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bluesinger Sat, Oct-21-17 13:47

Maintaining: First Time Ever
There was a very good reason for starting Atkins in 1972. I had a contract at the Nuremberg Opera House for the coming October. I was to sing the role of Maria in the German Premiere of West Side Story in the German language. It was now April and I was a new mother carrying 30 extra pounds.

Atkins, Stillman and lots of water combined with 8 hour dance rehearsal got me to my goal.

Great story, right? True story. But with weight loss, the story doesn't end there.

It is now 46 years later and I've tried every diet on the planet, hoping every time that when I got to my goal weight, I would be able to eat like everybody else.

That just doesn't happen.

Today I'm declaring here on Milestones. I've already declared in my journal, but this makes it legal. This carries more weight. ;)

I'm back to my October 1972 weight. I've recovered my health, which before included everything that comes before an official diagnosis of T2D. No need for the details, as we all know them. My waist measurement is down to 29" and my weight fluctuates between 134-136 lbs. I have my body back.

My goal is to continue to eat OP, which is LCHF + IF. For the past three years I've walked 2-4 miles every morning before dawn, so my legs are pretty strong. My next goal is a hard one for my age and sex: I want to be able to run on the treadmill.

I found the answer my body needs to be healthy and mobile. While I take some of the credit, much credit is due to this Forum and the wonderful, caring people who fight alongside me every day to reach their goals.

Thank you, my friends.

Maeve Sat, Oct-21-17 14:53

Congratulations....what a milestone! Your determination and commitment paid off; you must be very proud.
My best wishes and sincere admiration to you as you go forward maintaining your weight and running on that treadmill!

robynsnest Sat, Oct-21-17 18:29

Here! Here! Patience and learning for ourselves what works, some of us are slow learners :). Congrats, enjoy your success and knowing that your new challenges and goals are achievable, slow and steady....

thud123 Sat, Oct-21-17 19:46

Thank you for sharing this bluesinger. You add a lot of pep and energy to this forum. You help a lot of people. :)

bluesinger Sat, Oct-21-17 19:57

Now, you've all made me cry. Not a bad thing, though. Thank you for your kind words.

TucsonBill Sat, Oct-21-17 22:45

Congratulations! People like you are an inspiration to me. I want to be like you! I don't want to be one of the ones who gives up or backslides. Thanks for sharing, I read your posts often.

JEY100 Sun, Oct-22-17 05:52

That is a great story and an inspiring declaration. Know that you will keep it and go on to run.
Thank you for being on this forum and sharing all your hard earned wisdom.
We :rheart: your posts

Mama Sebo Sun, Oct-22-17 05:55

Thanks for sharing! You go!! Next step is at running pace!! Yeah!! :rheart:

zoogirl Sun, Oct-22-17 16:28

Hey, you go girl....I wish I could be there with you on the treadmill, I have not one single doubt that you will indeed do proud of you, you have kept me ya, ttyl

barb712 Sun, Oct-22-17 17:14

How wonderful! Congratulations, and thank you for the inspiration. :daizy: :rose: :rose: :daizy:

khrussva Sun, Oct-22-17 17:43


Awesome post, Bluesinger. Congratulations. I got close to what I consider my ideal weight last year and decided to call it good. I entered maintenance. Even though I stayed LC, it hasn't been smooth sailing. Weight creep set in and I'm back in weight loss mode. Apparently, I still have more to learn about myself and this WOE. Thank you for the inspiration and for sharing your journey with all of us here on this forum. I hope to follow in your footsteps and one day make maintenance stick.

bluesinger Sun, Oct-22-17 17:56

Keeping the weight off is the fight of our lives, not losing it. I used to joke that I'd lost the equivalent of at least 150 people in my life. I'm the Queen of YoYo. That's why I titled this "First Time Ever."

Next year you can come back here and offer congratulations, because this is just the beginning.

I won't be getting on a carb ladder. I'm an Abstainer. I know myself. I can't hope to eat any differently and keep the weight off because I've been at this weight since the end of August and it hasn't wavered by more than a few oz.

JustJo is my example and my LC sHero. Look at her gallery. Read her journal. She's amazing!

Just Jo Mon, Oct-23-17 07:11

First lemme say:

MEGA HUGE CONGRATS on your SUCCESS! :dazzle: :cheer:

Imma over hear cheering you onward in your maintenance journey! You've GOT THIS!! :thup:

Wow so much you say here could've been written by me:
Originally Posted by bluesinger
Keeping the weight off is the fight of our lives, not losing it. I used to joke that I'd lost the equivalent of at least 150 people in my life. I'm the Queen of YoYo. That's why I titled this "First Time Ever."
I won't be getting on a carb ladder. I'm an Abstainer. I know myself. I can't hope to eat any differently and keep the weight off because I've been at this weight since the end of August and it hasn't wavered by more than a few oz.

And totally don't know what to say about this:
JustJo is my example and my LC sHero. Look at her gallery. Read her journal. She's amazing!
:blush: :blush: :blush:

Hell NOW I really have to keep keepin' on b/c I can't fail either of us!

Thank you for your kindness, continued support, encouragement and're the BEST!

bkloots Wed, Oct-25-17 17:54

Glenda, just found my way here. Congrats of course for your commitment. I just want everyone to know what a generous, kind, an creative human being you are. I really hope to meet you in person one of these days!

bluesinger Wed, Oct-25-17 18:19

Barbara, just want you to know that I'm looking forward to seeing you F2F.

I participate in a forum for more mature people and they hold events to get together. I haven't attended one here, but one of the ladies from Reno was in town this week and I got to sit and talk with her for a couple of hours. Now I know it can happen, so we'll do it.

Thanks for dropping in. :blush:

Grav Wed, Oct-25-17 22:50

Congratulations, bluesinger. I imagine it must feel really good to have finally gotten to this point after such a long and winding road.

Enjoy the moment, and good luck to you in the years ahead. :)

jessdamess Thu, Oct-26-17 09:05

Just saw this.
:cheer: Congrats!

GRB5111 Thu, Oct-26-17 13:41

Glenda, congrats! Your thoughtful and honest posts have been very helpful and thought provoking. It's always a journey made more pleasant with the open and informative exchanges we have here.

bluesinger Sun, Feb-04-18 16:31

Thought I'd stop by and post my goings on - Maintaining.

It's just not that simple, is it? Somebody posted elsewhere on the forum wanting to know where all those in maintenance are. There are lots of us here, just have our heads down, noses to the LC grindstone.

I'm still at it. Some days are harder than others, but every day without carbage is a good one.

I have no words of wisdom to offer.

Just do it!

Jonahsafta Mon, Feb-05-18 20:16

Thank you.......

barb712 Tue, Feb-06-18 09:25

Thank you, Glenda, and congrats. It's nice to have company and support in maintaining. Some days I feel myself slipping, but hearing from you and others from time to time encourages me and helps keep me on track.

Best of everything.

bkloots Wed, Feb-07-18 06:23

Yes, Glenda, we are here! Maintenance is a fuzzy "goal," but the effort to hold onto the good results of LC eating is endless. One might say relentless.

That's why I'm grateful for this forum. And you.

madeyna Wed, Feb-14-18 17:31

Congrats on hitting goal. I have been working on maintaining since the end of last july. I still write in my journal everyday and visit here often to stay motivated. Going back to what I did before was how I got into trouble so I am learning a new way.

Jonahsafta Thu, Feb-15-18 10:12

Journaling is a great idea....Ive not been consistent in doing that..

bluesinger Mon, Apr-23-18 16:32

Still holding on by the skin of my teeth. The quicksand of maintenance is human nature. We want to s-t-r-e-t-c-h the boundaries. "How much can I get away with today?" Or is it just me who's like a small child when it comes to food?

We're getting to the season here in the desert when walking is a stress test, even though I do it before dawn. Two reasons I walk between 4-5am.
1. I'm alone with the bowl of sprinkled black velvet sky.
2. In summer when it's still 90F at 4, I'm more likely to walk than stay home.

May be time to go back to the lap pool.

jessdamess Tue, Apr-24-18 08:23

Originally Posted by bluesinger
Still holding on by the skin of my teeth. The quicksand of maintenance is human nature. We want to s-t-r-e-t-c-h the boundaries. "How much can I get away with today?" Or is it just me who's like a small child when it comes to food?

We're getting to the season here in the desert when walking is a stress test, even though I do it before dawn. Two reasons I walk between 4-5am.
1. I'm alone with the bowl of sprinkled black velvet sky.
2. In summer when it's still 90F at 4, I'm more likely to walk than stay home.

May be time to go back to the lap pool.

NOPE. You're not alone. :lol:

bluej Tue, Apr-24-18 08:55

Originally Posted by bluesinger
1. I'm alone with the bowl of sprinkled black velvet sky.

That's just beautiful -- wonderful imagery :)
What an inspiring thread! Thankyou

bluesinger Sun, Nov-25-18 07:49

Is it a good sign that I passed my first year anniversary in maintenance without noticing?

Over the first Holiday Hurdle I managed to remain in control of carbs, not the reverse. Also missed this Forum much.

Server Down!

I really depend upon this place for accountability and support.

Grateful today for Low-Carber Forums and my fellow soldiers here.

Blue Ruby Sun, Nov-25-18 12:02

Congratulations! A year maintaining is wonderful and inspiring. I am always so glad to read maintainers’ thoughts and experiences of the lifelong process. Thanks for updating!

barb712 Sun, Nov-25-18 16:22

Congratulations on your one-year maintenance anniversary! I just passed mine recently. It does get lonely around here. Glad you chimed in.

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