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Thumbelina Fri, Mar-19-04 07:46

Should Skinny People Be On Atkins?
I've been thinking about this for a while, and at the risk of being flamed, I wanted to get your opinions on this. Since I joined the board several months ago, I have noticed that occasionally there will be a post from a member who is thin to begin with, but wants to lose weight. For example, I recall one member who was my height (5'6") with a starting weight of 120 lb. (which is less than my goal!) who wanted to get down to 105. I was disturbed that everyone replied to her post on how to speed weight loss on LC, without noting that her goal weight, in my opinion anyway, was unhealthy.

I do recognize that weight loss, weight goals, and what constitutes a desirable body type are highly subjective and personal. I also recognize that body types are different, so that two people of the same height might need to weigh different amounts in order to appear their best. I myself have less weight to lose than some on this board, more than others. HOWEVER, I do begin to question whether any kind of weight loss is wise when it drops below the BMI for that particular height.

I think that Atkins also can have a place even for already thin people who just want to improve their health -- getting rid of sugar, refined carbs and trans fats can help everyone, skinny or not. But it seems to me that most of the thin people who start Atkins are not doing so to change their lipid profiles, but to lose weight just like the rest of us.

I think perhaps that we are so afraid of offending people on the board that we choose to ignore this. I know that I've kept my lips zipped when reading some of these posts, because I'm afraid that the poster will tell me that her weight goals are no one else's but her own. I guess my concern is that I don't want to tacitly be condoning LC weight loss for someone who potentially could have an eating disorder.

Would love to hear opinions on this -- from the skinny people as well as the rest of us.

AFwife Fri, Mar-19-04 07:54

I saw a post the other day were the girl weighed 107 and wanted to weigh 90 pounds. I don't think your goal is ridiculous. As a matter of fact I'd like to get down in the area myself. But when I saw this one post, I had to speak up. That to me was too drastic. Why would anyone want to weigh 90 pounds.

Atkins isn't for everyone, but that is up to each individual. Good luck and much success to you.

Lily.....who doesn't have a problem saying it like it is

4beans4me Fri, Mar-19-04 07:56

I too, have seen what you are mentioning Thumbelina, and I have chose to tactfully refrain from commenting as well. I am afraid of offending, as it is a very sensitive subject, and I have come to realize that we all have our issues and reasons for being here. :rheart:

black57 Fri, Mar-19-04 07:57

You know what, when I was a kid, I was very skinny. As-a-matter-of-fact, I didn't start putting on weight ( that I didn't want ) until I was in my mid-thirties. For the most part, I did not eat alot of breads or pasta. I didn't like them. I didn't like doughnuts. The carbs I ate the most were candies and you know how mom's are about eating too much candy? So all-in-all I was a low carb eater without proclaiming it. I had a very small appetite and I was healthy.

But, I didn't want to be skinny. I prefer having meat on my bones even when I was thin. When I was thin, losing weight was far from my mind. But I have met women who are thin and they try to lose weight. That is why we should be careful as to how we perceive ourselves.

Leenie Fri, Mar-19-04 07:59

Yes thats a loaded question. I'll just say Yes if they want to then they should be. Some people feel physically better on Atkins even though they are at a normal weight. My husband lost 20 lbs on atkins and he is maintaining, he is "skinny" and when people find out he is still following Atkins they look at him like he is nuts.

Some people are on it for medical reasons. I know one thing for sure, Atkins helped me medically this year (my first year on it) because I normally get SAD every winter and I go on medication, well this year I am proud to say I didn't need the meds, I had no signs of depression AND we had one wicked we speak its snowing out ICK!

bfritz_pa Fri, Mar-19-04 08:01

I think that a person's weight goals are personal but I do agree with you that some people I've seen post, are trying to take it to what I consider a dangerously low weight. I'm not a medical person but I know there are many on this board.

When I see a profile with a goal like this, I think/hope that other more senior members who may have a medical backround would post a reply or private message to the person.

By the way, You sure are brave and no doubt you will be flamed.

tofi Fri, Mar-19-04 08:04

In the original experiment on "no carb eating", the Arctic explorer Vilhjelmar Steffanson and a colleague ate nothing but meat and fat for one year. The explorers, who were very fit and athletic before starting, lost about 6 pounds despite eating no carbs at all.

Low carbing will NOT make a person lose weight below a good point. You'd have to go to starvation levels of calories to do that.

"Goal Weights" are arbitrarily set numbers which may have NO relationship to reality or a healthy goal.

Many people are fixated on getting down to a particular number and will feel fat if they don't get there, despite the fact that their body should not go there. This indicates an eating disorder or 'body image' disorder.

Many LCers weigh more than they expect when they reach a good appearance because they have a higher lean muscle mass than low calorie dieters or fit people who eat high carb. So everyone should be prepared to revise their goal weight as they get within 20 pounds of it.

It's really important not to focus on a number. Every board that talks about weight loss gets visited by people whose "goal" is an unhealthy reflection of an eating disorder. I don't think it's unkind to suggest that the goal seems unrealistic or unhealthy. And it is a fact that LCing will NOT be a fast weight loss method, nor get a person below a good weight.

That said, lower carbing will probably benefit anyone who eats meats, vegetables and fruits rather than eating processed foods, fast foods, carby snacks etc. Everyone will get the benefit of more stable blood sugars, freedom from carb hunger, better blood test numbers and so many more improvements in health. But they probably won't lose weight if they shouldn't.

The scales should not rule our lives. Just my humble personal opinions as a member of this board.

cheeze Fri, Mar-19-04 08:11

I guess it is all a matter of perception, when I was young and weighed 96 lbs (I am 4'10) 110 was "fat". Now I would kill to weigh 110 again and know it will be very tough to get down to that.

AFwife Fri, Mar-19-04 08:17

How old where you though when you weighed 96 pounds. I remember weighing that growing up. My son weighs 80 pounds but he's only 10 now. That is normal for him and his height.


jennabrams Fri, Mar-19-04 08:19

I can only speak for myself, but Atkins is a way of life for anyone seeking improvement. As a person who is 'regular sized' I began Atkins because my cholesterol was nearly 300 and I had unhealthy eating habits. However, Atkins has helped me develop healthier eating habits, understand my body better, and has greatly improved my cholesterol levels.

On a forum like this, I think it is especially important to remember that each person is here for a different reason, even the "skinny people". Since no one is presenting themself as a medical physician I see absolutely no harm in communicating with each other, sharing tips, anecdotes, and matter what the person's weight or goals. Sometimes I also have to remind myself of the tired cliche: To each his own. But only because there is a lot of truth in that belief.

Again, as for myself, I am just 5 feet tall and don't feel embarassed asking for help to make my goals both physically and in some ways mentally. I have spoken to my general practitioner about my goals, health, and diet. I use this forum as a place to connect with people making the same changes in their lives and to share an experience common to us all~no matter what our weight may be. I rarely look at a person's stats because I do not want to judge them and would feel uncomfortable doing so.

Using this forum I feel lucky to have connected to many people struggling with the same issues as myself. I make it a point to not judge them, but be there for them as a friend. Many of the "skinny people" struggle with high cholesterol, binging, and eating disorders that they are working hard to recover from using this way of life. I think it is sad to even make a general statement lumping a group of people together as "skinny people" when we are all working towards a goal of some kind. I hope that this forum continues to offer unconditional support for anyone who wants it because that is what it is supposed to be about.

Anyways, we are all entitled to our opinions. I just think it would be sad if people felt judged in a support matter what their goals.


carole_tn Fri, Mar-19-04 08:22

I worry less about underweight people trying to lose more by low carbing than I do about the same people starving themselves by counting calories. I think lc is a healthy way to eat for most, and we all know from either our own experience or hearing others, that the last pounds are the hardest to lose. I believe that if we give these folks our best advice about healthy, low carb WOL eating, that is the best we can do.

It makes me sad to see them ~smile~ and I guess it scares me a little to realize that weighing 120 doesn't necessarily mean that you are "happy" with your weight.


cheeze Fri, Mar-19-04 08:22

I weighed 96 lbs when I was 20 and still wore a size 5/6. I know it must sound anorexic but that is a normal weight for my height.

teresamay Fri, Mar-19-04 08:30

I dont' have a problem with anyone wanting to further their health - or get to a weigth they desire, it is their personal choice how much they want to weigh.

What I DO have a problem with is some of these people who want a "quick" fat loss fix, who could care less about maintaining a healthy lifestye, or learning what is involved and required, and just jump on the LC bandwagon becuase it is the "in" thing now.

cmcole Fri, Mar-19-04 08:30

I think some very valid points have been made.

Body image is a terrible thing, because quite often a person perceives "fat" where none exists (of course, if you've seen some of those daytime 'talk' shows - you'll see people at the other end of the extreme - those who think they look absolutely sexy, and are hanging out of clothing at least three sizes too small).

That being said, I agree that almost anyone can benefit from not eating processed foods, white flour, sugar, and trans fats. These are all unnatural substances that do our bodies no perceptable good.

However, if health is the primary issue, and not weight loss, then the LC menu should be adjusted accordingly - so that weight is maintained (increased if necessary), rather than getting down to an unhealthy existence.

I started this WOL strictly for health reasons. Of course, my body realized that health also meant losing some excess baggage - but I didn't even think along those lines at the start. I never had a scale, nor a place to regularly weigh myself. So, whatever I weighed and measured in September is lost in history, as I didn't get weighed by my doctor until December (my request, not his), and I didn't measure myself until February.

Of course, now that I've purchased a scale, I'm not sure if that's a good thing or bad - I don't want the obsessive behaviour to start, and perhaps that is why I avoided scales for so long - I remember going to the gym and weighing myself on every scale in the place - two or three times during the workout - a totally unhealthy obsession, I'm believing.

FrecklFluf Fri, Mar-19-04 08:49

I worry less about underweight people trying to lose more by low carbing than I do about the same people starving themselves by counting calories.
That's a great point. I don't think that if you are taking in plenty of protein, fats, and veggies, that you will shrink beyond what your body needs. I have a friend who is overweight now (just had a baby) but will go on Atkins induction after she finishes breastfeeding. This same woman would eat one small snack every two days in high school to stay thin. Absolutely, Atkins is better for her than that.

I have been known to mention that someone's weight is at the low end of what the charts call for for a small frame, and that perhaps they should reconsider their goals, like maybe exercise to firm up rather than trying to lose more fat. I've never been flamed for it.

Paris Fri, Mar-19-04 08:52

Ab fab post, Tofi. :D :thup: I agree 100%.

B.B.B. Fri, Mar-19-04 08:54

You must take FRAME size into account....some people have very small frame (ME) or medium to large need to also take body fat percentage into account...I'm 5'5 135 pounds and have a bodyfat percentage of 37%...that's very high! I'm very tiny framed....and I would like to weigh my old weight of 110 or even don't judge....everyone has a weight they are happy with...I have one girlfriend who is 5'4 and 99lbs...but she looks healthy and has a great figure...not too don't pass judgement and keep body types. frame sizes and body % in mind when people are making their decision on what they want to weigh. As someone should not judge some who is over shouldn't judge those that want to be a lighter weight.

Be kind to each other.....!!!

trustycat Fri, Mar-19-04 08:56

as a small person, i have to say that i've gotten comments from this forum about being too skinny/possibly having an ED/etc and i never take offense-- actually, i appreciate it that those people care so much. In the end, if someone really does have a body issue, its much better for them to be told that. People who are tall and yet want to be at a really low weight (90 is crazy for anyone above 5 feet and over 20 y old) prob would be benefitted more from others being blunt. But again, everyone has their own reasons for being on Atkins and with goal weights, there are so many factors--age, height, frame, etc, so maybe its best to offer LC advice and attach a friendly side note....

also, for someone with an ED, i think atkins is just as dangerous as low cal-- the danger lies in their mental/emotional state, and that is the same on any diet. Atkins can be "tweaked" to a dangerous level, and someone at too low bf/weight really needs imp carbs from fruits and whole grains.

Although I started atkins to loose weight, I'm now on atkins for medical/health reasons-- to help manage hypoglycemia, both my parents are diabetic, general health, to control binge-eating, and some other stuff. Also, i'm trying to build muscle/lean body mass and atkins is best for that--my goal weight was really just an arbitrary number. I'd be perfectly happy at a higher weight if it meant i was more toned/stronger/healthier :)

i also agree that "skinny" can be hurtful. telling people they need to gain weight can also be as hurtful as telling people they need to loose weight if done in a blunt manner--but there are tactful/friendly ways of saying both things and its important that the message gets across. Besides, i'd rather here that kind of stuff from strangers on a forum that friends, lol

B.B.B. Fri, Mar-19-04 08:57

I should also you like the tern FAT or being called FAT? Skinny is just as negative!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ask someone who is slim how they feel about the term SKINNY...they will tell you it's like being called fat. Sadly as much as people judge those that are over weight...people judge those that are slim...saying stuff like "oh she must be anorexic" or she "she probably starves herself" someone with Hypothyroidism who used to be 'skinny' I don't like that word at all. My mom is 5'4 and weighs 105 pounds...and gets called skinny all the hurts her. Please do not use that term unless you want people to call you fat!

FrecklFluf Fri, Mar-19-04 09:04

I should also you like the tern FAT or being called FAT?
No, I don't like it, but it's the truth. I am fat. (Not as fat as I used to be, though. :D ) That being said, I usually use the word "thin" as opposed to "skinny." It does have a kinder connotation. If I am talking with someone about possibly being too thin, I try to use the medical term "underweight."

And you are right about the frame thing. Some people have very small frames and/or difficulty building lean body mass; those people probably will want to weigh less for appearance and health, especially if they have a body shape that shows every excess pound. Others, like me, have horse bones and will never weigh at the small end of the charts.

AFwife Fri, Mar-19-04 09:07

Originally Posted by B.B.B.
I should also you like the tern FAT or being called FAT? Skinny is just as negative!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ask someone who is slim how they feel about the term SKINNY...they will tell you it's like being called fat. Sadly as much as people judge those that are over weight...people judge those that are slim...saying stuff like "oh she must be anorexic" or she "she probably starves herself" someone with Hypothyroidism who used to be 'skinny' I don't like that word at all. My mom is 5'4 and weighs 105 pounds...and gets called skinny all the hurts her. Please do not use that term unless you want people to call you fat!

I think thumbalina was just trying to find out if people that don't need to lose alot of weight should be doing atkins. No one meant to call anyone "skinny" or "fat" for that matter.

No one is being rude to anyone. I personally am a blunt person, I can't help that. When I saw the post of the girl that wanted to weigh 90 pounds, I didn't think, oh she must be anorexic I thought, does she realize this could be a dangerous weight for her.

No one should judge, I don't. I find myself always caring too much. Maybe it's a good thing that I do maybe it's a bad thing. I saw this one person and freaked.

This WOE is beneficial to all, no matter how much you want to weigh. Atkins teaches many of us how to eat properly, the weight loss is a bonus.



B.B.B. Fri, Mar-19-04 09:11

Exactly! We aren't we can not say what is an ideal weight for someone or doctor totally agreed my body fat was too high! I'm carrying it all around my stomach as well which has me concerned with diabetes and heart just never know. I think we should all be encouraging and non-judgmental toward people's weight goals....if someone does have an ED hopefully they will find all the help they can. But I have the go ahead to get back to my 'ideal' works for my frame (I can put my thumb and middle finger around my wrist and they over lap to the first nuckle...that should give you an idea of my frames size). So I'm here to get encouragement....and try my best. Let's not JUDGE or discuss the worries abotu THIN people doing has no nothing to do with your/my goals. People with eating disorders need to find that out on their own...judging them only will encourge the to not even put that out there. Just my 2 cents....

B.B.B. Fri, Mar-19-04 09:13

AFwife...I do see your point.

Someone who is slim may be using Atkins to lower cholestorol mom who is 5'4 105 lbs...has high blood pressure and high cholesterol readings....Atkins may or may not be right for her....maybe the maintenance phase?

AFwife Fri, Mar-19-04 09:17

No we aren't doctors, but you know what, alot of doctors, they know squat. So much training and sadly some of them are only out for the money.

I personally have come across a couple of them that have recommended things where I was like, what are you nuts. Got a new doctor of course.

Point is we are here to support each other. Some of us, like me, find we try to help too much. Perhaps people with a disorder need to find out for themselves that they are sick but I can't help wanting to be there for them and assure them that they look fine the way they are. Just like I am here for you and many others.

Struggling with weight myself, I know how important it is to have someone there to say, hey it's ok you can do it I'm here for you. It's a wonderful feeling knowing your not alone in this struggle.

Good luck to all,


AFwife Fri, Mar-19-04 09:18

Originally Posted by B.B.B.
AFwife...I do see your point.

Someone who is slim may be using Atkins to lower cholestorol mom who is 5'4 105 lbs...has high blood pressure and high cholesterol readings....Atkins may or may not be right for her....maybe the maintenance phase?

I agree totally, this phase may be what they need instead.


serrelind Fri, Mar-19-04 09:20

Also, take into account body frame of a person from a different ethnic background. I'm Asian and at my weight right now (119lbs at 5'1"), I'm overweight. I've seen quite a few Asians in this forum that have a lower goal weight than most others. I totally understand where they are coming from. For that reason, I do not judge people based on their numbers. We all have to be at the weight we're happy with. Now if someone displays ED behaviors, then that's a different story. Although who am I to say what's considered destructive ED behavior and what's not? In a way, we all have some sort of eating disorder tendency. It is my overly pre-occupation with food and eating (although my recent weight gain was mostly due to getting off birth control pill)that landed me in this weight predicament :p

AFwife Fri, Mar-19-04 09:21

Love your picture serrelind, you look great. Keep up the good work.


FrecklFluf Fri, Mar-19-04 09:22

(I can put my thumb and middle finger around my wrist and they over lap to the first nuckle...that should give you an idea of my frames size).
Wow! My thumb and middle finger barely meet. I do usually ask someone about their frame size (such as wrist measurement) before commenting on their goal. That way, I at least have some idea as to whether they are being rational. But if I really think someone is approaching dangerously underweight, I would not feel right telling them how to drop those last few pounds. I don't think there's anything wrong with suggesting that someone make an appointment with their doctor to have his or her weight evaluated, or suggesting that maybe instead of losing weight they would feel better about themselves if they concentrated on toning their muscles. Who knows, maybe they haven't considered that point of view before.

B.B.B. Fri, Mar-19-04 09:22

I should add AFwife...CONGRATS! on your weight lose!!!!

I'm sorry I take the ED personally as I lost a very close friend 4 years ago to an ED....she starved herself to the point her organs could no longer function. The more people told her she was healthy looking or commenting on her weight lose it drove her more....more starving...more exercising...
The last year of her life she was being fed through a tube in her nose that went to her stomach...she pulled it out all the time. I saw her 3 hours before she dies of cardiac arrest. I realized over time I couldn't help her as much as I was very painful to see her like that. So yes I do understand where your coming from when you say you want to 'help'...I wanted to help too.

FrecklFluf Fri, Mar-19-04 09:24

Originally Posted by B.B.B.
I'm sorry I take the ED personally as I lost a very close friend 4 years ago to an ED.
That must have been very difficult to watch. I'm sorry for your loss.

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