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MDukes Tue, Jul-24-01 08:39

Hair Loss
Well I lost all the weight I gained on vacation plus 2 more lbs in one week!! Yeah!! However, have a question, I have noticed in the last 3-4 weeks I have been losing/shedding a lot of hair. Could this be a side effect of the Atkins diet? It wouldn't seem so since I eat so much protein, but was wondering if anyone else has had this happen.

otenn Tue, Jul-24-01 09:20

You know, when I got my hair cut last week, the hairdresser asked me if I had had a baby recently because my hair was falling out in and unusually large amount and in a pattern typical to hormonal hair loss. I had a baby just over a year ago and she said that could be it, that often hair loss happens a few months postpartum, and that a second round hits at about the one year mark, so I never thought much more about it. It is starting to slow down again (or else the haircut made it less noticeable), but I did not even think of attributing it to atkins? who knows? I'm interested in any other responses you get.


agonycat Tue, Jul-24-01 09:29


I have always shed a great deal of hair my whole life. Surprised I am not bald yet.

I doubt it is due to the diet, considering the vitamins/minerals we take and all the protein. I haven't a clue on this one.

bluugirl Wed, Jul-25-01 17:24

vitamins, anyone ?
I've noticed i'm shedding more hair too - but i'm not sure if it's my imagination or not. (I usually shed alot anyway) However it could be b/c i wasn't taking my vitamins as I should have been. I've gone back to taking my vitamins daily.

tofi Wed, Jul-25-01 19:32

I have heard of this happening to people on Atkins Induction and also read in other places that any sudden weight loss can cause some increased hair loss. The follicles tend to shut down and the most mature hair falls out then it takes a while till the next one starts growing. I hope someone else has reaad this - I'll try to find the reference. It does stop and reverse itself.


numberonewendy Wed, Jul-25-01 20:25

Well here I thought I was the only one on this. I have long hair and never had much hair falling out before this LC wol. Lately it has been happening and freaking me out some. Seems to tangle a lot also.

My daughter said her hair is falling out lots more too...she too has long hair and follows this woe. She thought, on no maybe the diet, but then thought about...which...believe it or not quieten me down about the subject. Her thoughts are.... You know, dogs shed in the summer time with the heat. Our hair probably does the same thing??? (I know, funny explanation, but hey she gave it her best...LOL)

I like Barb's reasoning better, please see if you can see anything written on this, it would be much appreciated. Every morning when brushing my hair out I look at all the loose strands, and quietly try to put it out of my mind, but its not going!

Karen Wed, Jul-25-01 23:46

I've read about hair loss on ASDL-C happening with newbies and oit causes them alarm. They have reported that the hair does grow back. I seem to have a lot of gray hair falling out. Maybe it will be replaced by brown hair? :D

Could it be fat hair that your losing, soon to be replaced by healthy, new, fit and trim hair? ;)

I think I like Barb's explanation better!


doreen T Thu, Jul-26-01 04:14

I've always had thin hair, and yes I noticed that I seemed to be shedding more. But the problem for me was breakage, not that the hair was actually falling out from the follicles in the scalp. And the new growth that replaced it has been strong and great condition. (of course, then I go and fry it with a perm!.. :rolleyes: )

Normally, hair and skin cells are completely renewed and replaced every 4 to 6 weeks. Stress - even good stress - can affect the growth of hair cells in the follicles, causing the hair strand to actually fall out, or the new hair that grows will be weakened and brittle at that particular point, and thus will break. An abrupt change in diet can potentially "stress" the system enough to cause such changes. But with the 4 to 6 week cell growth, you won't notice a change in your hair until a month or two into the new diet.

If the thinning is at the scalp level, and you're noticing bald areas, this may indicate some other health problem ... low thyroid springs to mind.

Biotin is a good idea ... also a source of essential fatty acids such as flax or fish oils, or best of all, a blended mix of nutritional oils, such as Udo's Choice, which provides a balance of omega-3, 6 and 9.


bluugirl Thu, Jul-26-01 10:00

well it is true during the summer months we shed more. As my mom always said, it's good to shed, it's like a tree, you cut the branches and stronger 'hair' grows through. i'm not gonna worry unless it is something noticeable and not my imagination :D

ShirleyL Thu, Jul-26-01 12:05

Hair anyone?
Gee, mine is so thick I could stand to lose a bit. I'd be happy to pass it on to those who need some... hehehe

Actually, I haven't noticed any more of mine coming out.


MDukes Thu, Jul-26-01 14:33

Hair Loss
Thanks for all the responses!! My hair loss doesn't appear to be from breakage and I'm seeing the effects around the rim of my face. I started taking biotin about 3-4 weeks ago and of course started vitamins this week. I thought about the summer shedding theory but being here in Florida it got hot a long time ago(!) and believe it would have started shedding back in April or May. Hopefully there will be new growth and based on your replies it will be better than ever. We'll see...... if it doesn't slow down soon, however, a trip to the dermatologist may be in order.

Thanks again!!

numberonewendy Thu, Jul-26-01 21:53

I've been keeping my eyes on this my worry has deepened too. No breakage here either, but hanging in there. I am actually thinking if this keep going on, I will go and get the drastic cut I didn't want to do until the time know..when one looks older and shouldn't have long hair anymore....LOL

Quietly, I am it Barb???? to do the research.....if I had more time...I would. Time..doesn't it suck.....

I haven't been to the doctors it seems in months..amazing what summer does to one...put things on hold sort of speak.

If I don't get any answers, I suppose a visit to the doctors would be a good get my Dr. Atkins book back....LOL

Come on folks...if some of us has this problem..and some of us have time....then lets check it out....So we can all rest our minds...

gypsy729 Sat, Jul-28-01 18:33

Hello everyone!

I too am experiencing the hair loss. However, I never thought it was the diet because it happened to me once before I went on the diet. The last time, I had quit taking the pill. Three months later, Wham!, the hair just jumped out of my scalp. It was most distressing. Just handfuls and handfuls. Luckily, I have a LOT of hair to begin with. I (and my mom, of course) was the only one who noticed. This was in winter, so the summer shedding theory is out the window. Plus, this is a LOT more loss than shedding.

It is happening again, but I haven't been on the pill for a while. I think going on the diet causes a hormonal shift of some sort. My TOM has been erratic as well. I am hoping that it straightens itself out soon or I will be bald!:eek:

It is good to know that I am not alone!


numberonewendy Sun, Jul-29-01 07:41

I noticed my *Thang* is different too. I was shopping the other day with a Client and all of a sudden I thought my insides were going to fall out....Freaked me out, never had that kind of flow before?

MSM is a supplement I have been told that is good for a lot of things and hair is one of them. Just wanted to share this info as when I get a chance to go to the shops I will be looking into this.(I would like to keep whats left of my

debbiedobson Sun, Jul-29-01 10:58

lora of lowcarb luxury addressed this issue in her april 11th newsletter.
it was the explanation i'd been waiting for!:D

Liz Sun, Jul-29-01 11:14

I was staying out of this thread although just before it started I noticed that my hair had become noticeably thin--quite distinctly. I didn't contribute as other factors might have been at play such as having a run of changes of mind about hair colour and changing 4 times over a 6 week period. Still, if it is b/c of Atkins in some way, and assuming Lora is a credible informant, then I'll wait to see if it thickens up again. Hope so.

cyntalkalo Sun, Jul-29-01 11:57

Hair loss
It is very important to take a very good multivitiamin and the omega 3 oils supplement or cod liver oil (comes in capsule form) If you are having hair loss your skin and nails will obviously become a problem. These are things you don't get enough of on a high protein diet. I have had thin hair prior to, but this is the second time on the Atkins diet and I had more hair loss than usual. Eating salmon and tuna more often helps too. I also take an extra calcium supplement. Being a middleaged woman means Iwe are going thru lots of hormonal changes. Having babies and our regular monthly all takes its toll on bodies more so than men. So we really need to be more physical and eat right in order not to have these types of health problems. I no longer have so many of these problems since I became faithful to the vit/supp and doing my best to eat some veggies within the diet. Give it try what to have to lose by sides more hair! Just a little funny.

numberonewendy Sun, Jul-29-01 16:47


A Big...Big...Thanks :)

MDukes Sun, Jul-29-01 16:52

Hair Loss
I am so amazed by all these responses!! Glad to know I'm not the only one with this concern, but also VERY GLAD there are people out there with good information to pass along. I checked out the newsletter article and it made sense and helped to calm me down, however, I know what is normal everyday hair loss for and what is ABNORMAL and like the article says -it is alarming to see the amount of hair coming out during a shower!!! Styling has gotten harder too! So already, after 3-4 weeks I'm seeing and feeling the effects of the hair loss. But, I tell you, I can't imagine coming off this WOE. If a doctor were to tell me to stop I don't think I would! Guess I would have to go wig shopping instead!!

I will keep everyone posted on my progress whether good or bad!

Thanks again for everyone's remarks!

herodl Wed, Aug-08-01 09:36

Thinning Hair
Big "phew!" after reading this thread. I too started losing a lot of hair and was worried. I read the article "Lora's Column" and feel MUCH better. I just joined this discussion forum today and previously has looked around on the Internet for answers. I had to laugh as most sites indicate that a lack of protein is a main cause. Definitely not my problem!

I did also visit my doctor yesterday about my hair loss. Like Lora he indicated it may be the stress of losing weight and suggested we "just keep our eye on it." I was a bit worried as he doesn't have much hair himself, but the article has helped to reassure me.

I see that Lora recommends a multivitamin without iron - does anyone know why this might be?



doreen T Wed, Aug-08-01 10:42

Originally posted by herodl
I see that Lora recommends a multivitamin without iron - does anyone know why this might be?
hi Lori,

Excessive iron can have some negative effects in the body. I emphasize the word excessive. Iron-deficiency anemia is still common, in this day and age of people being afraid to eat red meat. Click here to read a recent discussion that we had regarding the problems with too much iron.


Lynda Wed, Aug-08-01 12:34

Yikes David's beautiful hair is falling out!
As you can see from our picture David has long gorgious hair. We noticed a lot more of it in the shower a few months into the diet, them we noticed when he brushed it there was tons of hair in the brush.
I immediately told him I thought it was related to the diet. I lost a lot of weight many years ago and with that weight lose some of my hair.
I was gone on vacation for a few weeks, and told him I would look for info about this when I got back, specifically here on this forum and low and behold, we are not alone on this problem. Gotta love this board!
I could never see Dave's scalp through his thick hair before, but now I do. I am worried. I am not very attracted to bald men. I know some women are, but David's hair was my first attraction.
I love that we are losing so much weigt on this WOE...50 pounds for him and 25 for me in 5 months. We feel so much better and look better too... and the sex has gone through the roof !!! But I want us to keep our hair. Please let us know what you find out PS David is very good at taking all the Atkins vitamins regularly... I am not, but my hair isn't falling out, although it seems a lot dryer than normal. :confused:

herodl Wed, Aug-08-01 12:38

Tks for The Info
I read thru the posts, tks for pointing me to them Doreen. I'm still working my way around the site so I appreciate your help.


Lynda Wed, Aug-08-01 13:10

I just read Lora's letter...whew
I didn't realize I had not read page two of this thread. ooops. Lora's letter was very informative. Although Dave's hair is 30 inches long and has taken 5 years to grow, it is good news that it will come back.... that is a relief. I have been picturing him bald lately and it makes me shutter... not very nice huh... Little short hairs growing in between the long ones will be just fine in comparison to pool cue ball head!!! Again thanks for sharing info, I feel lot's of relief... another little item to share, we just had our cholesteral checked and it has come down since starting the diet and is in a good range. This despite the concern of people not supportive of this WOE.

doreen T Wed, Aug-08-01 13:22

hey you two lovebirds!!
hi Lynda & Dave,

Just popping in to say hello to you both. Sorry about Dave's hair, but it will grow ... just wish it would grow NOW!

Congrats on the lbs lost so far, that's awesome. And so great that you've done it together.


Mrs. Y Wed, Aug-08-01 14:15

Try shaving...
My hubby shaves his head every summer and the hair always grows back quickly, thick and gorgeous.

Might be an idea to just have it trimmed super short for a bit to give it that extra boost.

(You could both do the Sinead O'Connor thang - would make for interesting conversation!)

Lynda Thu, Aug-09-01 11:19

through thick and thin
Yes we have stuck it out together through thick and thin (hair that is hehehe) on this WOE. We are starting to bike ride to feel better and to get us losing again. Dave's been stalled for a month or so.

I went on a cross country trip with my three sons and was sure I would gain weight, due to a couple of cheats along the way... ice cream in the middle of Arizona after driving in 105 degrees was more than I could resist, also a few snacks that were not low, Pringles potato chips and crackers... it is so boring when you are in the RV for 17 hours a day... but I did get some Buffalo jerky in Yellowstone that was great snack food and barely any carbs... anyway to make a long story even longer...I lost 5 pounds... I love this WOE!
Even when you cheat a little you still are OK... a little is the key word... I ate a piece of pizza, crust and all when I got home ( just to test the 'you can lose even if you cheat' theory I guess) and I gained a pound! Ahhhh first time I went up instead of down... back to 20 to 40 carbs a day... that is the range that is working for us... induction zone some days but closer to 40 most days...with very few "splurges".

Our friends who turned us on to this WOE were splurging every other weekend, we noticed that they always had a very hard time coming back to low carb and finally quit. When we would go out with them and other friends we were getting lots of compliments, which is a good source of encouragement to keep it up... and they would just stand there going "damn!" So now they are back... which is good for them and us... nice to go to dinner with folks with the same WOE and we know they not only will look better but feel much better. That pizza crust made me feel like a lithargic slug... I had to go to bed and I moaned and groaned all night. Karmic revenge of the pizza crust! I rambled enough now... better go get my classroom ready the kids will be back in school very soon.:cool: Bye for now, Lynda

madpiano Fri, Sep-28-01 16:08


I also noticed increased hair-loss on this diet, and my friend who follows it as well has the same problem. I don't buy the suggesting from Low Carb Luxury, as it never happened to me before on any diet, and they were much more of a shock to the system than this diet ever was ( like living of 500 calories a day....). I had a look through my little books of knowledge (called Vitamins and Minerals) and apparently lack of Silica causes hair loss. The main sources of Silica is grains. As we do not eat grains on this diet, this could be a reason. I went down to Holland&Barrett today and got the Silica supplement. I'll keep you updated.

numberonewendy Sat, Sep-29-01 05:51

I'll keep you updated.

Please do, as I still have hair coming out every morning and never had this problem b/f Low carbing. I am taking MSM as was suggested by someone else here on the forum, yet no change and it has been a couple of months now!

MDukes Sat, Sep-29-01 08:05

Since I originally started this thread I thought I would give an update... I'm still losing hair. I've been to two doctors, the dermatologist confirmed it was telogen effluvium but had nothing to offer because the event that triggered the hair loss happened months ago. He didn't seem convinced it was due to the diet but did say if it is due to lo-carbing, it may continue as long as I'm on this woe. My other doctor did lots of lab work to make sure there wasn't something else going on and everything came back normal. In fact my GP and GYN dr were both very very happy with the results of my lab work!! I've been told the hair loss will stop as suddenly as it started - so everyday I hope this will be the day! So far, although my hair is thinner it still doesn't look too terribly bad.

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