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DesertRose Thu, Nov-08-01 21:40

What's Your Motivation?
Hi Everyone,

What motivated me to start, and what keeps me motivated is what guarantee my victory! I use to be skinny as a door knob (in my early 20s). One day I just blew up, then I kept growing and growing, til soon my family started talking, and get the picture. :smile:

Well, my brother is my mentor. I really do look up to him. In the pass he had put on weight and successfully got rid of it. I thought - if my own blood could do it, so can I!

So, my motivation to start is to stop my family AND FRIENDS from talking about me. I want them to know that it's not over till it's over - that's the challenger in me. :D

However, what keeps me motivated is a different story. I want to fit into those old clothes I can't wear. I want the size I use to be. I want to feel ENERGIC AND LIVELY. I want to prove to myself that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. I want to stop buying "temp" clothes. :rolleyes: Finally, I want to be THE ME I ONCE KNEW; stedfast and determined. Even as I write these words, I'm being MOTIVATED!!!!! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

What about you?

:rose: DesertRose

AngieH Thu, Nov-08-01 22:05

My motivation is summertime. I refuse to spend another summer in pants or baggy shorts and T-shirts. Once upon a time I could wear a bikini and look great. Well, that time is gonna happen again! I don't want to miss out on all the beach fun because I'm ashamed of my body. And living in Michigan with all these lakes around here, it's depressing when you're at home hiding from the world on a beautiful 80 degree day and everyone else is having fun in the sun. :( But I say this: Watch out world, cuz here I come...bikini-clad and all!! :D


Fumih_81 Thu, Nov-08-01 22:17


I started on this diet again coz i watched an entertainment host talking abt her new diet. which is somewhat similar to low-carbing. she said a female star told her how to diet and live thats where i decided that "Hey I have done the right thing before, so why wait to go back on the diet?"

Subsequently, i am also motivated by my better health and most importantly, how i looked. I have a firmer body now....And beginning to have more and more confidence! And perhaps soon I'll have a boyfriend.....not sure, but i've got a guy who is always nervous in front of me~

hope these will also motivate all of you too~

:p :p :p :p :p

DesertRose Thu, Nov-08-01 22:47

Watch Out!!!!
Hi Angie & Fumih_81,

I'm motivated all over again!!! You go girls!!!!!

:hyper: :hyper:

:rose: DesertRose

Karen Fri, Nov-09-01 00:49


I was so out of control with sugar that it had almost completely consumed my life. I hated sneaking around with cookies in my pockets, eating tubs of ice cream, being a complete hellion and falling into sugar induced brain dead comas.

Low carbing has given me back my least most of the time! ;)


LC Sponge Fri, Nov-09-01 05:00

My motivation is the pride I take in knowing that I only need to go thru a lesson once to learn it.

I don't ever want to have to go thru the *lose* process again. That 1-yr, 8-mos, 15-days was enough, thank you very much. :)

Lessara Fri, Nov-09-01 07:09

My motivation is like Karen.
At the ripe old age of 8, I was put on a diet and for the last 29 years I have been on hundreds of diets, I yoyoed like the best of them. It got to the point, food as well as myself were the enemy. I was weak/ lazy/ low self esteem according to family, friends, and unfortunately doctors. :rolleyes:
LCing as made me appriciate food. I worry less about "gaining" weight. I feel confident and that is a wonderful feeling.
A secondary motivation is the fact I do not want to be addicted to any food especially carbs!! Withdrawal is a terrible thing to go through.. twice!! Yips!! :eek:
Motivation in seeing others who are successful with their body image is another plus that this board gives me. Thank you!

RamonaK Fri, Nov-09-01 08:10

My life experience mirror's most everyone on this posting. Having been over weight most all of my life.. at least as long as I can remember, (being 'chubby') etc. About 3 years ago, I did a life changing seminar and lost 150 pounds. Which put me at 238. Felt great!! Wanted to lose about 40 more and then my father died, I miscarried and totalled my car all in one year!!! I got really sick at the end of the year and in all of this I gained 40 ---- I am not being too hard on myself about the weight gain.. But now, a year later.. I am ready to rock!!!!!

Motivation now ---- to feel good! I love the word ~VITALITY~ . It means that how I take care of myself shows up in who I am ... feeling sexy to myself... physically feeling well .... having confidence...stepping out there...etc.

I just turned 40!!!!! and I am reinventing myself!!!!

Hey DesertRose --- thanks for asking that question... it go me energized ---- :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

BTW --- we are neighbors!!!! atleast we are in the same state anyway... finally... someone from AZ.


anni Fri, Nov-09-01 12:26

I have been wanting to loose weight for years, but the more depressed I got about my weight the more I ate. It was never ending. What was the final straw was that I was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian disorder. Basically my hormones are all out of whack and my cycles are non-existant. I read about a woman with the same problem who started low-carbing and discovered it corrected her imbalance. Basically I think I have a resistance to insulin so my body over produces insulin when I eat carbs. The high levels of insulin are interfering with my other hormones and preventing them from doing their job. I haven't completed my first week yet on this diet so I don't have any news to report yet on it's success. I'm hopeful that the low carb thing will get my body back in normal working order..and if I loose a few pounds in the process GREAT!

sunsight13 Fri, Nov-09-01 13:02

What a motivating thread. I love reading the stories behind the motivation. It is even better then just reading the daily stories because it makes everyone seem real.

I too, have been a bit over weight most of my life but not out of control. About four years ago I lost 35 lbs and was hiking a lot. In October of 1997 I hiked the Grand Canyon rim to rim, a tough but incredible hike. I was 47 and weighed 162 and was in pretty good shape. Then, starting in January 1998 it seemed all hell broke loose. My best friend and traveling buddy died, I got laid off, I had some financial difficulties, I moved four times in three years living in three different states and three countries. Laid off from a job I loved, I ended up in work situations that were less then supportive and I really missed my spiritual community in San Diego.

In June of this year I accepted a new job in Germany and am now in a better work environment. My daughter and son-in-law live three hours away and I became a grandmother this week. My motivation is wanting to take my grandson hiking and camping both here in Germany and in the US some day. I really want to get back into hiking shape, lower my bloodpressure and cholestoral and feel better about myself. I am just tired of being unhappy and depressed. I am ready for an attitude adjustment!!! That keeps me motivated.

Thanks for letting me share. Susan :daze:

Kirkwood Fri, Nov-09-01 13:05

After years of yo-yo dieting, I have only 1 motivation. I want to be able to go on amusement rides with my son when he is old enough. I will never take them, airline or movie seats for granted again.

Maysariel Fri, Nov-09-01 13:08

Hello everyone :)
My motivation stems mostly from the fact that while I have never been more than 20-30 pounds overweight, I have always seemed to have a high percentage of FAT! And having a baby didnt really help that hehe...I look in the mirror and know what I could be, and that's what keeps my spirits up! Day one of induction for me, so I don't have a lot experience, but so far, is going very very well! I also want to feel good, physically, I am always tired, either I can't sleep or I wanna sleep too much, and I just have never really felt that great physically..of course, I like beer so that doesnt help matter any :p But, no more beer for me except maybe down the road 1 or 2, another part of healhfully living for me, I know that in itself will be a huge help!


Sharon Fri, Nov-09-01 17:02

My motivation is being and feeling healthy....and also being told how great I look (I'm not sure that I really do...but it's sure nice to be told!!). I meet people I used to work with 10-15 years ago...and they tell me I haven't changed a bit. I think part of that is all the water we drink, which helps our complexions as well as keeping the weight off.

I personally think I'm more in control of my life now that when I was 10-15 years younger.

Natrushka Fri, Nov-09-01 19:46

My motivation:

1) Abs
2) BP under 130 / 75
3) Abs
4) 18% body fat
5) Abs
6) Size 8 leather pants
7) Abs
8) Happiness
9) Resting heart rate of 60
10) ..... guess ;)


DesertRose Fri, Nov-09-01 20:29

Hi Everyone

Ramona ---- WOW, I'll never look at "vitality" the same way again. I love your definition!! It is good to know someone as motivated as you are lives in AZ. :D

I'm soaking up all the motivations!!! :daizy:

This is a great site!!!!


Can you feel it?

:rose: DesertRose

goingfor60 Fri, Nov-09-01 20:47

My motivation
I liked nat's list of motivations... Here are my top 5

1. String bikini
2. Little black dress
3. Photo's
4. Trendy Clothes
5. Comments from anyone on how good I look!


DesertRose Sat, Nov-10-01 20:27

More, More, More Motivations!!
Hello Everyone,

Wow, I'm loving the motivations!!! I was just telling my mom about this site.

Lets have more motivations!!! :D

:rose: DesertRose

DesertRose Sat, Nov-10-01 23:36

Hi AngieH & Fumih_81,

There's no way to contact you. You should start a journal. It helps keep you on track and it's also a good motivational tool.

I hope to see you in the journals!!! :)

:rose: DesertRose

Mags Sun, Nov-11-01 00:58

Hi DesertRose (great name by the way). Your post really struck a chord with me because your situation sounds a lot like mine. I've also been a thin person all my life until about two years ago, when I suddenly found myself putting on weight. It's been difficult for me to adjust to the concept of dieting, since all my life I've been able to eat anything without gaining weight. Unfortunately food is now a major issue in my life, and I've also had to put up with criticism from friends and family. I really want to show them that I can do it and that I can be the person I used to be; confident, happy, and in control of myself and my body. I know exactly what you mean about the clothes as well. Not being able to fit into clothes that fit a year ago, going shopping and finding that you've gone up a size, buying 'temporary' clothes in bigger sizes, having two wardrobes - one with clothes that you want to wear, and one with clothes that you have to wear until you shrink. It can all get quite depressing but I guess that also makes me more determined to get out of the rut I'm stuck in. Anyway thank you for sharing your motivation, I just wanted to let you know that I definitely know where you're coming from.


DesertRose Sun, Nov-11-01 20:26

Hi Mags,

I, like you, want to be "confident, happy, and in control of myself and my body." That is the ultimate goal, control especially!! Thanks for sharing your motivation!! Watch out family and friends, watch out world, for that matter. :D

Thanks for the comment on the name. I picked it because I live in a desert and I feel like a rose. :)

Thank you,

:rose: DesertRose

grahamgirl Sun, Nov-11-01 21:23

My jump-start came from my sister -- when I saw how good she looked and she told me about Atkins, I was ready. I needed something different -- was gaining as much as 10 pounds/year and didn't want to think where that might end.

Now I have several motivations:
(1) I like how I feel. I haven't lost a lot of pounds, but my clothes feel different. My face looks different, and I feel like a new person. I have more confidence than I've had in many many years. Seeing success with this WOL change makes me feel I could meet other big challenges.
(2) I like not having addictions/cravings. I no longer want to eat a pound of crackers. I no longer count the hours until I can visit the snack machine at work. I don't have to hide to eat what I want. (I've even been able to stop using chapstick!)
(3) I like paying this much attention to myself -- what I eat, how I feel. In the past, I put myself way down on the priority list, but no more. I'm realizing that I was using food as a tranquilizer instead of facing how I feel. Now I'd rather sign onto this website instead of binge. Knowing that there's lots of other intelligent and caring people here struggling with a lot of the same stuff helps so much.

Fumih_81 Mon, Nov-12-01 01:28


I have the same thinking too~
More confidence abt myself, coz i know that my figure is looking sexier (haha!). I tend to laugh louder now, and walk with more confidence....although i see my waist at the same measurement, but i can feel the firmness of my body

though i see my pounds going down at a turtle least shld be steady.

no bingeing on foods, good control on choice of foods and intake...

:wave: no one gotta say i am fat again~

Erin4980 Mon, Nov-12-01 22:30

My modivation...
I've never been overweight, but I've always been uncomforable with my body. It got to the point, where I would cry before leaving the house, I dreaded walking around campus, and walked with my head facing down. I hated going home and being the girl that when she went to college "gained all that wieght." I was just tired of being that person, and I'm not that person - and that's my modivation. I'm not tired of not being happy with the way I look. I'm modivated everyday by looking in the mirror and seeing the awesome things that are happening to me (old pants fitting, feeling better in my bathsuit, etc). I'm modivated to look the way I feel...

I finally got modivated to finally lose the wieght, after my bf's mom lost 40 lbs, and two friends lost 30lbs. on LC. I saw myself sooo jealous and finally decided I could do it too.

What would modivate me even more, would be to have someone notice my weightloss and congraduate me. I don't know if I should feel complimented that I hided my weight that well or be in auww of my friends inability to notice my changes.

YogaBuff Mon, Nov-12-01 22:48

I'm with Karen---SANITY. And maybe to get my belly out of the way, so I can do more forward bending yoga poses. :D

Babs Mon, Nov-12-01 23:27

I've never lost my motivation but it was overwhelmingly reinforced last night. My In-laws had been overseas for three months and I had never told them I was dieting. They about both fell over when they walked in the door! And did that ever feel good!

For the occasion I'd bought myself a snug pair of Levis (that I hope to replace with a smaller size by Christmas) and a pretty, white, short sleeve knitted top that I can actually TUCK IN! and feel good about wearing. Bra size is down from 36D to 34C - I would never wear tight-fitting tops.

I will say tho, I give myself a day off of dieting every two weeks. By that I mean I might eat 80-90 carbs that day. It keeps my sanity. And this month I had four days off in a row while camping but I knew with the excessive amount of hiking, climbing and activity I would be able to balance things.

By taking a bit of a relaxed approach I just accept that my weight loss will take a little longer and that doesn't worry me too much. And starting back over on that Sunday morning is never an issue, I am that strict on myself.

I am extremely happy with my results so far, and new clothes and surprising people you haven't seen in a while is great motivation!

Marlaine Tue, Nov-13-01 11:29

Thanks for starting this thread! It's wonderful to be able to come in and see everyone's reasons...feed on them....and contemplate them as worthy for me too!

My Number 1 reason for wanting to lose weight is to get to feeling better. I feel so sluggish carrying all of this weight and I love to feel the spring in my step that I have at a lower weight and the increased energy I have to spend.

Number 2 reason: HEALTH!! I've breached the half century and I plan to be a healthy vibrant human being when I reach the full century. Longevity runs in my family and I want to be able to enjoy life fully right to the end.

Number 3 reason: I love clothes and want to look good in them. I'm tired of holding off on a new wardrobe because I don't want to buy them in the large sizes that I need now.

Number 4 reason: I'm tired of living with all of the prejudices against overweight people. I want an equal share of all that life has to offer.


Shirlfe Tue, Nov-13-01 12:14

My motivation to loose
:thup: My motivation to lose my weight is first, to be healthy, lower blood pressure, and Just down right feel good.
Second: to see my grandchildren grown and some great grandchildren
Third: to get into normal size clothes, size 10 or 12
Fourth: Regain self confidence
Fifth: To learn a new healthy way of eating.
Sixth: I have a bet with my DH, if I loose 20lb's by christmas, he will quit smoking. He has emphysema.
I like this thread. It help's to write down our motivation's and keep reading them. Also other's motivation. :wave:
Hug's Shirl

Lessara Tue, Nov-13-01 12:20

Buying clothes
That's a thought.. imagine buying clothes from a clothing store! Wow I would love to be able to just go buy a pair of jeans without having to order them and wait for the delivery! I probably will be spending more money then :D

gwilson38 Tue, Nov-13-01 12:52

my motivation was that I was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. I have fibromyalgia and was constantly fatigued, and extememely moody. I knew sugar was a poison to my system I just needed a way to break the habit. When I started on Atkins last april I had HUGE withdrawls but within 2 weeks I felt better. Im even off my meds now.Then there was the weight loss. I never ever thought I would be able to lose weight and yet I could eat when I was hungry. Now my motivation is being able to fit into size 10 clothes and look good. " Nothing tastes as good as thin feels"

chart Tue, Nov-13-01 13:51

I want to feel the way I did ten years ago. Now, three kids later, I just don't have any energy. I would love to play basketball and football with them again.

That tucking in the shirt post sounds good too.

After reading everyone's motivation, I'm motivated all over again.

Thanks!! :wave: :wave: :wave:

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