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Annie-Pie Fri, Oct-31-03 13:07

We're No Turkeys-4-8# November Happy Losers

The September and October buddy group marches into November! And that aint no turkey! Want to join? Here's the scoop:

We want to be faithful to LC'ing during the holidays. We are not setting ourselves up for disappointment by vowing to lose 10-15 pounds. We are promising we'll do our best to lose a mere 4-8# loss by November 30. This is a safe 1-2 pounds a week that won't be riding our hips this holiday season.

If you want to have a hoot, come join our group!

We enourage, support, laugh and sometimes we cry together! We ask:
  • That you check in once a week :read2:
  • Share a recipe, whether for the family or for LC'ing :idea:
  • Encourage others in their efforts :agree:
  • That you be understanding if in replies, we all don't personally respond to each person's posts each time. :thup:

Ready, set... Let's all jump in the pile of leaves and eat our LC goodies! :yay:

Hugs to all,

Annie-Pie Fri, Oct-31-03 13:09

Annie-Pie...Week 1...11/1-176#;

Zuleka Fri, Oct-31-03 15:26

Congratz to all you ladiess, we are all winners! I feel so lucky to have found this forum.

Starting weight- 11/01~171

want2bfit Fri, Oct-31-03 21:07

This is so great. You know we are literally going through the seasons of our lives together. I hope I am a real loser this month. You all have been so encouraging. Congratulations on your success. Blessings, Maureen

fishburg Sat, Nov-01-03 05:33

I want to be a loser this month!!!! Maybe if I get a new scale that might help!!!

Good Luck To All Non-Turkeys!!!!

Annie-Pie...Week 1...11/1-176#
Fishburg ...Week 1...11/1-241#
Zukeka ...Week 1...11/01-171#

Annie - I am hoping to see photos of your new granddaughter!!!

addicted2s Sat, Nov-01-03 06:26

Annie-Pie...Week 1...11/1-176#
Fishburg ...Week 1...11/1-241#
Zukeka ...Week 1...11/01-171#
Tina ... Week 1 .... 11/1- 226#

I hope to be a Big Loser Non-Turkey at the end of the month.
Thanks for everyones support. Can Not wait to see the recipes, I need some new ideas. Tina

liddle Sat, Nov-01-03 07:27

Thank gosh we are continuing on into Nov! This board really helps to keep me motivated! I lost 5lbs during our last challenge but as I get closer to goal, it is definately gonna S-L-O-W down. I will truely be happy with any loss at this point! Although I am gonna try my hardest to loose another 5lbs!!!!!
Measurement Time!!!!!! These were taken yesterday.
Boobs- 38.75
Underboobs- 34.5
Pooch- 30.5 (right in the middle between the BB and the C-sec scars)
High hip-36
Low hip(ya know around my ~$$)- 37.75
Thighs- 36.75
R thigh-22.75 Weird, they are usually not the same.
L thigh-22.75
Anyway down 4 inches from Oct 5 weighing in at 134 pounds.
I'm pretty pleased .

Annie-Pie...Week 1...11/1-176#
Fishburg ...Week 1...11/1-241#
Zukeka ...Week 1...11/01-171#
Tina ... Week 1 .... 11/1- 226#
Heather...Week 1...11/1-129#


want2bfit Sat, Nov-01-03 07:41

Here is Karens recipe for cranberry sauce & her comments. It is really good (as all her recipes are). I actually put in a little less splenda and no bourbon and picked out the cloves, cinnamon & fruit peels before serving:

"Makes approximately 4 cups
A friend of mine makes a fantastic cranberry sauce with chipotle chiles and star anise. If you want to try it, add 2 canned chipotle chilies, chopped, and 2 star anise to the cranberries and water with the rest of the ingredients. The bourbon gives the sauce a wonderful fruity flavour. Add more to taste if you like."

* 4 1/2 cups approximately 1-pound, fresh cranberries
* 1 1/2 cups water
* 2 strips orange peel
* 2 strips lime peel
* 1 cinnamon stick
* 6 whole cloves
* 1 1/2 cups Splenda
* 2 Tbsp. bourbon

Bring cranberries, water, orange lime peel, cinnamon and cloves to a boil. Boil until the skin of the berries pop open (about 5 minutes.) Remove from heat. Add the Splenda, and mix to thoroughly combined. Cool in refrigerator before serving. Total Carbs: 96.54 Total Carbs Minus Fiber: 77.43 Carbs per Serving: 1.3 Carbs per Serving minus Fiber: 1.04

Annie-Pie...Week 1...11/1-176#
Fishburg ...Week 1...11/1-241#
Zukeka ...Week 1...11/01-171#
Tina ... Week 1 .... 11/1- 226#
Heather...Week 1...11/1-129#
Maureen...Week 1...11/1-245#

CindyLynn Sat, Nov-01-03 08:13

I'd like to join! This sounds like great motivation, and someplace to come if I need support over the next month. :) I'll try with the recipe, but most of mine are off the board, plus I'm basically just learning to cook. So I'll think about and get back to you wiht that one! :)

Annie-Pie...Week 1...11/1-176#
Fishburg ...Week 1...11/1-241#
Zukeka ...Week 1...11/01-171#
Tina ... Week 1 .... 11/1- 226#
Heather...Week 1...11/1-129#
Maureen...Week 1...11/1-245#
CindyLynn...Week 1...11/1-143#

stacysheil Sat, Nov-01-03 08:24

Annie-Pie...Week 1...11/1-176#
Fishburg ...Week 1...11/1-241#
Zukeka ...Week 1...11/01-171#
Tina ... Week 1 .... 11/1- 226#
Heather...Week 1...11/1-129#
Maureen...Week 1...11/1-245#
CindyLynn...Week 1...11/1-143#
Sheila...Week 1...11/1-172#

Ok so I had a really bad day yesterday. I ran the cotton candy machine at the carnival and that led into all kinds of trouble. I ate at Burger King, I know I could have told them no bread, but I didnt. Then I came home, ate more bread and 4 pieces of candy. Then I ate a sandwhich and doritos. So that was my carb blow out, back to basics today. I got so sick last night, I woke up sick in the middle of the night and this morning I think when I went to the bathroom, every bad thing I ate came out. (sorry about the bathroom thing) Anyway, I woke up 172 this morning. Good luck to everyone and welcome to all the newcomers.

Annie-Pie Sat, Nov-01-03 10:12

Happy November!

Welcome to our November challenge! Maureen I think Karen's recipe sounds fabulous. I will definitely be making it!

Welcome, CindyLynn!You've found the friendliest Low Carbers on the face of this planet. They are just awesome!

My weight is really, really slowing down. For some reason it keeps going between 176 and that nasty, stubborn 183. I was stuck at 183 for over a month! But this group keeps me going. Just post any recipe you want, whenever you want.

Heather, you look fabulous! Do you care to share any advice on how you lost so much weight? We could all benefit from your story.

Sheila, don't you dare get down on yourself for going off a bit at the carnival. You have done so well and you're right back on track again! What fun memories you must've made last night!

Happy November to you all....the month of thankfulness!
Hugs, Annie-Pie

TerryLynne Sat, Nov-01-03 10:22

Ready to take on November!!! (I can't believe it's November already! Time sure flies when we're having fun :p ) I so look forward to my time online with you guys! Thank God I found you!!!!!

Annie-Pie...Week 1...11/1-176#
Fishburg ...Week 1...11/1-241#
Zukeka ...Week 1...11/01-171#
Tina ... Week 1 .... 11/1- 226#
Heather...Week 1...11/1-129#
Maureen...Week 1...11/1-245#
CindyLynn...Week 1...11/1-143#
Sheila...Week 1...11/1-172#
Terry...Week 1...11/1-255#

angieK Sat, Nov-01-03 11:11

Count me in also--my will power isn't as strong as the last two months. Haven't cheated but other people's
foods are looking too darn good.

Annie-Pie...Week 1...11/1-176#
Fishburg ...Week 1...11/1-241#
Zukeka ...Week 1...11/01-171#
Tina ... Week 1 .... 11/1- 226#
Heather...Week 1...11/1-129#
Maureen...Week 1...11/1-245#
CindyLynn...Week 1...11/1-143#
Sheila...Week 1...11/1-172#
Terry...Week 1...11/1-255#
Angie...Week 1...11/1-201.5

angieK Sat, Nov-01-03 11:26

I am going to share my recipe now because I am in the middle of making them.
Pickled Eggs
12 eggs hard boiled
1 cup of vinegar
1 cup of water
1 Tbsp of splenda
2 tsp pickling spice
1 tsp salt.
Method 1
Put in jar and mix all ingrediants together adding the eggs last. Refridgerate.
Method 2
I usually put all the ingrediants in a pot( except eggs) and bring to boil. Let it cool down until warm and then add to the eggs in a jar. Let sit on counter until cooled and then put in fridge. This method seems to get the eggs to pickle faster.

After 2 days they are good to go. You can slice them with egg slicer and put them on crackers for your family and for you put them on lettuce leaves. Garnish with chives, olives, green pepper, mustard.

addicted2s Sat, Nov-01-03 16:55

Here's a recipe my DH really likes, I hope you like it too.

2 pounds boneless chicken breast
2 tb melted butter
3oz. grated Parmesan cheese
1/4 cup grounded almonds
1/2 tb oregano
1 tb dried parsley
1/4 ts paprika
1/4 ts pepper
1/2 ts salt
1/2 ts garlic
Heat oven to 400 F. Spray a baking pan with no stick cooking spray. Dip chicken in butter; coat with combined remaining ingredients. Place in prepared pan.
Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until tender.

I'll post some more later.

fishburg Sun, Nov-02-03 05:12

Angie - your eggs sounds great!!! You must be a great domestic goddest!!!

Tina that chicken sounds like it would melt in your mouth!!!

Well all I think I am starting to gobble!!! lol I lost my cheat sheild counter (again)!! Well it started on Friday (my birthday). We got pizza for the kids after the halloween happenings, and I was just eating the cheese off of my sons pizza. My hubby said go ahead it is your birthday - so I eat a whole peice. We that would not have been so bad except on Saturday we went to a High School football game (we lost), and I had a bowl of chilli. Then when we came home Hubby bought KFC and I had a large piece of chicken with breaded skin, stuffing, a bowl of potatoe chips and 4 peices of halloween candy!!!

Yes I am a carb addict!!! It was almost like being brainwashed!! I just could not help myself!!

Ok enough of that!! Back to induction again!!!

I love reading those recipes!!! Keep them coming!!

liddle Sun, Nov-02-03 07:36

Fishburg- Sorry to hear of your brainwashing. It can be really hard to fight. Don't be too hard on yourself though. If we never fell off due to uncontrollable urges or decisions to allow ourselfs something, we'd never know how to get back on the lc wagon. First thing you have to do is be honest with yourself.
Did you really try to fight those cravings or did you just give in? Be honest with yourself. Did you walk away, drink a lg. glass of water, get yourself something lc first, did you even think about the consequences this may have? This all relates to how you think about food. Do you see it as something pleasurable, like an event? You need to learn that food is just food. You need it to live. Yes, it can taste good, but don't make it entertainment. Think before you eat.

I've been doing Lc for a long time. Yes, I have cheated. I try to only make planned cheats now. This past spring I decided to go off Atkins.(STRESS of NURSING School, kids, hubby ect) I gave myself 5lbs. to play with. Some days I would kina watch what I ate and others, just didn't care. I weighed in everyday to see the damage and gage my day according to that. When I reached those 5lbs. I went back to induction level. It took a couple months but I soon realized I felt like crap! It's kinda like alcohol with me. I'm one of those people who just don't know when I've had enough. When I get sick, I'm really sick! Carbs are the same way. You're only going to be able to make yourself sick with carbs so many times before you realize it's just not worth it. You may be a slow learner like me, but you'll learn ;)

I hope all this gives you something to think about. Please don't feel offended. This is for everyone struggling with those carb demons. Maybe it'll help, maybe not.

Take care,

TerryLynne Sun, Nov-02-03 08:58

Thanks Liddle, You sure helped me, in fact I may just copy your post and put it in my journal for safe keeping. I've only been Lcing for three months and haven't cheated by eating nonLC food yet. I was SUCH an ADDICT before, I am terrified to cheat. Afraid of losing this precious state I'm currently in and being unable to reach it again. There have however been days when I know I've eaten too much LC foods and that is what I'm working on now. I appreciate your thoughts and advice. Please keep them coming. We all benefit from other's wisdom.

want2bfit Sun, Nov-02-03 09:32

Fishburg, :Party: :bday: :Party: :bday: :Party: :bday: Happy birthday to you. Today is a new day. Personally I would have had more then 1 pc of chicken if it was in front of me.

Tina, that recipe looks soooo good. I used to make chicken breasts with mayo and then dipped in cornflake crumbs but now I do it with ground pork rinds. It sounds delicious with the almonds.

Heather, thank you for sharing your wisdom. You are so right about having planned cheats. I have noticed when I cheat a little here and a little there when I'm done its not like I cheated on anything really memorable so it feels like I wasted a cheat. Thanks for all your great advice and support. By the way have you changed your goal weight? Love the picture you look great!!

Annie-Pie, when is that baby going to say hello to us????? Hope all is going well.

Thank you everyone for all the wonderful support you have given. I so appreciate each of you. Blessings to all, Maureen

angieK Sun, Nov-02-03 11:46

This all relates to how you think about food. Do you see it as something pleasurable, like an event? You need to learn that food is just food. You need it to live. Yes, it can taste good, but don't make it entertainment. Think before you eat.

I am printing this out and putting it on my fridge in big bold letters.
My family saw food as entertainment. We never did anything unless food was involved. My mom was a superb cook and boy did she cook. Funny thing she always stayed skinny???????? The rest of us were always big.

Happy Birthday Fishburg.
If my kids were to read that line about my eggs they would have cracked up laughing. I don't cook alot and on holidays if I can get out of that i don't mind. My biggest excuse I make is that my house is too small--someone in my family always caves in and invites me. My kids are snackers, they don't like to eat a full meal. It must work because they are not overweight and are healthy (15 yrs, 17 yrs) But they snack on healthy foods not usually junk foods.
This WOE is making me have to cook, so just maybe I might get alittle better in that department.

Karsuepas Mon, Nov-03-03 07:39

Happy November and GOOD LUCK to you all. I have to make this short because I am at work. My goal for this month is to exercise more. I know that you people will encourage and keep me honest.



Annie-Pie...Week 1...11/1-176#
Fishburg ...Week 1...11/1-241#
Zukeka ...Week 1...11/01-171#
Tina ... Week 1 .... 11/1- 226#
Heather...Week 1...11/1-129#
Maureen...Week 1...11/1-245#
CindyLynn...Week 1...11/1-143#
Sheila...Week 1...11/1-172#
Terry...Week 1...11/1-255#
Angie...Week 1...11/1-201.5
Karen...Week 1...11/1-233

stacysheil Mon, Nov-03-03 08:34

Good Morning to everyone.

After my bout with the Halloween candy, I did good all weekend. I tried some new things and didnt go over carbs. My only problem is that I am addicted to peanut butter. I am going to try my best to not have any today and see if that helps things out.
I dont really have any recipes this week but I do have some suggestions. Fry fish and chicken and veggies in parmasean cheese (spelling) I dipped in egg and heavy cream batter and then dipped in the cheese, it makes a nice coating. I even ate fried zuccini this way. I am starting to get a little more veggies in, I ate broccoli, cauliflower and zuccini sat.and sun. I think that was a record for me. I didnt get to walk any over the weekend but I will get right back on the treadmill today as soon as my breakfast settles.

Have a good day everyone,

Annie-Pie Mon, Nov-03-03 09:00

Good morning, everyone!

:Party: :Party: :Party: :Party: :Party: :Party:
Happy birthday! You must've had a hoot on your day. Don't worry about the carbs you ate. Today is a new day, like Maureen said. We've all been there!

I know Heather is trying to help ALL of us because we ALL have been in your shoes! That's why I love this group--we are there to give a little push and shove and lots of love throughout the month. Right girls?

Fishburg I agree, I was addicted to carbs too. It was hard at first, I won't lie ab out that. And sometimes I really truly crave something. That's when I have a plan B, like lots of unsalted almonds from Trader Joe's. It keeps me chewing, giving me the munchie feeling!

Maureen we are all praying for you. You will make it through these 2 weeks with a group like the one we've got!

Friends when should we do our official weigh-ins? Monday or on Saturdays?
It's election time, so your vote on weigh-ins counts!

Hugs to you all, and make it a great week. I love all the recipes!

liddle Mon, Nov-03-03 09:07

I vote for Monday, it's just added incentive to be good over the weekend. ;)

stacysheil Mon, Nov-03-03 09:37

I agree with Liddle, sorry I still cant keep all the names straight.But weekends are my hardest and the Monday weigh in makes me try a little harder.

angieK Mon, Nov-03-03 09:45

Mondays are great for me.

Zuleka Mon, Nov-03-03 10:30

Mondays are good for me also.

Zuleka Mon, Nov-03-03 10:34

So...... who survived Halloween, without digging into your childrens candy bag?

I did, but it's getting harder and harder... I brought some of the candy to work, for the co-workers. hhehehehe let them get fat!! hahaha (evil laugh)

TexLady Mon, Nov-03-03 13:19

I'm In
Count me in. I am also taking part in the Surving the Holidays challenge, which goes until Jan. 31. Knowing me, I need a shorter challenge to keep on track, so this is perfect :thup: .

My goal is 167 by Nov. 30 (4 lb.)

Good luck everybody!

TexLady Mon, Nov-03-03 13:25

Spinach Lasagne (Low Carb)
Spinach Lasagne

1 lb. ground beef
16 oz. ricotta or cottage cheese
2 cups Mozzarells
2 eggs
1 bag fresh whole leaf spinach
1 can tomato sauce (medium size) + 1 can diced tomatoes (w/juice)
Parmesan Cheese
Onion, bell pepper, mushrooms
Splash of red cooking wine
Italian spices of your choice

In a 10-in. saute pan, cook ground beef, onion, bell pepper and mushroom until done. Drain. Add canned tomatoes, tomato sauce, wine and whatever spices you like. Simmer until sauce thickens.

In a bowl, combine ricotta, parmesan, eggs and spices of your choice (fresh basil is good).

In a baking dish assemble layers: sauce, spinach leaves, cheese, sauce, spinach, cheese until to the top. Cover w/mozzarella and parmesan and add more seasoning if you wish.

Bake 350 until cheese on top is golden and bubbly, about 45 min.

I found this recipe in the ezboard forums. I've tried it and it's really good, even frozen and reheated.

ANNIE: You will LOVE being a Grandmother. My first grandchild Matthew was born 2/16/03 and I am having a ball!

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