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korry1977 Tue, Oct-07-03 13:57

HARDKORE Challenge (Deadline: Dec 31, 2003)
Welcome to the HardKore Challenge:

The Challenge is to get down to 170 lbs or your goal weight


to achieve your body fat % goal. Mine is 8-10%

Target Date is Dec 31, 2003

All you have do to is just weigh in every Friday, and measure every 2 weeks...

Good Luck,

P.S. And remember this is HARDKORE, no cheats, ifs, ands, or buts...

korry1977 Tue, Oct-07-03 14:06

Height: 67 in.
Weight: 203 lbs
Neck: 15.98 in (40.60 cm)
Shoulder 50.00 in (127.00 cm)
Chest 40.00 in (101.60 cm)
Waist 42.01 in (106.70 cm)
Abdomen 44.02 in (111.80 cm)
Hips 44.02 in (111.80 cm)
Thigh 22.01 in (55.90 cm)
Knee 17.52 in (44.50 cm)
Calf 12.99 in (33.00 cm)
Ankle 9.02 in (22.90 cm)
Arm 14.02 in (35.60 cm)
Forearm 10.00 in (25.40 cm)
Wrist 5.98 in (15.20 cm)

From Sept 14 2003.

I will update once I have gotten measurements.

Meg_S Tue, Oct-07-03 17:00

Hm.. this one looks really good, dare I join? I was actually saying to my husband today that I think it is possible to me to get to 145 lbs for Christmas. 10 lbs in 3 mos doesn't sound like much but a) even at 11 years old I was not under 150lbs, I was tall and BIG, so my body has never "been there" b) I've been at 150-155 for two years. Body composition has changed, but not weight. c) I just can't seem to get under 150 lbs no matter what.

I was actually thinking of posting a challenge that lasted from now until the end of the year, a major effort for the last pounds type thing.

Ok. I'm in.
Goal: to get under 20% bodyfat OR get to 145lbs OR get to the point where my obliques are visible. Either or by the end of the year will be good.

Current Stats:
Weight - 155
Height - 70 inches (5 10")
Neck - 12.5
Bicep -
Under Bust(exhaled) - 31
Natural Waist -30
Belly Button - 33
Hips - 38
Butt - 39.5
Upper thigh - 23
Above knee - 15
Calves - 14.5

Here's to some smaller numbers in 2 weeks!
This will be one fit thread come the enw year.


korry1977 Tue, Oct-07-03 17:48

I did notice that none of the "other guys" (Challenges) had an end-of-year deadline, so I said to myself, "Why not?" I am still a member of other challenges... to keep me on my toes, and I like to wrap the year with a grand slam challenge (Like this one!) :lol:


becky160 Wed, Oct-08-03 03:15

Hi Korry!

Can I join you?

Well I am joining right now the following challenges:

Induction Challenge
Count down to 199
Día de los Muertos Challenge
Oct 31st challenge
Plus I have 2 threads of my own.

I think is time to start focusing on New Year's day. So here I am.

I am willing to weight 190 lbs by then. Do you think I'll make it??? Let see! :yay:

So Here are my Stats:

68.11 in (1.73 m)

Weight 220.7 lbs (100.2 kg)
Neck 14.76 in (37.50 cm)
Shoulder 44.49 in (113.00 cm)
Chest 46.85 in (119.00 cm)
Waist 41.93 in (106.50 cm)
Abdomen 48.62 in (123.50 cm)
Hips 49.41 in (125.50 cm)
Thigh 27.36 in (69.50 cm)
Knee 15.75 in (40.00 cm)
Calf 15.94 in (40.50 cm)
Ankle 9.84 in (25.00 cm)
Arm 15.28 in (38.80 cm)
Forearm 11.42 in (29.00 cm)
Wrist 6.50 in (16.50 cm)

I will come back on Friday to enter my weight. See ya! :wave:

korry1977 Wed, Oct-08-03 07:21

Sure, no problem...

I certainly hope you will make your goals... Theres one way to find out :)

korry1977 Fri, Oct-10-03 10:11


203lbs --------------> 198lbs

I am currently 198lbs and 21% BF...


becky160 Fri, Oct-10-03 10:35


Here are my stats:

Beginning W.220.7 / Actual W. 219.5 lbs BF %46

I broke finally the 220 lbs barrier!!! :yay: :wiggle: :yay: :wiggle:

Meg_S Fri, Oct-10-03 11:13

Friday weigh in - 154. Will do bodyfat next week with the rest of the measurements :)
Becky, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You must be so proud of yourself. I am so impressed! Good to have you in the hardcore group :)


korry1977 Mon, Oct-13-03 14:13

Originally Posted by becky160

Here are my stats:

Beginning W.220.7 / Actual W. 219.5 lbs BF %46

I broke finally the 220 lbs barrier!!! :yay: :wiggle: :yay: :wiggle:


:dazzle: :dazzle: :dazzle: :dazzle: :dazzle: :dazzle: :dazzle: :dazzle: :dazzle: :dazzle: :dazzle: :dazzle: :dazzle: :dazzle: :dazzle: :dazzle: :dazzle:

wonderful keep up the great work!!!!

:yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:


Meg_S Mon, Oct-13-03 15:03

Hey, super sore today from yesterday's workout. All of the TOM and cheat days gain is gone, plus another half :) Looking forward to friday's weight in.

becky160 Mon, Oct-13-03 15:08

Meg, Korry,

Thank you soooooo much for the cheers and encouragement. Means a lot to me! I really hope that the stats move downwards and not upwards on Friday. You know how this goes, but still, I do not get discouraged. How can I be dscouraged with all your support????

See ya.

Meg_S Mon, Oct-13-03 15:11

The great thing about this challenge is that even if our numbers don't move every week we can't give up doing the things we know are healthy and right because we're accountable! At least for another few mos :)
Keep in touch! this is keeping me on track and helping me to not eat the cheese off of half of my husband's pizza.

take care,

Hol Mon, Oct-13-03 16:11

I was hoping there is room for one more. I really need to get serious. What better way than to just do it. I did my measurements for the first time. I wish I would of done them in the beginning. Well, I think this is the place for me. I need the encourgement and I will also give it back. I was thrilled to see the results you all have had so far. I have been off the diet for 3 week maybe 4 now and I forgot how good it felt to see the numbers go down. So if it is not too late here are my stats.
Weight 10/13/03 261
Shoulders 50", Upper arms 15", forearm 11.5", wrist 7", Chest 46.5", abdomen 53", waist 40.5", hips 51.5", thigh 31", knee 19.75", calf 20", ankle 11"
I will not be here on friday I am leaving for a weekend trip. Before I go I will try to check in and if not I will check in on Monday. I am going to try to stay off the scales until then. Seeing I have a fixation with them.
Thanks, Holly

Hol Mon, Oct-13-03 16:17

Oh I forgot my goals are as follows.
Oct 31-255#
Nov 31-245#
Dec 31-235#
Total 26# realistic
31# true goal.

Thanks Holly

Cappy Mon, Oct-13-03 16:33

Hey you guys! I just found this challenge today, can I climb aboard this challenge too? I really feel like I need to "get with it" again. I started LCing in August and have lost 16 lbs. since then but find myself getting "relaxed" again and not being as dedicated as I was in the beginning. I have maintained roughly 25-30 carbs per day for the past two weeks or so and haven't gained any weight but have been very slow to lose any either! I have not done my measurements, but will get my hubby to help me with that later on tonight. My goal is to lose approx 17 more lbs by Christmas, so if I break that up into mini goals that would mean 1.5 lbs. per week -- not unreasonable at all! I am really excited about this challenge WE CAN DO IT! Count me in!

korry1977 Mon, Oct-13-03 17:28

Hol and Cappy:

Sure, jump on board... This is a serious endeavor. I am glad that you have decided to join. This does take a serious commitment to stay disciplined until the end of the year (December 31st), also when you reach that day, you will learn a great deal about yourself... and this will benefit your willpower in more ways than you can imagine....

And remember this is HARDKORE, no cheats, ifs, ands, or buts...

Once again, welcome, and wish you success,

korry1977 Mon, Oct-13-03 17:37


EVERY Fridays are weigh ins!
(Thursday thru Monday is accceptable as long as you are consistant...)


EVERY two weeks post measurements...

Tashi Mon, Oct-13-03 17:49

Hi Guys,

I am definitely in, I was just thinking last night about a challenge like this. I am hardkore dedicated to this WOL, so this fits right in.

I have already been cheat free for 43 days and this is an extra incentive. So here are my stats.

Wt- 243#
Bust- 47.75
Waist- 47.25
Hips- 53.25

I am highly insulin resistant and want to break all my barriers and start off the new year w/ an even better me.

Good luck and Best wishes to All!!!!

Tashi :wiggle:

korry1977 Mon, Oct-13-03 17:55


Cool... jump on board...

..and I think you know the rules already...

so... stay on course....

and dont forget to post on Fridays...

Cappy Mon, Oct-13-03 19:40

Hi again guys, I just did some measuring....I've never done my measurements before so I hope I did it right, here's what I came up with:

weight (as of yesterday) 161 lbs.
wrist 6.2 in
neck 13.7 in
under bust (exhaled) 32.5
waist 33 in
upper arm 13 in
butt 44.5 in
upper thigh 25.7 in
knee 15.8 in
calves 16 in

So here we go. I know we weigh in every Friday but when do we post our measurements? Alternating Friday's? I'm really focused on this and am ready to get HARDKORE!!! Also reading over everyone's posts here so far has been inspiring in itself, you guys are really doing awesome and I am very encouraged by everyone's successes so far! Keep up the awesome work! Ciao for now!

korry1977 Tue, Oct-14-03 13:58


Thats a good attitude...

Well, I was thinking about making a slight change... If you all are interested...

I was thinking about posting (if we need to) what major obstacles we had either for the day, week, or month... This will be good for deflecting "unexpected emergencies..."

Other than that, you all know the basics....

becky160 Tue, Oct-14-03 14:45

I was thinking about posting (if we need to) what major obstacles we had either for the day, week, or month... This will be good for deflecting "unexpected emergencies...

OK, Count me in. I usually do this on my diary, but is a good idea to post it here also.

Cappy, check this link: and start registering and comparing your measurements. Is a great online program. I use it all the time.

See ya! : wave:

Meg_S Wed, Oct-15-03 04:12

That's a great idea Korry. For me a big challenge is trying to find the balance between exercise and eating. For example, when I eat very few calories (1000-1200) I lose fat - but then I am too tired to exercise properly and go around like a zombie. Since fitness is part of my goal I need to exercise a lot. However, when I eat enough to have the energy to exercise as much as I want to (1600+ calories) then I either gain small amounts of fat despite the exercise OR just maintain, while improving my fitness level. With this challenge I really want to get significantly further in the fat loss than I ever have been - and when I say ever I mean I'm slimmer now than I was when I was 11 so this is really a new place for me.


Cappy Wed, Oct-15-03 18:14

Hey! Thanks for that link Becky! I have signed up, but haven't had a chance to actually "get into" it yet. Was hoping to have a chance to do that tonight, looks like it would be very helpful. :idea:

I'm also liking the idea Korry has about posting our biggest challanges. Sounds like a good way to vent. :cool:

Just reading your last post Meg -- wow, you really are doing well! Congrats on your success so far! I'm impressed with your attitude about exercise....I haven't gotten that far yet...still 'working up' to the whole exercise thing! :rolleyes:

Bye for now!

korry1977 Wed, Oct-15-03 18:31

I dont calorie count on Low Carb...

korry1977 Wed, Oct-15-03 18:41

Originally Posted by Meg_S
. For example, when I eat very few calories (1000-1200) I lose fat - but then I am too tired to exercise properly and go around like a zombie. Since fitness is part of my goal I need to exercise a lot. However, when I eat enough to have the energy to exercise as much as I want to (1600+ calories) then I either gain small amounts of fat despite the exercise OR just maintain, while improving my fitness level.


Why are you counting calories on a Low carb diet?

Just wondering...

Also are you taking the vitamins, supplements, etc?

and What Low Carb program are you on?


Hol Wed, Oct-15-03 21:10

Hi all,
Sorry I have not posted i know that Friday is weigh in but I weighed myself today and I am down 2 # and I was happy. I really need to get on the ball. I started the atkins vit, supplements and I feel they have helped. I use to be very tired all the time and I usually run on the anemic side. I also work 35+ hours and have 5 year old twins. I seem so busy that I hardly have time to exercise at all. Our local Curves hours are all the wrong times for me. I have started to get the girls to take walks with me. So as you can tell exercise is a trouble area for me. I park the car far away so I have to walk more and take the stairs if I can. As I was writing this I realized that I just need to make time for myself. If I don't do that then I won't be here for my husband and kids. Thanks this has help.

Another question do you all do a diet dairy? I just started and hope it will help.
Thanks, Holly

Meg_S Thu, Oct-16-03 04:26

"Why are you counting calories on a Low carb diet?

Just wondering...

Also are you taking the vitamins, supplements, etc?

and What Low Carb program are you on?"

Because just eating "low carb" and keeping my carbs under 20 does not do a thing for my weight loss - it only maintains, and hasn't for 2 years. I take a very good quality multivitamin, along with creatine and caffeine.

I am not on a program, most of them are not effective for me anymore. The last time I lost any fat on part of a program was when I did a modified fat fast (to exclude dairy and nuts and eat a little more protein)

I'm pretty close to goal and my body really likes being at this weight. I've never, in my memory, been under it. Certainly not since being less than 11 years old - at which I was the same height I am now. Things are going to have to get extreme if my body is going to give up this fat.


Cappy Thu, Oct-16-03 04:30

I like to use FitDay ( ) to keep track of my food/carb intake -- it is free and very helpful for me, although I must admit I have really slacked off and haven't been posting my meals there daily as I used to. I like it because it does all the calculating for you. Have a great day everyone!

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