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laurien Fri, Nov-21-03 10:17

Soooooooo Sad
So today I am having my Rottie put to sleep... Its killing me. so my question how do I stay focused and eat right today. Now I can't eat. Later is what I am worried about.. Just need sapport.

yvonne326 Fri, Nov-21-03 10:20

Oh honey, I feel for you. My beloved Pepper passed away in my arms (due to heart attack) this past summer and I still cry when I think about it.

I don't know what the circumstances are for putting your baby to sleep but if its for the best just remember that he won't be suffering any more :( Hugs to you.

AJ_0001 Fri, Nov-21-03 10:49

Oh, you poor heart breaks for you. I have no advice, only compassion and sympathy. thoughts are with you.

sonnofa Fri, Nov-21-03 11:09

Very sorry to hear about your Rottie. Last month we had to put one of our kitties down and then exactly 2 weeks later we had to put a second one down. One was around 12 and they other was 19 or so. Needless to say the grief of losing them was overwhelming. What got us through was remembering the good life they had and the time we got to spend with them. I don't remember having much of appetite at the time. Please just stick with your LC ways if you can. I would hate for you to have to deal with feeling bad for eating something you shouldn't have, in addition to the grief you are already feeling.

BIG hug :angel:

beachmum Fri, Nov-21-03 11:13

It's hard, and the hurst stays for a long time. One of our cats, who was older than all our children, died while we were out of town over a year ago, and I still miss her and think about her.

Bonzlee Fri, Nov-21-03 11:32

I am so sorry for your loss. I had to have my darling kitty put to sleep last March. She was only 10 and had severe lymphoma. The grief was overwhelming at the time. There was a board that really helped me. It was It made a difference in the couple weeks afterwards.

I think grief is a personal process, and we all do it differently. I don't remember eating much either. My husband actually had to coax me to eat. But if you feel you'll have a hard time with food, why not get yourself some low-carb candy or other treats to use instead of regular candy. At least if you feel you really have to eat it, it won't be such a bad deviation from the program.

My heart and prayers go out to you.
Take care,

shortstuff Fri, Nov-21-03 11:48

Ah, hon, I'm really sorry to hear this. I know just how much our four legged companions mean to us. I belong to a JRT forum where most of us believe that when our furry friends leave us they go to the Rainbow Bridge. I have two Jacks there now and a third Jack at home that should be with me a few more years.

If you're interested in finding out more about the RB just type Rainbow Bridge into your search engine of your browser. It may give you some comfort.

My thoughts and prayers go out to you because I know exactly how hard it is to lose a friend.


cs_carver Fri, Nov-21-03 11:49

Two dogs died this summer,
and four in the past two years. Have you seen the Rainbow Bridge poem?

You may not be able to understand this right now: It gets easier. I now see myself as someone who has dogs, who will always have dogs, and when I die there's going to be one heck of a pack waiting for me. I didn't realize until Misty died that Grover and Oliver wouldn't know each other without me--Grover was Oliver's replacement and they never met here. Misty introduced them on that side.

There's also a great book called Dog Heaven:

That a friend sent me. I'll probably send it to my brother or sister, whoever's next, because they both have Very Old Dogs. I imagine this copy may travel around the world comforting dog owners.

I didn't understand pet death several years ago, and I let Guenivere go too long. She was trying to tell me she was ready and I didn't understand. Grover died of a heart attack and now I wish I had taken him in earlier; heart attacks are painful and euthanasia is very peaceful. When it was clear Misty's medication was no longer controlling her congestive heart failure, I didn't linger. CHF is an ugly way to go and she deserved better.

So you cry, and cry, and cry, and think you're done and then you find the collar or the brush or an old cookie and you cry again. And eventually you come to some resolution and then someone who doesn't know asks, and they cry, and you start all over again. And maybe one day, sometimes sooner, you get another dog. The new dog will not be like the old dog, but it will be a dog and you start again to marvel at all the things dogs do that make us love them.

AJ_0001 Fri, Nov-21-03 12:35

cs_carver, as a dog lover and proud mom of my AJ puppy, I just want to say that your words touched me and almost brought tears to my eyes - yet comforted at the same time - I know that laurien will find comfort in them too. To all our 4-legged friends...we love you so much for all that you've added to our lives. And to my Aj and all my pets now gone from my life, thank you.

jackiem Fri, Nov-21-03 12:50

If you haven't done it yet, be aware that the vet has the option to give your dog a shot to relax him/her. Your pet can then go to sleep in your arms before the other shot. I had two kitties cross over, and this method worked best for me.

I do a lot of animal rescue work and sometimes it involves death. My consolation is that when I get to the other side, there will be a big herd of cats and kittens waiting, and even better, my mind will be perfect enough to remember them all and each of their names. Many foster animals come and go through this house. Maybe you could serve in this way too, as a tribute to your companion Rottie.

Remember your Rottie isn't gone, you'll still feel him/her around you if you pay attention. I have had cats jump up on my bed at night, but turn on the light, no (visible) cat. I know this is one of my babies checking in on me.

KoKo Fri, Nov-21-03 13:01

:rheart: - everything everyone has already said - and let it hurt, it has to hurt before you can get over it - when my first dog had to be put to sleep - I wouldn't cry for days and then suddenly it all came out one night and I sobbed for hours. It didn't take away all the pain but it was a beginning. My son kept all her collars and tags in a box - we still have it and that helped him somewhat.

Its always so sad, but better than letting a beloved freind suffer when there is no hope. :rheart:

katwoman Fri, Nov-21-03 13:03

Thoughts and prayers are with you. I'm glad someone already referred you to the Rainbow Bridge poem. It helped me a great deal after losing two cats in our house fire a little over a year ago. That was the worst part of the fire.

Disconnecting your brain from having food options is probably the best way to stay on track. You know what you can eat, so just don't consider anything else. However, if you slip--don't be too hard on yourself.

Grieving with you.

LadyBelle Fri, Nov-21-03 17:51

It will hurt, and it will hurt for quite a while to come. Pets really are the one creature that love you unconditionaly, even when you screw up royally. They don't care how you look, what your love life is like, or what your job is. They just care if you give them a pet and some love. Don't turn to food for comfort. Having a sick stomach will only make you feel worse.

If cooking is therapudic for you, get in the kitchen and experiment with new recipes and keep yourself busy. If you just can't manage the gumption to cook, maybe make a soup in the slow cooker. Keep it turned on low, an dhave a nice comforting cup of soup when you feel hungry.

Sometimes focusing on things like what to eat can help take your mind of worries. If it adds more stress though, don't worry about food right now. Just have LC food on hand and eat when hungry, don't worry about carb limits and such. You might not feel hungry at all, or able to stomach food, but try to have a small bite. You may be suprised how hungry you are after having a little, and if not it will at least help keep your strength up.

verniebird Fri, Nov-21-03 18:10

I know how you feel. I had to put my beloved cat Ethel to sleep a while back and it is an awful feeling. But I was comforted knowing that it was my job to be strong and protect her from anymore sickness and pain. I still miss her. She was so gentle and kind hearted. I hope you will take good care of yourself during this sad and stressful time. Come here to post as often as you can in the weeks to come and let out some of your sorrow here.

di52 Fri, Nov-21-03 18:46

That's so sad - I'm ceying right now just thinking about it. While I've never had to put a pet down, I've lost quite a few to "just taking off" or getting hit by a car (just one of those). I hink that having to go through what you just did is way worse. Read that Rainbow Bridge poem - it will make you feel better. And if you're lucky, your Rotty will visit you in your dreams. It sucks right now, but it will get better.

laurien Fri, Nov-21-03 19:59

Thanks everyone. and you are all right I 'm just not hungry . so eating isn't an issue . I am trying to be strong for the kids. Anna died in our arms and she was so "happy" for me.. Her way of being stong for me. That is the happiest she had been in months. Sleeping will be the hardest. I haven't gone to bed without her at the side of my bed it over 10 years. she always made me feel safe. I guess I will be locking the doors at night. Again thanks sooooo much... I couldn't diet with out this board and getting sapport in my time of need is so nice. God Bless .
pictures of my dogs.

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