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mossygyrl Tue, Oct-28-03 21:47

group for those wanting to lose 20lbs by jan 1!
im proposing to start a group for those looking to lose 20lbs by jan 1.
will be hard through the holiday season but if we stick to it i think it may bring in the new year in a wonderful way.

i am currently 150 and aim to weigh 130 by jan 1.


i would suggest going on a one month induction and one month
increased carb uptake.

excercise at least 4 times a week, 45 min. min each session

we could work out details as suggestions come in.



roxy_foxy Wed, Oct-29-03 09:06

Hey Mossy!
I'd love to be in your challenge. I think our goals are similar. I am 163 and want to weigh 140 by christmas. I used to work out religously before I started work, but slacked off. 4 days a week, 45 minutes per session, yeah, I can do it. My workout routines are usually weights first, cardio next..........I have a bad back, so no running, and I like to do windsor pilates. Seems nobody has joined in yet, but I will be your partner in crime if ya like, it would be fun.

eyesonly76 Wed, Oct-29-03 13:18

Hello Girls!!
I would love to join your challenge. I currently weigh in at 155
and would love to be 20lbs lighter...I'll take what I can get!! more then that would be great too! My mini challenge is to get out of those 150's...I'm tired of being at 155ish. So let's do the exercise...4x a week sound good. and let's not forget water.I'm personally want to do straight induction. That works best for me.

Ok, girls..hope to hear from you.
My start date was 10/20/03

Rachelle Wed, Oct-29-03 14:18

You know... I don't know about 4x a week of exercise... but i can do 3x a week... I am going to be so busy in the up coming months and don't want to lie right off the bat ;)

But count me in... I don't know about me losing that much by January... but even if i lose 10lbs... then it is not in vain.

Also... this is the first "challange" have been hanging around reading these for a few days... guess I should just hop in....

roxy_foxy Wed, Oct-29-03 15:36

Great, we have some people!! Seems we all have the same goals. My start date was October 27, 2003. Oh, and definetly gotta fit in the water. Its the most important thing! So, good luck to all then, hope more join!!

coffee_iz Wed, Oct-29-03 16:13

count me in, too. i doubt i can lose 20lbs. in two months but it's worth a try.

currently i'm at 151 and i don't really have a weight goal for the holidays. i'd just like to fit back into, at least, some of those clothes i have stored for 'when i get back down to my normal size'.

october turned out to be a horrible month for me dietwise. (a little birthday celebrating that got completely out of hand) so, i think a challenge is just what i need to get me back on track.

roxy_foxy Wed, Oct-29-03 17:34

Coffee, how do you expect to reach your goal if you are so pessimistic?? Ya gotta believe you can do it, and you will. For 3 months, I have gone off the right track. I stopped working out and stopped eating healthy. I can't say I am 100% on track now, but I know I need to be to make myself feel better. You weight less than me, so, personally I don't think you need to lose 20lbs. But, it all depends on your body type. Maybe you are at the size you were built for. I think 140 is the size I should be at, its were I've been that I have felt the healthiest. I am 5'7 and now 163, which isn't bad for my height, but definetly not where I should be.

roxy_foxy Wed, Oct-29-03 17:40

Okay, I worked out today. Woo Hoo! I did.........20 min weights (arms and legs) and 20 min cardio, walking and cycling. Thinking about doing pilates, but I don't want to wear myself out so quickly. Save something for tomorrow.

Shuold we add eachother to our buddy list?

nicolegwen Wed, Oct-29-03 19:23

I would love to join this challenge. I'm at 121 right now, and I know that 101 might seem very low, but I do have a small frame.
Lately I have been doing the winsor pilates also. I always feel it the most in my abs.

2B-ABLE Wed, Oct-29-03 20:25

Hey all
Hi everyone!!! My goal right now is 160 and I am currently at 173 (pending weigh in on 31st) which means to reach the goal I will have to lose 13 pounds. however 152 is fine too, since I set my goal based a my BMI, which I realize isnt completely accurate. Nehoo ... I still want to do this. Perhaps Ill get to goal. Either way.. this challenge will help me stay on track . Good luck to everyone.

Also I will excercise 4x at least.. Since i am currently doing 4-5 x a week already.

I'll keep you updated.. cya

rosemam Wed, Oct-29-03 22:21

Hey ladies. I definately want to join. Count me in. I don't know if I can lose 20 pounds either. With a 20 pound loss I would reach my goal weight ...and i've heard the last ten are the hardest to lose. So i'm shooting for 15. currently 145...GOAL 130

fishmonkey Thu, Oct-30-03 04:37

My First Challenge-I'm in!
Hi Everyone! I have just under 20 to lose so count me in! I can do the exercise 4x/week and will try to stick to Induction for November then graduate to a few more carbs in December. Roxy--it looks like we are in a similar boat except you want to lose a few more than me. Let's help motivate eachother!
Good luck!

Rachelle Thu, Oct-30-03 17:31

Okay guys... I exercised today... whoo hooo... I won't weigh myself til Saturday... I have a big Halloween party on Friday night... and plan on drinking "enough"... I always weight about 1 lb less after I drink... maybe just dehydration... but it stays gone :)

Wish me luck... and Happy Halloween all!!!

roxy_foxy Thu, Oct-30-03 17:49

Rachelle, what do you drink??? I drink and I gain weight and get out of ketosis.

bubu Thu, Oct-30-03 17:54

ok folks I am game...

20 pds in 2 months?? thats 2.25 pds per that is some challenge...even excercisiing 5 days/week for 1.5 hrs cardio and weights I haven't been able to drop that much. BUT will be interesting to try.
May I suggest a weigh in day ....and since Saturday is the u all think Saturday would be ok to post current stats....
Would be interesting to see who is leading the pack and how .
Laters Gators

unsweetend Thu, Oct-30-03 18:15

I'm in! Though my goal is to lose 30 lbs by Dec. 31st. It's 3.2 lbs a week, which I know might be pushing it (no lectures please) but when I actually focus and do well the weight seems to drop off so I'm totally geared for this. Good luck everyone!

roxy_foxy Thu, Oct-30-03 18:16

I agree, a weigh in day would be great, and it would keep everyone focused and motivated. Oh, I know 20lbs seems a lot, but may I also suggest inches count. I mean, if we are weight training and working out, we will be gaining muscle which weighs more than fat. All of that done on the 1st would be good.

rosemam Thu, Oct-30-03 19:00

Rachel- do share your secret...what'd ya drink. i haven't had anything to drink in quite awhile cuz i'm afraid of being kicked out of ketosis.

bubu- yeah it is gonna be hard. but if we only lose half that is definately worth it. weighing in the first sounds good to me.

i worked out today also. woohoo. ate sensibly, drank 100 oz. of water, and took all my vitamins. i'm feeling pretty thin today and i should be that TOM this weekend. so maybe i'll fell even better if i lose some water weight. hopefully.

bubu Thu, Oct-30-03 21:00

am looking fwd to a little race here....and lots of positive reinforcements.
I'll take measurements and weigh in on Saturday then and post it all here...then will update each Saturday after that.
Lets all share how much we put into this and learn from one another as we go.....
Can't wait.....

coffee_iz Fri, Oct-31-03 10:53

i don't know what rachelle drinks but i've noticed that if i stick to liquor (i can only stomach gin or vodka.) and stay away from beer & wine, i don't gain and occasionally i've even lost a little after drinking. these days, my drink of choice is vodka & soda w/lime.

roxy- i probably should have explained a little better in my last post. it's not that i don't think i can lose 20lbs. but that i lose weight very slowly. i got pretty frustrated, at first, but i've learned to accept that it's just going to take me a little longer to reach my goal. even though 20 lbs. in 2 months seems like a stretch for me, i'm going to give it a try. if i only drop 10-15, i'll still be happy with my progress.

happy halloween!

roxy_foxy Fri, Oct-31-03 16:06

Maybe you should worry about inches instead of weight. Muscle weighs more than fat, so that may be what is going on if infact you workout. That could be it, you'd feel better too!

bubu Sat, Nov-01-03 11:01

ok guess I'll make a start at stats

Saturday, 11/01/03

64.02 in (1.63 m)
170 lbs (77.30 kg) ................aim 150 by 1/1/04 that is 50% of goal to be con-
Neck....................................sidered %age BF reduction if not in weight alone.
13.50 in (34.30 cm)
45.51 in (115.60 cm)
40.00 in (101.60 cm)
35.00 in (88.90 cm)
38.50 in (97.80 cm)
40.24 in (102.20 cm)
25.51 in (64.80 cm)
15.75 in (40.00 cm)
15.98 in (40.60 cm)
9.02 in (22.90 cm)
12.24 in (31.10 cm)
10.98 in (27.90 cm)
6.26 in (15.90 cm)

LBM 104
FM 67
WHR .87
Current BF 39.22 %..............39.22 minus goal (23)=16.22/50%=8.11 to lose
Activity Level
active+ BMR is at 1410 cal/day

so that should give me something to play work with.

I'll be posting mine every Saturday only.

I'll be playing with my food intake and keep it strict. I do have a problem with water and that will be my focus for this week.

Laters Gators

roxy_foxy Sat, Nov-01-03 15:36

Its weigh in day! Okay, I started Monday, and I was 165, today I am 159. Not too shabby. I know its probably water weight, but weight is weight to me!

How's everyone else doing?

roxy_foxy Sat, Nov-01-03 15:38

Ummm, Bubu, you sure do measure everything, don't you!!

bubu Sat, Nov-01-03 17:18

Wow roxy.....GREAT NEWS on the 2 pds......everything counts and 2 pds is fantastic !!

OF course I have to measure everything . It all counts esp. when u figure body fat etc..... I may not lose 20 pds...but gain muscle and lose body fat.
am not gonna bore you guys with all that though, will only post the changes in this thread and the rest in my journal.
I had a great day as fars as workout.....did 60 min on ET and averaged 155 HR and just got back from walking the dog for another hr....leisure though....I am extremely hungry now chickens here I come.
Laters Gators

roxy_foxy Sat, Nov-01-03 19:41

Thanks Bubu! I feel great in the little amount of time that I've had so far. ITs quite a difference after starting the Atkins diet, its like the bloating and swelling disappears, and that is a big problem with feeling fat. I just love this diet.

TarHeel Sat, Nov-01-03 20:03

Mossy: I assume we are neighbors, I'm in Chapel Hill. I would be delighted to lose 20 pounds in the next two months, but there is simply no way that's gonna happen. My weight loss for the last few months is about 1 to 2 pounds a month at the most. Even if I could do the exercise, which I can't because I'm recuperating from a broken ankle. Not to mention my will power re: exercise has never been great.

Nevertheless, I wish you all well on this challenge,

mossygyrl Sun, Nov-02-03 10:24

hi everyone, sorry for my absence, the end of the week puts me at quite a distance from email and computers. but im glad to see this thread has picked up!

tarheel, i believe we must be neighbors, i live in durham.

just when i was starting to lose hope that i would ever get out of the 147 - 150 range (no matter what my body wont seem to budge from that weight!)
i weighed myself last night and was at 148.5 and woke up at 145.5 have no idea. must have been all the dancing at the 80's dance party last night. or maybe
a digital scale is not the way to go.

great job everyone on kickin ass through the first week!


TamiOrr Sun, Nov-02-03 10:34

Hey...can I join?

coffee_iz Sun, Nov-02-03 18:39

i'm a little late due to some computer problems but i'm here for my weigh in. i was 151 when i started on wednesday and weighed in at 150 yesterday. it's not much but a pound's a pound. now if i can just remember to drink my water.

roxy- wow! am i reading correctly? you lost 6 lbs.? that's amazing. you must feel great.

mossy- you must be feeling pretty good, too. i know how it feels to get stuck. i've been stuck in the 150-153 range for 1 1/2 months. of course, that's all going to change after next weeks weigh in. :D

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