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j13 Sat, Jan-27-07 21:38

j13's exercise log...
Just starting one of these to keep track of my goals or progress. I'll probably keep it to milestones, as I exercise every day or nearly every day and tracking it completely just doesn't make too much sense. I've had a few milestones recently that I put in my journal, but JudyNYC told me about keeping a gym log so I think I'll start to do that.

Today I hit the treadmill and did 2 miles alternating between jogging and walking (I've been doing 4 miles usually, but I also wanted to hit the kettlebell as well so I kept it at 2). Of the 2 miles I did 1.15 jogging at 6-6.3 mph, including one stretch of 0.75 miles of jogging without switching back to walking, which was great because (1) it's the longest I've jogged without stopping for who knows how long (ever? possibly...) and (2) my goal for this year is jog a mile straight, and now it's seeming like it might be doable by summer rather than 2008. Hopefully...

After the treadmill I hit the kettlebell and did 3 sets of 8 of everything (dumbbell curls, both arms, kettlebell clean and presses, both arms, and kettlebell 1-arm swings, both arms), then finished with one set of 10 of everything. A real good workout. I figured I'd double down on the exercise today as I'm probably going down to AC tomorrow and I probably won't get a chance to do anything beforehand.


Judynyc Sat, Jan-27-07 21:43

Good for you Jake!! :thup:
Your gonna be a hard body!! ;)

j13 Mon, Jan-29-07 23:10

:) Thanks, Judy. I really appreciate how supportive you are.

I don't know if I'm going to be a hard body...I'm shooting for marginally-less-terrible body right now, but thanks again... :)

I did 5 miles today instead of 4. My time for the 5 miles was 66:22, my time for the first 4 miles was 52:34 (I wanted to get under my second-lowest time, which was 52:52 that I mentioned in my journal). After the 6 miles I kept walking, but at a slowly-reduced cool down rate. I did 75 minutes of walking/jogging total. Pretty decent.

Not sure whether I'm going to do cardio or kettlebell tomorrow, but I'm leaning towards kettlebell.


j13 Tue, Jan-30-07 22:24

Hit the kettlebell tonight, and managed to get back up to doing sets of 10 at 53 lbs again. I did 4 x 10 and 1 x 8. 4-5 sets of 10 at 53 lbs is where I want to be, so I'm going to try and stick there for a while, until it becomes easy.


j13 Thu, Feb-01-07 14:57

I'll just x-post this from my journal, and start using this to document these kinds of things more than the journal.

I managed to jog a full mile straight today! That was my goal for the year, and I got there February 1st. It's pretty awesome because (1) it's very likely that I've never done that before in my life, (2) if I have done it before it hasn't been since I was 11 or 12 years old, and (3) I *certainly* never did a mile in 10 minutes before in my life, which is what I did today (I did the full mile at 6 mph). Also, I beat my previous 4 mile mark when I completed that in 47:34 today. The rest of the time I used the same method as before, alternating between walking and jogging. Of the 4 miles, over 2 were done jogging (either 2 1/4 or 2 1/2, I lost track...). I did most of the walking at 4 mph, some of it at 4.2 or 4.3. I did most of the jogging at 6 mph, some of it at 6.3 and a couple of small bursts (.10 miles or less) at 7 mph.

At any rate, I'm really pleased with that.

So now I'm about up to par with where I want to be, working-out wise. I want to maintain with the kettlebell at 4-5 sets of 10 at 53 lbs until that becomes easy to do, and I want to try and jog a mile of 4 miles total on a regular basis. It's not really like me to stay in one place, but I think it would be good to get these things down before moving up at either of them, as they're both still REALLY hard for me at this point. If/when they get easy I'll think about what to do next.


j13 Sat, Feb-03-07 02:16

Managed to do 5 sets of 10 on all exercises for my kettlebell routine. Hopefully I can keep to that pace.


j13 Sun, Feb-04-07 11:41

I managed to jog 1 1/4 miles yesterday without stopping. I did 3 miles total in 34:46, and I jogged 2 miles of it total.


j13 Sun, Feb-04-07 15:57

I did 4 miles today on the treadmill and beat my previous record by doing it in 46:56. In addition, I just barely beat my 3 mile mark, doing it in 34:43. I also managed to jog one of the miles straight through again, which I'm still remarkably proud of doing despite having done it a couple of times by now.

I also mentioned in my journal that I went ice skating today for the first time ever. Pretty fun. I'm not good enough at it that it was particularly aerobic in nature, but it was still something.


j13 Mon, Feb-05-07 21:51

I hit the kettlebell tonight and managed 5 sets of 10 of everything.


lisaz8605 Wed, Feb-07-07 17:11

Fantastic job, Jake! You're kickin butt and takin names. I was just over here getting ready to start my own gym log and saw yours...had to stop in. I can't believe your are dropping it like a bad habit, so to speak. haha

j13 Wed, Feb-07-07 19:35

Thanks a lot, lisa...I'm trying. We'll see how things go. I've been bouncing up and down a lot this week, as high as 294 and as low at 288...I think it's been water weight because I've had a LOT of sodium this week, between super bowl fried peperoni and buffalo wings to the hot sauce I've been having on my lunch all week, and I've been trying to up my water to wash it out. Anyway, my body fat analyzer was as low as its been this morning, so I'm not too concerned with it. One way or another, I've been able to stay under 300, which is KEY. Getting to the other side of that barrier was a killer. And I'm definitely putting on muscle, between the kettlebell exercise and the walking/jogging.

On to today - I took a (relatively rare) day off yesterday, but hit the treadmill today. I didn't break any records, but didn't try because I'm feeling a bit under the weather. I still did the 4 miles though (when I started I was just going to do 2, then 3, then said to hell with it and did the whole 4), and jogged one of my miles straight (and did another 1ish jogging in addition). Total time was 47:29. Pretty happy with it if only because (1) I did it despite not feeling great, and (2) I managed to jog one of the miles, which still really feels like an accomplishment when I do it. It's still really hard. Hopefully I'll stick with it long enough for it to get easier.


lisaz8605 Fri, Feb-09-07 17:40

I can really relate to so much of what you're dealing with, Jake. My weight's been bouning (I can blame it on sodium AND TOM, haha) but I really feel my body and bodyfat % are in a good I've been in years. Funny thing is, I'm so wiped right now, but I went to the gym and did a "lower level" cardio too. I didn't push the heartrate, but did 50 minutes on the elliptical (well I had my minimum heartrate at least, I just didn't push it higher). Sometimes you feel tired and I think you need to respect your body. BUT I also think it's good to keep going and push yourself enough too...encouraging yourself to just do SOMETHING. Something is always better than nothing. I have a personal goal of *not* going without exercise for more than two days. So basically I'll take off a weekend, but that's it. I find it helps my sanity not to overdo it, but also keeps from allowing me to get in that bad habit of inactivity.

Ok, I'll stop yapping in your gym log...but I was just pleased to see your progress and to see it's kinda similar to mine. I'm excited for you! And me too!

lisaz8605 Sat, Feb-10-07 16:04

Hey Jake - ok so how weird was that? I was just posting in your journal and I go to check my gym log and there is a post from you. I felt for you 'cause being sick sucks, especially when you're on a roll with your fitness.

To answer your question, I spend about 2 hours at the gym. I take about a 1/2 hour to warm up and do abs and isometric work...push-ups...bridges, etc. I use about 1/2 hour to do resistance/strength training, which right now is determined by what my trainer has shown me. Today it was squats and pull-ups and such. Sometimes I spill over depending on the rest I need in-between (for that quick-step thing I do, shuffling my feet fast on a step - kinda like climbing a hill and trying to keep my feet touching light - I'm gasping for breath and running for the water when I'm done...I need extra recovery time for that). The remaining hour of my workout is comprised of 30-45 minutes of some form of cardio, which I switch out and try to use intervals with, as you mentioned. (HIIT is in my future, though, but for now I'm winging it.) I use at least 10 minutes to stretch out really well. My flexibility has truly come back to me...the kind I'd send in the days of martial arts and dancing (I did tap in many musicals years and years ago). So I concentrate a lot of that. My next goal is yoga, which I'm trying carefully to incorporate into a hectic schedule.

You're right, it IS a lot to do, but I'm trying to be thorough yet efficient with my time. I figure if I do this just 3x a week, then I need to combine it as I have. It's difficult with my schedule to promise time to drive to the gym and workout every this is my compromise.

If I can get myself to do some working out at home (e.g. yoga) that's cool, but otherwise I allow myself days off plus if I'm not up to the challenge of doing it all, I will split up the cardio and do that the next day (with I did on Th/Fr of this week).

How's it been for you doing something (nearly) every day? I'm not sure I could commit to that and not freak out (about all the work I have waiting for me at home and feeling guilty about being away).

j13 Tue, Feb-13-07 14:51

Two hours at a time would be way harder for me...I can handle doing an hour every day, but with everything else in my schedule, 2 hours would just be more than I could manage. The hour's alright because it's like a lot of things: once it's in your routine, it's in your routine. If I took a lot of days off (like if I went every other day or something) I think I'd be more likely to find excuses to not do it.

Plus, I think finding things that I could do at home was key for me, because the extra driving, changing, waiting for equipment to open up, etc., that would be involved in going to a gym could get rough. And I'm just too self-conscious. I wish I weren't, but I'd still feel like a magnet for derision in a room full of people working out.

I actually got a couple of yoga dvd's last week and my current feeling is that I'm not sure I'm into it. I might try it here and there, but one DVD that I got is too fruity for me, for lack of a better term:

and the other is stuff I have no possibility of being able to do, and goes too fast to learn very effectively or quickly:

I basically just chose them because they were the 2 biggest sellers on Amazon, which may not have been the best method, but which is a method that worked in the past.

I'd like to do something to improve my flexibility (although the kettlebell does help somewhat), but I'm not sure that Yoga's for me.

Anyway, to note what I've been doing, Saturday I did nothing because I was just too sick, Sunday and Monday I hit the Kettlebell, as much as I could. Pretty good workout Monday when I did passes for the first time in a long time, which I found to be really good.


j13 Fri, Feb-16-07 10:17

Just filling in, Tuesday I basically just did snow removal, Wednesday I took off (went to a titans/cheifs (ECHL) game and nearly won chuck a puck, then took out my not-winning-chuck-a-puck-angst on the opposing team with a period of rather over-the-top and heartfelt taunting). Yesterday I hit the kettlebell (sets: 2x8 and 3x10 at 53 lbs, clean and presses and 1-armed swings, plus 5x10 double dumbbell lifts, 35lbs on each arm), then this morning I hit the treadmill and made new records of 34:33 for 3 miles and 46:25 for 4 miles. I wasn't conciously shooting to do that, it just happened, I suppose because I did more of my walking at 4.3 and more of my jogging at 6.3-6.5. I didn't do a mile of jogging straight today, but obviously I kept the pace up. I haven't been sleeping too well and my energy's been low, so I'm just trying to make sure that I get the exercise in and while not overpressing myself.


lisaz8605 Fri, Feb-16-07 11:26

Hey Jake - awesome job with the new records especially considering you were tired. It's amazing what happens when we push ourselves, isn't it? BTW, as far as flexibility, I would necessarily suggest yoga for you but maybe just incorporating the principles. The real key is just to take the time to stretch. The more you do (especially right after working out) the better it'll be for you...for flexibility and recovery. I'm a huge believer in it. Have a great weekend!

j13 Mon, Feb-26-07 10:17

A quick update on my exercise of late: I've been doing it, just not putting it in here as there hasn't been much beyond the routine. Thursday and Friday I hit the kettlebell, Saturday I only had a 1/2 an hour so I hit the treadmill and did 2 1/2 miles, of which I jogged 1 3/4 including 1 1/4 straight, then sunday I hit the kettlebell again. I seem to have finally put on the muscle I need to really hit it at 53 lbs, as it's gotten much easier than it was, knock on wood (though it's still definitely serious exercise). Last night I hit the KB really hard and did 6 sets of 10 of clean and presses and 1 armed swings, and I also did this new thing where I'm doing 9 passes around the body segued directly into 9 passes between the legs without stopping, then repeating. I found that if I do odd numbers I automatically switch direction when I go into the other type of pass, and since I'm not in the crouch for as long for the between-the-legs style I can go longer and it's a BRUTAL workout. I'm not sure how to document my sets of that, so I'll do it this way:

((9 x 2 pass types)x4) = 1 set, and I did 2 sets in addition to the clean and presses and swings last night. So that means that I did

9 around the body passes into 9 through the legs passes into
9 around the body passes into 9 through the legs passes into
9 around the body passes into 9 through the legs passes into
9 around the body passes into 9 through the legs passes, all without stopping. I'm considering that to be 1 set.

Then I took a break, then I repeated.

For my Friday kettlebell workout I just did ((9 x 2 pass types)x5)x5, and it was a KILLER. I'm probably going to start working that in as a regular workout, because it's really good for muscle building and brutal(!) for cardio. I was also doing double-dumbell curls at 35 lbs in between those sets. I've switched them from the day with the clean and presses/swings because it was making those days take too long and I think there were too many redundant muscles being used, making the overall workout less effective.


j13 Mon, Feb-26-07 21:52

I hit the KB tonight and did ((9x2)x5) x 6 sets of passes, and 6 sets of ten double-fisted dumbbell curls (each dumbbell at 35). Those passes are a serious workout.

I think I might up the dumbbells a bit, but I'm going to hold steady on the KB weight at 53 lbs, at least for the time being. I've definitely put on some more muscle as the KB work has gotten easier than it was (knock on wood), but I'm not sure that I'm super-eager to get it much higher than where it is. I suppose I'll stick with it until it either gets way too easy or I change my goals to be getting stronger than I currently am.


j13 Tue, Feb-27-07 22:14

Hit the treadmill tonight, doing 4 miles in 49:38. Obviously not a record, but I wasn't trying to and at least it was under 50 minutes. I alternated 1/4 miles at 4 mph and 6 mph. I was really dogging it, probably because I didn't get started until 10 pm. The whole exercising late at night thing that I've been doing lately is really suboptimal. I don't have as much energy to do the exercise, it makes me fall asleep later which makes me wake up later which makes me need to work out after work which often leads to my starting late at night. Plus, when I do it late it means I'm not doing something else late, which isn't a great thing - I'd really like to be living a little bit. I'll keep doing it so long as I need to, because I feel like letting it go could be the start of a slide that I obviously don't want to happen, but, well, it just sucks.

Tomorrow might be a day off, but I might end up hitting the KB. I should probably have a recovery day in here somewhere, if not tomorrow then Friday.


j13 Wed, Mar-07-07 22:23

I've been pretty bad about updating this, but I've been exercising. Saturday it was actually somewhat warm out and I went outside for a good 1:20 walk with some jogging mixed in. Not as rigorous as when I have the treadmill to hold me accountable, but a bit of exercise and a good time to get some sun on my face (for once). Sunday I hit the KB, Monday I hit the treadmill, doing 6.60 miles in 90 minutes, which isn't a breakneck pace but I did mix in quite a bit of jogging. Tuesday I did a light KB workout before hitting a homegame.

Tonight I hit the treadmill, doing 4.25 miles total, with a 3 mile mark of 34:38, and a 4 mile mark of 46:50. I managed to jog a full mile straight (which is still pretty brutal for me), and alternated the rest in 1/4 mile increments between jogging and walking. Total jogging was somewhere between 2 1/4 and 2 1/2 miles, with the extra being done at the end of one of the miles in attempt to boost my time. I didn't know I was so close to my record times (34:33 for 3 miles and 46:25 for 4 miles) - if I had I would have pushed a little harder. So close! DAMN! I knew I was getting in a good workout, but I didn't think I was close to those marks. Oh well, another day.


lisaz8605 Fri, Mar-09-07 13:19

Jake - I just stopped by to check out your latest workout updates. I gotta say you're impressing the hell out of me. I figured you'd be proud of me - today I did intervals on the treadmill and jogged/ran 1 1/2 minutes (before could only do 30-60 secs) and really shot that heartrate up. It just shows you that you have to start somewhere right? And now look at how long you're jogging! Wow!

Keep it up, man. You are kicking butt. Oh yeah, and have a great weekend!

LStump Sun, Apr-22-07 10:18

Yep, its official.. You work out WAY WAY more than I do.. I shoulld be doing as much as you to get into better shape for the beach, but I don't have anyone yelling at me to do it! I wrote on my journal after you commented that I think you work out more than I and checked and yep, you do! Great job.. I always look up to people who are motivated enough to work out that much!

j13 Tue, May-01-07 21:04

Thanks, LStump. I don't have anyone yelling at me to do it, either. Except for me, of course, and I can be something of a maniac when I put my mind to something.

I guess that after posting this:

I felt obliged to work out a little extra tonight, so I hit the bike I just got for about 20-25 minutes, which is really surprisingly difficult. I mean, I jog, walk and lift all the time (just because I haven't been posting regularly in here doesn't mean I've been taking time off - I'm still keeping to a good and fairly strict schedule), but the bike works these muscles in my knees and my outer thighs that just apparently don't get a lot of work otherwise. So the cardio isn't what gets me shot on the thing, it's been muscle fatigue. I'll have to try and do it regularly until that's not a problem anymore. Today, incidentally, was my second time on a bike since I was 10 or 12. The other time was yesterday.

After that, I shot around, as I'm trying to get my basketball stroke back. I can still dribble, pass and play defense, but my shot isn't what it once was (when I was a kid I'd go to basketball (and/or soccer) camp during the summer, and I played several hours a day) and I want to rectify that. I love being able to play (and being in way better shape than my friends when we do). I was always relatively athletic growing up, despite my weight - I was goalie on the central state soccer team, score 16 goals in 10 games in soccer one season, won little league baseball and basketball championships, won most improved player at soccer camp one year, etc. I stopped most of that around 14, though, and though I'd play some pickup basketball here or some racquetball there, I was just in too bad shape to really do much. That's one of the reasons I love going to the batting cage so much, for instance.

After my ride and shoot around, I grabbed dinner, and then I hit the kettlebell, doing 5 sets of 12 of everything for the first time. I had been doing 5 sets of 10 regularly, or 6 sets of 10 occasionally, but upping the sets to 12 reps each was noticably harder than 6x10. I found that to be kind of odd, because the number of reps is the same, but the added reps per set really makes a difference.

So that was a pretty good day, workout-wise.

LStump Tue, May-01-07 22:39

Hey there.. I've been reading up about HIIT and I've also had some people tell me about studies they read about where people sprint and then slow down and then sprint and slow down, etc. Seems to burn more fat from everything I've read and doesn't go to your muscles and break them down for energy. I'm going to start trying it, I'll keep ya posted :-)

j13 Wed, May-02-07 07:21

Originally Posted by LStump
Hey there.. I've been reading up about HIIT and I've also had some people tell me about studies they read about where people sprint and then slow down and then sprint and slow down, etc. Seems to burn more fat from everything I've read and doesn't go to your muscles and break them down for energy. I'm going to start trying it, I'll keep ya posted :-)

I've definitely read a lot about it and all the studies seem to point to it being a great, if not the best, way to work out. I've done something vaguely similar where I'll walk and then jog/run until I can't anymore, then walk and then run, etc., and it does definitely gives a good workout. I also do hard sets with the kettlebell, then break, the another hard set, then break, which (since doing kb work is pretty good for cardio) is also somewhat similar. But it isn't the same short time workout, and the bursts aren't as hard as they recommend. Definitely let me know how it works out; I'm really interested in it.


LStump Wed, May-02-07 12:31

I will definitely keep you posted. I'm hoping to do it tonight if I have enough energy. I had to go to work kind of early (10AM is early in my book LOL, esp. when I usually come in at 12PM) and after work I'm signing up at curves and going tanning (horrible for my skin, I know.. But if I don't, I'll blister and my vacation will be ruined)LOL.

j13 Thu, Oct-04-07 17:07

I haven't been using this journal too often, obv, although I've been working I might as well pop this in here -

I've jumped my kb up to 60.5 lbs. Did 6 sets of 8 on Sunday, did 5 sets of 10 today. Maybe I should jump it up again?? I'm trying to get my workouts to be shorter and more effective. For some reason in my mind 4 sets of 8 (and being really beat afterwards) is what I should be shooting for, but even at 60.5 I can do the 5th set of 10. Not sure how I'll proceed.

Relatedly, I'll probably gain like 45 lbs tonight because I lifted hard....that seems to be the post-mono pattern. Ali swears that I don't look like I've gained anything, and I'm only up an 1/8 of an inch on my waist, but I've regained 14 lbs since I got over mono. Grrr.

Oh well - all I can do is do what I know works. It will come around eventually. Either the weight will start coming off or I'm going to be like 270 lbs of pure muscle, because I'm not doing anything that should be putting fat back on me - it should be (and probably is) coming off.. :lol:


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