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mnokat Mon, Nov-18-02 10:20

BFL Roll Call!
Hi Everyone!
I just wanted to check in on all of the BFLers! I know that there are a few of us a few weeks into Challenge 1... but I also know that there a few people planning on starting this week. SO, I just wanted to check in on everyone, make sure everyone is still motivated ( I know I am! ), and in general see how everyone is doing?!!!

Happy Monday!!!!!

Yesican Mon, Nov-18-02 13:43

Hi Kate!

I'm here!

I am doing BFL CH1, Week 2, Day 2.

Feeling good & very motivated!

deze Mon, Nov-18-02 22:45

yo mammas!
still in with ya!! its going good, cant wait to see the big muscles popping out of my sleeves!!!!
heh heh

Girl-Geek Tue, Nov-19-02 11:02


I'm on day 2 of my 84 on BFL. Yesterday went well, my arms are killing me! I was at about 40 carbs yesterday, I think maybe I should up that a bit.

How about posting stats? That really helps me along to see success. Sometimes it is the only inspiration that keeps me going. I haven't seen it done much in this BFL forum..
So here's me:

start on BFL - today - goal
225 - 225 - 150



deze Tue, Nov-19-02 15:21

Hey Girl-Geek!
welcome to BFL! I'm really only starting myself, but sure cant wait to measure every 4 weeks!

You can also check in on journals to see goals, stats etc. I post my info from fitday, and other good places to check for BFL/LC info is in these journals:


hope this gives you some ideas,

I am at 150 now and hope to get down to 145 (although the weight isnt so important), or down to a size 8 pants.
Inches lost is the goal!!!!

good luck, keep taking that glutamine!!!

Trilbe Tue, Nov-19-02 17:28

Challenge 2 - Week 12 - Day 2
I'm almost done with Challenge 2, C2/W12/D2. It was great--very rewarding! In Challenge 2 I did some things differently from Challenge 1, and I think they worked out quite well. I will have stats and pics for y'all on Monday...

I'm already planning for Challenge 3! I will take next week off (US Thanksgiving!!!) and I will start Challenge 3 the following week. I'm not really worried about dieting through the holidays. I love the program, so I haven't had a problem telling people "No. Sorry. I can't eat that."

Christmas Day will DEFINITELY be a Free Day, though! ;)

Good luck to all!

Sherry B Tue, Nov-19-02 17:33

I'm starting week 11. It is working, I'm dropping fat and size. Not weight, but my new pants are baggy in the butt and thighs.

Yesican Wed, Nov-20-02 08:58

Way to go BFL'ers!

I'm doing this program for the first time...Only 2 weeks in...I can't begin to say how life-changing it is for me.

I feel good. I feel strong. I feel (dare I say it?) healthy!

I am anxious to hear about how people change their BFL for additional challenges; I am looking to mix up some different UB & LBW's after Week #4.

Does anyone change their exercises from what the BFL book offers?

Have a terrific day & congrats on all your progress!


Natrushka Wed, Nov-20-02 09:29

Leslie, it makes sense to 'mix things up' after a while. The best way to grow and to tax your muscles is to change what you're doing. There are many different variables involved that you can play with; number of reps & sets, amount of rest between sets, whether you pyramid or not (or whether you pyramid up or down). There are also other techniques that can be used, instead of going to positive failure, you can go to negative failure. You can use strip / drop sets, static contractions and the list goes on :)

I had a discussion on a few of the different techniques in my gym log last week with Kate. You can read it here. Keep in mind that many of these techniques are designed to push your muscles past the point of failure and can be dangerous if you're new to weight lifting. This is why the BFL program is a good one if you're just starting out.


RobinTX Wed, Nov-20-02 10:48

Hey Everyone
I should be on C1W3D3, but got sick last week so I just started over this Monday. That puts me at C1W1D3. I'm loving it so far and can't wait to start seeing results!! Glad to see everyone is doing well and loving BFL!


P.S. I'm wondering if doing cardio 5-6 days a week would be more beneficial than just 3? Any thoughts? Also - how many of you do the free day thing?

Natrushka Wed, Nov-20-02 10:53

Re: Hey Everyone
Originally posted by RobinTX
P.S. I'm wondering if doing cardio 5-6 days a week would be more beneficial than just 3? Any thoughts? Also - how many of you do the free day thing?
Robin, check out the thread "What about Cardio" - doing extra cardio and what you need to do to compensate if you should do it is detailed in there. The Sticky BFL and LC also has information about extra cardio and why you need to be careful.

IMHO, you should try the program as written. HIIT is different from medium intensity cardio; and if that's what you've been doing up until now, then this is a change. Change is good. Adding in more cardio, or different cardio, later can be done - but with some modifications to other things (discussed in the threads mentioned above).


deze Wed, Nov-20-02 12:31

cant wait to see your pics!!!

phop Wed, Nov-20-02 13:26

C1W2D10 and loving every minute of it!!!

I can't wait to get out of the office every day and get to the gym! Working out used to be a struggle, a chore, and now I'm so excited about it I can hardly stand it. :hyper: I feel stronger, physically, mentally, emotionally. I feel empowered. I feel like a panther, slinking through the jungle. Soon I will have the sleek physique of one too! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

RobinTX Wed, Nov-20-02 16:19

Thanks Nat
Thanks for the advice Nat. I think I'll just go by the book like you suggested. HIIT is definitely a change for me, especially considering I have done basically no exercise in 6 or 7 years. You are such a big help!


Yesican Wed, Nov-20-02 16:35

Thanks Nat.

I am going to go read through that discussion right now.

Girl-Geek Wed, Nov-20-02 17:12

How come noone posts their stats?

I was hoping after I asked that I would see some 'before weight/now weight" stats. I am trying to justify this to friends/coworkers/family, who say that the before/after pics on the site and in the book are not very convincing. I have to kind of agree, being a natural sceptic. In the before pics the person is always heavily slouching, pasty skinned, no makeup, sad/mad look on their face...and in the after they are standing straight, most obviously sucking it in, tanned, oiled, made-up....and some of them must have taken steroids to get so ripped in 12 weeks.

So basically, I was hoping for some real examples of this working. Can we start a stats thread where we state what day we are on, what we have lost in lbs/inches/bodyfat? Or is there a reason no one posts this here?

Trilbe Wed, Nov-20-02 18:11


I can't speak for anyone else, but I didn't post stats yesterday because I won't have my "real" final stats 'til next week. The in-between measurements, I feel, are pretty bogus--at least for me. It ain't over 'til Week 12/Day 6 is finished! (Plus, I have no idea where my bodyfat really is until I have my follow-up hydrostatic weigh-in next week...)

Anyhoo, here's my Week 6 (it seems so long ago... ;) stats ):
(C1-Start / C2-Start / C2-Week 6)
Chest - 44" / 44" / 42.5"
Upper Arms - 17" / 15.75" / 15.25"
Hips - 47" / 44" / 43.25"
Waist - 36" / 34" / 33.5"
Thighs - 32.5" / 28" / 28.5"
Calves - 19" / 18.5" / 18.25"
Weight - 210.5lb / 192lb / 187lb
Body Fat - 47% / 42% / 41%

PLEASE REMEMBER: It doesn't matter how awesome/awful someone else's stats are or how incredible someone else's before/after pics are. We are all individuals. So the only way you will know what BFL can do for YOU is to: give 100%, stick like glue to your program and then measure the results at Week 12.

Our Chicago BFL group has one guy who went from being very overweight to Greek God in two challenges. We also have an EAS Grand Champion in our group, Gregg Kemp. So, I know that amazing things can happen FOR SOME PEOPLE on BFL.

However, I am an obese female. And I have a slow metabolism. I am happy for their success, but it would only depress me to compare my progress to theirs... I know is that I do my best every day in the gym. I am enjoying the program. So I know that the progress that I measure this Sunday will be the best result I could possibly have achieved!

Also, Robin asked about Free Days. I take my Free Day every Sunday. I think that's why BFL (even though I'm doing controlled carb/low fat) doesn't feel like a diet. I haven't REALLY been deprived... I mean, I don't GORGE myself. But I have peas and corn, whole grain pasta, lots of fruit and a variety of European cheeses every Sunday of BFL.

Hope this helps!

Natrushka Wed, Nov-20-02 18:21

Originally posted by Girl-Geek
Or is there a reason no one posts this here?
Stat are included in our profiles. They are right under our names along with the plan we are following and our progress to date.


Girl-Geek Wed, Nov-20-02 18:31

NAT: Thanks, Nat. I knew that about where the stats are posted, but some people's starting stats were awhile ago and began while they were on other programs. While some profiles state starting dates, it is not generally the starting date of BFL. I understand the success of Atkins, PP, etc. but wanted a clearer picture of the success of BFL on real people.

TRILBE: Thanks so much for posting your stats! Wow! Don't get depressed about your progress, you should be proud! You've done very well, and definately an inspiration to me. It was great reading your stats, it helped, thanks! Question for you, how many carbs do you do per day? I'm on day three, and day one I was at 20, day two around 40, and today around 60. I'm just wondering if 60 is a little too high.


mnokat Thu, Nov-21-02 09:11


I think most of the people replying to this thread are just starting out on the BFL program. When I originally posted it, I just wanted to check in with all of the people that I knew were either just getting going or, planning to shortly. Mostly I just want a place where we can all go to keep each other motivated.

I posted my day BFL Day 1 stats in my journal (I started BFL 11/02, so look around that date if you would like), as I think most people did when they began BFL. I won't have any more stats to post until week 4 is over. I plan on measuring on Thanksgiving morning. BFL suggests week 4, 8 and 12 measurments. I plan on getting my BF% measured at weeks 6 and 12.

As for your carb levels, if you are doing the BFL workouts as detailed in the book, I wouldn't suggest going lower than 60g of carbs a day, and I'm pretty sure Nat would agree with me (our resident BFL guardian Angel). Your body needs them to provide energy for the workout, and to help your muscles repair themselves afterwards.

I suggest you start posting your daily food intake in your journal. I started out detailing everything, but as I am now more proficient at portioning my food, I just put in my fit day totals most days. Also, start a Gym Log. It's a good way to track your progress for BFL. Both logs are good ways for the rest of us to help motivate you, and offer suggestions as to what might work better for you. There is so much experience on this board, it would be a shame not to make the most of it! We can't know how to offer suggestions if we don't know what you're doing every day.

Read through Nats journal from the beginning. It will take a while, but it is definitely worth it! She is an inspiration to us all, and has been really detailed throughout her journey on this WOL. You can learn a lot from her. I know I have!!!!
Success Stories, and the BFL forums, going back to the beginning all have some great before and afters that you might want to read through too...

Welcome to BFL and our forum!!!
Feel free to start any new threads that you would like - we love new threads!!!!

Have a great day!

chemlady Thu, Nov-21-02 11:29

girl geek
I am on C1/W7/D4 of BFl. I have lost about 16 pounds of fat and have gained 2lbs of muscle but thats not the best part. I have lost 3 inches off my waist and I have gone from looking overweight to well lets just say that no one thinks Im fat anymore. I know what the scale says but I can comfortablely wear a size 14 top and bottom. My mom is 71 and wears the same size and weighs 50lb less than I do. I have managed to bring the lower half of my figure in line with what I was losing on the top half and now I am in proportion. Its seems like the last 20 pounds made all the difference. You feel rejevenated after a workout and I don't think its a lot of time to invest with such results. I am hoping that challenge two will be the final step for me to achieve that sexy figure that is under the fat. I look good with clothes on but the real goal is to look good with them off.

deze Thu, Nov-21-02 12:47

I'm so excited! Even though I weigh the same, yesterday I stopped by the consignemnt store where I was selling all my 'FAT' pants (size 12)and for fun thought I would try on some...

I left with some $ from selling the fat pants and a new (old) pair of size 8's!!!! I am so pleased!!! Of course I had to show them off to my Boy friend..... YEHAH!!!!!

Trilbe Thu, Nov-21-02 13:28

Hi, Girl-Geek!

I am SO NOT depressed by my progress. I think it's AWESOME! I have a sluggish metabolism, so I'm AMAZED by the changes. I just want to stress the fact that some people do have "overnight" transformations, but most of us do not.

As for carbs, I weigh and measure everything. Daily, I eat about 200g - 250g protein, 100g - 150g carbs, 20g - 35g fat.
•I use Myoplex shakes throughout the day. Myoplex Lite Cappucino Ice some mornings. Myoplex Lite Banana, Pina Colada, Orange, or Peach with fruit on other mornings, usually with 1/4c or 1/2c Fiber One.
•I usually have Myoplex Low-Carb Ready-to-Drink Dark Chocolate shakes for two or three "snacks" at work, usually every couple of hours, before and after lunch.
•Lunch and dinner are usually low-fat fish, free-range chicken or free-range lamb. Usually with a romaine salad or a spinach salad. Usually with tomatoes and cucumber and onions. Sometimes with a non-fat yogurt dressing.
•Before bed I almost always have a Precision Protein ready-to-drink. It's 42g of "clear" whey protein isolate, ZERO carbs and ZERO fat. I take my nighttime 5g glutamine with it, about an hour before bed.
•I also have a Precision Protein ready-to-drink with 5g glutamine immediately after my workout.

Well, that's me! I've been TOTALLY loving it :D We're all individuals, though. So, I'm sure you'll find the formula that works best for YOU! I think you should experiment a little and find out what makes you FEEL your best. If you're feeling good and giving 100% in the gym then it's gonna definitely pay off!

Good luck! I'm sure you're gonna do great!

pbach Fri, Nov-22-02 10:21

Just checking in for roll-call. Ready to report for duty. *salute*

I gave the challenge a trial run this week and I'm starting C1W1D1 Monday, November 25. Yipee!

deze Fri, Nov-22-02 12:16

good for you!
I am sure you will love it! I just finished C1 W3... I am really loving the extra energy and the sore muscles!! At least I know they are building up!

cant wait to see your progress!


dewdrop Fri, Nov-22-02 13:17

Hello fellow BFLers!!
I am here to "officially" challenge myself to another challenge!!(sometimes I need a little boost :D ) Starting Monday Nov.25 I will begin C2W1D1. See ya then.......... :hyper:

VictoriaT Fri, Nov-22-02 13:44


Hello everyone. I wanted to start this Monday but was sick in bed :( BOO HISS....

So C1W1D1 at 6 am on Monday morn ! :)

YIPPEEE Im with yall


mnokat Fri, Nov-22-02 14:39

More BFLers!!!!!!!!!

I'm so excited!!!

I start week 4 tomorrow!!!! Which means week 4 results next Friday!!!!!!!! Wooo hoooO!!!!!!!

I hope they'll be impressive, but I won't go crazy if they aren't. I have a feeling my week 8 stats will be the big one!

Have a great weekend everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't forget gym logs for all you newbies!!!!



Fietser Fri, Nov-22-02 15:38

Re: Re: Hey Everyone
Originally posted by Natrushka
Robin, check out the thread "What about Cardio" - doing extra cardio and what you need to do to compensate if you should do it is detailed in there. The Sticky BFL and LC also has information about extra cardio and why you need to be careful.

IMHO, you should try the program as written. HIIT is different from medium intensity cardio; and if that's what you've been doing up until now, then this is a change. Change is good. Adding in more cardio, or different cardio, later can be done - but with some modifications to other things (discussed in the threads mentioned above).


Thanks Nat you are a wealth of info. I need to look into that. While I like the 3 days WT and 3 days cardio structure of BFL it didn't work with my WT-ish cardio: spinning and aquajogging which is also longer than 20 mins. Plus I was doing CKD. I have upped the carbs to about 60 grams a day . But now I have switched to a more CKD-like approach as I prefer to WO 4 days /week and approach UB muscles on separate days as well as some LB muscles..
I am not even doing the 12-10-8-6-12 and 12 routine anymore. I still do 2 exercises, sometimes 3 (gluteus is new and has some rehab goals) but now it is 10-8-6-4 for each exercise.

CJ_Cregg Fri, Nov-22-02 19:52

Just got the book!
Hello All,

I have been reading and hearing about BFL for soooo long, I finally got off my rear and went to the bookstore to get it today. I am so excited by it! After getting a desk job over a year ago and sitting for all hours of the day, I have put on some weight and fallen way out of shape. And I wasn't in all that great shape to begin with. I have been low carbing for a while now and definitely feel much better - but I haven't been able to get the exercise down consistently. It is GREAT to have a plan like this and I am psyched to start. You all are so inspirational and motivational. I have read lots of posts and about 10 pages of the book (and I'm already pumped to do it). I will be up for a while tonight laying out a plan for myself for the next 12 weeks.

Gotta take those before pictures too - ugh. But hopefully I will be happy to compare myself to them in 12 weeks!

G'night now,

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