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td2227 Sun, Sep-16-01 04:03

What do you Aussie low-carbers eat?
I just cant find any low carb stuff. Has anyone else had any luck, maybe we can swap ideas of what we are all eating to give us some variety down under.


dazza Sun, Sep-16-01 19:47

Re: What do you Aussie low-carbers eat?
Originally posted by td2227
I just cant find any low carb stuff. Has anyone else had any luck, maybe we can swap ideas of what we are all eating to give us some variety down under.


Hi Tracie,

I live in Queensland and have been locarbing since March this year. I have gone from 100kgs to 78.5kgs.
I am following the forever slim diet plan.You may have heard of it.The author is from Qld also.
I have found some locarb stuff in the local supermarket.
Have you seen the soft drinks made by golden circle? they now have ones sweetened with splenda. They come in a variety of flavours.
You can also get chocolate sweetened with nutrasweet made by cadbury.
There are also mint sweets sweetened with splenda.They are made by Lilla.
I usually have eggs and ham or bacon for breakfast with mushrooms.Sometimes I make ommlette with the ham or bacon added to it. I fry the ham first to crisp it up.It tastes better.

Strawberries and thick cream makes a great dessert.

Hope this gives you some ideas.
If you want to give me a call on yahoo messenger you are welcome to do so.

Dazza :wave:

Deb White Mon, Sep-17-01 00:02

Hi Tracy

I haven't been LC for long so am just new to this.

I'm from Adelaide and have given up trying to find low carb products. Darryl Lea has a chocolate sweetened with Splenda that is very LC but I found I couldn't stop eating it once I started so I stopped eating it.

I know you can buy most LC products on the net but It's not the same as browsing through a supermarket and selecting what you want.

I tend to eat either eggs & beef or make up an ommlete with mushrooms & spinach for breakfast. For lunch and dinner I'll have some sort of meat/poultry and vegs. About once a week I'll have a sweet e.g Moch Danish. Diet Jelly is always a good stand by when I'm desperate for something cold & sweet.

Don't think this is much help to you but Adelaide is behind the times in everything so there is not much chance that I will ever find any true LC products.


td2227 Mon, Sep-17-01 00:10

Congrats on your weight loss dazza, I intend on doing as well as you.

Thanks for the great ideas, it seems that we are all eating the same sorts of stuff.

I would order food over the net once I get the hang of low carbing. There is an Australian site where you can order lo-carb stuff and aussie receipes, I just have to find it again!!! :p

Have any of you found any soy flour that is in some of the receipes. After reading the locarb luxury thingy page, it seems that life can be a little more exciting that the meat and veg thing.


Deb White Mon, Sep-17-01 00:23

I found Soy flour in the health food store. Very common here so you shouldn't have trouble finding it. Made pancakes with soy flour and tasted ok but were 'different'.


calista04 Sat, Oct-06-01 22:14

I also found both Soy and Gluten Flour in the health food isle at coles. Ricci and Double 'D' both make SF lollies which are great! (Ricci Caramel chews are soo good!) But they can be addictive!

This is the Australian LC reciepe site:

Aussie Jo Mon, Nov-05-01 18:15

Just a quick note for all. I have been low-carbing since April and have hit my goal weight of 65kg's. I used to scour the web pages for recipes to try, and found I hated anything with soy particularly soy protein. I am a regular buyer of almond meal as you can use it to make so many things- get it from your health food store where you can buy it by the kilo- it is much cheaper.

Bacon & Eggs with cheese melted on the bacon (I just stick it on top of the bacon in the frying pan) is my staple breakfast. Occasionally now that I am on Maintenance I have weetbix with splenda and pure cream! (It is much better than it used to be with milk). Lunch is a salad full of tomatoes (fresh & sundried), lettuce, parmesan cheese, cucumber and marinated eggplant fillets with either full fat casear salad dressing or balsamic vinegar. Dinner is meat & veges of some description without the potatos, rice or pasta that the rest of the family have. For anyone that is interested Family Circle have a Fat, Fibre & Carb counter available- check your supermarket. It's good for all those things that don't have a nutiritional breakdown on the back.

I think you will all find that you will get to a point where the cravings for "normal" things such as biscuits & cakes disappear. Donna Aston who is an Australian body builder has a couple of books called "Fat or Fiction" and Body Business. She also is an advocate of low carb eating and she has some great recipes in her books which you cannot find on the web. It also is written using Aussie Available ingredients.

Good luck


CAZ38 Sat, Sep-17-05 06:17

Hi. I have been LCing since the end of August and have lost 7 kgs. The main thing though is I feel heaps better and have more energy. Today at Safeway I found Atkins Bake Mix and two salad dressings by Kraft called CArbWell. The french has only 0.1 carbs per 100ml and the italian has 0.7 carbs per 100ml and they taste really good. I like eating lean steak and salad, chicken and celery salad, bacon and eggs and for dessert I have cheesecake pudding with strawberries.The recipes on this site are great and its worth taking the time to look through them. Good Luck.

LC_Dave Tue, Sep-20-05 22:31

Hi Caz,

As you can see there is not too much Aussie activity around here - the last message in that thread is almost 4 years old. Wow! that is kinda cool!

But there are still heaps of people low carbing in Oz!


CAZ38 Wed, Sep-21-05 03:14

Hi LCDave,
I thought the original thread was interesting and I wanted to see what others are eating. Sometimes I just don't know what to have and other peoples ideas can get you thinking. I hope more people get on the bandwagon and we might get more LC products available. They reckon Americans are deserting the LC Lifestyle , but there are still heaps of success stories on this forum.Catch you later.

_tigger_ Thu, Sep-22-05 19:11

Hi, I have been LC'ing since the start of August and have lost 10kgs so far on this WOL. My regular daily menu is:

2 rashers of Bacon
1 tomato
2 steakettes (from the butcher they have less than 1gram each)

Salad - lettuce, tomato, cheese, alfalfa, snow peas, bean sprouts
Meat - whether it be steak or ham or chicken

Meat & vegies, or if the others are having spag bog I take the sauce and put it over vegies

In between meals if I am hungry I snack on salami - hans stuff is generally low in carbs, not the stuff from the deli cabinet in supermarket.
Sugar free jelly
and for that sweetness hit, I have a piece of extra chewing gum.

I have also been purchasing the atkins morning shine bars but they are really expensive and this week I am trying to do without them.

If u go to the australian atkins site you can do a search on places that sell their products. Also someone else mentioned the womans weekly fat & kj counter book, I got this from the newsagents a couple of weeks ago for only $4.95. A brilliant purchase.

I was writting down everything that I ate during the day and making sure that i only had so many karbs but i have since stopped as i pretty much know now how i am going through out the day.

Hope that helps


CAZ38 Fri, Sep-23-05 05:14

Hi Tara,
Congratulations on your loss. Great achievement. I have lost about 7kg since the end of august. We seem to be eating similar food,eg steaks and salads and lc vegies. I usually have eggs at breakfast, either fried or boiled and sometimes I make a sort of sweet egg pancake. For my sweet treat I have Cheesecake pudding with Strawberries. Yum.
Good Luck.

_tigger_ Fri, Sep-23-05 18:13

Hi Caz

I am trying to avoid having deserts etc, as i am unable to stop myself at one piece. I find it is best if i dont have any items of temptation in the house. Hate it when ppl visit and leave all sorts of chocolates and lollies for my kids, who are only 4months, 2yrs and 3 yrs and a bit too young to be stuffing their faces with that kind of junk. I hate throwing things out too - catch 22 situation for me i'm afraid.

I considered adding eggs into my repetoir on a regular basis but i hate them. Have had some in an omlette but i have to put heaps of stuff in to hide the taste. Would be so much easier if i liked them. Suck a quick and easy snack.

Good luck on your journey too :)


CAZ38 Sat, Sep-24-05 05:37

Hi Tara,
You are lucky if you can keep items of temptation out of the house. My other half is diabetic, but I can't convince him to change his eating habits. Therefore there are always tempting things I shouldn't have in the fridge and in the cupboards. So I have decided I'm better off having a dessert I am allowed to have than not have one and then be tempted by some yummy thing in the house. I am really determined to succeed with this Wol.Do your kids eat the same as you, or do you cook their meals seperately? it's nice chatting with you.

bsheets Sat, Sep-24-05 09:14

I didn't even know there was an Aussie section to this site until I fluked just then and found it ... HI!!


_tigger_ Sat, Sep-24-05 18:14

Caz> the kids eat differently from my husband and I. Wish i could change it but atm it is better they eat something rather than nothing. ppl always say that if they are hungry enough they will eat whatever u put in front of them, not the case with my children. Daugher 1 isnt into vegies at all but eats truckloads of fruit and Daughter 2 loves both her vegies and fruit. I am giving my husband the same as me but just adding carbs to his for him. He says that he loves our menus these days, much healthier and much better variety.

BSheets> Hi, there isnt too much action in the auz side of this site, perhaps we can all change that :)


bsheets Sat, Sep-24-05 18:57

Hi Tigger,

I'd be happy to change that! I'm online in forums a lot but didn't even know this section existed until I did a general search for something else and it popped up. There are probably tons of others that don't know either.

I'm going to have to keep an eye out hehe.

Other than that I'm going to do some 'bulk cooking' today. Making a spinach and olive frittata, picadillo, maybe some tuna salad with my own mayo (can't find sugar-less in the shops), haven't decided on the rest.

Maybe an omelette with tomatoe sauce for breakfast (just got up and it's 11am ... I LOVE Sundays!).

I'd like to get to know whoever else regulars this place. :) :wave:


CAZ38 Sun, Sep-25-05 23:46

Hi Tara, You sound like you have things pretty well organized at your place. I think I will spend some time in the recipe section and find LC stuff my other half might like and just add a few more carbs for him. I worry about his diabeties. I went and had blood tests today and will have the results Friday. Blood sugar, cholestorol etc. Keep your fingers crossed for me! Talk soon.

BSheets , Welcome. I posted to this thread last week not even realising it had been inactive for nearly 4 years, but I'm glad I did because it's been nice to talk to other Aussies and see how they manage their LCing and give each other support. Tell us a bit about yourself. Hear from you soon.

bsheets Mon, Sep-26-05 02:58

I just emailed one of my fav mags actually. They've just started a new section where they list calories and fat so I simply asked them to include a carb count too. I let them know the fad-dieters have passed but the life-timers are still here.

I think it's the downward sales in lc bars and things that make people think there are no lc'ers left. But personally I don't use the bars or anything else like that. I try to keep it as natural as possible. (I did use museli bar-type things in my first two weeks I must admit but that's because I love, love, love oats and grains. Now I don't miss them much at all).

I'd love to hear about other people around here.

Caz, that's no good to hear about your husband's diabetes. What type is it and how old is he? I assume he's lc'ing or something now?


CAZ38 Tue, Sep-27-05 07:18

Hi e, Nice to talk to you. I don't eat much processed LC food either. I try to eat as many natural, fresh foods as I can. I missed grains and oats at first, but now it's not too bad. The one thing I really miss is scones. I only learnt how to make a good scone about 4 months ago and was just getting it down to a fine art, when I decided it was time to look after my health and change my bad eating habits. So, Goodbye scones. I still make them for my rellies though. My hubby is 47 and has type 2 diabeties. And NO, he doesn't LC or anything else. He is pretty stubborn. As I said to Tara, I will try and cook LC for him as well and add a few extra carbs for him and a bit less fat and see if that works. Catch you soon.

_tigger_ Tue, Sep-27-05 23:01

Afternoon all

I am having a bad day today. after almost 2 whole months of LC'ing, and 14 kgs of weight loss, I have had chocolate. then after that I had bread :( The reason, apart from kindy doing a chocolate fundraiser! was i had nothing prepared to eat in the house and i had left it so i was at the point of shaking i was so hungry. The only reason I had some bread is coz I had already had so many carbs from the chocolate that i said stuff it, I might as well have a few more. Now I am going through the thoughs of giving up lcing all together.

I know that tomorrow is another day I hope this doesnt stuff me up too much as I really want to get back down to my goal weight and i am only 6kgs away.

Must go now and do up a whole heap of salad so that i am ready to get back on track tomorrow.


CAZ38 Thu, Sep-29-05 05:15

Hi Tara,
Sorry to hear about your bad day, but I don't think you should give up. Sometimes I feel like saying "bugger it" and eating everything in sight, but then i think about summer coming and having to be covered up and hot while everyone else is swimming and having fun. This would have been my fifth summer carrying all this extra weight, but it's going to be a good one this year instead.I know you can do it. Think about the fun you can have with your husband and kids, if you're feeling lighter and good about yourself.Hope today was a better day.

tardon Thu, Sep-29-05 07:44

Well thank goodness I found you aussies lurking around here all by yourselves.
I also found this thread by accident andt have been wondering how many of us are at this forum.
Are you all involved with many threads or challenges. :q: By the sound of things food is the main topic of the day..and the temptation that goes with it.
I hope to catchup nice to have some fellow aussies around.

_tigger_ Thu, Sep-29-05 14:40

Caz, Yes I had a better day yesterday, right back on track and didnt vaver at all. Although sometimes its asthough the chocolate in the cupboard is screaming my name lol need to hurry up and get rid of it. Today should be good too as I have a big bowl of salad made up and also a bowl of sugar free jelly to snack on. I think yesterday I wouldnt have had anymore than say 8grams of carbs, so hoping that will balance my body again after eating the choccy the other day.

Tardon> Hiya good to see you :)

Well I have just done my measurements and weight for the end of the month, makes me feel so good when i do that. It is fantastic watching the weight falling away. Do the rest of u use the PLAN part of this site? So for this month I have lost another 4kg. Hopefully this time next month if I really put some effort in and try to get some exercise (its a hard thing with a 4 month old, 2 year old and 3 year old at home and no day care and living in the bush) I might even reach my goal weight of 70kgs. Now that I am getting this close I am contemplating going to 65kgs. What is everyone elses target?

Must go and feed the kids :)

Have a good day everyone. oh btw, do u think we should start a new thread with a more appropriate title? and we can do a daily post in there?


CAZ38 Fri, Sep-30-05 06:35

Hi Tara,
Sounds like you are feeling better. I'm really glad and congrats on the great results for this month. You must be flat out with three little ones. I don't think I'd have the energy.
I have lost another 2.4lbs this week, so I'm getting there slowly. Although I need to measure myself again as I feel like I' m losing size more than weight. I've had to put my watchband on the next notch and my rings actually come off without soap. HaHa. it sounds like a good idea to start the new thread, I think we need a more appropriate name for it.

Hi to tardon too, it's nice we are getting a few more people chatting. The more the merrier.

I am aiming for between 58 and 60kg. I think thats a pretty sensible weight for my height and age. I used to be 53kg, but I was 10 years younger then.
Today I went to the op shop and bought a pair of jeans and these are going to be my "See how I'm shrinking jeans". At the moment they only get within two inches of doing up, so hopefully soon they will button up and then get too big.

Well, have a great weekend everyone, we have a long weekend in NSW this week. Hooray. Talk soon....

_tigger_ Fri, Sep-30-05 14:14

Our new post is called "how are we all going today"

tardon Tue, Oct-04-05 04:33

Coming to find you at the new thread

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