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jai Mon, Dec-09-02 18:30

No Comments Yet
I have been on Atkins Induction for 4 weeks and have lost about 20 pounds :) but nobody has noticed my weight lose. :confused:
Is it usual for us larger people not to receive comments in the beginning? Does it take longer for changes to appear?

mkathy6 Tue, Dec-10-02 04:24

:) Simon I big WOOO HOOOO for you!!!!! congrats on your weight loss!!!!! If everyone is like me, we don't notice it the little writing from your profile, we wait until you post it in big letters then everyone will be sure to congratulate you on you success'.

Good job!!!!! keep up the good work, 11 lbs down never to return.

In the future, post it big to let everyone know and they in turn will give you lots of encouragement

:roll: Kathy

jai Tue, Dec-10-02 05:11

Hi Kathy,
Thanks for your reply.
I'm sure I will get lots of encouragement from the members of this forum BUT what I was also hoping for was comments from my family and friends. But I haven't received any yet.

asugar Tue, Dec-10-02 05:13

Simon, Congratulations on kissing 20 pounds goodbye! :thup: A couple years ago, I weighed over 200 pounds and went on a diet and lost quite a bit of weight and NOBODY noticed until I had lost about 35 pounds. :thdown: Then suddenly out of the blue it seemed like everybody started noticing. :thup:

I think it has something to do with what we're wearing. Clothes that are too baggy make us look just as fat as clothes that are too tight. Most of us continue to wear our fat clothes until we just can't wear them any longer.

I had to remind myself that nobody said a word to me about gaining weight when I was piling it on.

Keep doing what you're doing and eventually folks will start noticing. :) In the meantime, keep remembering that you are doing this for YOU and try not to worry about whether other folks notice or not.
asugar :wave:

mkathy6 Tue, Dec-10-02 17:13

Simon, I'm sorry I misunderstood. I had 106 pounds to lose, now only 85. I am also experiencing the same as you. My sister is doing the WOE with me so she notices, but my other siblings do not really have weight issues and don't notice.

At thanksgiving i was down 21 lbs and none of them noticed, I had to tell them and i'm not sure they beleived me because i kept hearing REALLY?

Hey, just wait until I drop more weight. Anyways I'm not doing this for them I am doing it for me and only me.

Give it time, I'm sure the blind family and friends will start to notice within the next 5-10 lbs.

Good luck and continued success!!!!!


gapgirl420 Tue, Dec-10-02 17:19


You're doing great...I know what you mean...I've lost almost thirty pounds since Oct 1st and even I don't see it yet...yes in my clothes, but I want other people to see it too!
It will happen...for both of us!

Have a good evening,


liz175 Tue, Dec-10-02 18:54

I've probably lost around 50 pounds (not sure of my exact starting weight) and people other than my husband and a few very observant friends are just starting to notice. All of a sudden I am getting lots of comments, but I didn't get any for months. I think that those of us at very high weights just look fat to other people and they don't distinguish between fat and slightly less fat. I also think the fact that I've bought some new clothes that actually fit (as opposed to be baggy) has made a big difference.

A funny story: I walked into the office of one of my co-workers yesterday and he said, "You look different. Have you changed your hair?" I said, "No, guess again." He stared at me for a minute and said, "You've lost weight, haven't you?"

freydis Wed, Dec-11-02 20:44

57 lbs down and people who haven't seen me for months are beginning to notice, but only rarely.

pjaye Wed, Dec-11-02 21:15

Congratulations on your lose, keep up the good work. I lost 30 lbs. last year and everyone noticed around 25 lbs. Strange thing was all of a sudden I was the center of attention and that made me very uncomfortable. At first I would get into a discussion about what I was doing and how I did it and then got to the point I would just say thank you. I never imagined that what I thought I wanted most would wear thin so fast. Went off my eating plan and gained back 20 of the pounds. Somewhere, some one would say I could not handle the attention and sabotaged myself. Who's to say, I did put the weight back on.

This time back I've lost 12lbs and now on day 10. No one has noticed yet but I'm more comfortable about that and I'm preparing myself for the comments when they come because this time I'm doing it for myself, my health and my family, they need me around. A simple thank you and change the subject. I think what I started feeling was not so much that I was being congratulated for my hard work and lose but people were commenting on how HUGE I looked before.

I guess what I want is to be looked at like everyone else, not a former fatty. It wasn't until I read your comment that I started thinking about this. I love that this site not only give you so much support but occasionally a comment triggers a deep thought.

Keep up the good work. I never noticed how much weight you lost yet because you've always looked good to me.

upncomer Thu, Dec-12-02 09:04

Congrats, Simon!!!

Nobody really noticed my weightloss until I had lost around 35-40#. My BIL (whom I don't see too often) commented that my face looked different. I think for us larger people, the face would be the first thing to notice.

Funny note: my DH had never said anything to me about how I was losing weight, even though I gave him running totals weekly. Anyway, one morning (when I had lost around 50#), my hubby reached over in the bed and cupped my rear end. almost immediately he said, "Hey, you've lost weight"!! :D

DWRolfe Thu, Dec-12-02 11:19

So common...
Simon, don't let it get you down...

...people will notice eventually, but don't be surprised if they comment on how "nice" you look or that you look "good".

I'm down 100lbs as of today, and when I tell people many of them just look at me and say "Really?". I makes me mad and I want to haul out the old clothes so they can see just what I mean, but I don't.

On the other hand, many people have commented, especially those who I don't see often. The folks I see every day don't notice as much because the loss is gradual.

You just stick to the plan that's working for you and be prideful of your accomplishments. The comments from others will follow...

Donald :wave:

Anybody Wed, Dec-18-02 09:32

Congrats Simon,

20 lbs closer to your goal. :) Like everyone has said.. people who see you often wont be as apt to notice the gradual change fo the early pounds. If you need encouragement like that may I suggest taking a picture of yourself every 2 weeks or so and put it right next to a photo of yourself from when you started. its much easier to notice the gradual change that way. :) I've lost 30lbs so far since starting LC and not many folks notice but putting a picture of my old self with my new self side by side and I've been told that I look like I shrunk in the dryer. :)

Congrats again.


jai Wed, Dec-18-02 17:19

Thanks for all the replies and encouragement.
Last week I showed everyone the picture below and they are now starting to take me seriously.

orchidday Wed, Dec-18-02 17:27

Simon, your pictures are TRULY amazing! What a change! You aren't even gonna recognize yourself when you get to your goal weight. Keep up the fantastic work. I've lost 37 pounds and I am getting a lot of compliments on my hair! :eek:

BrewWa Thu, Dec-19-02 10:15


Good job! Doesn't it feel great!!


bluesmoke Fri, Dec-20-02 11:21

From personal experience and reading different boards it seems that the noticeability threshold is about 35 to 40 lbs. Don't despair, your time is coming. Nyah Levi

xandtrek Sat, Dec-21-02 20:45

The threshhold for people to notice my weight loss is 40-50 lbs. (I have lost over 100 pounds twice)

I agree that the clothes you wear make a difference. Once you purchase clothes that fit your new size, people will notice. If you are getting smaller under the same baggy clothes, it is just hard to tell.

For the most insensitive (or at least inattentive) viewer, a fat person is a fat person. My niece weighs about 200 lbs more than I do, is 12 years younger than I am, has flaming red hair (I have brown), and looks nothing like me. But I have been confused with her many times from family friends who just remember meeting a fat person once. For these people, weight loss before goal weight is irrelevant -- there are only 2 sizes: fat and skinny. Pity their closed minds.

windy Fri, Dec-27-02 20:45

Simon the pictures are a wonderful visual of the program. I will have to do that so I can see what it looks like. I do not really like to have my picture taken.

Have a good evening,



mkathy6 Sat, Dec-28-02 05:31

I had posted earlier in the thread that I was disappointed that I haven't received any comments yet.

Well Christmas moring my BIL asked if I had lost weight!!!! I was so happy, it sooo made my Christmas and kept me on plan for the holiday as I was planning on relaxing a little.

I am happy to say I did not cheat one little comment kept me cheat free!!!

Kathy :roll:

windy Sat, Dec-28-02 07:50

Good for you Kathy. :bhug: A comment at the right time can really make a difference. I do get comments and have to admit it is a moral booster. We all need for people to notice that something is happening with us. I am quick to share the LC program and Curves.

I eagerly await the next month to see what has happened to my body and my mind. I think our mind has a lot to do with achieving our goals as well as woe.

We have our Christmas soup night tonight and I am all ready for it. I made sure I had plenty of the things I can eat.

Have a good day all, enjoy a good cup of coffee and get started on a wonderful day. :wave:


mkathy6 Sat, Dec-28-02 09:21

Thank's Windy!

I'm happy to take compliments where ever they come from.

Just got back from Curves and I am eager to spread the good it does. The atmosphere is so nice and the people and staff are great. I'm trying hard to get my sister to join, but she has no interest. she is LCing and has lost 24 lbs. I have my best friend going to Curves but she isn't ready to start LCing. She keeps saying she will but truley it won't work until you are ready.

Hey everybit helps.


jai Sat, Jan-18-03 17:25

WOW!!!!!!!!!! :thup:
30+ pounds down and the COMMENTS are rolling in. :roll:
Everyone from my doctor to people I haven't seen for a couple of weeks are commenting on my loss (and about time too).
I guess (as some have said earlier in this thread) 30+ pounds seems to be the noticable point for a 250+ pound person.
Everyone wants to know what I am doing and how they can get strated.
Thank you to everyone that has replied to this thread that I started on Dec 10 2002 after 4 weeks on Induction and a 20 pound loss. The extra 5 weeks made all the difference.
I'm sure this thread willl continue and my advise to everyone is -
"BE PATIENT" the comments will soon start.
Thanks :thup:

JeepGuy Sun, Jan-19-03 13:36

I guess I'm a little different...
Since I am losing the weight for me, I always feel weird when people give me compliments.

Don't get me wrong, I say "thanks" and I mean it, but I wish it would go unnoticed.

liz175 Tue, Jan-21-03 09:34

Simon, I am glad that people are finally noticing your weight loss! 30 pounds or so does seem to be the magic number.

Dan, I'm with you. Everyone I see comments on my weight loss and it is making me uncomfortable. I think there are two reasons for this: (1) as fat peope, we have learned to want to blend into the woodwork and go unnoticed, because when we are noticed it is usually for negative reasons; and (2) the inverse of commenting on how much weight we have lost is the unspoken statement about how fat we were when we started.

Vel Tue, Jan-21-03 10:51

No one has noticed here, either
I'm down 47lbs, and not one person who doesn't know that I am on a diet has noticed. I kind of like that. I can't blame them, since I am still wearing the same clothes (thanks to good old elastic waistbands, LOL) I like it because, sooner or later I will have to get some new, smaller clothes.. and then it will be noticable. It will seem like more, somehow.

Something else to look forward to :)

mkathy6 Thu, Jan-23-03 03:40

I'm still waiting for the comments to pour in - it is frustrating - I hit 32.5 lbs and I am very proud of myself.

My very tall thin sister who I haven't seen since Thanksgiving did say this weekend that she has seen a big difference -- In my face!
its good to lose in the face but what about my butt - my pants are hanging!!!

Vel has a point, I'm still wearing the same clothes - they fit they are elastic waists - although I bet I only have 20 more lbs with them. I just can't bring myself to buy new clothes when I'm losing because I won't be wearing them long.

Good luck all! :)

liz175 Thu, Jan-23-03 09:03

New clothes make all the difference! Every time I buy something new that fits, people start commenting on my weight loss. When I wear old big clothes with elastic waists, no one notices. If you want people to notice, get some new clothes. If you'd rather wait a while before you get comments, stick to the baggy ones.

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