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osuzana Wed, Feb-11-04 15:52

Rush Limbaugh blasts the media and "Peta"
Today at work I heard Rush Limbaugh come down hard on the "Peta" movement people, and the mainstream media for plastering sensationalism lies about Dr. Atkins. He said he knows the diet works...he himself, did not go on this diet...but hinted that a family member did, and the plan was miraculous (sp) for this person.
He thought it was disgrace that they even were able to get his records, and that the media would even support trying to degrade a man who not only tried to help people, but was in fact a good man, who is now deceased.
I was really glad he was so forceful in his attack on "Peta" and the media... I know a lot of people listen to talk radio, and especially to his show !
Yay Rush!:yay:

toning_up Wed, Feb-11-04 16:02

I had heard yesterday that PETA was heavily involved in procurring these private records.

Kudos to Rush for standing up for Atkins.

Unfortunately now that he has, the liberal media will have a feeding frenzy and also unfortunately decide this has now become a liberal vegetarian/ rightwing Atkins debate in their tiny little challenged minds.

That notion of course is ludicrous. Atkins and the miracles he has worked has helped every socioecomomic and political group in society.

Hilary M Wed, Feb-11-04 16:04

Good for him, that crazy old Rush Limbaugh. And don't even get me started on what I think of PETA. Just the mention of that acronym makes my blood boil...

potatofree Wed, Feb-11-04 16:06

(Preparing right shoe with salt, pepper, and butter)

I always said if Rush made a sensible statement, I'd eat my shoe.

FrecklFluf Wed, Feb-11-04 16:08

I'm with ya, potatofree. I just have to pick which hat I don't want anymore.

pd Rydia Wed, Feb-11-04 16:08

I appreciate Rush's this. But I wonder if he'd be so quick to attack this injustice if it were a conservative group implicated instead of a liberal one...

csj Wed, Feb-11-04 16:11

I have numerous pets and I take excellent care of them and I spend lots of my free time observing birds and wildlife. I consider myself an animal lover but these PETA folks go too far. Right Wing Extremists get a lot of bad press but there is a Tyranical Left that would happily make all of our decisions for us, too. I sure hope LC doesn't become a pawn in either group's hands. I'm sure that LCers come from all political, economic, social, and religious backgrounds.

FrecklFluf Wed, Feb-11-04 16:19

Originally Posted by pd Rydia
I appreciate Rush's this. But I wonder if he'd be so quick to attack this injustice if it were a conservative group implicated instead of a liberal one...
Hard to say, but Atkins was a Democrat. :)

pd Rydia Wed, Feb-11-04 16:24

Originally Posted by FrecklFluf
Hard to say, but Atkins was a Democrat. :)

That's a good point, actually. Thanks.

freckles Wed, Feb-11-04 17:46

This is great! You just gave me fodder to tease my best friend with!! :lol: :lol: :lol: She's a liberal and I'm conservative and we're both doing Atkins....She supports PETA. This is going to be fun! :roll:

All fun aside, though, I'm glad to hear SOMEONE in the media is supporting Atkins and attacking the scallywags that started that eroneous report! We need LOTS more of that.

2Airedales Wed, Feb-11-04 17:56

I'm heavily involved with Dogs & Rescue. And Don't even get me started on PETA!!
How we real rescue folks despise them! Bunch of Wackos who rope celebrities into being spokes people.
Spend their money stupidly instead of abolishing puppymills.

pd Rydia Wed, Feb-11-04 18:02

Puppymills make me sad. :[

But...I wasn't aware that rescue folks had issues with PETA, too. o_o

petcrazed Wed, Feb-11-04 18:29

~airdales i too did dog rescue and the PETA stance of no animal should be kept as a pet really got to me.

What are we to do allow all these animals to roam free that no longer have the instincts to care for them selves?

PETA (people eating tasty animals!)

pd Rydia Wed, Feb-11-04 18:39


I dunno about yours, but my animals seem pretty happy to be with me. If they had a choice between nature and my home, I'm pretty sure I know what they'd pick! >_>;;

osuzana Wed, Feb-11-04 18:42

Originally Posted by pd Rydia
I appreciate Rush's this. But I wonder if he'd be so quick to attack this injustice if it were a conservative group implicated instead of a liberal one...


Trust me...his rant had NOTHING to do with politics!!! absolutely nothing.:)

black57 Wed, Feb-11-04 19:20

Oh no, I am going to have to start liking Rush Limbaugh now. :thup:

osuzana Wed, Feb-11-04 19:34

Like him or not.... He does have an interesting show...

JL53563 Wed, Feb-11-04 19:44

I also heard Rush on the radio today. I usually don't agree with much of what he has to say, but this was an exception. But like somebody else here said, this had nothing to do with politics. I have a little story to tell about the PETA folks, just to show you how whacko and radical they are. I live in Wisconsin, so I am a Green Bay Packer fan. About 2 or 3 years ago PETA was demanding that the Packers change their name. The reason being that the name "Packers" refers to the meat packing industry that was prevelent in Green Bay when the Packers originated. Now I"m all for the ethical treatment of animals, but that is a bit overboard.

TJE1219 Wed, Feb-11-04 19:46

It's kinda cool to be in a forum where people agree, regardless of few things are like that anymore. Can't think of ANYWHERE else that I've heard confirmed Rush-dislikers express grudging admiration for the self-proclaimed Great One, and confirmed Dittoheads who aren't rushing to declare his supremacy. Hats off to a civil and kind forum!

But now to dish...I think it's disgusting that those PETA people are slandering Atkins when he's dead. Geez, the guy was in a's not like he was baking and consuming chocolate cakes in the hospital room while promoting low-carb elsewhere. I hope Mrs. Atkins sues the living daylights out of whoever released the records and whoever made them public.


Bruhahn99 Wed, Feb-11-04 19:51

Rush did say he lost his weight on Atkins tho. And he never gained it back.

adkpam Wed, Feb-11-04 19:55

I too worked rescue, and PETA has a lot of stances that are really not humanitarian, like pet animals are the same as having slaves. And they don't spend any of that money on spaying and nuetering programs, which would solve of lot of animals rights issues!
Yeah, I'm with potatofree and the rest...picking out a hat now...

Grimalkin Wed, Feb-11-04 20:09

Actually, PETA does strongly encourage spaying and neutering, and has funded educational advertisements for this as well as spay clinics. I've worked in animal welfare too, and I really haven't seen them act 100% badly all of the time.

They DO have some very annoying elements though (*cough*PCRM*cough*) and a radical mission statement that destroys what little credibility they have, and unfortunately detracts from any good they do.

osuzana Wed, Feb-11-04 20:45

Nope... Rush did not say he lost weight on Atkins! He said he was not an advocate of the diet.....but he did say it worked! He said everyone is different and to each their own. Rush said in another statement elsewhere that he lost weight by simply eating less. He did say that he had a family member who lost weight on the diet, and it was proof to him that it did work!

shortstuff Wed, Feb-11-04 21:00

As an animal lover, rescue worker and former PETA advocate I can tell you what totally turned me off PETA - FOR GOOD.

At a PETA meeting on the east coast about three years ago a PETA spokesperson was asked about the role of cats and dogs in the perfect world. The answer? In the perfect world there would be NO cats and dogs. Period. That tells me right there that PETA is just as crazy as PCRM. I want nothing to do with any of them. PETA totally has their own agenda and it has absolutely nothing to do with the 'ethical treatment of animals.'


BTW - I couldn't get the link in right somehow to get the picture to show up, but if you click on the link at the bottom here you can see my current furbaby. A 7-year old Jack Russell named True.

LadyBelle Wed, Feb-11-04 21:41

Normally I hate the man, but this time kudos :)

potatofree Wed, Feb-11-04 22:16

PETA are really, um, INTERESTING people....I saw a bumpersticker once that asked the burning question of why PETA harasses little old rich ladies for wearing fur, but not biker gangs for wearing leather?

Dollygrrl Wed, Feb-11-04 22:24

How nice to see someone stand up for Atkins! He does seem rather outspoken, a great person for the job. :lol:

PETA is a bit, um, whacked, IMO. I recall that a few months back they wanted to rename a city in my area; apparently the name "Rodeo" (pronounced roh-DAY-oh) is offesive. :rolleyes: Ever since hearing that I just haven't been able to take PETA seriously.

Mandra Wed, Feb-11-04 22:27

Quotes from PETA leaders and other AR activists .

I'm not only involved with rescue, I breed and show dogs too. Don't get me started on these whackos.

delilah Wed, Feb-11-04 22:39

*gasp* Mandra! I *LOVE* Bassets!!! We had one for a long time that we got from Basset Rescue. Loved that dog to death!

Anyway, I'm with PotatoFree and the rest. Since they've got hats and shoes covered, maybe I should eat my.... underwear! Clean, of course. In a size too big for me now :p

I'm most definately NOT a Rush fan, but I'm pleased that he's crossing political boundries and defending a man who worked so hard to help so many people. Granted, what Rush does best is to take an unfavorable point of view and exploit it to boost his ratings, but in this case, Rush, go for it. Have a field day!!

toning_up Thu, Feb-12-04 05:35

At a PETA meeting on the east coast about three years ago a PETA spokesperson was asked about the role of cats and dogs in the perfect world. The answer? In the perfect world there would be NO cats and dogs.

Now that's pretty funny because just recently they were heavily critisized for taking a mean pot shot at that American Idol runner up Clay Atkin for mentioning in an interview that he hated cats. So? big deal...not everyone loves kitties..

Well PETA took exception to him and in an ad campaign about neutering your pets said some thing like

Neuter your pets. It didn't hurt Clay Atkin.

Thereby suggesting he was a neuter. I think he's suing them....

I suspect he's an easy target for them also because he's made no secret of the fact that he's a young Christian man. They are always worth targetting by whacko groups like that.

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