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Natrushka Fri, Mar-15-02 13:30

A picture is worth a thousand words
I've been scouring the web trying to re-find this. A kind member of L&S (a BFL BB) was able to help me out. I thought I'd share it with you. The next time you're wondering why the scales haven't changed and yet those smaller sized jeans fit, remember this.

agonycat Fri, Mar-15-02 14:03

heh Darn Nat.

I thought you were posting a before/after picture of yourself...I was about to woohoo you. (and I ment by the title of this thread NOT the photos posted!)

Instead.....I don't know whether to skip dinner or just be icked out for the rest of the day :lol:

Thanks for sharing I think. :)

BCBabe Fri, Mar-15-02 14:10

Wow!! :eek: That's pretty harsh!!
That makes me think of another question. When we are eating the required amount of protein/fat and burning our fat reserves, is it possible that we won't lose scale weight or inches but be changing the 'make-up" of our bodies? For example, I carry most of my excess weight in my stomach area and I noticed that when I layed down on my side it was really flabby and loose. I have noticed lately that I feel much tighter and not so uncomfortable when I lay on my side. The muscles in my legs also feel firmer to me as I stretch and I can't attribute this feeling to exercise at this point!! :rolleyes: Could I possibly be feeding my muscles more of what they need and "growing" more just by diet alone?? Hope this makes some sort of sense!! :D


Natrushka Fri, Mar-15-02 14:39

Originally posted by BCBabe
Could I possibly be feeding my muscles more of what they need and "growing" more just by diet alone?? Hope this makes some sort of sense!! :D

By eating more protein, you're definitely feeding your muscle what they need. And yes, if they have been protein deprived for a long while then it's possible that muscle is being grown. It is more likely that you are exercising w/o knowing it - any weight bearing activity will promote muscle growth. This includes walking, so unless you've been hovering around for the past few months, you're building muscle ;)

Originally posted by Agonycat
I thought you were posting a before/after picture of yourself...

I guess in a way I was! *lol*


TerrieP Fri, Mar-15-02 14:47

Daily Motivator
I saw this picture on another board about a month ago. I now have it as my wallpaper on my computer to remind me that this woe works. It also helps me stay away from the scale!

Atrsy Fri, Mar-15-02 16:33

It almost turns my stomach to think that now I'm trying to eat 70% fat!

I always heard that the comparison people could most readily understand that if a softball was fat, then a baseball of the same weight would be muscle.

My friend is a surgical nurse and she said it is really disgusting to see how fat some people are inside. (It can deposit on organs as well as just under the skin)

Thanks Nat. It's almost time for dinner and now I'm not hungry! How will I ever get all those calories you told me I need?

EllieEats Fri, Mar-15-02 17:42

Boy Nat!!
That fat is pretty disgusting looking!! It looks bad enough with skin covering it!!! :lol:

I'd like to think that there isn't a whole lot of that left on me now!!

I'm going to keep working out and build those muscles. I'm so close to goal now but have lost more inches!!! If I continue to lose inches, maybe I won't have to drop those last pounds.(???)
Things are looking pretty good but definitely still need to tighten things up.... and that will make them smaller???
Ellie :wave:

l_knierim Sun, Jun-09-02 18:33

WOW thanks..........
Nat , it is nasty to look at but helped me so much. Thank you so much. Lynn

SlimShAdY Sun, Jun-09-02 20:15

I agree!

adnil53 Sun, Jun-09-02 20:39

WOW Nat, what a ... ummm ... picture.
Sure got my attention! I like the idea of using it [until I just can’t stand to look at it anymore] as wallpaper on my desktop... :lol: Hey I agree three... gonna REALLY get with the program now... Thank you soooo very much! Just what I needed! :thup: :D

Vickolien Mon, Jun-10-02 06:23

Thank you so much for this picture, it is just the way I feel at this moment. I have forwarded the picture to all my friends who are not losing pounds, but inches!!

Thanks again!


Soinwi Tue, Jun-11-02 08:49

I always cringe at the picture!! Whenever someone asks why they lose inches but not pounds I know Nat will post that pic so I always escape before I have to see it!!!LOLOLOL I really also thought it was a before and after pic!!

Sonja :D

Cinderella Tue, Jun-11-02 09:00

I think that is all I needed to see :eek: ....I vow to start exercsing and to exercise for the rest of my life. :D

Thanks for the inspiration. :daze:

cin :wave:

Natrushka Tue, Jun-11-02 16:41

I think I've figured it out
I am always curious as to the reaction this picture gets.

I think it's a case of the glass being half full as opposed to being half empty. I love this picture - I see the muscle and I see it replacing the fat; who'd have thought I was an optimist?


Natrushka Fri, Jun-28-02 09:22

A wee little bump for all of you out there who are not seeing any scale progress and yet are losing inches.


lilwannabe Fri, Jun-28-02 11:48

Thanks Nat...

I printed it out, and stuck on my cork board, so I will remind myself everyday why I want to hike the mountain, and maintain this WOL! :D :D

Danyele Fri, Jun-28-02 13:12


Thank you for posting that. Sometimes I get so discouraged if the scale doesn't budge but my clothes feel bigger. I put on muscle very easily, especially in my legs and sometimes have to drill it into my head that muscle weighs more than fat. Now i can see it



alice 2002 Fri, Jun-28-02 17:37

Nat...this picture is so gross....I just had to put it on my wallpaper. Hopefully it will inspire me to exercise more. Or just plain gross the family out :p

gc1 Fri, Jun-28-02 17:44

Hey that fat looks yummy , where can I get me some of that?

Jeff :D

Bloom Sat, Jun-29-02 06:32

I read last night that while a pound of fat has 3500 calories as we have been told over and over a pound of muscle has only 600. Never knew that before and thought it interesting. Said it was one of the reasons it is so easy to lose our muslce when losing weight rather than fat.

Talon Sun, Aug-04-02 13:23

I think this thread deserves bumping up to the "new" messages, the picture does spead for itself!

Natrushka Wed, Aug-21-02 09:02

A little bump for all of you out there losing inches but not pounds...


amika Wed, Aug-21-02 21:27

Thanks for the great visual Nat!

Now if I could only get it out of my mind lol ! :nono:

Keep on keeping on !

Sarlye Sun, Sep-01-02 03:34

Thanks for the Visual Aid
Thanks Nat! I remember seeing the real thing done in rubber as a visual aid while I was thinking of signing up at the Fitness World 10 years ago. The picture really grossed me out. :eek: I started going to the gym for at least 3 months until I can get that image out of my head.

Now, I have this picture as my wallpaper, I think I will have the incentive to go to the gym more often. Just the thought of all that sagging fat in my body just scares the beejeebies out of me.

Now that summer is over, time to start swimming again.

VikkiJean Sun, Sep-01-02 08:44

WOW Fat is just as ugly on the inside as it is on the outside lol

suze_c Wed, Sep-18-02 13:03

A Pound of feathers vs a pound of lead
It is definitely something to think about. I always use the analogy of a pound of feathers vs a pound of lead... fat being the feathers, and lead being muscle. I believe it in Susan's Powters book that I read that fat takes up NINE times the space that lean muscle does... this picture helps prove that... I lost 35" in one month... but gained 7#... guess I should go by the measurements and not the scale in those instances!There is one infomercial on TV where they bring out in fat,the amount that a person has lost... I wanna lose 150#, don't know if I wanna see THAT much fat laying out hehehe...Well I see the :baby: has found the cordless phone,so I must go rescue it before she calls Brazil or some foreign place... she DOES keep me busy! Bye for now!~ :wave:

tofi Thu, Sep-19-02 06:22

I think that the real ratio is that fat is about 22% bigger than muscle according to esteemed Moderator, wbahn.

BUT the muscle is in the form of
tightly packed fibres
which are formed into
sleek, powerful shapes
that MOVE and use energy.

Fat is just a
that sits and sags and collects more fat.

Here is the picture which is producing all this discussion (courtesy of Natrushka's research):
fat vs. muscle size and appearance.


jackdusty Mon, Sep-23-02 14:07

I weigh the same now, having lost over 3 stone, as I dis 13 years ago when I left the forces but I am buting a small size
where I was buying M/L sizes then.l I honestly believe that
while we are losing fat we are building muscle resulting in a
change in body shape, !


TigerLB55 Sun, Oct-20-02 21:22

Just a Reply here but unless you are new to the whole scene of weight lifting it is very diffucult to gain muscle and lose weight.

In order to gain (build) muscle you need a surplus of calories

In order to lose fat you need a defcit of calories

It can be done but its a very slow and hard process your better off spliting it into phases so instead of losing 5lbs and gaing a pound of muscle in 3months your better off gaining 4-5lbs of muscle in 3 months and then losing 5-10lbs in 3 months.

Many people over estimate the amount of muscle they actually gain. Hard-core body builders put on a 1-2lbs of muscles a month.

But like a said agian if your new to all this changes will come quickly.

Wanda BH Sun, Nov-03-02 18:16


I'm back to almost no sugar at all.......


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