (goes from 0-10)

I'd do more for legs. Even if you just add more sets. You've only got 6 sets there. And be more aggressive with adding weight. Maybe 5 sets of 5 reps. That would bringing the weight up so that 5 reps. are hard. You would probably go more like 8 on your first set but by the 5 set maybe only 3. If you're using an olympic bar now and adding 30 pounds you've got 75 lbs. Try bringing it up to 90 and see how that feels. Is that 3 sets of 15 lunges on each leg? Your legs should feel WORKED when you're done. If them harder. :) On leg day you could skip cardio.

Weight Training (lower body)
3 sets of 15 with 30 on the bar:
No weight
50 Calf Risers

Goals:Get cardio back up to 45 min a day
Increase weight on machines
Get Buff

If you choose to stay with exactly what you've been doing, I won't be offended. :) Most people only ask to see what I'll say and go on about their usual routines.....I'm use to it. :lol:

truckgirl Thu, Sep-29-05 17:24

First of all, Thank You Debbie! :)
I like the idea of having the four day program. I'm just very uncomfortable with using free weights, so would it be OK to use the same philosiphy, but use mostly machines?

For Example:
Horizontal plane back (pull)
Compound Row (Machine)
Chain Pull (Machine)(chain fastened low, pull bar from lower level toward center of body)
Horizontal plane chest (push)
Chest Press(Machine)

(bicep work)
Preacher Curl (Machine)
Forward Row (free weight)

Vertical plane back (pull)
Compound Row(Machine)
Deadlifts(free weight)
Lat. Pull down(Machine)

Vertical plane shoulders (push)
Overhead Press(Machine)
Add in Tricep press this day

A little confused on "opposie of day 2..."

Originally Posted by galatia
.....I'm not seeing anything for chest.

Yes, I need to start using the chest press again.

Originally Posted by galatia
[I suggest you do cardio after weight training.

I usually break up my cardio into at least two sessions, because otherwise I get bored out of my head :p

Originally Posted by galatia
If you're ready for a change, you might consider something like:
Back and biceps
Chest and triceps
Legs and shoulders
You would be doing like 3 exercises for each bodypart. An example would be:
Back and Biceps: 3 sets of 8-10 on everything would be fine.
lat pulldowns
bent-over rows
straight-arm pushdowns
alternating db curls
inc. curls
close grip pulldowns

I'm saving this, because it looks good too. Probably would just substitute machines for a few of the freeweights listed above.

Treadmill 20 min. hill profile
Bike 20 min. varied profile

Weight Training (upper body)
3 sets, 8 reps of all:
Lat. Pulldown 80lbs (back)
Tricep Press 75lbs
Preacher Curl 50lbs
Overhead Press 40lbs (shoulders)
Compound Row 75lbs (back)

Yes, compound row gets the back

Originally Posted by galatia
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=blue]I'd do more for legs. Even if you just add more sets. You've only got 6 sets there. And be more aggressive with adding weight. Maybe 5 sets of 5 reps. That would bringing the weight up so that 5 reps. are hard. You would probably go more like 8 on your first set but by the 5 set maybe only 3. If you're using an olympic bar now and adding 30 pounds you've got 75 lbs. Try bringing it up to 90 and see how that feels. Is that 3 sets of 15 lunges on each leg? Your legs should feel WORKED when you're done. If them harder. :)

I agree, need to add more weight for the squats. I just haven't figured out how to get the bar on my back with more weight. I just about knocked my head off this AM when I brought up the bar and put it on my back...any sugestions? :o

Originally Posted by galatia
If you choose to stay with exactly what you've been doing, I won't be offended. :) Most people only ask to see what I'll say and go on about their usual routines.....I'm use to it.

:lol: :lol: No, I plan to use at least SOME of what you've mentioned! :)

truckgirl Thu, Sep-29-05 17:31

Ignore this post

galatia Thu, Sep-29-05 17:39

Well now.....why not go ahead and take the plunge into free weights? They are superior to machines, in that you have to also balance and stableize and often machines force you into unnatural positions and can cause some trouble. I'm not "against" machines....but I am most definately "for" free weights. Are you saying there is no squat rack at your gym? Or are you're not about to go near that free weight area? ;)

If you are certain you have no intentions of going that route....then what you've described sounds fine. :)

truckgirl Thu, Sep-29-05 22:43

Originally Posted by galatia
Well now.....why not go ahead and take the plunge into free weights? They are superior to machines, in that you have to also balance and stableize and often machines force you into unnatural positions and can cause some trouble. I'm not "against" machines....but I am most definately "for" free weights. Are you saying there is no squat rack at your gym? Or are you're not about to go near that free weight area? ;)

If you are certain you have no intentions of going that route....then what you've described sounds fine. :)

:lol: You crack me up Deb, I love how you just say it how it is. :D I tell you what- if I had someone to show me the proper form for using free weights, I would start tomorrow. :agree: But I see a lot of gals (I work out at a womens only gym) flopping weights around and they obviously don't know what they are doing. Not only do I fear looking like a moron, I fear doing exercises improperly and not working the right muscles, or worse yet, hurting myself. It costs $45 for a 1/2 hour with a trainer, and they would want to set up a little routine for me and tell me that eating LC is bad. (I went through this when I joined the gym)

Squat rack? Hmmm, I'll have to look tomorrow. I think I know what you are talking about.

I don't want to just get stuck in a rut, so I'm all for chaning my workout around, as long as I do exercises properly and with good form. :)

Thanks for all your help, Debbie, I really appreciate you advice, even if it sounds like I'm fighting it! :D

I'm wondering too, is it time for a new gym?

truckgirl Fri, Sep-30-05 15:56

I'm going to try this, starting today. So today I will do back/biceps. 3 exercises, 3 reps of 8 each. :)
Originally Posted by galatia

[font=Comic Sans MS]If you're ready for a change, you might consider something like:

Back and biceps
Chest and triceps
Legs and shoulders
You would be doing like 3 exercises for each bodypart. An example would be:
Back and Biceps: 3 sets of 8-10 on everything would be fine.

lat pulldowns
bent-over rows
straight-arm pushdowns
alternating db curls
inc. curls
close grip pulldowns
Or BGB (Baby Got Back)

truckgirl Fri, Sep-30-05 20:30

So the first day of my new program...........and I already messed up. :rolleyes: OH WELL. I did back and triceps instead of biceps.:rolleyes:
Friday, September 30
Weight Training 3 sets/8 reps of each
Lateral Pulldown 80lbs
Tricep Press 80lbs
Lower Back 80lbs
Compound Row 80lbs
Pull Ups 59lbs
Upright Row 15lbs

The "lower back" is the only name on that machine. The pull ups were weight assisted, so my body-weight assist= 59 lbs

Eliptical hill profile, 30 min
Bike varied profile 10 min
Treadmill 5 min

I got in 45 min cardio :cheer: It seemed like 2 hours :yawn:

FabByFifty Fri, Sep-30-05 20:55

Hi Seanna:)
It looks pretty good to me!:) We all make those mistakes from time to time and it's a new routine you are allowed to mess up some.:)
Girl you have been doing this for 5 years!
Good For You!!:) You will do wonderful with your new routine.
I just wanted to drop in and wish you luck and see how you were doing.
Besides you will get this just like the pros as long as you have been at it. :thup:
Nice Gym Log too.:)

galatia Sat, Oct-01-05 06:06

Weight Training 3 sets/8 reps of each
Lateral Pulldown 80lbs back
Tricep Press 80lbs triceps
Lower Back 80lbs back
Compound Row 80lbs back
Pull Ups 59lbs back
Upright Row 15lbs traps (shoulders or upper back)

First thing-- arms go last, so triceps shouldn't have been done until you were finished with back. I would have done a couple more tricep exercises and only about 3 back exercises. Right now 3 back 3 tricep or bicep, doesn't matter.
You can pair bodyparts however you want really. So it's not wrong to put back and triceps together. Ever 6 weeks or so you'll want to change things up anyway. You might want to get a little notebook and write what you want to work that day and then you can also keep up with how much weight you used and how many reps you got. Then the next time you do it you'll know whether you need to go up in weight. You don't just decide you'll do 8 reps. You try to use a weight to where you don't think you can get but 8 reps. :)

truckgirl Sat, Oct-01-05 18:00

Thanks for visiting my gym log, Brenda and Debbie! Yes Deb, UrbanZero suggested doing 8 reps with the weight being heavy enought that I CANT do a 9th rep. I used to do weight training every workout, but then when I got real heavy, I started doing just cardio. I just got back into weight training....I think about a month ago? So my weight amounts ARE really wimpy right now, but they are heavy enough I can barely get in 8, believe it or not! :o I didn't see these posts until I got back from working out this afternoon, but I'll do arms last next time I work out. And thanks for shedding light on what muscles the exercises work out. I was going by the pictures on the machines, so I thought I had 3 for back and 3 for triceps, but I guess I didn't. :o
This all shows that a person can be working out for many years and still not have a very good idea about what they are doing! :o

truckgirl Sat, Oct-01-05 18:13

Having said all that, here is
Saturday, October 1
Weight Training
3 sets of 10 reps
Chest Press 45lbs
Lat Pull Down (with UH grip) 65lbs
Pull Ups 59lbs
Preacher Curl 45lbs
Chest Press (FW) 20lbs
Standing Barbell Curls 20lbs
I should also add that I always have done my weight training in a circut, as time is precious. :)
Cardio (very wimpy today)
Eliptical 20min Glute Profile
Bike 15 min varied Profile

My knee is still really big today. I think it's the impact of the treadmill that does it, but I'm not sure. :rolleyes:

truckgirl Sat, Oct-01-05 18:37

Originally by Deb: If you're ready for a change, you might consider something like:
Back and biceps
Chest and triceps
Legs and shoulders

Where do I add in abs?

galatia Sat, Oct-01-05 20:36

Sounds like standing barbell curls.
It is currently believed that abs should be worked like any other muscle. The thought use to be you could work them everyday if you wanted to. I'd at least get in a good ab work-out twice a week. And you can put them anywhere.....if you're not doing anything you need the gym for, you could do them at home. I'll post a link to a good exercise site tomorrow. I'm on the computer in my bedroom now and it's not on it. It shows how tons of weight training exercises are done. You could also get ideas for new things to try. :)

truckgirl Sat, Oct-01-05 22:17

Thanks Deb!

galatia Sun, Oct-02-05 05:09 website barbell curls

truckgirl Mon, Oct-03-05 12:29

Monday, Oct. 3, 2005
Leg/Butt Day
(Used squat rack to do squats and lunges)
Squats 1 set of 15, 50lbs on bar
Lunges RL 1 set of 15, 50lbs on bar
Lunges LL 1 set of 15, 50lbs on bar
Eliptical Trainer 3 min
Squats 1 set of 15, 50lbs on bar
Lunges RL 1 set of 15, 50lbs on bar
Lunges LL 1 set of 15, 50lbs on bar
Calf Risers 1 set of 25, no weight
Eliptical Trainer 3 min
Squats 1 set of 15, 50lbs on bar
Lunges RL 1 set of 15, 50lbs on bar
Lunges LL 1 set of 15, 50lbs on bar
Calf Risers 1 set of 25, no weight
Eliptical Trainer 4 min
Indoor Rower, level 8, 20 min (seemed like FOREVER)
Leg Press 3 sets of 15, 100lbs

Goals: Get in MORE CARDIO
Increase Leg Press Weight
Get my knee back to normal-it's still hurting and swollen

galatia Mon, Oct-03-05 13:05

And you did this as a circuit? That's a tough work-out! :)

I'm concerned about your knee. These things are probably going to keep it careful with it until it heals. Do you ice it or anything?

On the squat there a bar you can take off and move around? If so, it's probably an olympic bar and it weighs 45 pounds, so adding your 50 pounds to it....that's 95 pounds. :) If the bar is made into the squat rack and can't be removed, that's a Smith Machine.

truckgirl Mon, Oct-03-05 13:35

Originally Posted by galatia
And you did this as a circuit? That's a tough work-out! :)

I'm concerned about your knee. These things are probably going to keep it careful with it until it heals. Do you ice it or anything?

On the squat there a bar you can take off and move around? If so, it's probably an olympic bar and it weighs 45 pounds, so adding your 50 pounds to it....that's 95 pounds. :) If the bar is made into the squat rack and can't be removed, that's a Smith Machine.

I did the exercises in the exact order I listed them, and yes, it was tough. I was sweating like I was in bootcamp class! :lol: No, can't take the bar off, wish I could because I'm not used to doing squats so streight up and down like that, but OH WELL! :lol: So I guess it's a smith machine. :)

truckgirl Mon, Oct-03-05 21:39

So tomorrow is back/biceps! I was going to do some ab work today, but my tummy is so cockeyed sore from the chin ups on Saturday, I decided not to. They got a little bit of work out when I did the indoor rower, but not a lot.

truckgirl Tue, Oct-04-05 12:24

Tuesday, October 4, 2005
Back/Bicep Day
3 Sets of 10
Lat Pull Down 80lbs (same weight as before)
Lower Back 85lbs (up 5 lbs)
Compound Row 85lbs (up 5 lbs)
Eliptical Trainer 20 min
2 sets of 10
Preacher Curl 50lbs (up 5 lbs)
Standing Barbell Curls 20 lbs (same weight as before, still killer)
Pull Ups 58 lbs (with weight assist)
Abdominal Machine 55 lbs
Eliptical Trainer 5 min (had to rest dead arms)
1 set of 10
Preacher Curl 50lbs (up 5 lbs)
Standing Barbell Curls 20 lbs (same weight as before, still killer)
Pull Ups 58 lbs (with weight assist)
Abdominal Machine 55 lbs

Cardio Time is still really short. Maybe I should get a discman so I can listen to Robert Kiyosaki while I'm doing cardio. Just started working abs today, I'll add them to Back/Bicep day on a consistant basis. Started them out really wimpy, because I remember from before that if my abs are really sore, I want to eat everything under the sun.......don't ask!!! I'm getting *gasp* callouses on my hands from the Lat. Pulldown and the Preacher Curl bars....DH says I need some special gloves of some sort. I have a big mark from where my ring digs in.

truckgirl Thu, Oct-06-05 10:27

Wednesday, October 5, 2005
No formal work out today, just house cleaning at Maryn's for 3 hrs.

truckgirl Thu, Oct-06-05 14:12

Thursday, October 6, 2005
Had to do a fast work out today. :(
Chest/Tricep Day

3 sets of 8
Chest Press Machine 50 lbs (up 5 lbs from last time)
3 sets of 10
Dips 56 lbs (weight assisted)
1 set of 20, two sets of 15
Chest Presses 20 lbs (Free weight)

3 sets of 8
Tricep Press 85 lbs (up 5 lbs from last time)
3 sets of 10
Tricep Kickbacks 7 1/2 lb weight
3 sets of 5
Head Bangers (is that a technical term :lol: ) 20 lbs (this was way too heavy for me)
Between the caffine and the work out, my arms were shaking so bad I could barely drive! :lol:

galatia Fri, Oct-07-05 03:15

Your work-outs are looking good Seanna. :)

truckgirl Fri, Oct-07-05 20:38

Thank You Debbie!
Friday, October 7, 2005
Leg/Butt Day
3 sets of 15
Squats 50lbs (using Smith Machine, same weight)
Leg Press 120 lbs (up 20 lbs)
Hip Extention 110lbs (legs together, first time)
Leg Extention 50lbs (legs separate, first time)
4 sets of 25
Calf Risers no weight (doubled count)
Bike 15 min
Elip 15 min
Wore my knee brace, and didn't do lunges as it is doing pretty good and I don't want to screw it up.

galatia Sat, Oct-08-05 03:49

obviously you jot down notes while you work out
Yes.... it saves time the next time I do these exercises I'll know where to start the weight. And it gives me something to do while I'm waiting for my next set. :)


I've been trying to incorporate FW's a little bit into my work out, and it's been fun. I hope that my sis and I can work out at the same time soon, because there are rules at my gym about having to have a spotter when using FW's. I don't blame them, it's just so they won't get sued, probably!
I knew you'd love FWs once you got started with them. It's nice to have a spotter. I have to stop before I'd like to because of the danger factor in not having one on some lifts. But I do enjoy working out alone too. :)


I like the pic of the lady in your gym log :thup: a lot better than the one you put in Pany's journal

I'm curious, how long have you been a fitness guru?
Started in 1986 with weight training, but took several years off between then and now. :)

Glad you are taking care of that knee. :)

truckgirl Mon, Oct-10-05 11:13

Monday, October 10, 2005
Back/Bicep Day

1 set of 10
Standing Barbell Curl FW 20lbs (biceps)
1 set of 10 ( row twice per row)
Standing compound row FW 20lb (back)
Bike 2 min
1 set of 10
Standing Barbell Curl FW 20lbs (biceps)
1 set of 10 ( row twice per row)
Standing compound row FW 20lb (back)
Bike 2 min
1 set of 10
Standing Barbell Curl FW 20lbs (biceps)
1 set of 10 ( row twice per row)
Standing compound row FW 20lb (back)
Bike 2 min
3 sets of 8
Bicep exercise 7 1/2 lbs, both arms (ask Deb name of this)
Bike 2 min
1 set of 10
Preacher Curl 50 lbs
1 set of 10
Lower Back Machine 85 lbs
1 set of 10
Preacher Curl 50 lbs
1 set of 10
Lower Back Machine 85 lbs
1 set of 10
Preacher Curl 50 lbs
1 set of 10
Lower Back Machine 85 lbs
3 sets of 8
Lat Pull Down 80 lbs (this one really killed me this am :confused: )
Indoor Rower
12 min, level 8
3 sets of 8
Captains Chair (abs) no weight

truckgirl Tue, Oct-11-05 14:13

Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Tricep/Chest Day
1 set of 10
Chest Press 50lbs
1 set of 8
Weigh assisted dip 57lbs
1 set of 10
Tricep Press 85 lbs
1 set of 10
Chest Press 50lbs
1 set of 8
Weigh assisted dip 57lbs
1 set of 10
Tricep Press 85 lbs
1 set of 10
Chest Press 50lbs
1 set of 8
Weigh assisted dip 57lbs
1 set of 10
Tricep Press 85 lbs
1 set of 10
Overhead Row 15 lbs
1 set of 10
Head Bangers 15 lbs
1 set of 10
Overhead Row 10 lbs
1 set of 10
Head Bangers 10 lbs
1 set of 10
Overhead Row 10 lbs
1 set of 10
Head Bangers 10 lbs
3 sets of 10
Tricep Kickbacks, both arms, 7 1/2 lbs
12 min Eliptical
I'm doing a 3 hr. housecleaning job tonight and didn't want to be wasted

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