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Miss Melis Fri, Feb-14-03 14:07

Curves anyone?
Hi Ya!

Anyone try Curves?

Did you like it? Pros and Cons?

Happy :rheart: Day!

Thanks! :wave:


redawn Fri, Feb-14-03 21:57

Well i love Curves. . .have been doing it for 4 months. . .did not lose a damn pound. . but I felt better than I have in a long time. shopping was not a hellish time because my back did not hurt. All the weight resitance helped me support my front without a back ache. What I love about Curves is that next to you on one side can be a trim 19 yr old and at 274 I was whomping her butt on the step board and then on the other side could be an 80 yr old whomping mine. Everything you do you do for 30 seconds. . .what I love to tell people is "hell I can hold my breath for 30 seconds" it's fun and you really can tell the difference in just a week. GFI! redawn:)

LindaB123 Fri, Feb-14-03 23:04

I've been a member since the beging of Sept. The first couple months I went about twice a week. The switched scales, so I couldnt track my weight loss. They said the first wasnt weighing anyone over 200 correctly. But, I did manage to loose about 3 1/2" over all.

Dec and most of Jan I didnt go. I was just to busy with life. On Jan. 29 I started their low carb diet- "permanant results with out prem. dieting". I've been faithfully going to exercise 3 times a week. So far I've lost 7 pounds, and I think tomorrow I will reach the 8 pound mark.

I love the work out I get there- and I hate exercise! I could never stand the thought of getting on a piece of equipment for 30 minutes. There is just no way I'm going to walk in place for that long. But, the 30 seconds on each machine at curves- that I can do! I can already tell a big difference in my legs.


ShirleyAnn Sat, Feb-15-03 03:34

We are just getting a Curves Center in our area, I don't think it has opened yet. I understand that it is just for women, which is nice. I work at a hospital and I can go to our wellness center for free but..... it's full of young people and the "buff" guys standing around. Basically I feel like it's somewhat a meat market. So I've not been going due to feeling self concious. Do you have to buy a membership to curves? And about how much does it cost? Any info would be great!

redawn Sat, Feb-15-03 08:33

you can join for the year and it acverages out to $29 a month. . .or pay per month $39. . .unlimited access. . .you can go three times a day if you want. (you shouldn't but you can) I forgot to mention that I have never exercised before and to me exercise is a four letter word. But I average two or three times a week and I love it! redawn:)

Miss Melis Sat, Feb-15-03 21:07

.... thanks for all the info...

I may go and try it out on Monday... I will let you know what happens!

Thanks! :wave:


HEATHER3 Sun, Feb-16-03 13:05

I've heard really good things about it. I am considering doing it myself. I find exercising hard right now due to a lack of breath. :( But I think with a little encouragement I might try it.

HEATHER3 Sun, Feb-16-03 13:06

you wouldn't happen to be in the Galena or Dubuque area are you?

ShirleyAnn Sun, Feb-16-03 13:31

When I lived in Columbus OH is attended something like this. They had a hot tub too :) does curves have one? It sure would be nice sitting in one with all the nice and snow we are getting right now in WV.

ShirleyAnn Sun, Feb-16-03 14:02

an oops to last post....all the ice and snow, sorry

redawn Mon, Feb-17-03 10:53

Re: Curves
Originally posted by HEATHER3
I find exercising hard right now due to a lack of breath. :( But I think with a little encouragement I might try it.

I think tryng it is the best way to see if you can. . .go at the pace that best fits you. . .and see if you can. . .who knows this may help your breathing. I live in MA. .. but Curves are all over. . .it is one of the fastest growing franchises out there. . .founded by a Christian man I think. . .hence the commercials (this little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine) but there is nothing religious about the facility I attend. And sorry no hot tub. Most of us are 'get in, work out, get out' it is part of our day. Dawn:)

penk Mon, Feb-17-03 17:33

I don't like to exercise but I can't say enough about Curves... it "fits"

it was the first step to better health for me, now I'm also following the lc woe and life feels so good!


Cores Mon, Feb-17-03 22:48

Any Curves in Pittsburgh?
I was just wondering if anyone knew of any Curves in the Pittsburgh, PA area? They sound great. I used to belong to Bally's and I HATED it!


Miss Melis Mon, Feb-17-03 22:58

.... well I never made it today... maybe Wednesday.....

I will try it at least once!

M- :wave:

Belle Wed, Feb-19-03 22:20

I love it!
:thup: I joined curves the first of January. I have only missed one workout and that was when I first got sick with this darned cold, but have been going faithfully ever since. I go now, or try to go everyday. I figure, heck if I am paying $42 a month, then I am going to get the most out of it. So, my weigh date is the 28th. I am hoping I have lost a least a couple of pounds. I have noticed my legs and behind getting firmer though, my abs also. I love what it is doing to my arms and shoulders. I think I might end up losing more inches than pounds the first month, but that's ok. I love the circuit and how you never feel as if anybody is skinnier or better than me. :thup: for how I feel about curves! If you haven't tried it, then do it. You won't regret it.
Have a good day, Belle

Miss Melis Wed, Feb-19-03 23:56

Wow Belle,

Thanks! :wave:


Misty Thu, Feb-20-03 07:09

I work at a women's fitness facility that is very much like Curves. I believe the main difference is we have equipment where you can adjust the resistance.
It's an unintimidating environment. We see women of all shapes, sizes and ages. Many women admit to coming in merely to socialize with the other members. It's a great workout for women who've never exercised before or simply hate to exercise. The time really flies by when you're in the middle of a good conversation.
For many women, this is the only form of exercise they get. Others use our workout to supplement to their regular fitness routines. You are in control of the intensity of your workouts. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who can't get motivated or doesn't like working out alone. Many facilities offer a free week trial, where you can try it out and see if it's something you think you'd like.
The encouragement you get from the other members and staff is well worth it.
Best of luck to you, I hope you give it a shot and enjoy the program!!

PaulaG Thu, Feb-20-03 13:13

Hi ladies,

I've been mulling the idea around about joining curves. I try to get on my bike every other night but it's hard for me to commit. I'm hoping that I'll have more motivation if I go public and find a work out buddy.

Thanks for that extra push. I'll let you know the outcome.

Keep up the good work every one! :cheer:

syboyce Thu, Feb-20-03 13:28

bad back
So regarding this Curves place. . . we had one open up right down the road from me so would be very convenient. I have a bad lower back and have a stretching exercise regimen that I'm following plus I'm doing aqua therapy. Do you think they would have machines and routines that would be okay for me?

Thanks for any advice! :roll:

LindaB123 Thu, Feb-20-03 15:16

Yes, I think you could probably do it- depending on how bad your back is. It might even help strengthen it. They say it is as low impact as swimming. I know that at our we have people with bad backs, bad knees, and even one that only has one lung! They all do fine.

moonpie Thu, Feb-20-03 21:20

One month after starting Atkins, and finding a WOE I love and can stick with (finally) I knew I needed to add in exercise. I hung my swimsuit up and vowed to suit up and head on down to the pool. Well the suit never got wet. I drive by Curves every night on my way home from work. I popped in, Joined that night and have been going now for 3 weeks. I was sold on the "joint" friendly machines and low impact walking pads. My back and hips have not given me any pain and in fact I know It is strengthing my muscles that support my aching joints. I love Curves 30 min approach. I don't like to jump around in front of a bunch of men (Yet). mabie about 60 pounds from now I will. Jules :hyper:

Miss Melis Fri, Feb-21-03 20:27


Jules I will join you in 60 lbs!!! ha! :D

Thanks! :wave:


KellyG5 Sun, Feb-23-03 09:06

I love the idea of Curves. I would join but it is too far for me. the closet curves is 30 miles from me. And I just can't make that trip to make it worth my while. It would take me 40 minutes to get there to do a 30 minute workout and another 40 minutes drive home. That doesnt make sense to me.

But I did wish there was a place closer. I would love to go. When we lived at our old home (we moved here over the summer) I use to go to a gym everyday...I loved it! I miss it so much. Now I am trying to workout at home. It is hard to motivate myself to workout at home.

CurvesInWI Mon, Feb-24-03 01:08

Working at Curves
Hello Ladies !!!

Let me introduce myself... my name is Kim and I am one of the instructors at Curves in Kenosha, WI.

I am so happy to see that you enjoy working out at Curves. I recently began working there last Dec. I have already lost inches!!!!!!!!! I decided to do the Atkins diet instead of our own diet for many reasons... one of which is that Atkins has been around for so long and its easier to find information about it, I can order the right foods from this site... etc...

I too am struggling with the need to lose quite a bit of weight. I take as much of the motivation and support from our ladies at Curves as I try to give them each day that I work there.

Keep MOTIVATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Feel free to ask me questions about Curves anytime.

Kim :wave:

lhill Mon, Feb-24-03 13:57

i absolutely love curves because
i have never exercised much, i am 53 and have arthritis and gout in my feet so i have alot of trouble with exercise. But since starting LC my arthritis and gout have eased up and i joined curves. I started in sep 02 but didnt go regularly until jan03. I cant beleive i can do it and it does not hurt my feet! i am so happy and it feels great. You only spend a few minuets on each machine and step board so it is great!

syboyce Mon, Feb-24-03 15:18

I'm going to do it!
Okay, you've all convinced me. I just called our local Curves and set up an appt for tomorrow at 3:30. They were really nice and hopefully by tomorrow I will be a full fledged member! :hyper: She said that they would work something out for me and my bad back and that they had a lot of other people in the same boat. ;)

The only downside I see is that this Curves location is only open 5 days a week - Monday through Friday - but 12 hours a day. No weekends. So I'll have to either workout before or after work since my job is across town. They did say that I could get a pass to go to another location near my office because the different locations could have different hours.

Oh well, I'll figure something out! I'm excited!


Miss Melis Tue, Feb-25-03 13:55

... yah.. strange hours... closed Sunday and even closed between 1 and 3?... Something about studies show people do not exercise between those hours?...

Anyway, a question;

CurvesinWI== the staff member at curves discouraged me from going more than one time a day... something about body needs to rest... and two sessions per day "nix each other out" (her words)

I am not new to exercise i understand the concepts behind the body time to rest... but I see nothing wrong with total of 1 hour a
day... ??

what if I want to do 2 sessions in a row? Can I do that?

Please advise....

thankS :wave:

mommyto3 Fri, Feb-28-03 18:48

I joined yesterday and went today for the first time. All I can say is that it was FANTASTIC!! I totally loved it. It didn't 'kill' me but I can definitely feel that I have worked out. It was awesome. I can't wait until Monday to go again!

I pray that I see great results! :)

redawn Sat, Mar-01-03 09:17

Originally posted by Miss Melis

what if I want to do 2 sessions in a row? Can I do that?

Please advise....

thankS :wave:
M- [/B]

What I might suggest is just go another rep. . .at our Curves there are enough machines so one has to do two reps around the resistance machines.. .so whose gonna grouse if you do 3? I figured that was a possibility for me as I encounter weight loss resistance. redawn:)

KoKo Sat, Mar-01-03 13:23

Hi, someone had asked me about this in my journal and I just cut and pasted the answer below

I'm a bit spastic in my feelings about curves - on one hand I like it and on the other I don't find it very challenging.

PRO I like it because I had a lot of stiffness and some joint pain due to lack of exercise and moving in a bit of an awkward way. I had been suffering back pain (source as yet undiscovered) and was really crippled with pain for a month or two and then still had difficulty bending/getting up from sitting/even lying in bed is causing pain so I was really having a hard time to get back to exercising. My Doc. had said that I would have to experience a lot of pain in the beginning to get back on track and unfortuanately she was right.So curves is really helping me with that - the machines are hydraulic - resistance machines. Curves seems really aimed at women who are not in tip top condition, so no one feels self-concious there. There are women of all ages, shapes,sizes and of various physical abilities. It seems anyone can do these machines and one of the slogans of Curves is that anyone can do anything for 30 seconds. That is how long each exercise is performed for.

Con On the other hand, now that I am more mobile (been doing Curves for almost a month) I find that it's not really challenging enough for me. I get measured for the first time on the 6th of March so we will see what the results are. Before my back problem I had been used to doing quite an intense workout and was quite physically active - heavy gardening - furniture moving- etc on a daily basis. So this might be why I don't feel challenged but as I say I have to find out my measurements next week. Maybe I will find it does not have to hurt to be beneficial. Wouldn't that be a treat

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