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Magpies Thu, Apr-01-04 01:44

Countdown to 175
I have found the Countdown to 199 very motivational and now I am hopefully in onerland for the future I want to aim for the next milestone. From the poll I conducted the majority decision was for a countdown to 175 - so that's what we are aiming for.

I hope to get there by the end of September. I've 23 pounds to go - or 1 stone 9 lbs as we would say in England. I am presently 198 (14 stone 2 lbs) - a 23 lbs loss would bring me down to 12 stone 7 lbs by my calculations and I have not been as low as that since 1992. A long time ago.

Good luck everybody. My weigh in day is Friday. Please add your name to the list and cut and paste as other challenges using the latest post.

We will see how we go. Maybe we can keep a running total of all the pounds we lose!

magpies - 198

Kelly_L Thu, Apr-01-04 08:50

Count me in.

Kelly 201
magpies - 198

Rocky_Cdn Thu, Apr-01-04 09:07

Count me in too!

Rocky - 199
Kelly - 201
magpies - 198

Paris Thu, Apr-01-04 10:17

Count me in! I am at 177.5 now, but I am working more on healing my metabolism than losing so I am moving at a turtle's pace.

Magpies Thu, Apr-01-04 11:01

Paris -
Rocky - 199
Kelly - 201
Magpies - 198

hislady Thu, Apr-01-04 11:06

You know I would love to join you guys but I have joined other countdowns and either they have not been fulfilling, too many people or they just stopped visiting the thread. I want to be able to stick to it and have someone check up and I will do the same.

Is that what this is offering?? I don't want to join another countdown and not stick with it.

I am at about 185 after my binge and 175 by my wedding would be just wonderful.

sorry for going on and on but I just don't want to set myself up.

Magpies Thu, Apr-01-04 11:34

Hi Hislady,

I'm not intending to lose very fast, I've got a very long way to go and I'm averaging only 3 pounds a month. I know if I try and cut back more I will only end up binging and exercise is making me fitter and thinner but not lighter. I realise I need to be in for the long haul and that is why I find all the challenges and countdowns keep me motivated. I'm a competitive type of person, don't have to win the race but I do like to challenge.

I think 175 is a realistic target for me to achieve by October and if I get there I will be more than happy, if I don't I hope I will be somewhere near.

I don't mean to give up and I hope we can all encourage and support each other, so I do hope you join us.

I certainly mean to visit this thread at least once a week and report in. I expect people will come and go, not everyone succeeds but we can all help each other to lose. Quite happy to check up on you if you want to keep an eye on me. In the Fencing Club I help run we have about 16 beginners a term, if we keep a quarter of them, we are more than happy. Failure is far more common than success - let's be among that happy few.

hislady Thu, Apr-01-04 12:19

Well it sounds good and once a week sound like a plan to me. I would love to join.

I'm a competitive type of person, don't have to win the race but I do like to challenge.

I am highly competitive too!

My wedding is 2 1/2 months away so that means I need to loose about 4 pounds a month although I wouldn't be overly dissapointed if I didn't make it by then. To loose another 10 by whenever would still be great!!

I just want to loose consistantly until I hit my first goal of 165 by the end of the year. I also need to get back on the ball of exercising. I want to exercise about 3 times a week I know that would make a major change if not just in weight but in inches. So here's to loosing and you can count me in.

Will we post our weight once a week and kind of give an idea of what we did right and wrong for that week. You know like things that were down falls or vent or whatever. Also will we post an average parameter that we plan to stay in like between 25-35 carbs a day or 2 sweet treats a week etc..etc..

Let me know as I am very interested and excited to join.

P.S. Your whoosh fairy is sooo sooo cute!!

Magpies Fri, Apr-02-04 05:07

Will we post our weight once a week and kind of give an idea of what we did right and wrong for that week. You know like things that were down falls or vent or whatever. Also will we post an average parameter that we plan to stay in like between 25-35 carbs a day or 2 sweet treats a week etc..etc..

Let me know as I am very interested and excited to join.

I propose we post our weight every Friday, starting today. Rest is optional but I think it's good to give an idea of what went right and wrong. I'm trying to pay particular attention to the amount of carbs I'm eating this coming month as I noticed they were creeping up again. Back to weighing everything and trying out Fitday. Hopefully, will not have to do this too long as I much prefer just to eyeball but I'm keen to get moving down again.

Glad you like the Fairy, she's cute, isn't she? The original is on the April Whoosh challenge.

Magpies Fri, Apr-02-04 05:19

Hislady -
Paris -
Rocky - 199
Kelly - 201
Magpies - 198

Okay, I'll start. Firstly, I change my stats every Friday to reflect the average weight and body percentage over the week - this is my way of getting over my fixation of weighing myself every day.

Weight is morning was exactly 198 pounds, body percentage fat 41%.
Carbs: 42; 29; 42; 28 (only been counting them again properly the last 4 days)
Average - 36

Exercise: Good week, full details on my gym log. Highlight was walk/jog along riverbank with son. Hopefully we can do this again. Much nicer working out in the open air.

Strudel182 Fri, Apr-02-04 06:19

Hmmm... this sounds interesting. I like the idea of a countdown, but have not tried one. Would you mind terribly if I join you? But my personal goal is to countdown to 70 kg... which is a 12.2 kg drop. For those lbs people out there, that's about 181 (12 stone 13 pounds) to 154 (11 stone). A 27 lb loss, meaning roughly 1 pound/week. I have to believe it can be done. And while my fitday goal (set in November when the weight was just whooshing off!) was to hit 61 kg by my birthday on 23 June, I think that is now unrealistic.

This means 2 kg a month. I don't think that is unreasonable, but also things have really slowed up lately. Maybe this will give me the boost I need to achieve it. Sometimes guilt and competition go a long way to helping motivate...

Strudel - 82.2 kg/181 lbs/12 stone 13 pounds as of 2 April (assuming you will accept me...)
Hislady -
Paris -
Rocky - 199
Kelly - 201
Magpies - 198

Magpies Fri, Apr-02-04 10:13

Welcome to Strudel, you are very welcome and welcome to all, Hislady, Paris, Rocky and Kelly. 2kg is about 5 pounds, isn't it - 2.2 lbs to a kg? The machines at the gym sometimes ask for my weight in kilos and I usually have to guess feeling mathmatically challenged at such a time.

Good luck to everyone, how ever long your road to 175 is.


huggs2ewe Fri, Apr-02-04 10:47

Hi Julie and Kelly, took me a couple of days but here I am and ready for the challenge! Looks like there are some new faces too, thats great we can get there together.

I had a bit of a ruff week :( my IBS kicked up again and I got a bit emotional as well becuase I thought this WOE had been the cure. Oh well I have got it under control mostly and only mild discomfort today. Unfortunatley I get a good dose of fatigue and joint pain as well and that seems to be sticking a bit. Hopefully in a couple of days I will be symptom free again. At least it's not lasting for weeks at a time like it did before I started this WOE. Anyway enough of my wine.

I went off a bit this week had regular ice cream x 2 but it's all gone now and there is no temptation in the house! So back on plan and it didn't seem to hurt too much as I am back to pre holiday weight, which is pretty good as that means I lost 4.5 #'s in 15 days.

Next week starting Monday (I will be away this w/e) I hope to try and get back to check my real counts on Fitday, to see where I am.

Thanks for starting this thread Julie and lets all hope that we will all be loosers!

Hislady -
Kelly - 201
Lise- 196.5
Magpies - 198
Paris -
Rocky - 199

Rocky_Cdn Fri, Apr-02-04 11:23

Hi everyone!

Hope you're feeling better soon Huggs2ewe (Lise).

My regular weigh-in is on Fridays so this works out just great. No stress of an extra weigh-in a week! This week I was down one pound - to 198.

I've been sticking to a pretty simple plan (explanation in my journal - don't want to bore everyone here), but it seems to be working. Since I've started exercising, I've felt quite upbeat, despite still being in pain every day (accident). My exercise results are in the TDC fitness challenge, and kind of daily noted in my journal. I'm so lucky I've been able to exercise every day!!

Hislady -
Kelly - 201
Lise- 196.5
Magpies - 198
Paris -
Rocky - 198
Strudel - 181

Is that everyone?

Magpies Fri, Apr-02-04 12:13

Hi Lise and welcome,

Hope you're feeling better soon.

Hi Rocky, well done on getting down to 198.

fishie48 Fri, Apr-02-04 12:22

I'd like to join too. 175 is my next goal, which I don't expect I'll attain until at least the end of the year, especially since I've been going nowhere on the weightloss for months. Today's weight was 4 pounds up from yesterday. I've been gaining and losing the same 10 pounds for 5 months. Fridays sounds good to me.
Fishie - 200
Hislady -
Kelly - 201
Lise- 196.5
Magpies - 198
Paris -
Rocky - 198
Strudel - 181

huggs2ewe Fri, Apr-02-04 15:33

Hi Fishie nice to see you again! Haven't been keeping track of you much I must say, bad me :(. Glad to have you join us in the countdown!

DebRN Fri, Apr-02-04 16:56

I guess you can say about me...better late than never. I would like to join this challege, too!
I usually weigh myself every other Friday, but will start weighing every Friday now on.
I was suprised to get on the scale this morning and I was down another 5lb, which makes me weighing in at 200.
Also, I did get all my water intake in for the week, plus I exercise every day this week. I kept my carb intake around 25 to 30. Best on all, I met my mini goal of 200 before Easter.
Have A Great Weekend!!

DebRN -200
Fishie - 200
Hislady -
Kelly - 201
Lise- 196.5
Magpies - 198
Paris -
Rocky - 198
Strudel - 181

huggs2ewe Fri, Apr-02-04 17:08

Way to go Deb, you are soon to be in Onerland! The change in number feels really great! You have been doing amazing, when did you start lc'ing. As the song says... Don't if feel good!

Have a great w/e

DebRN Fri, Apr-02-04 22:36

Hi Lise,
I just can wait to get into onerland!! I'm just so excited that I have made it 200, but onerland is going to be even better. I started LC January 12, 2004, which I have been at it for eleven weeks now. The journey has been worth it ,too!!

Magpies Sat, Apr-03-04 02:46

Warm welcome to Fishie48 and DebRN, look forward to getting to know you.


DebRN -200
Fishie - 200
Hislady -
Kelly - 201
Lise- 196.5
Magpies - 198
Paris -
Rocky - 198
Strudel - 181

huggs2ewe Sun, Apr-04-04 20:16

OH OH! I was worse this w/e than I was on my holiday. Went for Greek... lots of low carb stuff in the platter we shared but some not, the 1/2 potatoe wouldn't have been so bad, the large amount of calimaria hmmm that was not great either (but it was the best, so tender and a very light batter) but then I threw caution to the winds and did a what the hell, which I have not done in the 9 months I have been lc'ing and said yes to sharing tiramusu, thinking it wouldn't be a big piece... Yah it was huge, not a lot of cake either but lots of sugar in the marcaspone cheese. Maybe I can make it up by Friday. Thinking of joining Curves and seeing if I can jump start things. Will go and see tomorrow.

Strudel182 Mon, Apr-05-04 03:29

Strange, I guess they tried to do a system change yesterday, and anything that got posted before they rolled back got lost.

Anyway, Magpies, yes, there are roughly 2.2 pounds in a kilo. I'm still trying to get used to kilos (I only have scales in kilos), but I like that it sounds so much lighter than lbs!!

Here's hoping everyone has a good week.

hislady Mon, Apr-05-04 08:00

Hello Everyone!!

Sorry for posting late. I see we are all off to a good start. I did terrible this weekend. So I am being really strict for the next week or so. Trying to stay in the parameters of 20-30 carbs a day. May not be strict for some but it is for me. I don't have the internet at home so I can't post on weekends unless I'm at work and I wouldn't be to happy about working on the weekends. Not here anyway!!

My current weight is about 185.5. I haven't changed my profile because I just don't want to! :p . I have nothing but time with my loosing. So I'm off to loose loose loose. I am striving to be a big Fat looser!!

Hey I was wondering is there anything besides that old fashioned orange juice to help with getting rid of the common cold??

Magpies Tue, Apr-06-04 00:05

Originally Posted by hislady
Hello Everyone!!
Hey I was wondering is there anything besides that old fashioned orange juice to help with getting rid of the common cold??
Hi Hislady,

I take ecchinacea and also vitamin c plus zinc tablets, find that boosts my immune system and I fight off colds much quicker. Also gargle with a mouthwash which also seems to help.

Had a horrendous carb count yesterday, I stopped counting when it hit 70. Consequently up to 200 today but hopefully that is all water and will disappear by tomorrow.

hislady Tue, Apr-06-04 14:56

Hey Magg,

Thanks for the advice. It turns out that what I have are allergies :rolleyes:. But this only means that summer is nigh!!! I am so so excited about that!!

I did good yesterday with my eating and I have done well today to despite the fact that I am starving!! Whenever I stick to the rules of this WOE I find that my hunger at first is ravenous then it subsides then picks up again. It may be because of weight loss :yay: well so much for wishful thinking :p.

I hope everyone has a great lc day!!

huggs2ewe Tue, Apr-06-04 22:23

Whenever I stick to the rules of this WOE I find that my hunger at first is ravenous then it subsides then picks up again
Do you think hislady that you may not be having enough protien and/ or enough fat? Maybe check it out, or their may be hidden sugar/ starch carbs in something that you are unaware off. Just a thought as most the suggestions on this plan is that your feeling of hunger should be reduced.

hislady Thu, Apr-08-04 08:31

Hi Everyone!!!

I hope you all are having a killer week (I mean that in a good way of course). My week has been painful as my IBS is kicking my butt!! As a result I haven't eaten anything really. If you wanna know details check out my journal.

Huggs--You may be right. It kind of depends on the time of month it is. I read a thread about TOM saying that your body burns an additional 500 calories a day during this time so this kind of explains my extreme hunger during my TOM. As for other times I may need to increase my fat intake. Idunno.

Anyway Happy Thursday!!!

DebRN -200
Fishie - 200
Hislady -185
Kelly - 201
Lise- 196.5/ 196.9
Magpies - 198
Paris -
Rocky - 198
Strudel - 181

huggs2ewe Thu, Apr-08-04 09:47

I have to wt in today as I won't be at work tomorrow where the scale is. I am up less than 1/2 # (actually down a pound from monday and my out of control w/e :)) so not as bad as I thought it would be. Next week I am planning on joining Curves. Was going to go this week but with the extra long w/e and other commitments didn't have time. I will that is WILL START next week!

good luck to you other loosers :). Will we just keep our current wt/ or do weekly? I will just add mine and see what you decide. I hope this is the right list it is the one. Hopefully I haven't dropped anyone off.

DebRN -200
Fishie - 200
Hislady -
Kelly - 201
Lise- 196.5/ 196.9
Magpies - 198
Paris -
Rocky - 198
Strudel - 181

Magpies Thu, Apr-08-04 10:09

Have a good day off tomorrow Lise. I'm down from Monday too but still higher than last Friday, hopefully it will say 198 again tomorrow. I like your idea of putting in each week's weight. Keeps the goal focused.

Determined to be good over the holidays but to have a really great time. They have these really cool crisps here in the UK which are unusual flavours, treated myself to 5 today with my coffee (giving the rest of the packet to DS - useful to have teenage children who can eat all they want, isn't it). The flavour I had was roast lamb with mint - yum! DS is now polishing off the rest of the packet as I type!

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