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Claudio acuña Wed, Dec-27-00 10:50

energy against fatigue and depression

Hi there. I am Claudio from Buenos Aires. I am in the cetogenic diet because of my sugar blues. What do you take to improve your mood or getting energy?. I would like to know the score of glutamine, octacosanol, kava, sam-e, acetil-l-tirosine, etc. It is difficult for me to get some of those products in buenos aires just to try them. Greetings

Claudio Acuña

doreen T Wed, Dec-27-00 13:25

hi Claudio, and welcome
I wish I was in Buenos Aires right now. I'm sick of shovelling snow and scraping ice from my car. :D

Are you following a ketogenic diet only to cure sugar addiction, or are you also trying to reduce your weight?? The diet is the most effective treatment for both; make sure you are eating adequate protein foods - eating smaller meals and snacks more frequently will definitely help keep your blood sugar levels from swinging up and down, which is the trigger for the cravings, as you know.

I have not tried any of the nutrients and supplements you mentioned, but I know many people find them helpful. Glutamine especially is used for treating addictions and improving mental energy as well as for building muscles. Meats, fish and fowl are all high in natural glutamine.

Here is an interesting and informative site. Lots if articles on health, nutrition and supplements - in both english and espanol.

Here is another good site, very detailed encyclopedia of vitamins and supplements (english only). You might be able to order some supplements from the USA if you cannot find them locally in Argentina.

Good luck :)


Energy Sun, Jan-07-01 16:01

Hi Claudio

You will find somedays really dragged out, and so close to sneak some sweets - have you tried some berries to pick up your blood sugar?

Little meals through-out the day will help: 5-6 instead of 3 large...try that.

Also: are you constipated? Often irregularities will built up toxins, instead of washing them OUT of your system, since your liver has to work a little extra to purify this new KETOSIS state.

Hot water with lemon first thing in the morning works great for me! Also, warm water throughout the day (instead of Cold stuff), seems to get the bowels moving and you feel more ENERGIZED and motivated to STAY on track.

Try and stay away from any anti-depressants , beacuse they have a reverse effect when on a low-carb diet.
You need no stimulants, and even sam-e's formula seem to disrupt your chemical brain functions.

Tell you drink enough fluids....(not the diet drinks, please - so high in CHEMICALS and sodium).


Claudio acuña Sun, Jan-07-01 16:27


Hi there. Besides my sugar blues I have the caffeine blues. That is the reason why I was looking for an additional form of energy to replace the lost ones. Greetings


Karen Mon, Jan-08-01 11:30

Hi Claudio,

What plan are you following and how long have you been following it for?


Claudio acuña Fri, Jan-12-01 08:56

Hi there. I am following the cetogenic diet because my hypogyecemia, between other reasons. I am an addict to caffeine in the form of cafiaspirin too. Between the other reasons of the diet is a probably candidiasis or a leaky gut or a CFS. Any suggestions?. Greetings.


doreen T Sun, Jan-14-01 12:56

hello Claudio,

It sounds as though you have a number of health problems besides just sugar and caffeine blues! It's very good that you are interested in reading and learning information to help your health, but it is best that you have the supervision and diagnosis of a doctor or professional who is knowledgeable and experienced with natural and holistic medicine. Many of the herbs and nutritional supplements you asked about can have bad effects if not used correctly, and may not be suitable for all of your health conditions.

Here are some good books for you to read; you should be able to find these at your local library or book store -

1. "Recetas nutritivas que curan", by James Balch and Phyllis Balch. Very excellent book about natural health, vitamins, herbs and supplements. Also good information about hypoglycemia, leaky gut and chronic fatigue syndrome.

2. "Dieta Para los Adictos a los Hidratos de Carbono", by Richard Heller and Rachael Heller. Explains sugar blues and sugar addiction, and recommends a diet and some vitamins and supplements to help. Not ketogenic diet though.

3. "La nueva revolución dietética", by Dr. Robert Atkins. Lowcarbohydrate, ketogenic diet. Will help your sugar addiction. Also information about vitamins and supplements.

It would be good for you to read these books to help your understanding. Hope you are feeling better soon. Please write again to let us know.

take care,

Claudio acuña Mon, Jan-15-01 09:03

Books and doctors
Hi there. I read most of the books of Robert Atkins and some of the books of Michel Colgan, Lina Lazarides, Paavo Airola, Andrew Weil and others. The doctors I consulted do not coincide with the diagnosis about my illness. Many of them do not approve the cetogenic diet nor the fasting diet. Many of them says that my illness is mental. Many of them tried I take the famous pills of happiness. The most strange diagnosis certain doctor gave to me after an electronic scanning was that my brain cells do not feed properly and that the solution was to take the famous pills and talking. I would like you gave my more feedback. Greetings.


doreen T Tue, Jan-16-01 11:49

hi Claudio,

Thankyou for sharing the information about yourself. No wonder you feel so frustrated! You are right, most doctors do not believe that Candidiasis, or Hypoglycemia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome even exist, except inside our heads. But there ARE some good doctors out there, who have open minds and are willing to work with you to help you get better. They are just hard to find! Are there any naturopaths, or doctors who specialize in Chinese, Ayurveda or herbal & homeopathic medicine in Buenos Aires? Many good chiropractors are also educated and experienced to help you with these chronic health problems. You should be able to phone and ask. If they are good, and care about YOU, they will be happy to explain how they can help before you make the appointment (and hand over the money).

You do not need to have a doctor's "permission" to follow your chosen diet. However, it's not clear from what you have said which diet plan you are following. Atkins? Protein Power? NeanderThin or the Paleolithic Diet? There is a "ketogenic diet" used for children who have epilepsy/seizure disorder, that is very low carbohydrate AND very low protein, and very HIGH fat. I don't think that would be so good for your particular health concerns. "The Ketogenic Diet" by Lyle Macdonald isn't so much a diet plan itself, as it mostly explains how the popular programs (Atkins etc) work.

A nutritious lowcarb diet, eating lean meats, fish, poultry, eggs, etc, and fresh vegetables with lots of fiber, maybe a small amount of lowcarb fruits (berries, melon, grapefruit, etc) will be helpful for all of the problems you mentioned. Avoid eating a lot of animal fat; instead, use unsaturated vegetable oils, olive oil, nuts, almonds etc. For Candidiasis, it would be good to avoid dairy products also, so no cheese, cream, yogurt, etc. Obviously, you want to avoid bread, sugar and sweets of ANY kind, noodles, rice, corn, cassava, potatoes etc, etc, etc ... Eat 5 or 6 small mini-meals and snacks through the day, instead of 2 or 3 larger meals. Make sure to have some protein at every meal and snack too.

Don't be so hard on yourself to try to cure all of your "addictions" at once. Work on the sugar and carbohydrates first. Cut back the coffee and caffeine, but if it's something you truly enjoy, then have it, just limit yourself to maybe one or two cups a day.

I will recommend this book again to you. "Recetas nutritivas que curan", by James Balch and Phyllis Balch. It is excellent, with large amounts of information on Candida, Hypoglyemia, Chronic Fatigue and Depression. It does not deal with lowcarbohydrate diets though, but it does list lots of herbs and vitamins you can take to help feel better.

I think if you are able to get your physical health better, with a good diet and nutritional supplements, that your mental problems will improve also. It's hard to be happy when your body feels so blaaaaahhhhh! And don't ignore exercise. Even going for a walk is very good to boost the mood, and helps keep the blood sugar stable.

Good luck, hope you are feeling better soon.


Claudio acuña Wed, Jan-17-01 09:50

Healing meal

Hi Doreen. I am eating a ketogenic diet that would be comfortable of eating for me. I take eggs, poultry, cow meat, green olives, nuts, hazelnuts, almonds, oil, tomatoes, onions, garlic, asparagus, lettuce and some cheese ( a bit). I would like to eat or drink a perfect healing meal. What do you think about the whey protein with glutamine which is sold for sportsmen?. The perfect meal would be for the health and the usual meal would be to enjoy eating without ruining the health. I would like to drink an alternative to the coffee too. Do you know any?. As far as the doctors I can not tell. I think that my health is on my own just now. The doctors do not know more than us in these matters.


doreen T Fri, Jan-19-01 11:43

the PERFECT meal
Oh Claudio, I think the most perfect meal is ANYTHING prepared by someone ELSE. (And someone else washes the dishes too!) ... :D

The foods you listed sound good, healthful. What about vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage? These have very healing nutrients, and lots of fiber, which is good for the leaky gut. RAW garlic is very good for Candidiasis, maybe not so good for the social life! Do you like fish?? Many of the fatty ocean fish - tuna, mackerel, salmon, sardines - are good sources of the octacosanol that you inquired about earlier. If you do not like to eat fish, you may want to take a fish oil supplement.

It might be a good idea to stop the cheese for a few weeks. Or, maybe eat cheese or yogurt made from goat or sheep milk, NOT cow milk. For Candidiasis and leaky gut, supplements of lactobacillus Acidophilus are very helpful. Take this on an EMPTY stomach, with water, not with food.

As substitute for coffee? I speak as someone who loves and is addicted to coffee also - there is no good substitute ..:eek:.. For flavour, there are delicious brands of decaffeinated coffee - look for the "Swiss water process". There are no chemicals used for this, and the flavour and aroma is preserved. It is of course, more expensive. I do not recommend the roasted grain-based "coffees", such as Postum or Krakus. These contain barley and/or wheat, and will trigger allergies. Plus, they are not low in carbohydrates. Teas contain caffeine also, but much, much less than coffee. Have you tried green tea? For energy, you might consider Ginseng tea, especially the Siberian (eleuthro) and Panax types of Ginseng.

Regarding the whey and soy protein drinks. These are very good and useful way to get quality protein in the diet, and are very fast and convenient to prepare. Make sure that it is low in sugar carbohydrates. Some brands contain fructose which is sugar, and bad for the Candida. Here are some good ideas and recipes for using these protein drinks

Make sure also to drink lots of plain water. Maybe squeeze some fresh lemon or lime juice in it (do not use the bottled juice - full of citrate preservatives).

It would be great to go back to the doctors when your health is improved. Then they will say, "oh look, it's a miracle". And you can say back, "No, it was hard work, and I did it myself".

Good luck,

kkhlavinka Sat, Feb-03-01 08:21

You may want to try St. John's Wort. It acts similarly to Prozac and it will help with your appetite, too. I have read that some people have a problem with depression on this diet. Like Prozac, though, it takes a while for the St. John's Wort to build up in your body, so be patient.

doreen T Sat, Feb-03-01 09:19

Hypericin, a.k.a. St. John's Wort
SJW can be effective for mild to moderate depression, but is not without side-effects and some precautions. It's not known for sure how it works, but yes, it can be used successfully in place of the SSRI class of antidepressants, such as Prozac, Paxil, etc. Note, it does NOT take the place of other classes of antidepressants - lithium, MAO inhibitors, tricyclics, anti-anxiety meds.

Make sure you buy a standardized 0.3% hypericin formula. Some of the teas and powdered leaf products may contain very little of the active ingredient.

SJW does increase sensitivity to the sun. Use at least SPF 15 sunscreen, summer and winter too. In particular, there is risk to the retina of the eye from ultra-violet light sensitivity. For this reason, persons using bright light therapy for depression and S.A.D. should NOT use hypericin. There are also studies from Europe suggesting SJW can reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills. Also, can interfere with protease inhibitors used for HIV/AIDS. Most other side-effects are minor - skin rash, stomach upset, fatigue, etc. If you are currently taking antidepressants, DO NOT TAKE SJW AT THE SAME TIME. Discuss with your doctor about first discontinuing your other meds, which may need to be tapered off slowly to avoid rebound effects.

SJW may cause similar reactions as MAO inhibitors when certain foods are eaten, such as red wine, aged cheese, nitrates, etc. Best to avoid these foods, as the reaction can be severe - nausea, headache, vomiting, even anaphylaxis (requires "911")

For unbiased information about St. John's Wort, check this site It is strictly information, and no one is advertising or trying to sell anything.

Take care, hope this info. was helpful. ..:)

[Edited by doreen T on 03-02-01 at 12:24]

Claudio acuña Fri, Feb-16-01 11:27

Let's try again
St. John's Wort is told may cause some digestion irritability to the 2% of the people who takes it. Well, I am between that two percent of people which get some problems with that herb. Greetings.


doreen T Sun, Feb-18-01 16:54

hello Claudio,

It sounds that you are not feeling much better? Sorry to hear that. How is the fatigue, the leaky gut? Have you tried the other herbs I mentioned - ginseng, and green tea? And are you taking exercise and plenty of fresh air, and drinking lots of water??

Did you ever try to read the book I recommended to you? "Recetas nutritivas que curan", by James Balch and Phyllis Balch. Claudio, this is an excellent book for many illnesses (including depression, fatigue, candidiasis, hypoglycemia, addictions, etc., etc. ...) and has many, many lists of herbs and supplements, like glutamine, kava kava, co-Q10 etc. If you cannot buy it, perhaps your library will have a copy you can borrow ... go to the non-fiction shelf number 615.854. I have this book, and I use it ALL the time. (english "Prescription for Nutritional Healing")

Claudio, I cannot simply tell you to take this vitamin, or eat that food and you will get better (and I know that you do not expect that ..:) .).. Please tell us, are you following a program, a specific ketogenic diet such as Atkins or are you trying to invent your own diet? It's fine if you are..... maybe you could write for us a sample menu, what you eat each day, what vitamins and herbs you are taking, etc... That would be VERY helpful. Right now, you are only telling a little bit here, a little bit there, so it is difficult to see where help is needed.

take care,

kkhlavinka Mon, Feb-19-01 07:23

Claudio, it can be very hard to get a doctor to listen to you when you have a problems like yours. I had some similar problems to what you are describing and it turned out that in addition to a slow thyroid (which was being treated already), my cortisol levels were too high due to a very low level of DHEA. Either one of these problems could cause the symptoms you indicate.

DHEA is a steroid that occurs in large abundance in your body and is the "mother hormone" to many others. I suggest that you read about it but proceed with caution because it is potentially dangerous if you do not need it. Your doctor can order a test to monitor your levels or you can order it from the internet and send it in yourself. Please note that if you are under 40, you probably do not need it. In the USA, DHEA can be purchased at a health food store, but it is a presecription item in many others.

Another possible cause of your problem could be an underactive thyroid. Have you had it tested?

I went undiagnosed for years and it took an open-minded practioner to discover the truth.

fay Tue, Aug-07-01 09:33

Hello Claudio,
I know this might be a bit late since most of the posts on this thread are from Jan/Feb.

However, I wanted to share that I have CFS and have had for the last 11 years. I am also a patient at the Atkins Center in NY, and it was Dr. Atkins himself who diagnosed me.

Virtually all other doctors I've dealt with (due to moving had other doctors too) have tried to tell me it is depression, anxiety, etc. Well, it isn't.

Each person required different nutrients/supplements for their individual condition, but I recommend that you get the book;
THE VITA-NUTRIENT SOLUTION, BY DR. ATKINS. In there you will see what is recommended for each illness and how much.

If you cannot get stuff locally in Buenos Aires you can order online.

Good Luck

fiona Sun, Aug-19-01 07:17

My 2penny worth
Hi every1

I've finally got round to reading this thread from the beginning. Like Fay I decided I'd put my two cents worth in. It is a subject very close to my heart - in fact so close that I sometimes shut myself off from it.

{Doreen: I think the most perfect meal is ANYTHING prepared by someone ELSE. (And someone else washes the dishes too!) } LOL Do. I used to think that until I took control of my own life and decided what I put in my body had to be prepared and cooked by me so I could be sure I was not being manipulated by the Food Industry, Cheaper cuts etc. Totally agree about the "someone else washing up!" ;)

{Doreen: Have you tried green tea? } I have. I drink at least one or two pots a day. It's great. Worth giving it a go. Unlike Caffiene gets rid of toxins instead of building them up

{Doreen: ... doctors ... miracle ... "No, it was hard work, and I did it myself". } Oh yes Doreen I totally agree with that. It is such a long story I won't go into it but I "hid" from doctors for many many years because I just KNEW (in my heart) that what they were telling me was b**ls*** and would not make me feel better. It did make me feel very isolated and hopeless and took me longer to figure out what was right and have the courage and confidence to persuade the doctors to help me do it MY way. They will listen to you if you are strong and listen to your own body. If they don't then do what I did - go with your gut feeling; listen to your heart, your instinct.

{Kkhlavinka: I have read that some people have a problem with depression on this diet. } For me this diet has been the BEST anti-depressant I have taken. For five years of my life I had every type of cure pumped into me for depression. I only got worse and finally decided NO MORE. Whatever happened I was NOT going to take another anti-depressant. It was hard because I still suffered from (very deep) depression from time to time but didn't dare tell anyone. Since I started this diet my depression is practically non-existent.

{fay: Virtually all other doctors I've dealt with (due to moving had other doctors too) have tried to tell me it is depression, anxiety, etc. Well, it isn't. } Exactly. Because doctors have gone through years of study and learning it is easy to put them on a pedestal. I learned that I knew better what was happening even if I didn't have the medical lingo and understanding that the doctors had. Also that BECAUSE of their training doctors can sometimes be very close-minded and rigid in their approach - not their fault: they spend years training to do just that.

My advice Claudio is to take control of your own life and your own body, take tiny little steps every day and do whatever it takes to make you feel better for that day. Eventually you will figure it out. I had to begin to love myself enough to be committed to my own wellbeing. NO-ONE else can do it for me however much they would like to.

Anyway that's my contribution to this thread. Hope it helps.
Take care
Love, Light, Healing, Peace, Energy, Vitality and Laughter.

fay Tue, Aug-21-01 04:00


Just curious, do you have CFS or FM?


fiona Tue, Aug-21-01 13:21

Don't know
As I have spent half my life avoiding doctors because I did not want to be "sectioned" and force-fed all manner of drugs I don't really know.

I go through phases when my energy levels are very very low - especially during Winter months. I go through phases when it feels almost impossible to shift that mood but it does shift.

I insisted (and finally after nearly a year of waiting) am receiving Homeopathic treatment on the NHS. Their approach is quite different. They treat the whole person not the symptoms. It is working much better for me.

Together with the diet which I also believe is an incredible help. I have got to do what is right for me as an individual.
Take care.

Claudio acuña Mon, Feb-11-02 09:43

Hi there. I am back after all this months. Hotmail have elimated all my email accounts and I lost your track. You may see my posting putting claudio acuña in the yahoo search engine. I am introuble with aspirine yet. I think I have no candidiasis nor leaky gut.. Greetings.

Claudio Acuña

Claudio acuña Mon, Feb-11-02 10:00

Hi there . I am back.. Greetings.

Claudio acuña

Claudio acuña Mon, Feb-11-02 10:29

I think that the aspirin is killing me. AmIi exagerating??. Greetings.

Claudio Acuña

Claudio acuña Mon, Feb-11-02 10:34

The aspirin is killing me. Am I exagerating????.

Claudio Acuña

Claudio acuña Mon, Feb-11-02 14:17

Hi there. What happend to my recent postings????. Greetings.

Claudio Acuña

doreen T Mon, Feb-11-02 23:35

hello Claudio,

Your postings got a bit mixed up, but it seems to be fine now :thup:

I'm glad to hear that the leaky gut and candidiasis are not a problem any more. As for the aspirin .. well that depends on how much you are taking. One or two is not a problem. Taking many aspirins every single day can cause bleeding problems in the stomach, kidney problems and can make the blood very acid.

Why are you taking a lot of aspirin?


Claudio acuña Tue, Feb-12-02 09:35

Why are yuo erasing my postings????
Hi there. I do not understand the reason why you are erasing all my recent posting in this forum.

Claudio Acuña

Claudio acuña Tue, Feb-12-02 09:48

Hi there
Hi there. I see some changes in the forum after my disconection. I take aspirin because I am an adict to the aspirin. Since fifteen I think. I got my adiction trough the cafiaspirin. It is a real adiction too hard to avoid. It is not a joke. Aspirin is cheap and is everywhere. In my standard days I use to take a pill in the morning and a pill in the afternoon. I suffer a lot if I do not take my pill. From time to time these pills made me sick. In recent days I got a new ability. I can replace the cafiaspirin by a double portion of simple aspirine. The sole aspirine is not a great relief but do not produces the terrible side effects that produces to me the cafiaspirin. Incredible thing, don't you think. Greetings.

Claudio Acuña

doreen T Tue, Feb-12-02 09:49

hi Claudio,

Nobody has erased your recent postings. If you look right above this, in the long list of messages, you will see all of the postings you made yesterday.

The final message from yesterday ... asking where were all your posts.. you posted to a very old copy of this thread of messages about fatigue and depression that was in another forum on this message board. I chose to move your post here to this thread, because it is the EXACT same as the other one, and in fact has more messages and postings from other people about this subject. I understand if it seems confusing to you at the moment, but I believe it would have been even more confusing to other readers if the postings were in 2 different places at once.

All of your postings from yesterday are here :)


Claudio acuña Tue, Feb-12-02 10:23

I see
I undertand now what are you doing with my postings. No problem. Greetings.

Claudio Acuña

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