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kathleen24 Thu, Aug-14-08 14:21

Count Carb: [Inigo stands up after getting stabbed by a knife thrown by Count Carb] Good heavens. Are you still trying to win?

[Inigo falls back against the wall, weak, defeated, dying]

Count Carb: You've got an overdeveloped sense of survival. It's going to get you into trouble someday.

Count Carb: [draws his sword and lunges at Inigo who then forces the blade to his left shoulder. Again Carb lunges at Inigo and the blade is deflected to Inigo's right arm] You're back? In TDC? You've got some nerve.

Inigo Montoya: [Carb swings his sword but Inigo blocks it and then begins advancing] Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You have stolen my youth prepare to die.

Count Carb: I remember you. You were here three years ago. And two. And one. Each time you were going to lose weight, remember?

[Montoya falls on a table. Carb attacks and Inigo blocks four times before he continues to advance on Carb]

Inigo Montoya: Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You have damaged my body prepare to die.

Count Carb: [Now Carb attacks five times and Inigo blocks every single one] Even when you lost weight, you gained it back, remember? People here will laugh at you. You have no credibility.

Inigo Montoya: [Louder] Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You have caused me decades of shame, pain, and humiliation prepare to die.

Count Carb: Stop saying that!

Inigo Montoya: [Carb attacks and Inigo blocks it and then stabs Carb in the shoulder. Then Carb swings his sword. Inigo ducks and stabs Carb in the other shoulder. Then he advances quickly and they fight] Hello! My name is Inigo Montoya! You held me back when my children needed me prepare to die!

Count Carb: [Carb gets his sword knocked away and Inigo slices his cheek] No!

Inigo Montoya: Offer me a doughnut!

Count Carb: Yes

Inigo Montoya: Snickers, too promise that!
[he slices Carb's other cheek]

Count Carb: All that I have and more. Please.

Inigo Montoya: Offer me everything I ask for.

Count Carb: Anything you want. Mashed potatoes and gravy! Pizza! Chips!
[Carb attacks but Inigo grabs his arm and stabs Carb in the stomach]

Inigo Montoya: I want my life back you son of a bitch.

[Inigo plunches the sword into Carb's gut and he falls down dead]

So. Hi, you guys.

I'm back.

Skulked around for the last three weeks doing an induction that looked a lot like Inigo's death scene--very weak and uncertain at first, but growing increasingly stronger. Made it up to my former high by last spring. Am now down ten--no, eleven--pounds. And back.

And still have the same dream and same hopes. A few more scars, a few more lessons learned, and I think coming from a stronger position now to achieve them, thanks to some changes in my life. But realizing that success cannot be dependent upon personal circumstances--or there will always be another crisis. This WOE has to be non-negotiable, a WOL.

Yeah, I've heard that before. Said it before. Promised to be here for a year. Promised . . .

But I'm still back. And still need support to be successful in this.

So. hi.

MizKitty Thu, Aug-14-08 14:44

Welcome back Kathleen. It takes most people more than one try (it certainly did for me).

Wishing you much success.

Elihnig Thu, Aug-14-08 15:14

Oh my word, that's great!

I'll never think of Princess Bride the same way again.

Thanks for that great post!


Bat Spit Thu, Aug-14-08 16:23

That's brilliant Kathleen. Thanks for a much needed laugh. With you, not at you. ;)

Welcome home.

montanasun Thu, Aug-14-08 16:31

Welcome back Kathleen! I love that movie and as I was reading it pictured the fight scene.

BuffBabe2B Thu, Aug-14-08 17:37

Welcome back. :)

ValerieL Thu, Aug-14-08 18:57

Welcome back. Success is not found in the absence of failure but in the ability to get back up and try again. Never give up.

Kisal Thu, Aug-14-08 19:55

Welcome back, Kathleen! :thup:

Dogbert199 Thu, Aug-14-08 20:17

Brava, brava, bravissima!

Brilliant way to return. I join you in your quest, as I too have journeyed Inigo's path.

Very well done.

And welcome back.

CandyLee Fri, Aug-15-08 03:36

Well, hello and that was great, creative. Good luck and may this time be the best time.

Bat Spit Fri, Aug-15-08 08:12

Never give up.

That's right.

Never give up! Never Surrender!

(since we're making fun of movies)

girlbug2 Fri, Aug-15-08 08:36

I love your creativity and sense of humor. Count Carb has made my life miserable too, in so many ways. Thanks for the smile!

Shorty987 Fri, Aug-15-08 09:02

Welcome back~

That was great humor....

gweny70 Mon, Aug-18-08 10:09


Welcome Back!!!!

dearmommy Mon, Aug-18-08 17:14

Welcome back Kathleen. I was just thinking of your advice last year to me regarding the school situation with the kids, etc as I am again going through similar stuff, so I am so glad to see you back.


piper10 Thu, Aug-21-08 00:02

I love it, Kathleen!

Made me think of this one: "I do not envy the headache you will have when you awaken, but relax and sleep tight and dream of large women." :)

Euro4ever Thu, Aug-28-08 06:14

Man, that's a MUCH better "hey, i screwed up, now I'm back" re-introduction than the one I just posted. LOL!

I like you already. Good luck with staying on this time!

joesfolks Thu, Aug-28-08 08:15

Originally Posted by kathleen24

People here will laugh at you. You have no credibility.

Well, you got it half right! That was hilarious. :lol: Welcome back. It is so good to see you again.

LuckyPenny Thu, Aug-28-08 08:40

I loved that! I have re-read it many times (and e-mailed the link to dieting friends) Thanks for sharing your creativity with us and using a great movie to do it.
"No more rhymes, and I mean it!"

starchile Sat, Jan-24-09 21:48

superbly creative, funny and poignant!!

Love it!!!

blumunz Sun, Jan-25-09 12:00

Nice to meet you. I too am a princess bride fan. " AS YOU WISH" lol
Hope to see ya around

NrgQuest Sun, Jan-25-09 23:00

I am really really new to this. I am not new to dieting, I have been dieting since I was 10. I think low fat diets ruined my health and my life. I have symptoms a lot of them of chronic fatigue, I think my diet and the symptoms are linked. Anyway, I am feeling better since starting to diet Jan 8th, decided to try low carb Jan 15th or so. I feel quite full right now despite eating less calories than 2 meals would have been with my old way of eating.

I read a study a couple of years ago about students eating low fat diets to lose weight. Most of them gained weight after initially losing a lot of weight, they stuck with the low fat aspect of the diet, like I did( over 20 years I gained over 100lbs) and most of them were heavier than they had started out.

There is someone I would like to thank for helping me even start to rethink my ideas about food, I don't know her name, but I was reading on the web and came across her she said that overweight people aren't in love with food they hate food and don't enjoy it so the idea was to start enjoying food. It wasn't as easy as it sounded, but had it not been for that, I would have stayed stuck in my hating food rut and not enjoying what I eat.

kathleen24 Sun, Aug-16-09 12:16

Just wanted to revisit this post, a year later, and thank all of you for the welcome home and the support during this time. I'm down 77 pounds and feel as if I have indeed been finding my life and myself again.

Going back to the beginning: "When a job went wrong, you went back to the beginning. And this is where we got the job. So it's the beginning, and I'm staying till Vizzini comes": check.
Climb the Cliffs of Insanity (induction): check
Go through the Fireswamp (180's): check
Reality check: VALERIE: "Think it'll work?"
MIRACLE MAX: "It would take a miracle." Check.

There were a few low moments, I admit.

BUTTERCUP We'll never survive.
WESTLEY Nonsense -- you're only saying that because no one ever has. [Insert recidivism doom-and-gloom here]

An insight here, a reflection there: "You have six fingers on your right hand -- someone was looking for you --"

To quote another great showman: "This is not the end. This in not even the beginning of the end. But it is the end of the beginning."

By way of thanks, I wanted to `pay it forward' by bumping this for the encouragement of the newbies who are looking for Last Chance Road, and re-treads who are wondering if they have the nerve to show their faces here *yet* again. Trust me: we've been there. We know. No explanations required. Just come on home, okay?

[Heading outside to tie yellow ribbons around the old oak tree]

Seejay Sun, Aug-16-09 14:11

thanks for bumping. neat thread

JAnn Sun, Aug-16-09 14:42

After this last week that is exactly how I feel. Thanks, it makes a difference!

Merpig Mon, Aug-17-09 11:14

Originally Posted by kathleen24
Inigo Montoya: I want my life back you son of a bitch.

Oh, that is just too too hysterical. How can I not love a riff on my favorite movie? Glad to see you revisit this thread. I'm still here too even though I am sitting at the same weight I was back in March, with no losses in sight, just constant yoyoing up and down the same 5-6 pounds. I live in hope, but in all the low carb attempts I've made over the years I never seem to be able to get lower than this point (roughly 290). I can always sneak just under 300, and then never get any lower.

So I want MY life back too! I'm here, you're here. We're all in this together.

eyesofblue Wed, Jan-13-10 02:02

I love this Kathleen, it is always motivating. I wanted to bump it up for new folks to enjoy.

saucywench Wed, Jan-13-10 07:28

Love it, Love it, Love it!! I just watched that movie with my 10 year old who had never seen it before! lets make it through the Fire Swamp together!

AnniMin Wed, Jan-13-10 08:07

Thanks for bumping up this thread. I wish I could say I'm laughing my head off, but instead of laughing, I'm crying. Sometimes when I read these threads I feel uneducated and hopeless because they are so complex. Its the threads like this one that get to me, the ones where people share the same struggles I do. You don't always succeed but you never give up. I've read many posts where you say this is a life long battle and we have to make permanent changes. Sometimes I think its too late for me and I'll never win this war. Its nice to know that when some of you get knocked down you get back up, dust yourselves off and start over again. Its nice to know I am not alone in this struggle. Thanks for sharing from your hearts.

kathleen24 Sat, Jan-16-10 13:16

Originally Posted by AnniMin
Thanks for bumping up this thread. I wish I could say I'm laughing my head off, but instead of laughing, I'm crying. Sometimes when I read these threads I feel uneducated and hopeless because they are so complex. Its the threads like this one that get to me, the ones where people share the same struggles I do. You don't always succeed but you never give up. I've read many posts where you say this is a life long battle and we have to make permanent changes. Sometimes I think its too late for me and I'll never win this war. Its nice to know that when some of you get knocked down you get back up, dust yourselves off and start over again. Its nice to know I am not alone in this struggle. Thanks for sharing from your hearts.

I never did think that scene was funny. The rest of the dialogue, yes, but when he says, "I want my father back . . .", it was wrenching. So I get what you're saying here: it's not funny to want your life back, and wonder if your turn will ever come.

Here's my question for you: can you make it through today? Can you just do one day?

If you can't (and sometimes we can't), can you drink a glass of water?

If you try to take on the whole battle at once, it's overwhelming. So do that which you can do today. Keep your eyes on the near goal. Think of this place like a physical therapy clinic. Your goal is just to take baby steps across the room. There are folks on each side of you cheering you on, advising, offering you a shoulder to lean on. We all know that outside the room, there are people dressed in track clothes, lean and limber, going for their afternoon runs. Their battles are not ours, nor ours theirs. All you have to do right now is put everything else about this battle aside, lift a foot, make a step. And then take the next one. Make your way across the room that says `today' above the door.

The steps are unique to each of us and common to all of us:
drink your water
eat your food
deal with your emotions
get enough sleep

That's all any of us are doing.

And that's the miracle. You just keep doing the next right thing.

There's one more movie scene that I'm thinking of now: have you ever seen Proof?

A character who has been wrestling with depression and grief has come to a turning point, played so subtly it's almost a miss. She's sitting out on her front porch, in a mix of sunshine and shadow, and hears a child laugh, a bicycle bell ding, and looks up with an expression of surprise on her face.

I think that most of us have our turning point. We each go through the pain of realizing that the world has been going on without us while we were trapped in this prison of our own bodies. We each have to save ourselves. No one will do this for you.

It's worth it.

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