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ProfGumby Sun, Feb-12-06 20:41

Lemmie Take a whack at it, Doc.
Well, I have started my Gym Log. the plan is to post here if any modifications to the workout routine are made. I also plan to post what was done on what days according to my claendar/chart. But I will do this in groups of days to minimize how much time I waste in front of the puter!!! LOL!!

Right now I am Basically following the Advanced Training Program on the Total Gym. It is in the manual that came with the El Cheapie Total Gym 1000 I got from my sister, basically unused!!!

I want a better machine, but eh, free is free! I have tweaked the routine a bit based on areas I need to target and due to the glideboard having thin, relatively useless padding on it. (I did mention this is their cheap retail model, right?) But anything is better than nothing.

Two of the exercises, where you have to lay on your chest, hurt the very bottom of my rib cage so I do not do em....

I am trying to kill this machine so I can get a beter one!! Like the XL or one of their premium models like the 1400. But as long as the free one is suitable, why invest more?? (So I am cheap, sue me! LOL!!)

I have considered taking the glideboard to the local upholsterers to have more padding added, but that will depend on the cost factor too.

Days 1&3 are-
Seated Press
Front Deltoid Raises
Side Deltoid Raises
Rear Deltoid Raises
Seated Curls
Laying Curls
Pully Ab Crunch

Days 2&4 are-
Seated Row
Arm Pullover
Seated High Pull
Leg Pull
One Legged Squat
Tricep Extension
Laying High Pull
Side Squat
Cardio Pull

All the exercises here are currently with the glideboard set at the 5th level, except the Deltoids in days 1&3 and the twister, these are on level 3.

I also do at least 20 minutes a day on the Gazelle for my Cardio work, most days it is more like 30 minutes. The goal with the cardio on the Gazelle is every day at least 30 minutes, sometimes I will go downstairs and do more if I am bored, restless etc...

Weight training is almost always in the morning, and I prefer the cardio in the morning as well. If I do not have time to weight train in the am, it goes to night time. If I miss a day, that just slides to the next day. There is no Monday, Tuesday thing, just day 1,2,3 etc.. I have a chart done up with all the exercises on it and a calendar so I can track which day of the schedule I am on.

I intend to add an ab lounge to my home gym, and would love to add a Bowflex, or that awesome looking machine that Weider makes, but alas, the money is not in the budget. The Ab Lounge is a reality though, a treat to myself for losing 85 pounds! That will come in March or April. I just have to work out at least 4 times a week, and not cheat on the WOE, and that baby is mine!!

That's about it for now...

ProfGumby Thu, Feb-16-06 20:42

Okay, now that I let my Alligator mouth overshoot my jaybird brain.....

This week so far has been interesting, dismal might be closer to it!!

I posted on Sunday last when I started this log. Monday I did 25 minutes on the Gazelle and the day 1&3 workout, great start in keeping true to plan!

But that is where it ends....well, sort of.

Tuesday was 20 minutes on the Gazelle.

Wednesday, I walked 3 miles at the mall, and did 2 reps of 12 bicep curls and 2 reps of 12 laying curls on the total gym.

Today, as of right now? Nada! :(

So, I go now to put in 30m minutes on the Gazelle!

Tomorrow I have the day off, and there is some major duty shoveling to dig out from this snowstorm, but guaranteed, I will be in the gym doing the day 1&3 workout as planned!

I do have my exercise charts all blown up and laminated and the calendar to mark my progress all set up, so that in itself is some progress!

I will see about getting some pics up this weekend of the workout dungeon, er, gym. Which in reality is two machines on some carpet in the basement of my 102 year old house. :D

Brennabug Thu, Feb-16-06 20:51

Just dropping by to say you can fix the padding problem yourself easily and cheaply.
for about $10 if you have a staple gun
or $20 if you need a staple gun

Obviously you need a staple gun, they sell em at wally mart for a pretty good price, then go to no MANS lands.. you know the arts/crafts/fabric dept of walmart. Get some padding, they have all kinds just ASK for help. Then find a fabric you like.. the lady there will cut it.

Get the stuff home. take the board off... lay the padding down, lay the fabric on top, flip it and go crazy with the staple gun. The more you do this the better you get, but since you are looking for comfort and not beauty .. i thought this idea might be for you? :)


ProfGumby Thu, Feb-16-06 21:54

Thanks Bren!

What a great Idea!

And at the same time......

Boy do I feel like an idiot!!

I have a staple gun, and plenty of staples!

I know how to do that! I have always known how to do that and I have re padded many a kitchen chair seat,etc., that very way!

I am gonna go to Uncle Wally's tomorrow!

Though I may want a heavy vinyl to cover the seat due to the whole sweatin on it thing.....much easier to keep clean!

Brennabug Thu, Feb-16-06 22:07

Wally's carries Vinyl!!!!!!!!
heheh glad to hear it will look pretty! LOL

ProfGumby Fri, Feb-17-06 21:42

Today I did my Day 1&3 on the total Gym and 25 min on the gazelle... :D

And I didn't make it to Wally World...maybe next week? I did find a way to do the two exercises painlessly though. A small piece of padding under my ribs does the trick nicely!

I am also posting pics in the Exercise Gallery....

ProfGumby Mon, Feb-20-06 13:29

Saturday the 18th...

Woke up late, no time to work out had to bugger off to a meeting and was gone from noon till 2 am!

Sunday the 19th, 30 min on the Gazelle, and days 2&4 of the workout, but only 1 rep of each.

Today, nothing yet, but will do the cardio and days 1&3 in an hour or so....

Gotta stay current and be kept accountable!

ProfGumby Mon, Feb-27-06 19:47

Well, here we are again!

Tuesday, Wed and Thurs I got in a much bastardized versions of a workout. I did manage cardio time every day though. Friday the 24th I did a proper workout according to the charts on the wall.

Saturday we were in Milwaukee for a wedding and I did a little over 2 miles on my sisters treadmill and used free wights to do curls and tricep extensions. I did 2 reps of 15 with the dumbells.

Sunday was a day off. And we spent much of it traveling.....

Today, I am heading down to the gym (such as it is) to do 30 min on the gazelle and the days 2&4 workout.

It is funny, I was sailing along, working out every day, and getting 30 min of cardio in the morning as well as more of the same, frequently, in the evenings. Then I started this exercise log and the wheels fall off!!!!

It was if all of a sudden life put a ton of, um, special challenges in my way.....

It will not beat me, I will continue on with my regimen as planned!

I have tomorrow and Wednesday off, so there will be no problem or issues with my workout.

Till later this week, ladies and gentlemen....take my advice...pull dowm your pants and slide on the ice!

ProfGumby Sun, Mar-05-06 23:18

Well, the week went pretty okie day!

I managed one workout each day, except Tuesday. Saturday and today I did not workout. My sis and her hubby were up and I had to work Saturday.

Though was moving boxes of furniture around back in our shipping Dept, and they probably averaged about 50 pounds each, so I got some muscle work in!!! :D

Tomorrow morning is coming fast, gotta hit the hay!

ProfGumby Wed, Mar-08-06 12:24


My Total Gym is trying to kill me! :eek: :help: :eek:

Monday I did my cardio, then I did 10 reps of 10 on biceps, triceps and all 3 shoulder workouts.........Ya, I know. After doing that I deserve to die! ;) But I calculated out my rep level ala: Vince Gironda's workout, then did it. However, today I read vince said to start out at 3 reps of 10 and ramp up weekly to 8 or 10 reps of 10. I paid for it! :o

So, yesterday I did my day 1&3 workout and 15 min on the Gazelle. The only difference is I dropped back to the 3rd resistence level for all exercises and di a full 2 reps of 15 for each exercise. Ow...... :help:

Ya, I iz stoopit! I didn't realize how stiff I would be on top of the workout from the day before!!

So, today what did I do? I went and walked about 3 1/2 miles in the Mall and am now sitting down to a lunch of a 3 egg omlette with breakfast sausage, avocado, onion, cream cheese, salsa and topped with shredded sharp cheddar. It tastes like an egg burrito!!! :yum: :yum: :yum: :yum:

Tonight I will do some ab and leg work and take it easy.

Addonis wasn't built in a day!

ProfGumby Sat, Apr-01-06 11:12

Wow, it has been a while!

Workouts have been progresing well, though not every day as planned. I have changed em up a bit and now do the 10/10 at least twice a week, with one being on the weekend. Also they are generally done in addition to whatever I do that day.

On top of that, the 10/10 now includes twp biceps exercises, two triceps exercises, A chest exercise and a back/shoulders exercise. It takes near about 55 minutes to get through it all....

I make it a goal to do the cardio daily and the weight trainig at least every other day. I do go a few days in a row, but then will skip a day or two if I push too hard and am sore. Gotta rest the muscles to avoid an injury.

Also, for the most part everything is on level 4 on theTotal Gym. Except for one exercise where I am working the front shoulders, that is still on level 3. It seems to be a real weak spot for me, so I am pushing it, but not too hard. And since it is rediculously easy to change levels and re configure the machine, it is not a hassle.

I still cannot say enough about the Gazelle! That was also a very smart investment! I am up to about 30- 40 minutes easily now, though I probably do 25 to 20 minutes most often (Time constraints). It is interesting though, 15 minutes feels like nothing! It takes about 20 minutes before I even feel like I am breaking a good sweat!

I am also starting to use HITT tactics on the Gazelle. Go merrily along at my normal pace, then go ape for about 30 to 60 seconds. Then Go merrily along for a minute or three, then go ape again! It seems to be really effective in upping my heart rate, without taxing my endurance or stamina. I like the effects on my body too!

I am going to start posting pics in my gallery, about once a month to show progress. I am also using a site called Fit Together ( ) and do a body composition measurement/calculation once a month. I feel the body composition is far more accurate than the BMI.

ProfGumby Fri, Apr-14-06 19:45

Drive, dedication, commitment? I have none of these!

I have worked out approximately 5 times in the last couple of weeks! Not good!! When I have worked out it has been good quality workouts, not some half assed hodge podge thing that I have done in the past when pressed for time.

Fortunately the tax issue is done now and I have been back on track as of late.

Also, I am taking my bicycle out tomorrow for the first ride of the season!! :D I can hardly wait!!

I am revamping my regimen a wee bit. I am going to make absolutely sure that I have at least 20 minutes of cardio at least 4 days a week, minimum. No matter what else I do or do not do! I also am shooting for no more than one day between cardio sessions. You know do 3 days, miss one, do two more days, miss one, do 5 days, miss one etc... Only one day off in a row for the cardio!

As to weight training, at least 3 times a week, one of which would be the 10 reps of 10 I have been doing.

As soon as I carve the time out of my schedule I will add more workout time as practical. Which, with my job going bye - bye that should be an easy task! I will soon have plenty of time to hit the Total Gym and the Gazelle to my healthy hearts content.

Oh, bike riding will be in addition to the cardio, not in place of!

It is funny, when I started this regimen, I was able to find the one or two times a day to work out. Now it is tough. I had a business project (taxes to be filed) take an in-ordinate amount of time, thanks to my lousy book-keeping habits. That is behind me now, and more time is opening on the horizon.

It was never a burden, physically to do the two a day schedule, but I wonder if the no time issue was due to a mental lack of drive. You know, my mind allowed anything to hijack my time. Lazyness and procrastination has always been the downfall of many good plans in my life.

In fact, I'm kind of doing that right now. SO, I am gonna sign off and go use the gazelle for a while!

I know nothing is easy, and nothing good is free. SO, I have to suck it up, pay the price and get this former fat body into shape. No one will do it for me!

Have a Happy Easter!

(P.S. Easter Bunnies make great Hasenpfeffer!!)

ProfGumby Fri, Apr-28-06 08:51

Okay, now that we are almost 2 weeks out from Easter I have some stuff to log.

I did a 15 mile bike ride on Wednesday, and will do an 8 miler today. I did 40 pushups yesterday, 2 groups of 10 in the morning,and the same at night. I will be doing at least 20 a day for a while as my oldest needs to build his upper body strength to pass a fitness test for Scouting. He will be doing 10 pushups morning and night, and I will be right there with him.

Also,since he needs to build some upper body strength, I am devising a workout he can do on the total gym 3 times a week. Nothing mind boggling or intensive,but he can do that while I am on the Gazelle.

Workouts are becoming more regular again, but next week comes the job hunting. I will make sure the workouts are a priorty with the job hunt. I am also going to bike around and pick up applications to work that into the hunt.

Today I also do my Total Gym workout.

Some positive movement forward...... :cool:

ProfGumby Sat, Apr-29-06 11:04

Guten Tag!

Well, did the 8 miles yesterday,and almost 7 miles this morning (6.67 according to this - ).

Though it was bloody cold and damp today. I wore an all balck sweatshirt and black sweatpants with a yellow t-shirt. I looked like a bumble bee from hell! But I was comfy!

My son had his first workout last night and we did pushups last night and this morning. He is doing well, considering. I am more concerned with him getting his form correct for right now sohe does not injure himself.

I did my days 1&3 workout yesterday while he did his 4 upper body exercises. Well my syandard 1&3 less the crunches and twister that is.

Tonight? It is Gazelle time baby!!! 30 - 45 min on it, as well as the pushups.

I feel good...

ProfGumby Mon, May-01-06 21:50

I used to hate Mondays....
Just thought I'd chime in...

Finished my workout tonight about 9:15 pm... better late than never! :cool:

Tomorrow the kids are off school, so I will be sure to get a good 45 minute cardio in for the morning, and prolly a good Total Gym session. Tomorrow would be a Day 2&4 workout.

My son needs to do his workout too. He procrastinated his way out of it tonight. Gee, I wonder where he got that trait from? :q: :rolleyes:

He has been pretty good about his pushups though... me too for that matter.

Rained all Day here, off and on so I scrubbed the bike ride. I don't really mind the rain, but the whole bike brakes not working/ idiot drivers thing kept me off the bike.

Maybe Wednesday.

ProfGumby Tue, Aug-22-06 08:12

My annual 3 month update.....
Wow, it has been 3 months since I updated my Gym log....

I am back at the total gym on a more regular basis again. I was doing well with a few workouts a week. But over the last month or more I have been going at it more like 4 or 5 times a week.

I still stand by the early posts where I was working out everyday, sometimes 2x a day. But that pace is frantic and fast. And the thing about going really fast? When you have a mishap, it is a high speed train wreck instead of a flat know?

I am now going at it at a more moderate pace and shorter length of time. By keeping my workouts to 10 - 15 minutes I am able to fit them all in. If I miss a workout it is only because I was not home or chose not to work out. (read that - lazy) I am seeing good results and feeling great.

I am still sticking to the moderate workout chart I have posted. It is segmented into days 1&3 and 2&4 so you work specific muscle groups and not overwork any one group. I have also kept the level low to just help the weight loss and maintain muscle mass. One can also do cardio on the thing! :D

I am also looking at changing up the routine to keep it fresh. I am playing with segmenting the workout by muscle groups and over 4 days, or an every other day thing. I don't know though. I have this system now down pat and could probably perform it in my sleep!

Occasionally, my take on Vince Gironda's 10/10 workout is still performed. I can now do the full 10 reps of 10. That means I will up the resistance soon and start out doing as many reps of 10 as I can and slowly working back upto the full 10 of 10.

Also important to note, generally this workout is done on a Saturday Morning, then the rest of the weekend is workout free. If I do this any other day the rest of that day and the next are off days.

Gotta give this old body time to heal, I'm not 22 anymore....(in case you wonder, add 20 to that...)

My total Gym is now the only piece of fitness equipment I own. I'll never sell it, unless a new one replaces it. I am not replacing this one till I kill far, it is indestructable! But I want a newer, nicer one..... :cool:

I had stopped using the Gazelle when walking and bike riding came back into my life. It sat there, in the corner all spring and summer. Then my co worker Bill told me his wife really wanted the 100 dollar model at the local store. I told him I had the 200 dollar model in my basement...we struck a deal..he got it for a song, and I got a little "mad money!" :D

So, ProfGumby's Mad Man Bargain basement Fitness Equipment Blowout Sale is done....

Don't get me wrong, the Gazelle is a good machine, and I would heartily reccomend it. But I got really bored with it, and my bike was calling me....

There is also another interesting developement involving the total Gym, but it is a little premature to talk about it right now...we'll see over the next few weeks if it profgresses or not....and if it does or not, I'll clue ya all in when there is really enough info to write.....

I am also going to join the local YMCA soon so I have a pool at my disposal for swimming laps all year round. They have quite the fitness room and weight room as well, and I intend to take full use of the statioary bikes there too! However the main reason to join up is mostly for the pool for laps and teaching my boys how to swim.

Well, this entry has wound itself down and it is workout time! So, off to the total Gym I go! (1&3workout today!)

ProfGumby Mon, Sep-11-06 09:33

It's me again!
I'm back!

Well, last Month (August) I averaged a workout every other day.Not too shabby in my book, but I am shooting for better!

My goal for September is to have 20 days, minimum, with a workout in it. I am sticking to the 1&3 / 2&4 system and also doing a cardio workout of sorts. Total Gym has a few cardio type excercises, but I have also found that if you do certain things, as fast as you can without jumping the cables or creating slack, it is really a cardio workout.

I am also riding my bike and Mall walking on off (read that crappy weather) days.

Recent events in my weight loss plan have hampered my success in weight loss, but have not effected my workouts much. In fact, my desire to work out more has returned but I am not going to overdo any muscles or muscle groups. Going backwards is not good.

I am still debating getting a dumbell set for those weekends when I travel and a hotel exercise room is not available, or in working condition.

Otherwise, I am still plugging along.

ProfGumby Thu, Sep-21-06 19:32


I went and upped the resistance level to the 4th setting yesterday and today. Such a simple change, such drastic effects....or should it be called an aftermath?

My triceps are threatening a revolt! And there is a general stiffness from todays exercise. (I didn't stretch enough). I know, pretty stupid move. But then at 42 do you think I'd have learned by know?

Don't hold your breath... ;)

I did one set of 10 reps at 4 and one set of 10 at 3 following. I will continue this practice till it is all 4 all the time.

I am starting to see some real changes in my I am actually able to see them emerging from their formerly mushy fat guy appearance....I am going to include a pic or two as an "early on" type deal starting from this point.

Being a hairy ape and a barrel chested one at that, it doesn't look like much right now, but I can see it. I may never have arms like Arnold had, but it is a damn shot better than looking like a hairy blob of silly putty! :eek:

ProfGumby Thu, Sep-28-06 08:23

I'mmmm baaaaack!
Currently I am alternating between the 3rd and 4th setting. Some of the exercises at level 4 were killer. And I mean killer in that I pulled some muscles and had to bag off for 3 days..... :help:

Anyway, as mentioned in my last post, I have a pic up showing some progress...

I am not totally thrilled with the way I look and maybe should have had a shirt on, but as they say, sometimes the naked truth is what's needed to motivate one's self....I hope my naked truth is not too offensive to your eyes...

Okay, not naked, but the phrase, "shirt off truth" or Topless truth" doesn't quite drive the point home... :cool:

ProfGumby Wed, Oct-04-06 21:57

Hello, it's me...the central scruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutinizer!
Yup, I'm still here!

But with a fairly good report!

I am now solidly on level 4 with my whole routine! It is tough, but hey, no pain - no gain!

Which is drastically different from no pain - no brain!

One is increasing the resistance (or weight if you use machines or free weights) gradually so you feel a good burn at the end of your set. The other is overdoing it and not being able to move half your body due to too many sets or too much weight....or my common foible, not stretching!

I am getting better at all of it. I stretch regularly, take a day or two off if I push it and do pushups and cardio daily, unless I have to bag off due to the whole, no brain thing... :help:

The good news (other than level 4) is I got in something like 17 days last month

I am shooting for 20 this month.

So other tha that, not much to report...gotta go do my push ups and hit the sack!

ProfGumby Thu, Oct-19-06 08:44

Last week I was driving along in my work van when I spotted two exercise machines by the side of the road. There was a sign on them, free! So I nabbed em both!

Both are by DP and both are in usable condition. Ya, I know DP is not exactly state of the art, but for free? One was a stationary bike that had some bubba backlyard mechanic repairs made to it and one was this eliptical meets stair climber type thing.

The bike was fixed up by me for about 8 dollars and works fine. It is a little awkward until you find just the right seat adjustment, but you still feel like you are reaching forward too much when you use the hand grips for the upper body work out.

The stair eliptcal thing is just plain awkward. The foot rests are cheap and flex so much you feel as if they are going to break and the range of motion must not have been intended for a human being.

So, I will use the bike through this winter to replace my regular bike. I don't ride in the snow, too dangerous. But this bike will do for now.

The other machine I have so when my boys come downstairs there are 2 open machines forthem to goof off on while I am either on the Total Gym or the bike. (Less fighting that way)

I am still on track to hit 20 sessions this month on my Total Gym, though I may miss that due to business traveling, but the hotel has a weight/exercise room and I always pack my dumbells and walking clothes, so I will do at least 20 days this month.

I have also added cardio with the stationary bike in the evening or right after my Total Gym. But I don't count that seperately if done at night, one day is one day, no matter if I do the bike or not.

I also have been pretty sporadic with my pushups, but generaly do manage 20 a day when I do em...

Gotta hit the shower and get to the darn J.O.B. (JOB stands for Just Over Broke)

ProfGumby Thu, Oct-26-06 08:44

Flat tire!
I will miss my goal of 20 days, but not by much, I think 3 days.

I hurt my right tricep musscle and had to back off for a couple days, and I have been working a lot so time on the Stationary bike has suffered.

However, I am traveling this weekend and will have a good workout tomorrow morning before leaving and am taking my dumbbells with me, so I will have time to do two more at the hotel.

I am also really delving into making sure I am using proper form and not overdoing it on the Total Gym. I found out that I was really pushing it too hard and that is why the excessive strain on certain muscles.

No pain no brain again....

Live, learn, fail, learn more, forward, live, learn......the way of the world.

ProfGumby Fri, Nov-03-06 08:52

One week and counting
It as been about a week since I last worked out. Pulled a tricep muscle and was traveling, though I did take my dumbbells and work my biceps, shoulders and chest one day...

Back into the saddle tomorrow morning....

ProfGumby Sat, Nov-04-06 22:04

I'm still standing!

Today I added a neat routine that I will do once a week.

It is a biceps blast called the 21's.

Basically you take a lightly weighted dumbbell or flat bar. Stand up like doing a standard bar curl. Raise the weight to your waist and pause a moment, then lower it back down, really take your time lowering it. Then repeat six more times. Now on the seventh time you get to your waist, pause and then raise the bar up to your chest, as if you are douing a regular curl. Pause and then slowly lower back to your waist, not all the way down. Do this again six times. Now on the seventh time back down to your waist, follow on through and go all the way down as if you finished a standard curl. The next seven times do a standard curl, but slowly up and very slowly down.

You will have it right when your arms are feeling the burn, but you are still able to complete all 3 reps of seven. This basically makes 3 exercises of 7 reps into one controlled exercise of 21 reps. Increase the weight as time goes by.

I can do this on my total gym from the lying on my back curls I already do. I am going to do the 21's once a week. I am also looking into a similar situation for my triceps...

But I tell you what, it has been about 12 hours and my biceps still feel that exercise!!

ProfGumby Sun, Nov-12-06 20:30

As a Steve Martin, SNL character used to say, "What the hell's that?"

The wheels came off.

I have only worked out a few times this month. But that is about to change again. I just had a very busy, hectic span of time where exercising was not a sensible option with my time.

But I have the SB working well enough, though the hand grips for the upper body are a little too far away to be used as comforatbly as some better made machines...

Sorry BP, this older stuff was low end, bargain machinery, and I wouldn't have bought it. But since it was free......

I still haven't signed the family up for a YMCA membership as time has been so short, and with year end, so has cash. And knowing full well the boys would not be going unless I took them.....

A Y membership is in the plans for mid spring....

I may also join a local place that has 24/7 access. It would bea membership for me, and I could go whenever I had the time...but then if I get the new total gym....I won't be needing that one.

I am strongly considering a new total gym. The one I have is a retail model and while a good machine, and being a machine that is holding up faily well to the frequent use I give it, Itis starting to get to the point where some parts will need replacing.

Don't get me wrong, the machine performs well, but it is several years old now and there are some issues that will require replacement parts in the next year or so...

Plus, and this is probably a real big part of the decision to replace the current one, the newer models are a wee bit better. And the higher end models blow this one away! A friend has one of the new XL's and it is sweeeet!

So, now I look at old faithful, and am getting the bug to upgrade. And a better padded glyde board would be nice.... (I know I can re pad the old one myself, but then it would not be a new one, would it?)

Recently when I went to Lansing for the weekend (see a post above) I used my dumbbells to work out. It was the first time I used free weights in years.

Man I miss that! There is just something muy macho about sweating it out and grunting under the weight of a bar and some steel plates....

I am probably going to add a free weight routine to my schedule just to keep things lively.

But then, I dunno....that may go the way of the local gym membership too...a good idea in theory...

Did I say I liked working out on my total gym? I am sure I have, but there I said it again. So, I will probably only drag out the dumbbells for when I travel as taking along the total gym is not always possible. I do take it when I go back home to Milwaukee for extended visits, but for overnighters...

ProfGumby Fri, Nov-24-06 16:42


The schedule this month has really....well...let's just say I am embarrased to say how many times I have worked out.

I am sure it is just me, andmany people are happy with a schedule that I have kept...but it is no where near my target goal.

So, Plan, check, adjust...right?

I am starting induction tomorrow for 2 weeks and also getting right back on plan with my exercise routine.

I have to work I will have plenty of time to do my Total Gym workout and an easy hour riding the bike around town or a good half hour on the SB in case of foul weather.

It is kind of funny too, I have proved by example that it is extremely easy to slowly slip out of your routine. You miss one here, then one there, then a trip gets in the way. You oversleep once or twice and before you know it...

I tell you, as soon as I can afford it, I'm hiring a personal trainer or someone to come round and kick me square in the tush to keep me on track.

ProfGumby Thu, Dec-21-06 23:03

Well December is pretty much in the crapper!

It is amazing how easy it is to slide out of a routine and then in no time at all there never seems to be enough time to fit a workout in.....

I am removing a lot of obstacles to my workout this month and going back into it full bore as soon as we retun from the Christmas visits...

ProfGumby Tue, Dec-26-06 21:19

Back from a joyus Christmas trip, and a disasterous Christmas trip, WOE wise...

So, tomorrow morning, 1st thing, I hit the gym...

Back into the fray.... :thup:

ProfGumby Sun, Mar-25-07 09:23


I keep forgetting I have this gym log and then I post when I do remember....

So, no exercise routines/results to post.

But that is mostly due to my hurting my back (again) about 2 weeks ago. No work out time for me when that happens. It happens fairly often too ( I have Spina Bifida) and when it is a good one like this I am generally down for 2 weeks or more.

So, as soon as this back of mine gets better, I will have something to post....

ProfGumby Tue, Oct-02-07 12:56

Hi peeps!

I am finally starting a workout routine again...will be posting here soon!

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