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Sandylee Tue, Apr-01-03 17:58

Sweaty Sandy
Here goes. I am finally getting serious about working out, thanks to Mischa's fitness challenge.

I have an elliptical cross trainer, a rack of dumbells and an incline/flat bench, a stability ball, an ab roller and an ab rocker.

All set to go!!!

Sandylee Tue, Apr-01-03 18:12

Day One
March 31 exercise
1 hour!!!

Foot exercises

Abs 5 minutes

Back -
Deadlifts, 12 x 8#, 12 x 10# x 2 Rows 12 x 10# x 4 (15# too heavy)
Pullovers 12X 10# x 2, 6 x 15#

Legs -
Squats, 10 x 8# x 2, 20 x 10#
Gran Plies, 8 x 2
Front Lunges, 2 sets 12 each leg, arms folded across chest, no weight
Calf Raises, 12 x 8# x 3
Stability Ball: Bridge Hamstring Curl, 12 x 2 Side-Lying Abductions, 12 x 2
Wall Squats 10 x 8# x 2, 10 x 10# x 2

Sandylee Tue, Apr-01-03 18:13

Today's Exercise - April 1, 2003

Elliptical 10 minutes a.m., 15 minutes p.m. = 25 total
50 minutes total exercise

Foot exercises - 5 minutes

Sitting Dumbbell Press - 12 X 8#, 12 X 2 X 10#

Flat Bench Dumbbell Press - 12 x 10# x 3
Incline Bench Dumbbell Press - 12 x 8# x 2, 6 x 10#
Flyes, Incline and Flat Bench
Pec Decks


Bench Kickbacks
2-Hand Lying Dumbbell Extension
1-Hand Standing Overhead Triceps Extension

Standing curls
Sitting preacher curls

Sandylee Wed, Apr-02-03 11:37

April 2, 2003

My birthday, I am Nifty Fifty! it feels good, I like it so far.

Today's exercise
90 minutes total!!!!

20 minutes walking
1 block running
5 minutes foot exercises and hip exercises with big rubber band

Sissy Pushups - 30
Side Lateral Raises - 12 x 5#, 12 x 3#, 10 x 5#
Incline Side-Lying Lateral Raises - 5# x 8 x 2
Shoulder Arm Circles - 30 x 2 each way small, 8 x 3 each way large
Standing Alternate Dumbbell Press - 12 x 5#, 12 x 8# x 2, 6 x 10#
Bent Over Raises - 12 x 5#, 12 x 8#
Standing Front Lateral Raises - 8 x 5#, 5 x 8#
Seated Shoulder Press - 8 x 5#, 8 x 8#
Bent Dumbbell Shrug - 12 x no weight, 12 x 8#
Abs and Obliques - 10 minutes including Stability Ball Squeeze Crunches
Shoulderstand x 2, Plow x 2
Floor Stretches

I wish I could play hooky every day and work out as much as I wanted to. I am a morning person, and on workdays I get up an hour early to exercise, but half the time I go back to sleep or spend too much time on line to exercise.

My goal is to exercise 6 days a week.

doreen T Wed, Apr-02-03 14:16

Happy Birthday Sandy :bday: :Party:

I'm just snooping around, seeing what other folks are doing. I know what you mean about that motivation to get at the exercise thing. If only we had the rush and that million $$ feeling BEFORE the workout, instead of after ;)

Keep up the good work :thup:


p.s. - I must say, your Gym Log title makes me think of an August day at the beach :D

Sandylee Thu, Apr-03-03 21:04

April 3 exercise

14 minutes Elliptical Trainer

Sandylee Fri, Apr-04-03 22:20

Friday, April 4 Exercise

35 minutes good workout
I'm feeling great about exercising every day this week!!!

Foot Exercises - all barefoot
Runners Stretch
Hip Side Stretch with band 2 x 6 x 6
Back & Forward walk with band
Ankle Rotation
Ankle Pumps
Calf Raise - 30 no weight, 3 x 12 x 8#
Gran Plie, 16, 8

Legs, Glutes, Hamstrings

Stability Ball Wall Squat 12 x 10#, 2 x 12 x 15#
Ball Bridge Hamstring Curl - 17
Side Lying Ball Abduction - 15 each side
Dumbbell Deadlifts - 12 x 10#, 2 x 12 x 15#, 6 x 15#
Dumbbell Squat - 8 x 10#, 12 x 15#, 10 x 15#, 8 x 15#
Lunges - Alternating Forward, arms crossed, 20 no weight

Sandylee Sat, Apr-05-03 18:42

Saturday April 5 exercise

a.m. 20 minute walk
p.m. 35 minutes weights
Total 55 minutes

Pushups - 14 sissy, 3 real

Bench Dips - 20
Tricep Kickbacks - 12 x 5#, 12 x 10#, 3 x 12 x 8#
Standing 2-arm Tricep Extension - 2 x 12 x 10#, 10 x 15#
Standing 1-arm Tricep Extension - 2 x 12 x 8#
Lying 2-handed Dumbbell Extension - 15 x 5#, 3 x 8#

Shoulders, Lats

Arm Raises - 12 x 5#, 8 x 5#
Shoulder Circles - 5 x 12
Bent Over One Arm Row - 2 x 12 x 10#, 12 x 15#
Dumbbell Upright Row - 2 x 12 x 15#
Dumbbell Pullovers - 9 x 15#, 3 x 12 x 10#
Bent Dumbbell Shrug - 2 x 12 x 10#


Curl - 12 x 2 x 10#
Alternating Hammer Curl - 2 x 12 x 10#
Stability Ball Incline Bicep Curl - 7 x 15#

Note for next time:
I was planning on doing chest too but got too tired. Next time I will do triceps after shoulders because I should have worked the larger muscles first so as not to tire out the smaller supporting muscles.

Sandylee Sat, Apr-05-03 19:00

Pictures from Day One; Mischa graciously put them together for me.

Sandylee Sun, Apr-06-03 19:18


I did it!!! I achieved my goal of exercising every day this week. Granted, today I did not do much but at least it was something. It is really something what a mood booster exercise is.

This coming week will be tough for me to exercise. I have to drive to Milwaukee tomorrow and am really busy until Thursday. I hope to exercise every day again this week. I feel thinner, I don't care what the scale says.

Sunday, April 8 exercise
10 minutes Elliptical Trainer

Sandylee Tue, Apr-08-03 04:59

Eeks, in my last post I said Sunday, April 8. Make that April 6.

Exercise yesterday, Monday April 7.
Total 20 minutes: tired and weak, my heart is not in this today.

Hip side to side with rubberband - 8 x 4
Balance on one foot: 4 x 30 seconds
Walking patterns: toe to heel, toe out

Incline Flyes: 12 x 8#, 12 x 10#
Flat Bench Flye: 2 x 12 x 10#
Sitting Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 12 x 10#, 12 x 8#
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press: 12 x 10#, 6 x
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press: 12 x 10#
Pec Deck: 15 x 5#

Abs: 2 minutes

Sunflwr1 Tue, Apr-08-03 05:27

Way to go girlfriend!!! You're doin' it... really doin' it! Keep pumpin' that iron... sleeveless weather is right around the corner and you will look maahvelous!

I start on Saturday... You are my inspiration!!!

Sandylee Wed, Apr-09-03 05:05

Go team exercise!!! Marcia. thanks for the inspiration! Sleeveless weather, yeeks! I think my arms will still be a little matronly but who cares!!!! Like the old French women wearing bikinis on the beach, I just dress how I feel anyways.

Tuesday April 8 exercises:

Good workout!!!
I forgot to time it but I think it was around 1 hour. I LOVE when I can sleep enough and exercise enough.

With Shoes off:
Feet :

Front toe stretch, toe grabs, back toe stretch
Runners stretch, forward stretch
Ball rolls, towel grabs


Calf raises, 12 x 0, 8 x 10#, 12 x 8#

Hips, Glutes, Thighs:

Gran plie, 13 x 0, 8 x 5#, 8 x 8#, 10 x 10#
w dumbells at shoulders

12 x 15#
w 1 dumbell held at chest
* note: start here next time

Demi plie 8

Dumbbell 2-handed dead lift - 12 x 15#, 1-hand 2 x 12 x 15#

With shoes on:

Dumbbell squat - 2 x 12 x 10%, 8 x 15# bad form!
Ball Wall Squat - 12 x 0, 12 x 10#, 6 x 15# * too heavt
Side lying Ball Abduction: 15 ea. side (tired!)

Floor sretches: 2 minutes

Floor Leg Exercises: 5 minutes

Ball Bridge Hamstring Curl 10, 4

Alternating forward lunge - arms crossed no weight, 20
Side Lunge - 15 each side, 5#, 10 each side 10#
Squat Lunge - 10 each side 5#, 10 each side 8#
Walking Lunges: 14 x 5#
* TIRED! Start here with lunges, best all around lunge

Tired, exhilirated, sweaty, heart racing.

5 minutes stretching:

Hamstring stretch, runners stretch, balance toe taps, ankle pumps, ankle rolls


I love this!!!!!!

Sandylee Wed, Apr-09-03 19:45

Wednesday, April 9 exercises

15 minutes total

10 minutes
Situps, obliques, floor crunches, ball squeeze crunches

15 pushups

Elliptical trainer - 5 minutes

Sandylee Fri, Apr-11-03 04:23

Thursday April 10
No exercise unless you count the 15 minutes of exercise at Physical Therapy. Mostly balance and hip abducters and stabilizers.

Friday April 11

14 minutes Elliptical Trainer. Enough to get a good sweat going! I hope to be home early enough to get in my weight training.

Sandylee Sat, Apr-12-03 07:07

Addendum to Friday, April 11
15 minute brisk walk
29 minutes total exercise


Weight: Steady at 154

But I love how good I feel. Flappy armwings are tightening up. Biceps are rock hard. The distance from my waist up to my bust is feeling lean. It feels like back fat is less. Hips feel pretty tight. The one part that still feels bad is my tummy paunch. Over the last few years I developed a huge stomach, and I still find that it hangs way over my low rider jeans. The grab test yields about 2" of fat between my thumb and finger.

Sandylee Sat, Apr-12-03 13:47

Saturday, April 12 exercise:

90 minute walk to Lake Michigan and back! Still a little chilly out even though it was sunny.


Stretches, runners lunge, hamstring stretches,
Hip abductor exercises with band: 10 steps forward 10 steps back, x 6
Side to Side with band: 10 x 6 each way

Calf Raises - 15 x 3, 2 x 15 x 3#

Hips, Thighs:

Grand Plie - 16, 12, 12, 12 x 8#
Plie Toe Squat - 10 x 5#, 8 x 5#, 2 x 10 x 8#
*note: this one makes ball of foot feel good
Stability Ball Wall Squat: 0# x 12, 15# x 12 x 2
Dumbbell Squat: 2 x 8# x 12, 2 x 10# x 12
Ball Bridge hamstring Curl: 15# x 12, x 8
Side Lying Ball Abduction - 15 each side

Tired, stretches

Dumbbell Deadlifts: 15# x 15 x 2 (need heavier weights or barbell)
Lunge, Walking: 10# x 15, x 11, 15# x 8, x 3
Lunge, Alternating Forward, 0# x 10, 10# x 12 x 2

Floor Stretches - side, forward, heel togethers

Lying rubberbands,
Leg lifts - upper, lower, back, 12 each side
Leg Lifts - 2 legged, 6 each side

Stretches: toe grabs, back lying assisted leg stretch

New Shape Magazine Ball Exercises:

Ball Single Leg Lift - 8

* these are hard: will learn tomorrow
Ball Leg Curl
Ball Reverse Flat Back

Good Workout!

Sandylee Mon, Apr-14-03 01:22

Exercise Sunday April 13

45 minutes
30 minute leisurely walk

- Pushups - 2 x 3, 2 x 12 sissy
- Dumbbell Bench Press - Flat - 12 x 10#, 10 x 15#, 12 x 10#, 6 x 10#
- Dumbbell Bench Press - Incline - 12 x 10#, 6 x 15#, 12 x 10#
- Dumbbell Bench Press - Decline 10 x 15#
- Dumbbell Flyes - Flat 2 x 12 x 10#, 2 x 15# x 6
- Dumbbell Flyes - Incline 12 x 10#, 7 x 15# 12 x 10#
- Pec DecK - 8 X 12#, 3 X 10# X 6

- Kickbacks 8 x 10#, 6 x 15# 12 x 10#
- Standing Extension 2 arm - 12 x 15#. 10 x 10#
- Lying Tricep Extension - 10 x 8#, 3 x 10#, 6 x 8#, 10 x 5#
* note - start tricep routine here next time at 5#

- Extension 1 arm overhead - 8# x 10
* skip this one

- Bench Dips - 8, 8

Back, Shoulders
-Arm Circles
-Side Raises - 10 x 5#, 6 x 8#, 8 x 5#
* start with 3#

-Front Lat Raises - 12 x 5#, 5 x 8#
-Military Dumbbell Press - 12 x 10#, 8 x 15#, 10 x 8#
- Dumbbell Row - 12 x 10#, 8 x 15#
- Bent Dumbbell Shrug - 10 x 10#, 10 x 15#
- 1 arm Dumbbbell Row - 12 x 10#, 8 x 15#

Good workout!!!!!
Getting a lot of rest makes such a difference. I am considering doing the Body for Life method. I think the main reason I got turned off to Body for Life is that in the book he pushes his shakes and supplements, and I do not like fake food. But I do like the exercise methods. Well I am happy with my workouts maybe I should just leave things the way they are!

Sandylee Mon, Apr-14-03 18:02

Monday April 14 exercise

14 minutes Elliptical Trainer
5 minutes Abs

mischa Mon, Apr-14-03 19:12

Sandy, super workouts:D You are doing great :hyper:

I will have my UBWO tomorrow and will try different exercises..I miss being sore!

hugs Mischa

Sandylee Wed, Apr-16-03 02:35

Tuesday April 15 exercise

Good workout!
a.m. 35 minutes
p.m. 20 minutes walking in Bum Park where the shopping cart men live under the shadows of the skyscrapers. Note to self: bring camera today to take pictures of gorgeous yellow forsythias in full bloom!

Feet :
Ball Rolls, toe stretches, toe taps

Calf raises, 12 x 0 (ball of L foot hurts today)

Hips, Glutes, Thighs:

Gran plie, 12 x 0#, 10 x 8#, 10 x 10#, 8 x 15#
w dumbells at chest 8 x 15#

12 x 15#
w 1 dumbell held at chest
* note: start here next time

Demi plie 1st position - 6

Dumbbell 2-handed dead lift - 12 x 15#, 1-hand GOOD FORM! 1 x 15#, 10# x 12

Dumbbell squat -12 x 10#, `0 x 15#, good form!
Ball Wall Squat - 10 x 8#, 6 x 10#, *back hurts
Side lying Ball Abduction: 15 ea. side

Floor sretches: 2 minutes

Lunges: (good lunge routine, use this one!)

Alternating forward lunge - 12 no weight
Walking Lunges - 24 x 8# ,10 x 12#
Side lunge - 15 x 8#
Squat lunge - 12 each side no weight

2 minutes stretching:

Hamstring stretch, runners stretch, balance toe taps, ankle pumps, ankle rolls

GREAT workout!!!!! Wish I had more time this morning

Sandylee Thu, Apr-17-03 02:11

Wednesday April 16 Exercise
45 minutes

-Foot -
10 minutes foot exercises and hip exercises with big rubber band

-Abs 12 minutes

-Shoulders, Lats -

Bent Dumbbell Shrugs - 12 x 5#, 12 x 10#, 13 x 15#
Sissy Pushups - 15, real pushups 3
Side Lateral Raises - 12 x 3#, 10 x 5#, 3 x 8#, 5 x 5#
Incline Side-Lying Lateral Raises - no
Shoulder Arm Circles - 30 x 2 each way small, 8 x 3 each way large
Standing Alternate Dumbbell Press -8# & 10# alternating and not alternating
Bent Over Raises - no
Standing Front Lateral Raises - 12 x 5#, 4 x 8#
Seated Shoulder Press - 12 x 8#, 5 x 10#, 8 x 8#

Sandylee Thu, Apr-17-03 22:57

Thursday April 17 exercise

Feet - 5 minutes walking patterns
16 minutes Elliptical Trainer

Sandylee Sat, Apr-19-03 10:47

Friday April 18 exercise

15 minutes Elliptical Trainer

Sandylee Sat, Apr-19-03 20:14

Saturday, April 19 exercise
1 hour 10 minutes
Lower Body

* Next time do lunges first, plies next, then deadlifts, squats, then floor exercises.
Did too many ballet moves and got tired fast.

Feet, hips -
Stretches, runners lunge, hamstring stretches,
Hip abductor exercises with band: 10 steps forward 10 steps back, x 6 x 2. Grey band. *Need tighter band or don't bother with this.
Side to Side with band: 2 x 10 x 6 each way

Calf Raises - 2 x 20

Hips, Thighs:

Grand Plie - 3 x 10 x 0#, 12 x 8#, 10 x 10#, 10 x 15# - *Next time use 0#, 10#, 15#
Demi Plie - 10 x 2 x 10#, 10 x 2 x 3#

Plie Squat - 10# x 12, 15# x 10

Dumbbell Squat: 15# x 12 x 2, 10# x 15

Hot and sweaty!
toe excercises
Feel better

Dumbbell Deadlifts: 8# x 12, 10# x 10, 15# x 8
Lunge, Walking: 5# x 12
Lunge, Forward - 5# x 12

Sandylee Tue, Apr-22-03 08:39

-- off--
Sunday and Monday April 20 - 21

Tuesday April 22 exercise
30 minutes

*Note to self - Leave yourself more time for a longer workout in the morning, so as to not run out of time when you aer enjoying yourself and want to go on! Also buy some more dumbbells, 12 and 20 pounds.

Sussy Pushups - 12, 6

Abs, Obliques - 7 minutes

Sitting Dumbbell Press -8# x 12, 10# x 10, 15# x 4, 10# x 6

Flat Bench Dumbbell Press - 10# x 12, 15# x 3, 10# x 12
Dumbbell Flyes - 8# x 12, 10# x 12, 15# x 6, 10# x 12
Pec Decks - 8# x 12, 10# x 8, 8# x 8

Tricep Bench Kickbacks - 8# x 12, 10# x 12, 15# x 6
2 - Hand Standing Overhead Triceps Extension - same
Altternating Bent Over Row/Tricep Bench Kickback - 8# x 24, 10# x 20, 15# x 2
Bicep Standing Alternating Curls - 8# x 24, 10# x 20, 10# x 10
Hammer Curl - Same

Decent good workout - could have been 15 minutes longer!

Sandylee Wed, Apr-23-03 02:53

addition to April 22

Evening: 10 minutes on Elliptical machine

Sandylee Wed, Apr-23-03 17:52

Wednesday, April 23 exercise

15 minutes Elliptical Trainer
10 minutes Foot Exercises

deze Thu, Apr-24-03 09:24

Hey cutie!
glad to see you are still going strong!! must be that new sassy attitude of yours!! ;)

have a great one!

Sandylee Thu, Apr-24-03 19:41

Thursday April 24 exercise
35 minutes

Feet - All stretches, front-back walking pattern with green rubberband, side-side walking pattern with yellow ruberband,

Grand plie - 2 x 12

Dumbbell Deadlift - 2-hand - 15# x 12 x 2

Dumbbell Squat - 8# x 12 x 2, 10# x 12, 10# x 5, 15# x 10
* good form :)

Front Lunge, arms crossed - 12 x 2 each leg

Calf Raise - 0# x 12, 8# x 12 x 2

Walking Lunge - 8# x 24, 10# x 12, 10# x 8

Plie Squat - 10# x 12, 15# x 12

Abs - 50 crunches - legs up knees bent

Good workout!
* note to self - make Excel chart or something to make it easier to type in exercises

I am noticing in the mirror slightly high cleavage muscles like Cory Everson has!!!!!

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