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jmh6251 Wed, Jul-23-14 08:06

Ladies and Gentlemen over 60 New Thread
I decided since our moderator thought we should have a new thread, that I would start it. I really enjoy this thread, because we can deal with things that younger people wouldn't necessarily. We can admit when our joints hurt, or we just don't feel good. There are days that are worse then others for us. We can admit when we have gone off plan a little and get support. So I hope we continue. Hope you start feeling better N2L. That really sucks being tired all the time. I have days when I can't shake the pain and the tiredness either. The trouble with the grocery stores of today is that they are so big. When you are getting up in years a little, it gets overwhelming. I agree that it is hard to stay on track when you are faced with all kinds of nummy food. I have such a carb tooth that it takes all my willpower to stay on track sometimes. I hope everyone has a fabulous day :wave: :)

Chanteyl Wed, Jul-23-14 11:45

New place.

I have had a tension headache all night and day, on and off. Extreme pain. I wasn't able to do anything today.

jmh6251 Wed, Jul-23-14 14:46

Well lets hope it lets up soon. That is really miserable. Last couple of days, especially Sunday and Monday I had face pain. Short intense stabbing pain. It let up finally on Tuesday so I sympathize with you.

bugujo Wed, Jul-23-14 20:29

I am back from vacation as of a few hours ago. I will catch up on posts tomorrow.

Chanteyl Thu, Jul-24-14 11:40

Welcome home Bug. Hope you had a nice time.

I think I need to start sleeping better. I sleep in the daytime and I'm awake all night. Don't know how to get out of this cycle.

Chanteyl Fri, Jul-25-14 09:46

I would like to start doing a little exercise, like very small walks or something. My hip hurts when I walk. My DM had hip replacement surgery and I think I may need it too. Once she had the surgery she was never able to walk right again.

Swimming might be a good exercise if it was higher temps outside. Maybe I should check out exercise for invalids.

jmh6251 Fri, Jul-25-14 10:16

Welcome home Bugujo!!!!! I drink Ginger tea and it helps the pain a little, along with tumeric. I'm a big sissy and I avoid surgery if I can. My DH got his knee replaced and contracted Mersa. I always remember that, it probably doesn't make sense, but I was the one who had to infuse him with antibiotics 3 times a day. So it scared me off of ever having the procedure done myself. Feel better soon

bugujo Fri, Jul-25-14 12:51

Thanks guys. It was an awesome, but tiring vacation. We went to TX and enjoyed time with my son. We ventured to Austin, San Antonio (spent the night) and to Galveston on the way home. We stayed a night in Shreveport, LA just to say we were there LOL and on to northern AR before home.

I wasn't 100% on plan and on traveling days it was difficult to get in my minimum 11,000 steps. But, there were 3 days on the vacation that I was over 20,000 steps, whew.

Thankfully, I didn't gain. I stayed the same.

jmh6251 Sat, Jul-26-14 09:56

So glad you had a good time. It's hard to stay on plan when you are travelling. You'll get right back on track now that you are home. We have another picnic to go to today, I plan on filling up before hand and just visiting. My GC are staying over today, so that should be fun. I have to help my big kid grocery shop. I keep on threatening to start using coupons, I think starting with the Sunday Paper there won't be a better time to start. Have a great day

myrt4930 Tue, Jul-29-14 18:05

Jmh--Filling up before a picnic is a great idea. I really need to think more "socially" at a get together and before hand instead of ...I wonder what they'll have to eat!! Guess it just takes practice.
My family doc said to go off the Adderall cold turkey today because I've been feeling weird lately like my electrolytes are off and my heart wants to palpitate. I hope I don't gain this weight back. I saw the rheumy yesterday in San Antonio but I felt different yesterday. I wish we didn't have to take any medicine at all. This morning I weighed 151.2# and I hope and pray I can keep it off. I rode the bike this morning at the gym and that was fun. Tomorrow I'll go in the pool.
N2L--I hope you're feeling better soon. And what on earth happened to Jane??? Does anyone know???
Bug---So glad you had a nice vacation down here. Most people won't venture down this time of year because of the heat. And your weight loss is just terrific!!!

bugujo Wed, Jul-30-14 13:26

murt, I don't have a choice as to when I can take vacation. I teach at a community college so it has to be on the breaks.

jmh6251 Thu, Jul-31-14 17:06

Well good afternoon, It happens to be Thursday. Haven't been doing much this week. Nothing exciting to report. The picnic went well on Saturday. I filled up beforehand and just ate a hotdog and a hamburger patty and some cheese at the picnic. Of course people got wondering about me. I guess that is to be expected. One lady kept on trying to get me to eat a piece of cake she brought. I told her if I did that I would break out in hives. LOL Had a nice visit with friends though. I then helped my DGS with his grocery shopping, and he needed work boots. My DGC spent the night Saturday night and I took them home Sunday morning. Been battling cravings last couple of days. So far I haven't caved in. Hope everyone has a great day

bugujo Fri, Aug-01-14 15:15

jmh, nice job at not caving in. I like your response about breaking out in hives.

I continue to get compliments now that people are noticing. Three so far :)

eljohnw Sat, Aug-02-14 10:45

About the cravings jmh. I make Dana Carpenters fatbombs and store the in my freezer. One of those suckers and the cravings are gone.
About the hives, it is a good answer. I tell people I am gluten intolerant and get away with not eating most of the starches.

bugujo Sat, Aug-02-14 16:17

eljohnw please share Dana's fat bomb recipe.

eljohnw Sun, Aug-03-14 06:54

My take of Dana' s fatbombs.
1/4 cup of butter melted
1/4 cup of coconut oil melted
1/4 cup of almond butter or peanut butter
1 tbs unsweetened cocoa
40 drops of stevia or equivalent of artificial sweeteners
Mix all ingredients until smooth, pour into mini cupcake paper ( I buy mine at Walmart) put in the freezer for 20 minutes. Enjoy. It comes out to about 10 fat bombs. Need to be stored in the freezer at all time. Melts in you hands as well as in you mouth.
One out of ten pieces has 130 Calories , 2 Carbs, 1 Fiber, 1 net carb, 1 Protein, 14 g fat

alto Sun, Aug-03-14 08:56

May I join you? I was a young 50-something when I joined this board 13 years ago, have started and restarted, lost and regained, and intend to work hard to get good LC habits this August before school starts again in the fall. (Summer session just ended, so I have three weeks free. I always try to restart when I have some free time. I hope it works this time!)

I live in the Washington, DC area, single, no children, no pets. I have no excuses!

jmh6251 Sun, Aug-03-14 10:59

Welcome eljohnw and alto we always love new people. Thankyou for contributing the recipe for the fat bomb eljohn it sounds delicious. Don't get discouraged about your weightloss attempts alto. We've all been there. I have been on and off this lowcarb since 2000. So I for one am not in a position to criticize anyone else. All any of us can do is our best. I hope you have success in your weightloss goals.

bugujo Sun, Aug-03-14 13:06

eljohnw, thanks for the recipe. It sounds like something that would cure the sweet tooth.

Welcome alto. I lost 65 lbs doing LC in 2008 and like any other time I lost weight, it eventually came back plus some. So, here I am again. Except, I am here illegally LOL. I am 54 but they welcomed me with open arms.

eljohnw Sun, Aug-03-14 18:09

Thanks for welcome me. I am 66 years old and have been overweight for the last 22 years. I tried every diet I can think of ,but stress and a sweet tooth made me gain it back again and again. I retired from a stressful nursing job a few month ago. I have decided that loosing the weight will be my new project. So here I am. I don't care how long it will take because now I have all the time in the world. I will need all the support I can get. Thanks again Ellen

bugujo Sun, Aug-03-14 18:14

Now we know your name Ellen :) I am a nurse also. I have been teaching Fundamentals and a skills course for 12 years now at a community college. But, this semester I am going to teach OB and PEDS. I was a labor and delivery nurse and had also worked in a high risk pregnancy unit in my staff nursing days. It is nice to get back to my "roots" and specialty.

eljohnw Sun, Aug-03-14 18:35

Vicki, I was a midwife in Europe for 25 years. When I came to the US my diploma was not recognized. So I did nursing school over. My first job as an L&D nurse i got paid as a new grad but was expected to show my 25 years experience, I did not stay long at that place. After that I work at nice place Weekends and nights. I am glad I am retired now. The stress was getting to me

jmh6251 Mon, Aug-04-14 08:09

Well my job wasn't quite as specialized. I am a retired Home Health Care Provider. The job was getting to me after nearly 30 years. I do have the satisfaction that I prolonged the advent of people going to a Nursing Home. They thrive better in their own environment. But like your job, it was getting too stressful with all the new laws in place and everything a person has to remember. What was ok a few years ago is no longer allowed. But it is a much needed service. We all need support for our weightloss, I have been battling the same 45 pounds for the last 16 years. :) :cool:


bugujo Mon, Aug-04-14 17:13

ellen and Judy, so nice to have other fellow nurses. It is too bad that your experience and license didn't work here in the states Ellen.

You are both right, it is a rewarding career and very tiring physically. Previously, as an instructor, I took students to a 25 bed surgical floor and I ran my rear end off. The OB unit will be smaller so it will be interesting to see how many steps I get in a day. I didn't have the fitbit before when I was on the Med Surg floor, so I won't have anything to compare it to.

eljohnw Mon, Aug-04-14 18:14

I can't even imagine supervising 25 students on a med- surg floor. I don't think I could work anywhere else then L& D. I always said that I am a bad nurse because I don't like sick people. OB is the only unit I enjoyed. Where else can you tell someone that the pain is normal because they are having a baby.

myrt4930 Mon, Aug-04-14 19:40

Oh you guys---I admire anyone that can be a nurse. I'm the oldest on this thread as far as I know and I'll soon be 74 (Aug. 16th). I sure feel better after the parathyroid surgery on June 3rd. The worst part about the whole thing was the hospital bed. I have a lot less pain than I used to. It seems like the last 2 months before the surgery were getting unbearable for me and my of the symptoms is being bitchy!!!
Went to the pool today and just took it easy going back and forth for 1/2 hour. Twas fun.
We're hoping to take a short trip in the RV soon. W (husband) is working on getting all the systems serviced and I need to make lining for the curtains I made last year. The cotton was too thin and didn't keep enough light out and a person could see through them if they tried and we have venetian blinds, also.
How are you doing, N2L? I've been missing you among others. love and hugs, myrt

bugujo Tue, Aug-05-14 15:37

Myrt, so glad you had a positive experience in the hospital. Have fun RVing. I don't have the self confidence to get into a swim suit yet.

Ellen, thankfully, 24 students aren't on the floor at the same time LOL We have a ration of 8 students to one faculty. 8 is bad enough!

I WENT SHOPPING TODAY . . . in my spare closet. :lol: You know, the boxes that have smaller clothes. I got rid of the 2X and 22W and am now in XL and 18 W. :clap: I feel like I have a whole new wardrobe.

eljohnw Tue, Aug-05-14 18:19

Vicki I do the same thing, I have a least 5 sizes in our spare bedroom's closet. The only thing I do different this time is that the bigger clothes are going to the thrift store right away.

bugujo Tue, Aug-05-14 18:27

ellen, I am debating. I am hoping never to see that size again. But, I said that before and had to rebuy clothes as I got bigger. Oh well. My mother is going to try some of the tops I am getting rid off because she is large chested. She wouldn't be able to wear the pants though.

jmh6251 Tue, Aug-05-14 22:36

I am always so paranoid about getting rid of my bigger sizes. I have had to buy new big clothes so many times. I think I will store them in the other closet. Congratulations Vicki on getting to a smaller size. Hopefully your Mom will be able to wear some of those tops. I'm glad your surgeries went well Myrt, hope you get to feeling even better. Swimming is a good exercise.


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